DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

I want to live that life of CJ. Just 10 more years.

It seems to be a good one. Already started the discussions about where we will be heading once kids are out of college. Not even waiting to retire at this point. Of course #1 on the list involves warm weather, lots of sunshine and within a few hours of some oversized mice. :-)
Still all fowled up, and dealing with the symptoms is right frustrating, but we know exactly what's wrong now. Without going into too much boring detail, basically my spinal chord is being compressed by the vertebra in my neck. There's no room for any movement anymore and it's interfering with all the signals. It's gonn'a take surgery to fix and right now I've got that scheduled for the middle of next month.


Forced us to cancel our 25th anniversary travel plans, but it needs to be done. If I were to take another fall or get caught up in any kind of accident, there'd likely be very severe damage done to the chord at that point.

Glad they figured it out. A close friend and my mom both had similar surgeries and say it was the best decision they ever made. If it's like them, they were up and about in a few days to a week. Full recovery was a couple months. Hope it goes well and you are felling better soon. Sorry about having to cancel the plans. More time to save up and have an even better celebration.
It seems to be a good one. Already started the discussions about where we will be heading once kids are out of college. Not even waiting to retire at this point. Of course #1 on the list involves warm weather, lots of sunshine and within a few hours of some oversized mice. :-)

I wonder if there's a way to make a move to such a place "medically necessary" and have insurance pay for it?
Later in the day and another dis dad meet post. Why would anyone want to meet me? :scared1: :lmao:


There are first world problems, and then there are CJ-World problems…
This fits into that later category.

10 years, huh?
I wish you well on that schedule.
I figure if I’m very lucky, I’ve got about 25ish years of left before someone will have to dispose of the wrecked hull of my body. The problem is that my current calculations require that I continue being gainfully employed for at least another 47 years or so.

Yes, I want CJ problems. :lmao:

10 years for me gets my teachers retirement check started and both dds out of college. I'm only paying for four years. If I could move sooner, then I would.

This sounds like something that FMLA would cover. It's unpaid, but they have to hold your job for you when you get back.

It's something FMLA should cover, but companies can manipulate that with several outs when they want.

It seems to be a good one. Already started the discussions about where we will be heading once kids are out of college. Not even waiting to retire at this point. Of course #1 on the list involves warm weather, lots of sunshine and within a few hours of some oversized mice. :-)

DW wants to move to the Vero Beach area. I want to move closer to WDW. Maybe I can get her to settle for the Cocoa Beach area. Let me know if you find anything good and maybe we can be future neighbors.
And Randall, how come my name is not next to my username on page 1. I thought I was important, I guess it's true, I'm just another number.:-) CJ should have fun with that one.

You never asked...

I do not put anything on page one unless I am asked to. I respect your privacy.

So Jimmy Boy, you want your name on page one?
Thanks for sharing! I'm the kind of person who LOVES to make the magic, and understand how it works (though I'm actually terrible at magic tricks). While I love to immerse myself and experience the magic a place like WDW has to offer, I find that understanding what goes into making it work increases my enjoyment of the experience a hundred-fold. It also increases my appreciation of the people who bring those experiences to life.
I have to agree with you. I'm the same way. I always feel the need to find out what it looks like back there and how it works. I love amaerican adventure now that I seen how it works in person and just in aw over the attractions. The only part that, I can't say ruined the magic, but made me realize it's a cruel world out there, is some of the stories I have herd from dd. The company, nothing but respect for dd and took care of her and went above and beyond for her.
Management, couldn't ask for better. Some of the guest...... Again, I may be a little bias, after all she is my little girl, but in her nine months she was called every name in the book. EVERY. Had money thrown at her, called a thief and was chased by a grown man. Told to go ..... Herself by some lady because she was doing her job. I know, it's all part of the job, I just never realized what cms put up with. This is all a daily occurrence. So it didn't ruin the magic, for me,it just made me realize there are some crazy people in the world and they go to wdw. Lol
Just an FYI, security ( not the uniform guys) took care of the chaser. She called home crying, she was in the breakroom and didn't want to go back out there. Security made her feel a lot better and promised he was long gone and will never see him again.
She said the thing that really creeped her out at first, everyone so often a person, male or female with a family in tow or alone would stop at her cart, show her a badge and ask if everything ok. Lol Secirity is every where. They are not told who they are and they is no way to identity them until they show you there badge. Lol
You may think your standing next to USA mom with her husband and kid in a stroller...... Cue the music lol
There was a guy one night who stood in the cross walk during a parade. The guy she was working with asked him to please move. The guy said if you think your big enough to move me, move me. Uniform security ask him the same thing with no results. Soon as dd said, three huge dudes came out of caseys corner, the said, sir, you are going to move one way or the other, he chosed the other lol. Needless to say he was moved and was takin behind Main Street in seconds. All over the matter of taking three steps to one side or the other. Lol
I also was told, just because your in the dark,don't mean they can't see you, don't try it. Lol
Thanks for sharing! I'm the kind of person who LOVES to make the magic, and understand how it works (though I'm actually terrible at magic tricks). While I love to immerse myself and experience the magic a place like WDW has to offer, I find that understanding what goes into making it work increases my enjoyment of the experience a hundred-fold. It also increases my appreciation of the people who bring those experiences to life.

I'm with you. I can't tell you how many toys I broke growing up because I took them apart trying to figure out the mechanics behind the operation. Fortunately I learned to make a sketch of how it was put together before disassembling. I'm already seeing similar signs in my nearly 3-year old DS. DW and I are planning on taking at least one behind the scene tour on our trip later this year. It just makes it all the more better. Not sure that I would want to do on my first trip, but now that I've seen much of the "World", I'm really looking forward to it.

I have to agree with you. I'm the same way. I always feel the need to find out what it looks like back there and how it works. I love amaerican adventure now that I seen how it works in person and just in aw over the attractions. The only part that, I can't say ruined the magic, but made me realize it's a cruel world out there, is some of the stories I have herd from dd. The company, nothing but respect for dd and took care of her and went above and beyond for her.
Management, couldn't ask for better. Some of the guest...... Again, I may be a little bias, after all she is my little girl, but in her nine months she was called every name in the book. EVERY. Had money thrown at her, called a thief and was chased by a grown man. Told to go ..... Herself by some lady because she was doing her job. I know, it's all part of the job, I just never realized what cms put up with. This is all a daily occurrence. So it didn't ruin the magic, for me,it just made me realize there are some crazy people in the world and they go to wdw. Lol
Just an FYI, security ( not the uniform guys) took care of the chaser. She called home crying, she was in the breakroom and didn't want to go back out there. Security made her feel a lot better and promised he was long gone and will never see him again.
She said the thing that really creeped her out at first, everyone so often a person, male or female with a family in tow or alone would stop at her cart, show her a badge and ask if everything ok. Lol Secirity is every where. They are not told who they are and they is no way to identity them until they show you there badge. Lol
You may think your standing next to USA mom with her husband and kid in a stroller...... Cue the music lol
There was a guy one night who stood in the cross walk during a parade. The guy she was working with asked him to please move. The guy said if you think your big enough to move me, move me. Uniform security ask him the same thing with no results. Soon as dd said, three huge dudes came out of caseys corner, the said, sir, you are going to move one way or the other, he chosed the other lol. Needless to say he was moved and was takin behind Main Street in seconds. All over the matter of taking three steps to one side or the other. Lol
I also was told, just because your in the dark,don't mean they can't see you, don't try it. Lol

Those are some crazy stories! Really makes me appreciate the lengths Disney will go to to protect not only the guest but their staff. Good on those security guys for checking up on your DD even after the fact.
I have to agree with you. I'm the same way. I always feel the need to find out what it looks like back there and how it works. I love amaerican adventure now that I seen how it works in person and just in aw over the attractions. The only part that, I can't say ruined the magic, but made me realize it's a cruel world out there, is some of the stories I have herd from dd. The company, nothing but respect for dd and took care of her and went above and beyond for her.
Management, couldn't ask for better. Some of the guest...... Again, I may be a little bias, after all she is my little girl, but in her nine months she was called every name in the book. EVERY. Had money thrown at her, called a thief and was chased by a grown man. Told to go ..... Herself by some lady because she was doing her job. I know, it's all part of the job, I just never realized what cms put up with. This is all a daily occurrence. So it didn't ruin the magic, for me,it just made me realize there are some crazy people in the world and they go to wdw. Lol
Just an FYI, security ( not the uniform guys) took care of the chaser. She called home crying, she was in the breakroom and didn't want to go back out there. Security made her feel a lot better and promised he was long gone and will never see him again.
She said the thing that really creeped her out at first, everyone so often a person, male or female with a family in tow or alone would stop at her cart, show her a badge and ask if everything ok. Lol Secirity is every where. They are not told who they are and they is no way to identity them until they show you there badge. Lol
You may think your standing next to USA mom with her husband and kid in a stroller...... Cue the music lol
There was a guy one night who stood in the cross walk during a parade. The guy she was working with asked him to please move. The guy said if you think your big enough to move me, move me. Uniform security ask him the same thing with no results. Soon as dd said, three huge dudes came out of caseys corner, the said, sir, you are going to move one way or the other, he chosed the other lol. Needless to say he was moved and was takin behind Main Street in seconds. All over the matter of taking three steps to one side or the other. Lol
I also was told, just because your in the dark,don't mean they can't see you, don't try it. Lol

Wow! What really amazes me is that most of the time we have no idea these things are even happening.
I have to agree with you. I'm the same way. I always feel the need to find out what it looks like back there and how it works. I love amaerican adventure now that I seen how it works in person and just in aw over the attractions. The only part that, I can't say ruined the magic, but made me realize it's a cruel world out there, is some of the stories I have herd from dd. The company, nothing but respect for dd and took care of her and went above and beyond for her.
Management, couldn't ask for better. Some of the guest...... Again, I may be a little bias, after all she is my little girl, but in her nine months she was called every name in the book. EVERY. Had money thrown at her, called a thief and was chased by a grown man. Told to go ..... Herself by some lady because she was doing her job. I know, it's all part of the job, I just never realized what cms put up with. This is all a daily occurrence. So it didn't ruin the magic, for me,it just made me realize there are some crazy people in the world and they go to wdw. Lol
Just an FYI, security ( not the uniform guys) took care of the chaser. She called home crying, she was in the breakroom and didn't want to go back out there. Security made her feel a lot better and promised he was long gone and will never see him again.
She said the thing that really creeped her out at first, everyone so often a person, male or female with a family in tow or alone would stop at her cart, show her a badge and ask if everything ok. Lol Secirity is every where. They are not told who they are and they is no way to identity them until they show you there badge. Lol
You may think your standing next to USA mom with her husband and kid in a stroller...... Cue the music lol
There was a guy one night who stood in the cross walk during a parade. The guy she was working with asked him to please move. The guy said if you think your big enough to move me, move me. Uniform security ask him the same thing with no results. Soon as dd said, three huge dudes came out of caseys corner, the said, sir, you are going to move one way or the other, he chosed the other lol. Needless to say he was moved and was takin behind Main Street in seconds. All over the matter of taking three steps to one side or the other. Lol
I also was told, just because your in the dark,don't mean they can't see you, don't try it. Lol

Things you never think about as a guest.

Thanks for sharing, it's like getting our own behind the scenes look at WDW.
Happy Friday. Looking forward to the weekend. Nothing major scheduled, just the usual basketball, futsal, swim, and tennis. Looks like I get two Spring Breaks this year, which is definitely enjoyable.

Back to Disdad meets.

Morning all...
For the first time in a good while, I've encountered a Friday (or any other day) where I can ease back a mite and coast just in itsy little bit. Year-Ends are just nutty. Wonder what kind of pointless foolishness I should get into in my attempts to avoid being overworked once again this day?

Glad they figured it out. A close friend and my mom both had similar surgeries and say it was the best decision they ever made. If it's like them, they were up and about in a few days to a week. Full recovery was a couple months. Hope it goes well and you are felling better soon. Sorry about having to cancel the plans. More time to save up and have an even better celebration.
An independent corroboration...
It may well be the same procedure as the outcomes your describing matches very closely to the commentary I'm hearing form the the Docs. Just wish I could get it over with a bit sooner. Either way we are looking forward to the possibility of getting into some type of adventure in May. A trip in the Spring and another in the summer would have been better mind you, but we don't always get what we want, now do we?.

A sentiment well expanded upon in the acclaimed philosophical writings of doctors Jagger and Richards.

I wonder if there's a way to make a move to such a place "medically necessary" and have insurance pay for it?
Oh, the medical necessity of moving to better climes is well documented.
But the ability of insurance to deny assistance is even more prescient.

Yes, I want CJ problems. :lmao:
We all want to have CJ World Problems. ;)

DW wants to move to the Vero Beach area. I want to move closer to WDW. Maybe I can get her to settle for the Cocoa Beach area
I like that area as well.
Shoot for something in the less developed area in between those two spots.
A good compromise on the distance and likely less expensive.

I have to agree with you. I'm the same way. I always feel the need to find out what it looks like back there and how it works. I love amaerican adventure now that I seen how it works in person and just in aw over the attractions. The only part that, I can't say ruined the magic, but made me realize it's a cruel world out there, is some of the stories I have herd from dd. The company, nothing but respect for dd and took care of her and went above and beyond for her.
Management, couldn't ask for better. Some of the guest...... Again, I may be a little bias, after all she is my little girl, but in her nine months she was called every name in the book. EVERY. Had money thrown at her, called a thief and was chased by a grown man. Told to go ..... Herself by some lady because she was doing her job. I know, it's all part of the job, I just never realized what cms put up with. This is all a daily occurrence. So it didn't ruin the magic, for me,it just made me realize there are some crazy people in the world and they go to wdw. Lol
Just an FYI, security ( not the uniform guys) took care of the chaser. She called home crying, she was in the breakroom and didn't want to go back out there. Security made her feel a lot better and promised he was long gone and will never see him again.
She said the thing that really creeped her out at first, everyone so often a person, male or female with a family in tow or alone would stop at her cart, show her a badge and ask if everything ok. Lol Secirity is every where. They are not told who they are and they is no way to identity them until they show you there badge. Lol
You may think your standing next to USA mom with her husband and kid in a stroller...... Cue the music lol
There was a guy one night who stood in the cross walk during a parade. The guy she was working with asked him to please move. The guy said if you think your big enough to move me, move me. Uniform security ask him the same thing with no results. Soon as dd said, three huge dudes came out of caseys corner, the said, sir, you are going to move one way or the other, he chosed the other lol. Needless to say he was moved and was takin behind Main Street in seconds. All over the matter of taking three steps to one side or the other. Lol
I also was told, just because your in the dark,don't mean they can't see you, don't try it. Lol
Great stories Dave!
One knows that this stuff must be going on at Disney because it goes on every where else.
But you rarely ever notice such when you're there.
Masters of subtlety and discretion, they are.

I'm with you. I can't tell you how many toys I broke growing up because I took them apart trying to figure out the mechanics behind the operation.
Guilty as charged...
Granted, I'm of the age where those broken toys were more mechanical than electronic...
but the end result was generally the same.
DW wants to move to the Vero Beach area. I want to move closer to WDW. Maybe I can get her to settle for the Cocoa Beach area. Let me know if you find anything good and maybe we can be future neighbors.

Starting with the east coast of Florida and heading to the Carolina's as a search area. Beaches and/or water access seem to be the consolation I have given DW to move south. Preferrably without large alligators waiting for brunch to be served. I'll let you know what we find. Neighbors would be fun, especially the pirate ship tree house. :-)
You never asked...

I do not put anything on page one unless I am asked to. I respect your privacy.

So Jimmy Boy, you want your name on page one?

I would love to have my name on there.

For those following along, I have moved my January 2017 closing schedule to allow for a short side trip to a convention at the beginning of January. Anyone have any ideas where one might go to hang with some friends?
Holy crap, I may have to hand in my DisDads card. I think I'll get to keep it based on a technicality - assuming you agree that "bad at math" is a technicality. Yesterday was 180 days before our check-in to a DVC Poly studio. My (bad) math thought it was today. (I think I can blame Leap Year). Anyway, I get an email about 15 minutes before I'm about to leave work saying that today is 180 days. Yikes! Luckily, we're only doing two meals on the trip that require ADRs and I was able to quickly hop online and grab what I wanted. Incidentally, both are at Ohana - dinner on 8/19 and breakfast om 8/22.
Stopping by to see what's goin on around here. Nice behind the scenes info there Dave, thanks for sharing as me and DS really enjoy all that kind of stuff. Fair weather here for the next 2-3 days so looking forward to getting outside with a fire, a good cigar and a nice drink just shooting the breeze with the Mrs. Wishing all that your Friday flies by and the weekend is enjoyable and relaxing..
Gotta luv anyone in a Chicago Blackhawks sweater :-)
Holy crap, I may have to hand in my DisDads card. I think I'll get to keep it based on a technicality - assuming you agree that "bad at math" is a technicality. Yesterday was 180 days before our check-in to a DVC Poly studio. My (bad) math thought it was today. (I think I can blame Leap Year). Anyway, I get an email about 15 minutes before I'm about to leave work saying that today is 180 days. Yikes! Luckily, we're only doing two meals on the trip that require ADRs and I was able to quickly hop online and grab what I wanted. Incidentally, both are at Ohana - dinner on 8/19 and breakfast om 8/22.
I would say only a minimal fine like one less Dole Whip on your trip.
I would say only a minimal fine like one less Dole Whip on your trip.

and beer for everyone here.

Good afternoon Dads. If you could keep me in your thoughts and prayers..... I'll be spending time with Carl this afternoon. It just dawned on me, he will be wearing swim trunks. Lol.
I'll post some pics a little later. If I got to see it, you gotta see it! Lol
"Zerfs taken one for the team" lol

We all appreciate it Dave.
Holy crap, I may have to hand in my DisDads card. I think I'll get to keep it based on a technicality - assuming you agree that "bad at math" is a technicality. Yesterday was 180 days before our check-in to a DVC Poly studio. My (bad) math thought it was today. (I think I can blame Leap Year). Anyway, I get an email about 15 minutes before I'm about to leave work saying that today is 180 days. Yikes! Luckily, we're only doing two meals on the trip that require ADRs and I was able to quickly hop online and grab what I wanted. Incidentally, both are at Ohana - dinner on 8/19 and breakfast om 8/22.

I don't think counting properly is a prerequisite of the group, pretty sure that's allowed. Glad you got the ADR's you needed. Now say 3 Hail Minnie's and eat some bacon!

Good afternoon Dads. If you could keep me in your thoughts and prayers..... I'll be spending time with Carl this afternoon. It just dawned on me, he will be wearing swim trunks. Lol.
I'll post some pics a little later. If I got to see it, you gotta see it! Lol
"Zerfs taken one for the team" lol

Thanks Dave. Just remember if there is shrinkage, we would prefer you keep all that to yourself.:scared::scared::scared::scared:
Thanks Dave. Just remember if there is shrinkage, we would prefer you keep all that to yourself.:scared::scared::scared::scared:


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