12 Months of Medals: My 2015 (And Beyond!) Running Challenge

SO - this is a great opportunity to pass along a funny story.

One of my closest guy friends trained for and ran his first marathon in 1996. He would do his training runs with a portable tape deck strapped to his hand and every so often, he'd have to stop to pop the tape out and flip it over.

The best part? He had to run wearing a fanny pack with extra tapes in it for long runs! And here my biggest concern is finding the right belt that works for me to carry my keys and ID and fuel on long runs. I can't IMAGINE running with a tape CD or a Discman.
Been there - done that - seems like a lifetime ago. The Discman was too big and used to skip if I bounced too much on trail runs. The Walkman (portable tape player, for you youngsters) was smaller and didn't have the skipping problem, so I used it until it died. I wore a fanny pack when running for these devices, but they were "cool" back then (though they bounced around too much when running).

I was a very early adopter of portable MP3 players.
It's like you read my mind! I was going to ask about those this week and see if anyone was using them. I follow Injinji on Twitter and was ready to bite the bullet and try a pair, if I knew someone who used them and liked them.

I'm thinking that with my two different feet, these may be what I'm looking for!

I've actually been meaning to do a product review on my blog about these for sometime but just havn't gotten to it, Like I said they do feel different than normal socks at first but once you wear them for a few runs you wont even notice it anymore, not having bloody socks after every run was enough of a selling point for me LOL
This Week's Question:
Other than shoes, what's your favorite OR most important piece of attire or equipment for you during races and training?

Since "good socks" and "music" were already mentioned...
How do I put this nicely since this is a family site? My "under-pinnings." Yeah I need to be well supported.

OMGosh I am so embarrassed that I just typed that.
This Week's Question:
Other than shoes, what's your favorite OR most important piece of attire or equipment for you during races and training?

Without question, compression shorts. I am a pretty muscular man (especially for runners) and chafing became a problem after a few years of lifting. Thanks to compression shorts - no longer an issue.
Greetings from Cleveland!

Ran a quick little 3 miles this morning. And now?



The weather is beautiful here. I thought the wind off the lake would drive me nuts when I ran, but it was nice and refreshing. I ran faster this morning than I have in weeks!image.jpg
Joe's Run 10K: The first-ever 10K on the surface of the sun!


Goal: Finish and not get hurt; actually run outside
Previous Training Best: Race 10K time of 1:21; Training 10K time of 1:09

Hey! It's me! Keels! Remember back in May when I said I wasn't going to run another race until Disneyland in September? Yeah, I kinda changed my mind.

The Great Monsoon of 2015 had finally ceased for the time being and I was due to run 7 miles on Saturday as part of my training plan, so I thought - why not? I'm going to run this route anyway, so I might as well get out amongst people and give it a go that way.

This run was a really special one - it was the first run that my husband, M and I were to do together before Disneyland! It also turns out to be the last one, but that's on the husband. Because he's a big baby. ;)

Anyway. This race is run every year and includes a sweet, sweet party on the "beach" of our river in downtown. Unfortunately, because of river levels due to TGMo2015, the beach was completely underwater - including up to the tippy-top of the 8-foot-tall lifeguard chair! It's also one of the events that celebrates the birthday of Fort Worth - and this year was a biggie.

But most importantly, it benefits one of my favorite local charities - Samaritan House. Samaritan House is located right outside my neighborhood and seeks to help provide housing and resources to homeless individuals with major health issues, namely HIV/AIDS.

$25 got me a REALLY nice Tech-fabric race tank top and one of the best post-race scenes I've seen so far at local races.

Leading up to this race, I'd been doing my training for the past month LARGELY inside. Yes, I was running 4-5 times a week, but it was almost exclusively indoors, on the Dreadmill, in the A/C. I made a few attempts at running outside when I would get a break in rain during TGMo2015, but most of my runs got cut short because of mosquitos or the trail/terrain just not being that great for running (large swaths of standing water, downed tree parts, flooded out trail ground that was almost like quicksand, etc.).

The husband decided at the last minute that he was going to run with M and I (I registered Monday before the race, M registered Wednesday ... husband registered oh, about 30 minutes before packet pickup started on Friday), so the Friday before the 10K, he went on his first non-CrossFit run. He came back to the house 20 minutes later, soaking wet as if he jumped into the pool with his clothes on and then walked into the house.

"You are in for a ruuuuuuuuuuuude awakening tomorrow, girlfriend," was all he said to me before I told him to go take a shower and stop trying to hug me.

And boy ... was he right.

The Run:
After a little bit of an injury scare earlier in the week and a scale back on my running, I was still on the fence as to whether I was going to run. I was about 60/40 "yes" on Friday. I spent quite a bit of the day before with ice on my knee, rolling out my IT band and just generally taking it easy when I wasn't running errands. I rode my bike for a little bit Friday night when we went out to dinner, but that was about it.

Woke up Saturday feeling like $100 bucks (more on my theory as to why my knee is wonky at the end), so I figured I'd go for it. I really wanted to get a run in, and I really wanted to run with the husband and M since we'd all be at least starting together on this race.

Drive over and parking was easy. M and I stretched next to my truck while my husband did his pre-race ritual of "shot-gunning" a beer (Grapefruit Sculpin, for those curious), and then we went on down to the start line.

The sun was already out in FULL force and there was little to no wind, so the steam off the river and the humidity of the day was already starting to make its presence known.

And then ... we were off! The three of us stuck together pretty well (all things considered) for the first .75 - we all had different things we wanted to focus on in this run:
  • Husband (I'll call him J from here on out): Wanted to work on negative splits and adjust to running in a pack. In local races where there are no corrals, he always starts front of the pack so he doesn't have to dodge around people. Even though his PoT for Disneyland will put him in one of the first three corrals, he'll still have to deal with more crowds and packs of runners. So far, one DLH/W&D corral is the equivalent of the entire race field for races we've done.
  • M: Trying out a new interval (3:30/1)
  • Me: Trying out Auto-Pace with my new Garmin watch versus Intervals (which I *still* don't really like) and work on my tangents.
We crossed a small pedestrian bridge as a very large pack (which meant walking over the bridge from the crowding), so as we made the short turnaround to head back for the long stretch of the run and over the little bridge, J had given up on his two goals and got tired of being around people, so he just took off.

M and I high-fived at the turnaround because I got stuck behind a pack of walkers on the tight trail, and then she kept going. I got to about 1.25 and started settling in to my run. At this point, we were back to the start/finish line and were heading out to the long part of the run. The first 1.25 was in a lush, shaded portion of the trail. I knew shade was going to be few and far between from here on out, and with no breeze I was already to start to feel a little hot. I knew once I got out in the sun, it wouldn't take long before I would start feeling like cooking bacon (I go to enough day baseball games here in the Texas summers to know my sun and heat threshold). So, I stopped by a "water bed" the race had set up at the start line, grabbed a bottle of water out of a kiddie pool they were about to start using for a cooler and poured half of it over my head, put my running cap back on and then kept at it.

It was really hot. Like REALLY hot. But more than that, at some points it felt like I was swimming through the air rather than running. But I kept plowing forward. Around mile 3, I started to see people I knew started WAY ahead of me start falling back. This happens every race for me, usually because I like to start at the back - I'd rather pass people than BE passed. But it's usually maybe 5-7 people or so. This time? We're talking about 25-30. Large groups of people. It was almost as if there was an invisible wall that they really just ran into and just stopped and started walking.

A logical, sane person would realize what was happening. Me? Oh, my "horse racing" instinct kicked in and I kicked it up a few notches and just started plowing past all of them.

I would pay for this around mile 4.5.

Quick Shoutout to the race organizers: Obviously, they knew this race was going to be a hot one. I want to give them props for the hydration stations at mile 3.5, 4.25 and 5. They came just at the right times. Thanks, guys!

I ended up walking basically from the hydration station at 4.25 to the hydration station at 5. Also, at about mile 3.75 the race hit the trails. I dropped my speed down quite a bit as the terrain was not only messy, but it was REALLY craggy from rain runoff - either riverbed-type tracks of gaping space or large exposed rocks. I was worried about getting hurt, so I decided to take it easy until we hit the concrete again - which was a little after mile 5.

Back on the concrete after the Mile 5 marker, I set back in to finishing at a good pace. I went with an interval I was comfortable with so I could finish strong.

Crossed the major bridge across the river and then it was down into the shade to the finish line.

J was waiting in front of the finish line post, waving me across like a third-base coach! So I used everything I had left and powered through the last .2, feeling pretty solid and strong - and like I still had something left in the tank, which was very surprising to me.

Crossed the finish line, turned off my watch and someone was shoving a beer in my hand. M! This gal truly knows what I need.

Finish Time: HOLY not great. 1:28ish or something? And I was still in the top half of my age group, which has only happened in my FIRST 10K.

My Thoughts:
This was easily my worst time in a race, but I felt really proud of myself and super hyped-up afterwards. Why? IDK. Maybe it was because I finished a grueling run and NOTHING hurt. Not my knee. Not my calf. Not my feet. Not my little ankle. Nothing.

Did I have to give myself a few pep talks to get through it? Of course! I mean ... IT WAS HOT! And muggy. And buggy. And all that.

But on that day, at that time, on that trail, nobody's dream out there was bigger than mine. I know, that's selfish - but it's true to me. And sometimes you have to say what you need to say to yourself to get through it. Right?

Walking back to the car, the three of us talked a lot about the race and what we need to do to get ready for Disneyland. It's pretty obvious we're not conditioned for being outside - M also walked the distance between the last two water stops, and J took non-hydration stop walks breaks TWICE.

It's not so much the heat - it's going to be the sun. The sun is what will get you. So, that's what we will work on - running in the sun.

Also - had this post-run revelation ... you know what's AMAZING after a run? Other than beer, of course ...


I think I had at least four as they kept bringing them around while I was cooling off and stretching out.

Finish Line selfie with the DLH Crew!!

Training Talk: DLH Week 7, W&D Week -4ish, Dopey Week -3ish
Weekly guide to my training!

The Countdown: 77 Days until Disneyland; 141 Days until Wine & Dine; 202 Days until Dopey

This Week's Training Plan:
While I'm technically training and prepping to train for both the Disneyland Half and the Wine & Dine Half, the ultimate goal is Dopey. Each week, I will post my scheduled training as dictated by a hybrid Dopey Training schedule I've created combining elements of Hal Higdon's Dopey Training and Jeff Galloway's Dopey Plan.
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 3 miles (+3 miles)
Wednesday: 5 miles
Thursday: 3 miles (+3 miles)
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 3 miles
Sunday: 13 miles (Jalapeno Half Marathon)
Notes: This week, I'm continuing to slow it down with a 1/1 interval for my runs outdoors and will just kind of let everything come to me. On weekday short runs, I'm also adding in what I call my + Segments. In an effort to advance my overall strength and conditioning, a day with a + Segment will include a run and then that same distance of some other non-run/walk activity (cycling or swimming, basically).

Recipe of the Week:
During the week, the husband and I try to eat lean protein and vegetables, with a minimal amount of carbs and little-to-no processed food. Each week, I'll highlight a recipe that I made and enjoyed that meets that criteria.

Chicken Caprese
Grilled chicken, tomatoes, mozzarella ... and balsamic? Yes, please! I make up the salad portion ahead of time, so it makes it easy to make if you're cooking for one.

What's New?
Because of the impending arrival of rain from Tropical Storm Bill (AKA Mr. Bill), I'm having to get a little creative with how I get my outdoors runs in. I ended up swapping Wednesday's 5 with Tuesday's 3 - I did two short runs outdoors of 2.5 miles. The first was in the heat of the day (3 p.m.) and the second was during a slightly cooler time (9 p.m.).

This Week's Motivation/Inspiration:
"Your body can stand almost anything. It's your mind that you have to convince."

This Week's Question:
Tell me about the best training run you've had this week!
This Week's Question:
Tell me about the best training run you've had this week!

I'll cop out and say the run I am doing tonight! Because I have been bad and have not ran this week. So I will make tonight the best I can. With a smile and a can do spirit. Haha!
This Week's Question:
Tell me about the best training run you've had this week!
I ran 10 miles today in really hot/humid conditions on a muddy trail from the rain this week. My goal was to keep my heart rate low and only take one walk break - at the halfway turnaround. After yesterday's miserable 6 miler (same heat/humidity, but was doing speed intervals) I was just hoping to have a relaxed and enjoyable run. Well, I ran 8 miles before taking my walk break which is awesome because it means that I am getting used to these conditions. And I kept my heart rate low and finished feeling great.

Hey! It's me! Keels! Remember back in May when I said I wasn't going to run another race until Disneyland in September?

Yes, I remember this.
So ... how many races do you have scheduled between now and September?

This Week's Motivation/Inspiration:
"Your body can stand almost anything. It's your mind that you have to convince."

I love this! For me, the mental issue is definitely my biggest roadblock, so it's nice to have a reminder that once you can get over the mental roadblocks, your body will generally be able to handle whatever you ask it to do.

This Week's Question:
Tell me about the best training run you've had this week!

I haven't had a great one yet this week, so I'm going to go with ... my next one, which will hopefully be on Friday.
Yes, I remember this.
So ... how many races do you have scheduled between now and September?

Lessee ...

I've got the Jalapeno Half Marathon this weekend, then I don't have another run until the middle of July. It's a 5K "Color Run" for the All-Star Game in Cincinnati, and I'm still not sure if I'm going to do that.

After that, in August, I have the Hottest Half in Dallas and then the Brewstock Challenge (5K + 10K) here in Fort Worth.

Then it's Disneyland in September, training only in October, Wine & Dine and Fort Worth Thanksgiving Day half in November and Rock 'n' Roll San Antonio full marathon in early December before Dopey in January.
Lessee ...

I've got the Jalapeno Half Marathon this weekend, then I don't have another run until the middle of July. It's a 5K "Color Run" for the All-Star Game in Cincinnati, and I'm still not sure if I'm going to do that.

After that, in August, I have the Hottest Half in Dallas and then the Brewstock Challenge (5K + 10K) here in Fort Worth.

Then it's Disneyland in September, training only in October, Wine & Dine and Fort Worth Thanksgiving Day half in November and Rock 'n' Roll San Antonio full marathon in early December before Dopey in January.

It really seems like a lot, especially since you weren't planning on doing anything ... but really, I guess only you can decide how many races is perfect for you.
I see that you're doing a marathon before Dopey - I think that's definitely a great idea, because it'll give you a feel for that distance without it being on day 4 of races. (And IIRC, you said you were glad you had started to do halfs before your first Disney half, so this way Disney isn't your first marathon and you'll already have the marathon distance under your belt).

(Meanwhile, I'm the opposite - I don't have anything scheduled until January and I'm really wondering whether I should try to add another race to my schedule before then ... but that's completely irrelevant)
Also - had this post-run revelation ... you know what's AMAZING after a run? Other than beer, of course ...


Our running group in Houston uses Freeze-Pops at all of our long runs all summer. They do a great job of bringing down your core temperature, especially if you have them both before your run and at water stops along the way.

This Week's Question:
Tell me about the best training run you've had this week!

I ran (okay, walked very slowly) to the patio to have a beer. That's about the extent of my exercise this week. I'm still in recovery mode from Comrades. Physically, I'm fine and past all the soreness and exhaustion; I'm just not mentally ready to climb back on a treadmill again.

After talking it through with my mentor, I think I am going to forego the San Antonio Marathon and follow with my initial plan of having Dopey be my first full marathon.

Mentally, I don't think doing a full before Dopey will ultimately help my mental situation going into the full leg of Dopey. I'm going to cry the night before regardless, because I'm kind of a crier. I'll probably tear up in the corral before we depart, again, because that's what I do. Physically, I will (hopefully) have enough miles built up that it won't matter and mentally, it's just not worth it to really throw a wrench in my training and derail any focus I'm hopefully developing as far as races go.

I'm very comfortable with this decision. My initial plan was for my first-ever marathon to be done at WDW, and I think I'm more motivated to keep it that way!

Also. In AMAZING news - it looks like I'm going to have extra motivation for Dopey. I'll have more details in the coming weeks, but it looks like I'll be running (and blogging my training, etc.) for a global charity that is very near and dear to my heart, something that I've dealt with since birth - and something that doctors told me would keep me from ever being active, let alone my 12 Months of Medals AND going Dopey in 2016.

And now, fun stuff!

I posted this on the Disneyland Half thread, but I think I have my Disneybounding outfits on lock - what do y'all think?

  • Mary Poppins (Regular, Not Jolly Holiday) - Because of "Saving Mr. Banks", the best movie to feature Disneyland!
    Outfit: Dark-wash linen shorts, cream peplum top, royal blue cropped cardigan, long chain necklace with offset bright red bow, lazy bun with daisy pin, black Chuck Taylors
  • Alice - Because of the ride, which only exists AT Disneyland.
    Outfit: Light blue sundress, white cropped cardigan, high ponytail, big black cheerbow, black Chucks.
  • Minnie Mouse - Because I bought my sequin ears at DCA last summer (see avatar).
    Outfit: Black sundress, red cropped cardigan, yellow Chucks, sequin ears
  • Mouseketeer - Race-Day!
    Outfit: Custom Keels Mouseketeer shirt, blue Sparkle Athletic skirt, short black compression shorts, white Pro Compression Marathon socks, Inov-8 sneakers, "Disneyland Mouse Ear" running hat
  • Cruella de Vil - A nod back to when I was a "friend of Cruella" during my time at WDW, the first "face friend" I ever made.
    Outfit: Long black maxi dress, cream cropped cardigan, black and white polka dot light scarf, red Chucks
  • Dopey - Because, duh.
    Outfit: Green tunic top, khaki shorts, purple headband, tan cork wedges/white Chucks
Mentally, I don't think doing a full before Dopey will ultimately help my mental situation going into the full leg of Dopey. I'm going to cry the night before regardless, because I'm kind of a crier. I'll probably tear up in the corral before we depart, again, because that's what I do. Physically, I will (hopefully) have enough miles built up that it won't matter and mentally, it's just not worth it to really throw a wrench in my training and derail any focus I'm hopefully developing as far as races go.

There's no hopefully about it. Trust your plan and be confident that if you do all the training, it will see you through to the finish. That's what plans are for. :)
I LOVE your disneybounding outfits. I did not know that was a thing until last year and it seems very fun.

I'm still debating "who" to be for my disney race. Leaning heavily towards minnie or daisy at the moment.


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