He's with the Band! a DL Performing Arts TR- 7/13/15 A little Tiki Tiki Tiki Rum!

Let's try this again (I tried to reply this morning and my computer crashed. Just got a new one about an hour ago.

Lunch...especially mom's...looks very yummy. And a very nice view from where you were dining.

Oh no...Pooh was broken. That is so sad.

Holy batman...that is a lot of people. That is what I am anticipating when I go with teh girls to DW in July. Heaven help us. :crazy2:
That lunch looks really good. I would take one of those French Dip sandwiches and cajun chips for dinner right now!! Looking forward to more.
Lazy mornings on vacation are the best thing.

I love the look of your lunch - all three meals look very yummy - guess I would have gone with the corn chowder.

The HM looks so nice and yes, so different, .......... and I am all caught up again now!

Honesty I could have eaten almost anything on their menu it sounded so good! The best part of our villa balcony was hearing all the screams from the rides, I honestly loved that!

Yippie, and you snuck in another update!
Waiting around is never fun ..... but at least your family was complete again.

It was nice to finally get him. I knew it would take a bit but UGH!

That looks amazingly busy!!!

Lovely lunch.
YAY for having the whole family together.

And sadly, those were the crowds we experienced for the bulk of our trip, I really hadn't been expecting that. Lunch was fabulous, I would eat there again in a heartbeat!

The French market looks like a great place for a meal! We only got the beignets from that area.

And the crowds look really bad. We did see some high level crowds as well, but not nearly as bad as you did.

Sorry that the whole process of getting your kid back was so complicated. What would they have done if you had not appeared at guest services, only at the hotel? Taken him back home with them??

MMMMN Beginets! Did you get the take out ones shaped like Mickey?

I have no idea why I needed to be at guest services and am quite sure it would have been fine if I wasn't as long as I was at the hotel.

I love those drawings/paintings. Whimsical and cute!

Did you like the dole float? Is it a float or a whip? I can't remember but they're so tasty.

Those crowds do not look pleasant.

I really liked those sketches/drawings quite a lot and was really surprised no one else was into them. What do I know. LOL!

I did like the dole float (I think that's what mine was, float, not whip...or really whip in pineapple juice). I did learn a key lesson though and that was to get in the line inside the Tiki Room waiting area, it's MUCH shorter and faster. Took standing in the main one once to figure out it existed though.

Just make something up! That's what I do. :rolleyes1

Pretty much

That looks fantastic! I know what I'm ordering when I get there.

It was hard to choose what to order it all looked and sounded so good!

It sure beats being grumpy!

Yes, yes it does!

Holy crowds, Batman. We had a similar experience--I remember Alison saying she'd never seen the line for Pirates so long.

They were insane all week, easter was our lowest crowd day! Who would have guessed that???

Really?? Never had a Dole Whip before? I'm kinda shocked by that. Glad you enjoyed it!

I know, it's amazing how many things I still haven't done really. Which is a good thing!

:faint: Seems like a good portion of the day burned up already.

No kidding! That's how I felt for sure.
I've recently become a fan of the French Market. The last time I ate there (before last year), it was operated by Stouffer's. But I had two solid lunches there last year and look forward to eating there again a few times this year.

I had loved the look of the menu before we went there and admit to being glad to finally getting one of my choices on where to eat and it definitely did not dissapoint!

Haunted Mansion is always fun. I'm looking forward to riding the original version again, its had the overlay for my last three visits so it will be nice to see the original again. Sorry about the wait for Splash and that Pooh was down.

I would like to see the overlay, maybe some day!

Wow! I can't believe it took two hours to get it together and get Evan back with you. Really? No one liked the steam punk art! We have the figures and quite a few of the framed art pieces.

Isn't that wierd? I figured the gear heads would love it but they were definitely all meh about it. Shocked me.

Congrats on your first Dole Whip! I confess that I only had my first one in the last couple years. I didn't even know they existed, but so many people on the boards raved about them I had to solve the mystery. I think it was at WDW where I tried my first one. The line at DL is always so long.

If you use the line inside the Tiki Room waiting area, it is a TON better. Of course I didn't know that existed on my first foray there but definitely have put the knowledge to use since.

Catching back up...stupid board upgrade. Lunch looks delicious! Eric is such a goof. I love HM...one of the best rides at Disney!

Jill in CO

He is such a goofball. I really hope he never loses that. The upgrade has been a little jarring for sure, slowly figuring it out. Lunch was fabulous!


Either way, he had a smile on his face. At least I think that's what it was...

It can be hard to tell. And can be a fake whatever anyway. LOL!

I assume that is Pooh? We never even saw that area of the park. They had Critter Country completely walled off as if it didn't even exist.

Yep, Pooh. That's a bummer, walled off for the anniversary stuff I imagine. I have a feeling my next visit will have some of that still going on.

You stopped there as crowded as it was??? I never even stopped there on our trip because every time I saw the line my desire for a Dole Whip subsided considerably.

I did and then learned about the hidden other side of the counter inside the Tiki Room waiting area. It moved fast and I'm glad I waited. Likely would not have if I'd had the kids with me.

They look cool. Kind of steam punkish though so.

Not even kind of, definitely steam punk.

:rotfl::lmao: Great, I've been having fun with my friends all week and now I have to go with mom.

pretty much

Wow. That's one way to kill an afternoon. :faint:

No joke, thank goodness I'd had a great lunch and HM or I'd have been really cranky! The Dole Float did help.

Let's try this again (I tried to reply this morning and my computer crashed. Just got a new one about an hour ago.

Ugh, that is no fun!

Lunch...especially mom's...looks very yummy. And a very nice view from where you were dining.

It is a great location!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lunch was outstanding

Oh no...Pooh was broken. That is so sad.

It was sad

Holy batman...that is a lot of people. That is what I am anticipating when I go with teh girls to DW in July. Heaven help us. :crazy2:

The crowds were NUTS, far worse than I had been expecting. I really missed FP+ to be honest as a result.

That lunch looks really good. I would take one of those French Dip sandwiches and cajun chips for dinner right now!! Looking forward to more.

I would take any of it for lunch right now!
Holy Crowds batman!!!!!

Lunch looks awesome- that Po' boy would be right up my alley.

2 hours to hand off- yikes It is never a quick thing but man really eats up your afternoon.

Lucky you found a Dole whip/float to hold you over. :rolleyes:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Was it Saturday or Sunday? I hope you had a fabulous weekend and celebration :)
:cake: :bday: Happy Birthday, Cynthia!!! :bday: :cake:

Thanks Karin!

Ooh! Is it your birthday?

Happy Birthday Cynthia!

Why yes it was! Thanks!

Holy Crowds batman!!!!!

Lunch looks awesome- that Po' boy would be right up my alley.

2 hours to hand off- yikes It is never a quick thing but man really eats up your afternoon.

Lucky you found a Dole whip/float to hold you over. :rolleyes:

The crowds were NUTS! I had not expected that given how late easter was and the fact that our Spring break, because it is so late, is not usually when the rest of the worlds is. I didn't think that a lot of the private schools time it to Easter, versus the actual time of year like we do.

Yeah, the hand off was a drag. I had expected it to eat up at least an hour but....bleh

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Was it Saturday or Sunday? I hope you had a fabulous weekend and celebration :)

It was Saturday, thanks! It was a nice weekend
I just finished reading through your TR! My son marched down Main Street at WDW twice with his HS marching band, so I can know how exciting that was for you as a mom! I can't wait to see my daughter do the same thing in two years! I'm planning a trip to DLR in August (my first visit since 1991), so I'm looking forward to more of your report!
I know I wished you a Happy Birthday on FB, but I wanted to wish you one here. I'm sorry it's late, but we were in Iowa with the kids for the weekend. I hope you had a great birthday.
Great pics of the band.

Great pics of the parade.

Too bad your food was just meh.

Nice some stranger bought him his meal. Too bad it didn’t work.

Nice pic on RS.

Sounds like a good day and evening.

Too bad about your mothers back.

I love swimming days. LOL.

Glad they upgraded his ticket.

The dinner looked good.

Nice pics in front of the Castle.

WOO-HOO to an extra hour.

Nice pics from your night there.

Waiting is the hardest part. I heard that somewhere. LOL.

I am all caught up again.
Unexpected plans are often the best. Your meal and extra park time sound great. Seems a bit of a faff picking E up and what a waste of good park time. Another TR, I can't keep up, and its 10 pages long already!
I just finished reading through your TR! My son marched down Main Street at WDW twice with his HS marching band, so I can know how exciting that was for you as a mom! I can't wait to see my daughter do the same thing in two years! I'm planning a trip to DLR in August (my first visit since 1991), so I'm looking forward to more of your report!


It's a pretty magical experience as a parent to be sure! How fun, you'll be there for the big 60th party!

I know I wished you a Happy Birthday on FB, but I wanted to wish you one here. I'm sorry it's late, but we were in Iowa with the kids for the weekend. I hope you had a great birthday.

No worries on the late, I am late everywhere and I hope you had a great weekend with the kids

Great pics of the band.

Great pics of the parade.

Too bad your food was just meh.

Nice some stranger bought him his meal. Too bad it didn’t work.

Nice pic on RS.

Sounds like a good day and evening.

Too bad about your mothers back.

I love swimming days. LOL.

Glad they upgraded his ticket.

The dinner looked good.

Nice pics in front of the Castle.

WOO-HOO to an extra hour.

Nice pics from your night there.

Waiting is the hardest part. I heard that somewhere. LOL.

I am all caught up again.

Thanks Scott!

Really, other than the back thing, which was a big thing, and the crowds, it was a great trip so far. Lots of fun things to be sure that far outweighed any bad.

Unexpected plans are often the best. Your meal and extra park time sound great. Seems a bit of a faff picking E up and what a waste of good park time. Another TR, I can't keep up, and its 10 pages long already!

I'm not moving that fast but I know the feeling, I am behind everywhere and while reading updates from the phone is easier now, posting to them is actually worse I think so that gets me even more behind! Heck I have had 3 other trips since this one (though we did just start a TR for one of them) and am leaving next week. THAT makes me feel behind for sure! Good problem though.

I knew I'd lose a chunk of my day getting Evan so that wasn't a huge surprise, it was more than I'd hoped for to be sure.
Catching up!
Every time I sit on a patio with a mug now, I think of you. Love your daily morning mug shots.
Your lunch looks really yummy, plus entertainment and shade -- sounds like a win/win/win. :thumbsup2
The Haunted Mansion in Disneyland is soooo cool looking, some day I really would love to see it in person!
I LOVE those steampunk airship art prints! Like, so much that if I see them in WDW, I'd definitely get a set!
Just found your trip report and am loving it! We are from the Seattle area and are headed this year over Spring Break to celebrate my 40th birthday! Those look like some serious crowds you had so now I am thinking that I better brace myself for that. No matter what though I am sure we will have a great time. Look forward to more of your trip report! I have done a couple of the runDisney events too and they are sooo much fun. I will have to check out your other reports - have a great Princess run!!!
Catching up!
Every time I sit on a patio with a mug now, I think of you. Love your daily morning mug shots.

Love it!

There will be more!

Your lunch looks really yummy, plus entertainment and shade -- sounds like a win/win/win. :thumbsup2

Major win win!

The Haunted Mansion in Disneyland is soooo cool looking, some day I really would love to see it in person!

I hope you do, it is really fabulous, to me it's the original and I love it!

I LOVE those steampunk airship art prints! Like, so much that if I see them in WDW, I'd definitely get a set!

I could not believe the boys didn't go for it. They seemed so...BOY!


Just found your trip report and am loving it! We are from the Seattle area and are headed this year over Spring Break to celebrate my 40th birthday! Those look like some serious crowds you had so now I am thinking that I better brace myself for that. No matter what though I am sure we will have a great time. Look forward to more of your trip report! I have done a couple of the runDisney events too and they are sooo much fun. I will have to check out your other reports - have a great Princess run!!!

:welcome: Welcome welcome! The crowds were pretty ugly, far worse than I expect but we did have a great time and I am sure you will too! I am hoping to get another update up before I leave for PHM but...not sure if I will be able to pull it off or not. The intent is there though!
Love, love, LOVE the French Market! Especially the beignets. And Juleps. Especially. Oh and the jazz. I could never leave that place and be very happy.

Gosh darn that brings back some lovely memories. We rode the train right after we sat there, which was awesome, crazy fun.

The crowds looked insane! It's a miracle you rode anything at all, especially with a 2 hour detour in the middle. meh.
Love, love, LOVE the French Market! Especially the beignets. And Juleps. Especially. Oh and the jazz. I could never leave that place and be very happy.

Gosh darn that brings back some lovely memories. We rode the train right after we sat there, which was awesome, crazy fun.

The crowds looked insane! It's a miracle you rode anything at all, especially with a 2 hour detour in the middle. meh.

The crowds were ridiculous!!!!! Thankfully that lunch and HM were enough for me to not be totally crabby about the lost couple of hours, I'd had my "fix" and I did know going into it that I would lose some time, it was just more than expected.
Hard as it may be to believe, I am going to try to get an update up!

I am back from PHM and would love to get this TR wrapped up before I head to Aulani


So....where where we?

Or really, where was I?

I had picked up Evan, taken him to the villa to drop his stuff and we were now off to meet up with the rest of the gang. We were headed here


My folks were standing in line saving spots for us for a very special must do never done.
Can you guess?

Here's a hint


This theater is crazy!


I felt like I was in a downtown city theater, or maybe on a cruise ship. NOT in a park that's for sure.


Sadly you are not allowed to take pictures and well, being the rule follower I SOMETIMES am...I obeyed. Plus, I wanted to enjoy the show since it was all new to me.

Oh, my goodness!

The BEST Disney show of any park or ship, in my experience, to date. So much fun. We had the best Genie and he really made the jokes/ad lib incredibly current. It's been long enough that the actual quips have faded but the pure enjoyment had by our entire group well, it was amazing. Evan hadn't seen it with his pack so it was new to him too. Even though I didn't really "do" much this day, having coffee on the balcony, a great lunch, HM and now this, well honestly it was a really really good day so far and any time lost was completely forgotten in the magic of the show.

Once it was over though, something struck all of us pretty hard.

We were HUNGRY!

And....couldn't agree on what anyone wanted. Sigh. I tell you. It is SO much easier when I just tell people what to do and they obey! I mean really, who did these people think they were? My parents? Oh wait. They were my parents, they could tell ME what to do and I actually had to listen and really factor it in. LOL! I do factor in what my kids like. Difference is I know what they like, my folks on the other hand were being quite unpredictable. One thing we all agreed on was no Flo's! Instead, we decided that no one should have to decide and we wouldn't limit folks to all eating at the same place. That left us headed to the Pacific Wharf where there were multiple options.

First, we found a place to sit and parked mom with her scooter


I headed over to the wine bar at the Alfresco Tasting Terrace and picked up a glass of wine for mom and I.

Dad took Eric to Pacific Wharf Cafe to pick up something for Eric and Mom

Mom had the bread bowl with chowder

Clam Chowder $9.99
Rich and Creamy Chowder with Diced Potatoes, Celery, Onion and Peppers


I honestly don't know if this was a special soup, or if Eric got this.

Broccoli and Cheese $9.99
Rich and Cheesy Soup made with Cheddar Cheese, fresh Broccoli Florets and Diced Onions

It looks like pure cheese!


Evan headed to Lucky Fortune Cookery

Asian Rice Bowl - Beef $10.99
served with Steamed Rice, Seared Asian Vegetables and your choice of sauce: Mandarin Orange, Spicy Korean, Thai Coconut Curry, Teriyaki.


Back with wine, I got in line at Cocina Cucamonga Mexican Grill for Dad and myself.

For me

Burrito Sonora $11.49
Beef, Chicken or Roasted Vegetables with Refried Beans, Shredded Cheese, Peppers and Onions topped with a traditional Guajillo Sauce served with Mexican Rice, Refried Beans, Pico de Gallo, Guacamole and Sour Cream.

I had been debating between 3 different things, asked the CM and wow, they did not steer me wrong. I have to admit, this wildly exceeded my expectations.



For Dad

Fire-grilled Citrus Chicken
1/2 Chicken seasoned in a Savory Marinade of Garlic, Cilantro, Lemon and Lime served with warm Flour Tortillas, Mexican Rice, Refried Beans, Pico de Gallo, Guacamole and Sour Cream


On the wine front I suspect this is what we had.

For Mom

MacMurray Ranch Pinot Gris, Sonoma Coast (13.00/57.00)
Fruit-forward character, exhibiting rich aromas and flavors of dried fig, white peach, baked apple and pear.

For Me
Silverado Vineyards Miller Ranch Sauvignon Blanc, Napa Valley
Tremendous vibrancy with aromas of ripe grapefruit, honeydew, spice and floral notes.

It could have been a glass of Chardonnay but given that I was eating Mexican, the Sauv Blanc is far more likely. And I hate paying $14 for a glass of wine if the $9 option will do lol.

We all really enjoyed our food!!!!!! Of course due to the split up for ordering I was only able to use my discount on what I ordered but all in all, it wasn't horrible pricing.

After dinner, if memory serves, my folks headed up to the room. I don't remember if mom was cold or what but we made a plan to meet up shortly. The boys wanted to try to get on Screamin' if I recall but it had closed to get ready for WoC. As we walked around we decided to do a never done.

Some jellyfish!


For such a mild ride...oh that line moved slowly! But, we didn't really care, we didn't have any plans per se and it was pretty out.




Silly jellyfish complete we headed up to meet my folks at the villa WoC viewing area. Which honestly, I didn't take a single picture of while at! It was pretty crowded so the view was marginal and my phone just wasn't cutting it so I gave up trying. I will say though, it's kind of a neat, albeit very different view as you are kind of on top of the water coming up. You really get to see the colors more than anything and that was quite pretty.

WoC over it was back to the villa, we all got settled in. Tonight the kids would be on the sofa bed and I would be in the trundle. We watched a movie first although for the life of me I can't recall what! I know Frozen was watched over the course of the trip as was at least one other movie but darn if if I can't recall what it was.

In the world of park touring, not a lot was accomplished this day. However, in the world of quality family time, relaxation and entertainment? You know what, it was a darn good day!


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