***1st Week of December Thread ADR Plans, Park Hours, and dealing with Pop Warner***

I would do this. I would take the difference between the upgraded plan and QS plan and then plan a few TS that you want to do. This way it gives you flexibility to only do what you want to do. Maybe do them as a late lunch/early dinner type of a thing. This is peak crowds in the park, they are not walking past 7DMT with a 45 minute wait, it will be 2 hours at that point if it's a minute. It also seems to me that if you take the difference and put that toward say 4 TS meals (one every other day) that you still get the value of 2QS meals a day... rather than swapping out a QS for a TS. This gives the teens a lot more freedom and you get to have some TS meals if you want to.

or you could do a bunch of 2TS restaurants under the dining plan but they are mostly out of the park.

Are you suggesting we take the $730 it would take to upgrade the dining and just pay OOP for meals with that money? We considered that. It just seemed like we wouldn't get very far with that money for 6 people. You're right though, it does give us more flexibility.
Are you suggesting we take the $730 it would take to upgrade the dining and just pay OOP for meals with that money? We considered that. It just seemed like we wouldn't get very far with that money for 6 people. You're right though, it does give us more flexibility.
it depends on how many meals you want to eat but yeah that would only buy you about 2 meals, maybe 3 depending on where you pick. So it seems like if you want to do more than 3TS that you will come out ahead upgrading. So I go back to my other suggestion. Take at least one night and go to a nice signature and let the teens do their own thing. Take the littles with you :)
it depends on how many meals you want to eat but yeah that would only buy you about 2 meals, maybe 3 depending on where you pick. So it seems like if you want to do more than 3TS that you will come out ahead upgrading. So I go back to my other suggestion. Take at least one night and go to a nice signature and let the teens do their own thing. Take the littles with you :)

Maybe you could splurge on some of the places that require two credits? That would be a fun way to use your TS credits if you don't think you'll use them all!
i THINK though that my plan has enough MK time in it. I should be able to get 7DMT and PP and Pooh FPs because my MK time is spread out over a few days. We are hoping to close down the party too. Still torn on early vs. late parade for the party. I know the late parade is less busy but also I think a lot of families take off after fireworks so rides are going to be less busy as well. The flow feels better doing parade, fireworks and then hitting the rides for another couple of hours and closing down the park.

I'm so jealous with all this party talk. I think the party would be so much fun! But, I just don't think my kids are old enough. I thought about doing it one night, but then my 3 year old would be cranky and wrecked the next day. My daughter would be totally fine though. LOL! Maybe in a few years they'd be old enough to be able to handle the party.
I should stick with my plan. not a morning person. 9:35am ohana sounds good, then over to DS for some shopping and maybe swimming then dinner at H&V and F!. it is a pretty low key day, no real park touring.

Last time I went to CRT kiddo was 6 months old. He screamed himself to sleep when we were waiting for dinner so I ate my dinner like this:


maybe that is why he won't go there now!

here's how cute he was:


that was also the trip of the yak & yeti incident!
Ooooohhh soooo cute!!!!! :)
I sometimes welcome those sorts of things (only having mornings, for example) because they force my hand one way or the other and make the decision for me! It's when there are too many options that I start with my vacillation and head spinning. One of the things I find appealing about EMM is a non-crowded MK. I've just never seen it that way; no PPOs in the past or on this trip and I really want to experience that. :-) That might not be part of the draw to others though. That priority thing again. :-)
I loved PPOs on my last trip but we would really need that midday nap. ;)
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I loved PPOs on my last trip but we would really think that midday nap. ;)
I am not a morning person. My kid is but if i keep him up late he will sleep in til 7 or 8 am also. I think the flow of my trip is very good right now with earlier mornings in the beginning and getting later and later as the trip goes on culminating with two midnights at the MK and then last night is fireworks from balcony and packing. I think I am once again off the EMM thing. we can probably ride pan and pooh more than once.
I am not a morning person. My kid is but if i keep him up late he will sleep in til 7 or 8 am also. I think the flow of my trip is very good right now with earlier mornings in the beginning and getting later and later as the trip goes on culminating with two midnights at the MK and then last night is fireworks from balcony and packing. I think I am once again off the EMM thing. we can probably ride pan and pooh more than once.
I was never a morning person until my son came... Now he's up at 6-7am no matter what time he sleeps. :P So for us, I think it would work, as long we we have that rest time in between... We have tried to go out with him a little longer or during his nap time and he fell asleep in the stroller so hoping on our full days, he'd be able to do that.
Hmm, that was like my Garden Grill and H&V plan, LOL! I do think you need an earlier time though since they are notorious for being late.

You're right about your MK plans... I think you do have enough... I have enough too... But still... it seems like a good idea still... LOL!

I just reassigned my MVMCP tickets to the phantoms so even though I may not get to MK until 5pm, I will have 4 FPs I can do between then and 6:30 (6:45 really with the 15 minute grace period for return time). my last day I should be able to use all of my make ahead and sdfp. My first day there I will have some make ahead after I use my first FP, SDFP and then 2 hours of extra magic hours. I should be able to do it all!
I just reassigned my MVMCP tickets to the phantoms so even though I may not get to MK until 5pm, I will have 4 FPs I can do between then and 6:30 (6:45 really with the 15 minute grace period for return time). my last day I should be able to use all of my make ahead and sdfp. My first day there I will have some make ahead after I use my first FP, SDFP and then 2 hours of extra magic hours. I should be able to do it all!

That all sounds incomprehensible to me!
I just reassigned my MVMCP tickets to the phantoms so even though I may not get to MK until 5pm, I will have 4 FPs I can do between then and 6:30 (6:45 really with the 15 minute grace period for return time). my last day I should be able to use all of my make ahead and sdfp. My first day there I will have some make ahead after I use my first FP, SDFP and then 2 hours of extra magic hours. I should be able to do it all!
Sounds good! I'm looking at my plans... and have a lot of MK days... most of my mornings actually...
@LisaF, this is probably a dumb question, but can you only use dummy magic bands for one day to get the 3 additional fp?

There is an entire discussion thread with detailed instructions on how the same day fast pass works - SDFP:


In short, if you have a MB or card that is not linked to your profile, i.e., it doesn't show up in your MDE account as one of your bands, you can make same day fastpasses with it at a kiosk in a park. The MBs and cards don't need to have tickets associated with them for this to work.
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For anyone thinking of using extra MBs and cards to get extra fps, I will warn you that it is tricky to keep track of multiple fp's on multiple bands. When we went to WDW in June we had three park tickets from people who weren't going on this trip, so I was able to book fp's 60 days out along with the rest of the family. I wanted my son to be able to take his kids on extra rides. Well, it drove him crazy to remember which ride went with which band for every ride. Although he used most of the extra fp's I had made for him, it was a bother. You really need one person whose job is to monitor and tell everyone what to do next and which band to use. And we used the extra tickets for some of our rides, too. I had made fastpasses for the Frozen Sing Along while the thrill seekers went on RnR. I lost track of which band went with each ride and I ended up pulling several bands out of my bag, trying to get the right band to turn the Mickey head green. The CM just stood there and didn't say a word. I think he may have seen this happen before. ;)

ETA: That being said, I still haven't given up booking extra fp's with those extra park tickets. I've already booked a couple of sets for our October trip. That way we can ride both Soarin' and Frozen on the same day. Unfortunately, the fun will end in December when I use two of the extra park tickets to renew our annual pass.
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Anyone thinking of using extra MBs and card to get extra fps, I will warn you that it is tricky to keep track of multiple fp's on multiple bands. When we went to WDW in June we had three park tickets from people who weren't going on this trip, so I was able to book fp's 60 days out along with the rest of the family, so that my son could take his kids on extra rides. Well, it drove him crazy to remember which ride went with which band for every ride. Although he used most of the extra fp's I had made for him, it was a bother. You really need one person whose job is to monitor and tell everyone what to do next and which band to use. And we used the extra tickets for some of our rides, too. I had made fastpasses for the Frozen Sing Along while the thrill seekers went on RnR. I lost track of which band went with each ride and I ended up pulling several bands out of my bag, trying to get the right band to turn the Mickey head green. The CM just stood there and didn't say a word. I think he may have seen this happen before. ;)
I keep thinking about this and wondering if it'll be worth it getting an extra band for more SDFP... :) I guess this is a good consideration.
@Wood Nymph Thanks for the first-hand account. Is it over-simplified to say that set 1 of MBs is for the 3 FP scheduled ahead of time, and set 2 of MBs (or cards) is only for SDFP....except that SDFP can be added to set 1 after the first 3 FP are used? Is everything after the "except" where the waters start to get muddied? lol I feel like I'm using too many words to formulate the question, but hopefully that came out making sense outside of my own head. o_O
@Wood Nymph Thanks for the first-hand account. Is it over-simplified to say that set 1 of MBs is for the 3 FP scheduled ahead of time, and set 2 of MBs (or cards) is only for SDFP....except that SDFP can be added to set 1 after the first 3 FP are used? Is everything after the "except" where the waters start to get muddied? lol I feel like I'm using too many words to formulate the question, but hopefully that came out making sense outside of my own head. o_O
That's how I figure it! And everyone will just use the two bands. Swipe one. No green Mickey head? must be the second one. I'll get all 6 of us yellow dummy bands. I'm hoping to keep track of the 3 fp on those..what will hopefully help this be less stressful for me is that I'm "forcing" all 6 of us to do all the same fp. I could never manage different fp for different people on different bands!! Yikes! One other question.... Not to sound greedy!! But im honestly just curious about this. .. To piggyback on talbys question... I know the primary band can get 3 additional fp after first 3 are used. But, can the dummy bands get 3 more too after the first 3 are used?

EDIT here!!! Primary fp can add more fp after the first 3 are used.... Can dummy bands do that too? Thanks !
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