He's with the Band! a DL Performing Arts TR- 7/13/15 A little Tiki Tiki Tiki Rum!

The DL Railroad used to be a must-do for us, because DS was totally into dinosaurs and loved that part of it.

I'm surprised you didn't buy a sweatshirt, I would have!!

Too bad the food didn't taste good at Flo's...but it didn't look good, either!
Caught up on your last couple of updates.

Thanks for including the Aulani update. Very exciting!!!

The parade pictures are awesome!!! We are not parade people and I don't think we were ever around DL during the parade. We actually took resort breaks on this trip! But it really does look good.

The details are incredible, down to Mickey's and Goofy's musically themed clothing.

I love the carousel horses Mary and Bert are riding. Are they in control of driving them or is there an operator off to the side?


I love Eric's comment about the Matterhorn!

We didn't do the train, either. Wish your mom had gone overboard with pictures on that! :rotfl2:

Everyone's expressions on the ride photo for RSR are awesome!

Sorry your meals at Flo's were meh. Our lunch was ok there- Ben really liked it. Sandwiches were good. Your dad's meal looked pretty disgusting.

We were the same on World of Color. Cold & tired and really didn't appreciate it as much as we thought we would.

What a concept huh? Someone being nice. Pretty cool although honestly I was mortified as it would appear I sent my kid out without any money or conversely taught him it was ok to go up and order, and not have any money. Or worse, than he knew his room key wouldn't work as he was a minor but was trying anyway. Thinking back I am sure I only gave the adults charging privileges (which was a bit of a mistake in more ways than one).

it's not an if, it's a WHEN

Honestly, you may have been the only one who thought that others thought that. I mean if the stranger was that nice, he probably also knows that honest mistakes happen and let it go. I'm sure he was glad to help. :goodvibes

This is very true. I mean, afterall, I DO live in Oregon, a mere 2 hours away. Trips (multiple) are in my future.
The DL Railroad used to be a must-do for us, because DS was totally into dinosaurs and loved that part of it.

When Evan was 2, that is all he wanted to do was ride the RR. That and hug characters. I still smile when I think about it, he was obsessed with The Land Before Time. It didn't occur to me that maybe that was part of the draw of the RR

I'm surprised you didn't buy a sweatshirt, I would have!!

Funny thing is I don't know that it occurred to me, I think I kept thinking I'd have time to run up to the room and then just never did. We didn't really shop much either or it may have occurred to me to look. I also hoped there would be something I'd want in the CarsLand area and there really wasn't.

I am not much of a sweatshirt gal. I do have many zip up hoodies but they are all rather plain except for the colors. I rarely see anything in the parks that I'd buy and actually wear again enough to justify the cost. That said, Evan bought the coolest pullover that had I seen it that night, I'd have gotten one for myself and would still wear it.

Too bad the food didn't taste good at Flo's...but it didn't look good, either!

It really didn't look good did it! It seriously was bad cafeteria food.

Caught up on your last couple of updates.

Thanks for including the Aulani update. Very exciting!!!

I am excited!

The parade pictures are awesome!!! We are not parade people and I don't think we were ever around DL during the parade. We actually took resort breaks on this trip! But it really does look good.

The details are incredible, down to Mickey's and Goofy's musically themed clothing.

It was an incredible parade, the details were just amazing.

Resort breaks are good!!!

I love the carousel horses Mary and Bert are riding. Are they in control of driving them or is there an operator off to the side?

I didn't see an operator but who knows! Weren't those neat?

I love Eric's comment about the Matterhorn!

Spot on!

We didn't do the train, either. Wish your mom had gone overboard with pictures on that! :rotfl2:

Me too. Slacker!!

Everyone's expressions on the ride photo for RSR are awesome!

Ride photos crack me up

Sorry your meals at Flo's were meh. Our lunch was ok there- Ben really liked it. Sandwiches were good. Your dad's meal looked pretty disgusting.

All around it was like bad cafeteria food

We were the same on World of Color. Cold & tired and really didn't appreciate it as much as we thought we would.


I liked it but having seen it twice now it really wasn't the WOW I was hoping for.

Honestly, you may have been the only one who thought that others thought that. I mean if the stranger was that nice, he probably also knows that honest mistakes happen and let it go. I'm sure he was glad to help. :goodvibes

Well hopefully it was obvious Eric was trying to pay!

This is very true. I mean, afterall, I DO live in Oregon, a mere 2 hours away. Trips (multiple) are in my future.

Yes, multiple!

Love the new nurse minnie badge in your siggie :goodvibes
When Evan was 2, that is all he wanted to do was ride the RR. That and hug characters. I still smile when I think about it, he was obsessed with The Land Before Time. It didn't occur to me that maybe that was part of the draw of the RR

DS totally loved The Land Before Time!! I thought it was pretty cute myself.

Funny thing is I don't know that it occurred to me, I think I kept thinking I'd have time to run up to the room and then just never did. We didn't really shop much either or it may have occurred to me to look. I also hoped there would be something I'd want in the CarsLand area and there really wasn't.

I know what you mean, I hate to buy something that I know I'll never wear again! Especially at Disney prices.

We slept in today, it had been a long couple of days and we were all tired. Unfortunately more than our bodies were tired. My mom’s back decided that it was basically done and didn’t feel like moving.

Frankly mine wasn't actually overjoyed. I had gotten us a 1B so we could all be together. In hindsight, much as I loved having the kitchen and laundry, a studio might have been better. I gave my folks the master which meant I got the sofa bed and Eric the pull down trundle.

The sofabed at the VGC is the WORST sofa bed ever. It isn't a mattress that is folded up inside it, it is two separate pieces that are split with 1/3 on the bottom and then 2/3 as the top piece. The top piece is rounded at the top to fold inside the frame, which means that a sheet will NOT stay on it. I would have to position my head a certain way to hold the mattress and sheet down.

Eric actually had it better on the trundle. It was too short for his then 5'8" frame but it was fairly wide and a nice firmness. Plus at 13 he could care less if his feet hung off.

Still, I was in a lot better shape than my mom. This had happened to my mom once before and it took a LONG time for it to get better and, getting better had involved a cortisone shot. The decision was made for her to take it easy, to try and get some meds called in and go from there. The good news is that this was not a day that had any set plans. Originally the hope had been to maybe go to Schooner or Later for breakfast, possibly hit the beach, maybe a little run for me. All things that we could easily miss. Dad had gotten up early, gone for a walk and bought himself some food for breakfast. Or, more accurately charged it to the room. I decided to do what I wanted that morning.

Can you guess what that was?


I enjoyed coffee on our balcony with my new mug, courtesty of the lovely Brenda.

It was pretty fun to hear the sounds of screams from California Screaming and, from even closer, Goofy’s SkySkool.

After an appropriate time spent being lazy we decided, the we being those who could walk, that we would go and get Beignets and do a little DTD browsing.

Mom was obviously going to chill and hope things would calm down.

What did Eric think of Beignets?

Smart boy, I have to say I agree but BOY are they messy!

Dad seemed to like them too

Mmmmn good!

After a sufficient amount of browsing, primarily at WoD, we headed back to the room. Dad was going to head out and get an Rx picked up for mom and see about a scooter.

We bought some food at the counter service location to take up to mom for lunch and picked up some DVD’s along the way.

As for Eric and I? I forced him to go the pool with me.

It was lovely out!

I had brought a poolside beverage with me down from the room

Ah, sun, pool, adult beverage!


Not so interested

Poolside lunch, even better!

Tuna salad, quite good though it doesn't look amazing in the pics

It had yummy bits of chopped up Kalamata olives in it. YUM!

Fairly sure I had to wake him up to eat

Eventually I had enough of the sulking. I mean I get it. There were 2 parks nearby and he was at the pool with mom, and no friends. At 13, just not your ideal Disney day. But really, get over it!

I can't recall what I bribed him with but am fairly sure if was something along the lines of “if you go in MAYBE I will take you to the parks later”.

Then again, it may have been a Mickey Bar.

The reality was that I'd have to add a day to his ticket to do that.

He looks miserable huh

As Eric had upheld his end of the bargain, I decided to reward him and we headed up to change. Mom was settled with movies and Dad was back to keep her company. He'd gotten a scooter and drugs. The Rx had been a pain to pick up including some bad directions from the concierge but all in all, he had made progress. Which meant, he wanted a nap! We made a plan for a quick park trip for Eric and I so the poor kid could go on at least one ride, and then we’d figure out what to do about dinner. Most of our plans had involved eating in the parks or DTD and all of those were going to be too far for Mom.

Soon enough, Eric and I were here

I think the kid needed sunglasses!

Continued in next post

Continued from previous

First stop?

Eric's choice

Single rider line!

There's a happy boy!

About then I heard from Evan. We were able to meet up with him back outside at guest services and take care of his ticket.

Or try to take care of his ticket.


They kept trying to tell me it was not upgradable, that I couldn't add days to it as it was a special performing arts ticket. And, in reality this is probably true. However. Our travel agent had assured me repeatedly that I could add to it while there, that I didn't need to ahead of time. So I hadn't. I stood my ground, they stood theirs (both of us nicely of course) and ultimately with a little persistence and the help of a manager...Evan was upgraded.

For less $$ than he should have been.

I also added the extra day to Eric's ticket.

Given that the kid was freaking out on me the whole time as he was "away" from his group which isn’t allowed but no one wanted to hang with him while he did this, I just wanted it over with.

And thankfully, it was. WHEW. Now I didn't need to stress about him entering the park on the last day of his ticket the following day and having to buy a new one for the last 2 days of the trip.

Though all we had done all day was go to the pool, eat beignets and ride one ride, all things considered it had been a decent day despite my mom's injury. She'd actually puttered away on her iPad all day with her photos from the parade and had watched a movie or two. I was very grateful that if such a thing had to happen, it was on the down day. The question was….what could we do for dinner that mom could manage?

Some Scary Adventures
What an action packed "down" day.

You got to the pool, managed to add days onto tickets and tangle with Disneyland CMs. Make both the boys sulky or anxious while you did that.

Having your Dad deal with the pain meds and the scooter while you brought mom some movies and beignets.

Well knowing your "full" days - yup this was a "down" day. :rotfl2:

I hope your mom started to feel better and was able to move a bit and you all found something for dinner.
I'd be VERY happy doing to Disney, riding ONE ride, eating beignets, and wandering, and pool laying all day... very, very happy.

I gotta say it, I LOVE your pool cup! Nice.

Glad you stood your ground on the ticket. But the hassle-factor-O'Meter is rising! Bwoop, bwoop... Pays to be in the know though, sometimes!
Sounds like the family needed the down day. Glad that the ticket upgrade was all completed.

Good on Eric for spending time with you.....sulky or not! :thumbsup2
As I didn’t take any pictures myself (thanks to the DL horrendous wifi and cell sucking the life out of my phone)
The wifi is terrible!!! I couldn't believe it, but then again, the Disney World wifi was that bad just a few years ago. Hopefully they'll upgrade it soon if they're considering bringing the FP+ technology over.

Despite the horrible pictures it was actually really fun to "do" the train, I haven't done it in eons and had really forgotten about the diorama's, it was fun!
I didn't even know those were there! We were riding along and it was kind of like "what the heck?" They were kind of cool though. I'm glad we did it.

The verdict? Meh. All around Meh. Mom liked hers the best. My beef was lukewarm and a bit on the tough side. Dad's veggie casserole thing was tasteless. It was also fairly pricey for meh. I'd go back maybe for dessert or a shake, or try the breakfast option but I've zero desire to eat more there than that.
I'm sorry to hear that. In Flo's defense though, we ate there last week and the menu was apparently very different from what it was when you were there. I had some ribs and mashed potatoes and DW had the turkey dip. We thought ours was great. Quite honestly, the best meal we had in the parks. The kids had mac & cheese and even that was pretty good.

Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This ride lives up to every hype um, ever. AMAZING. Absolutely incredible!

Going on it for the first time, in the dark? Even more amazing!!!
:headache: Never managed to do that.

We slept in today, it had been a long couple of days and we were all tired. Unfortunately more than our bodies were tired. My mom’s back decided that it was basically done and didn’t feel like moving.
:headache: Yuck. I can feel her pain. Not fun at all.

Ah, sun, pool, adult beverage!
The pool area there really is fantastic!

Eventually I had enough of the sulking. I mean I get it. There were 2 parks nearby and he was at the pool with mom, and no friends. At 13, just not your ideal Disney day. But really, get over it!
I see where he's coming from. I'm 20 years older than he is and I was pretty grumpy the day when we were stuck in the hotel room, essentially because I was a short walk from 2 parks and I couldn't enter them. So yeah, I get it. :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl:

Then again, it may have been a Mickey Bar.
Ok, maybe I'm just a 13 year old trapped in a 33 year old's body, because that would totally work as bribery for me too.

Though all we had done all day was go to the pool, eat beignets and ride one ride, all things considered it had been a decent day despite my mom's injury. She'd actually puttered away on her iPad all day with her photos from the parade and had watched a movie or two. I was very grateful that if such a thing had to happen, it was on the down day. The question was….what could we do for dinner that mom could manage?
I really feel where you're coming from. That was the one saving grace for my sanity that DS got sick on our day that we didn't have any really solid plans for. At least everyone was able to relax and still have a little bit of fun during the day. Hopefully your mom's back was feeling a little bit better after a day of rest...
In the UK we can buy special WDW tickets. Sometimes people then decide to upgrade them to APs. I know one person had to speak to 5 different CMs before they could do this. Same with the APs you get for having a Disney wedding, if you want to upgrade them it is a battle.

Hope your Mums back has improved.
Down days are good! Too bad yours was so eventful! I hope your mom was feeling better. Glad you won the battle of the ticket upgrades!

Jill in CO
That pool area is one of my favorites of all the DVC resorts. It's those super plush loungers, they are so fabulous! :cloud9:

Bummer about your mom's back :( sounds like your dad did good with the scooter and meds. Too bad concierge gave him bad directions though. I hope she was able to enjoy the rest of the vacation.

Regards to the ticket upgrades, I think some people just refuse to do anything extra if they can help it. It can be done, they know it can be done, but they don't want to do it. They have now wasted tons of time and energy when it just could have been done from the get-go.
For a "down" day, you sure got quite a bit done.

I'm sorry to hear about your Mom...that sucks anytime, but especially on vacation.

I love your breakfast on your balcony (and love your new mug from Brenda).

Pool time is always a great way to spend some down time, especially with an adult beverage (or two). Glad Eric finally got in the water.

I'm happy you finally got the tickets taken care of and that Eric got in that one ride.
We slept in today, it had been a long couple of days and we were all tired. Unfortunately more than our bodies were tired. My mom’s back decided that it was basically done and didn’t feel like moving.

Oh no! There are supposed to be rules against getting sick/injured on vacation!

The sofabed at the VGC is the WORST sofa bed ever. It isn't a mattress that is folded up inside it, it is two separate pieces that are split with 1/3 on the bottom and then 2/3 as the top piece. The top piece is rounded at the top to fold inside the frame, which means that a sheet will NOT stay on it. I would have to position my head a certain way to hold the mattress and sheet down.

Ugh. I've been on bad sofabeds before, and I don't know how anyone gets any sleep on them.

I decided to do what I wanted that morning.

Can you guess what that was?

3 guesses, and the first 2 don't count?

I enjoyed coffee on our balcony with my new mug, courtesty of the lovely Brenda.

I have that mug! :thumbsup2

What did Eric think of Beignets?


Everyone likes beignets!

As for Eric and I? I forced him to go the pool with me.

Forced him! You cruel mother, you.

I can't recall what I bribed him with but am fairly sure if was something along the lines of “if you go in MAYBE I will take you to the parks later”.

I WISH my parents had offered me deals like that.:rotfl2:

Soon enough, Eric and I were here

And he's still not happy! :rotfl:

Or try to take care of his ticket.


They kept trying to tell me it was not upgradable, that I couldn't add days to it as it was a special performing arts ticket. And, in reality this is probably true. However. Our travel agent had assured me repeatedly that I could add to it while there, that I didn't need to ahead of time. So I hadn't. I stood my ground, they stood theirs (both of us nicely of course) and ultimately with a little persistence and the help of a manager...Evan was upgraded.

For less $$ than he should have been.

I also added the extra day to Eric's ticket.

Given that the kid was freaking out on me the whole time as he was "away" from his group which isn’t allowed but no one wanted to hang with him while he did this, I just wanted it over with.


I can imagine. You can feel the stress levels going up through the story!

The question was….what could we do for dinner that mom could manage?

ESPN Zone! :rotfl2:
What an action packed "down" day.

Um, ok, not my definition of action packed :rotfl2: but other than mom being out of commission and occasional cranky boys, it was a decent day with some really nice moments!

You got to the pool, managed to add days onto tickets and tangle with Disneyland CMs. Make both the boys sulky or anxious while you did that

Not my goal to tangle with CM's but I was in LOVE with the guy who fixed it at the end, he was super sweet.

Ah, teenage boys, They have some serious hormones and moods. I am not sure I am going to survive finals week. :rotfl2:

Having your Dad deal with the pain meds and the scooter while you brought mom some movies and beignets.

I would love some of those right now! Not the meds or scooter mind you.

Well knowing your "full" days - yup this was a "down" day. :rotfl2:


I hope your mom started to feel better and was able to move a bit and you all found something for dinner.

It was amazing how sudden the whole thing was.

I'd be VERY happy doing to Disney, riding ONE ride, eating beignets, and wandering, and pool laying all day... very, very happy.


One ride? Somehow I don't entirely buy you'd be content with one ride. I suspect you'd rather skip the park entirely and enjoy more pool or beignets than be teased by one ride.

Just a suspicion. Not to mention it makes for a pricey add on day to only go on one ride!

I gotta say it, I LOVE your pool cup! Nice.

That cup has been used all over! Gift from a wine club, absolutely love it.

Glad you stood your ground on the ticket. But the hassle-factor-O'Meter is rising! Bwoop, bwoop... Pays to be in the know though, sometimes!

Me too. It ended up working out but UGH, not fun. The ticket situation over this trip took up way too much time overall.

Sounds like the family needed the down day. Glad that the ticket upgrade was all completed.

We did. Easter was a LONG day!

Good on Eric for spending time with you.....sulky or not! :thumbsup2

Well....he wasn't actually given a choice. LOL!

The wifi is terrible!!! I couldn't believe it, but then again, the Disney World wifi was that bad just a few years ago. Hopefully they'll upgrade it soon if they're considering bringing the FP+ technology over.

It is mind boggling to me how bad it is (the wi fi)

I didn't even know those were there! We were riding along and it was kind of like "what the heck?" They were kind of cool though. I'm glad we did it.

I had completely forgotten, they made me smile

I'm sorry to hear that. In Flo's defense though, we ate there last week and the menu was apparently very different from what it was when you were there. I had some ribs and mashed potatoes and DW had the turkey dip. We thought ours was great. Quite honestly, the best meal we had in the parks. The kids had mac & cheese and even that was pretty good.

It does look different and I am glad you liked it!

:headache: Yuck. I can feel her pain. Not fun at all.

I bet you can!

The pool area there really is fantastic!

Yes. IF you can find a chair. Which was not easy!!!

I see where he's coming from. I'm 20 years older than he is and I was pretty grumpy the day when we were stuck in the hotel room, essentially because I was a short walk from 2 parks and I couldn't enter them. So yeah, I get it. :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl:

me too. I get very grumpy too in those situations.

Ok, maybe I'm just a 13 year old trapped in a 33 year old's body, because that would totally work as bribery for me too.


I really feel where you're coming from. That was the one saving grace for my sanity that DS got sick on our day that we didn't have any really solid plans for. At least everyone was able to relax and still have a little bit of fun during the day. Hopefully your mom's back was feeling a little bit better after a day of rest...

Yes, having bad things happen on a planned no plan day, is about as good as you can get under the circumstances.

In the UK we can buy special WDW tickets. Sometimes people then decide to upgrade them to APs. I know one person had to speak to 5 different CMs before they could do this. Same with the APs you get for having a Disney wedding, if you want to upgrade them it is a battle.

Yes, exactly, speical tickets are special but...also a pain. I am grateful I did my premium pass at DL, folks that got them at WDW have had issues at DL and at WDW and knock on wood, mine has been good so far.

Hope your Mums back has improved.

I was amazed how bad it got so quickly. Such a bummer.
Down days are good! Too bad yours was so eventful! I hope your mom was feeling better. Glad you won the battle of the ticket upgrades!

Jill in CO

The battle of the ticket upgrades was not fun, I was at guest services 4 times that trip on ticket things. BLEH!

That pool area is one of my favorites of all the DVC resorts. It's those super plush loungers, they are so fabulous! :cloud9:

Yes they are! Hard to find empty ones though. :sad2:

Bummer about your mom's back :( sounds like your dad did good with the scooter and meds. Too bad concierge gave him bad directions though. I hope she was able to enjoy the rest of the vacation.

It was a bit of a train wreck, they sent him to a wrong walgreens, which is not where the Rx was. I can't recall if he drove to the right one or if they where able to transfer the Rx over to the one he was at. Either way he lost probably 30-60 minute due to it.

Regards to the ticket upgrades, I think some people just refuse to do anything extra if they can help it. It can be done, they know it can be done, but they don't want to do it. They have now wasted tons of time and energy when it just could have been done from the get-go.

I agree, however this wasn't the case. I think in this situation we had a totally clueless wonder who meant well but just didn't get it. Luckily the person they got to help when I was a bit insistent, was amazing and just made it work.

For a "down" day, you sure got quite a bit done.

I am not sure we got much done, especially in Eric's mind, but it was a decent day all things considered.

I'm sorry to hear about your Mom...that sucks anytime, but especially on vacation.

It does suck anytime. I swear though, it happens on a regular basis with one or the other of my folks on vacation. They travel too much! LOL.

I love your breakfast on your balcony (and love your new mug from Brenda).

I loved having all the park sounds on the balcony, that was wonderful!

Pool time is always a great way to spend some down time, especially with an adult beverage (or two). Glad Eric finally got in the water.

It was actually good he fell asleep, I was able to relax for that moment and not worry about his crabbiness. He needed to soak his head for an attitude adjustment and it did help (even if he would never admit it)

I'm happy you finally got the tickets taken care of and that Eric got in that one ride.

One ride is better than none! It made him happy.

Oh no! There are supposed to be rules against getting sick/injured on vacation!

Yes, yes there are! Those rules don't seem to work very well though do they.

Ugh. I've been on bad sofabeds before, and I don't know how anyone gets any sleep on them.

It was AWFUL. I will never give up the master again at the VGC. Granted I don't expect to stay there much but I even hesitate to make the kids sleep on that thing. It was so odd, the ones at WDW have always been fine (one bad sleeper chair at AKV) and I've slept on them myself in a couple of resorts. I really hope that the one at Aulani is more like the WDW one than this horrible thing or the kids will be miserable (and a 2 bedroom is not in my point budget!)

3 guesses, and the first 2 don't count?

One guess. That is all any of you should get in this instance!

I have that mug! :thumbsup2

It's a good one!


Everyone likes beignets!

Or they are freaks of nature

Forced him! You cruel mother, you.

meanest mom in the world, ask my kids

I WISH my parents had offered me deals like that.:rotfl2:

me too!

And he's still not happy! :rotfl:

Amazing what one mountain can do for one little boy

I mean, young man.


I can imagine. You can feel the stress levels going up through the story!

It had some high moments of stress that day did, for sure.

ESPN Zone! :rotfl2:

You so funny


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