There's Always Too Much Sauce - A July 2022 TR *Updated 3/23

Cloe here! (new username lol) but excited to read all about your trip!

Hi Cloe! So good to see you on the DIS again.

Well I completely forgot to pack the physical tickets and had the same realization moment as we were pulling onto disney property! lol our only saving grace was that they were somehow able to pull up the tickets from my credit card that I used to buy them. Idk why I didn't have an email confirmation? but this was like 12 years ago so who knows what was going on back then! lmao!

Oh no! That sounds way more stressful than my ticket issue. I can't imagine having to go through credit card numbers to dig up the tickets. Yikes. I guess that's the one positive about park pass reservations and such now, you're forced to link your tickets and so these sorts of mistakes don't happen.

I remember seeing the same guy later in the day and he made a comment about me being dressed for the day now lolol

Hahaha, seeing as what problem you were trying to fix, I think it's understandable you'd be down there as soon as possible! That's not something you wait around and put your makeup on for! :rotfl:
Is this why you are pushing for a Christmas trip with the grandkids?? Less sunscreen hassle. :rotfl:
you can use this as motivation to convince everyone to have a re-do trip. (Or one with the grandkids. Or a solo getaway...:laughing:)
I’ve started working on them already though I don’t fancy my chances with a solo trip. Too many people want to go too 😂
Alex hated that park pass system and the inability to park hop until 2 p.m.
I am totally with Alex on this. It’s a right pain in the backside especially if one of your party isn’t up to going to the reserved park in the morning but is able to nip into a park ( mostly Epcot in our case) for an hour or two later in the day. While every cast member was helpful it took a loooong time to change out 1 or 2 people of our party of 4.
Peanut butter and chocolate is the perfect flavor combination. ::yes::
ooh the first time I ever tasted a Reese’s peanut butter cup lives forever in my memory as 1 of my favourite things about club level afternoon snacks. 😋
I’m catching up!
I love the cold brew at Gideon’s I just need to get there early in the day!
The Airbnb looks lovely with lots of room!
I’m glad you got your tickets figured out for Disney! We had a little scare at Universal as well!
I love TSM and SDD! So far good use of Genie+
I’ve started working on them already though I don’t fancy my chances with a solo trip. Too many people want to go too

Haha! Well, I guess on the flip side, at least you have family who want to travel and vacation with you.

It’s a right pain in the backside especially if one of your party isn’t up to going to the reserved park in the morning but is able to nip into a park ( mostly Epcot in our case) for an hour or two later in the day.

I just thought about how you stayed at Yacht Club, and if you wanted to head over to Epcot for a little while in the evening, since it was just a short walk away. Ugh, I can just imagine the problems that might've arose.

I’m catching up!
I love the cold brew at Gideon’s I just need to get there early in the day!
The Airbnb looks lovely with lots of room!
I’m glad you got your tickets figured out for Disney! We had a little scare at Universal as well!
I love TSM and SDD! So far good use of Genie+

I was a little disappointed the rest of my family tried the cold brew from Gideon's and enjoyed it. Meant I don't get it all to myself anymore. :rotfl:

I really liked the AirBnB, especially as later on in the trip we had lots of family come hang out and visit. At one point, we had a big dinner and get-together where there were 10 people. Having the large living room, game room, and pool, AND two tables really came in handy that night!
I just thought about how you stayed at Yacht Club, and if you wanted to head over to Epcot for a little while in the evening, since it was just a short walk away. Ugh, I can just imagine the problems that might've arose.
I know it was a lovely problem to have given that we were staying in a wonderful hotel in a great location but I really missed the freedom of just dandering into Epcot when the fancy took me.
July 9th, Part 2:

Having worked hard at Toy Story Midway Mania, we felt it was time to reward ourselves with some sugar. Before the trip, the kids had been begging Alex and I to try the Jack Jack Num Num Cookie, so we figured ten o’clock in the morning was the perfect time to give it a whirl.

Look. We were back at Walt Disney World after three years away.

If you don’t make second breakfast a dessert, are you really on vacation?

In the real world, a cookie before lunchtime would be a ludicrous request.

But inside Disney?


Let’s do it!

In case anyone was wondering if the size of the Jack Jack cookie was exaggerated.

They are not.


We declared that the treat was one Evie head size. :rotfl:

The four of us definitely did not finish that bad boy. Didn’t even put a dent in it! Fortunately, we had bags with us, so we wrapped the cookie up and brought it back to the AirBnB with us, where the kids munched on it for a few days.

As someone who loves a good chocolate chip cookie, I thought I would enjoy this a lot more than I did. It was more of a blondie and had too much brown sugar for my taste. Then again, I only took a single bite.

Unlike my kids…I’m not a sweets early in the day kind of person.

I know….I know! I just went on this huge speech about being allowed to do that very thing a few seconds ago. But I was simply establishing that we were ALLOWED to do such a thing. Not that I WANTED to do.

Catch my drift?

After giving the cookie a try, it was past time to escape into a few gift shops and bask in the air conditioning.

Alex perused the shelves, the kids declared they “loved everything” and I got into a polite fight with another guest.


Sort of.

You see, what had happened was. This gentleman in a scooter was parked in front of the MagicBand display. He had two kids on his lap watching videos on phones and he was casually eating popcorn out of a bucket in his basket.

Looked relaxing.

More power to the guy.


When I asked him if I could get to the MagicBands, he just looked at me blank faced.

And did nothing.

All right.

So, I stood there a minute or two, thinking he’d eventually move along. Landon and Evie came up beside me and Evie started asking to see the bands.

I looked at the guy.

He looked at me.

Did nothing.

Eventually, I reached over his scooter, grabbed all the Star Wars bands and held them out for Evie to see and choose from.

A few minutes later Alex found me, and still the guy was just hanging out in the way. Alex and I had to keep reaching over him to look at bands.

It was a frustrating experience.

Especially because, had the man reversed a few feet there was an entire corner of the store that nobody was milling around. He could have been sitting there in piece without a family stretching out over his personal space.

But you see, friends. This guy was sitting under a vent.

And he did not want to give up his cool spot.


Despite it only being for a few minutes while we got what we wanted and moved on.

This spot was this guy’s Alamo and he was sitting strong.


Needless to say, the three of us who needed bands grabbed what we could get easiest and went to pay as quickly as possible.

The MagicBand selection was pretty abysmal everywhere we looked. I assumed it was because MagicBand Plus was about to drop, and they were reducing their stock in preparation for it.

Our shopping adventure complete, it was time for more sunscreen.
(Do you hear me groaning? Even now, sitting in my house, I’m remembering the application process with dread. Bad memories there. And the second sunscreen rendering was always worse, because the kids were wet with sweat which made rubbing it in even harder. BAD MEMORIES, I SAY.)


This also gave Alex time to load our bands onto our accounts and for the kids to have some applesauce.

The next Genie Plus reservation for us was not for another thirty minutes, and rather than try and rush to something else, Alex and I found a shaded spot to sit and relax while the kids ate more snacks.

Evie, especially, grew very restless and impatient during that time. She whined a good bit and kept asking when it was time to go.

I tried to distract them both with the filters on the MDE app.



Sadly, this is as close as any of us came to a Premium Mickey Ice Cream Bar. It never worked out for us that we got one.

At 11:25, the time had come to go on our first new ride of the trip!

Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway opened after our last trip, and getting to ride it was one of the experiences I was most looking forward to!

I love dark rides, I love Mickey and Minnie, and I love more attractions offered in Hollywood Studios.

The park needed an attraction for all ages after they closed The Great Movie Ride.

It’s safe to say I was the most excited of the bunch.


During the pre-show, Landon announced, “Pluto shouldn’t have lost the pie! This is kind of his fault.”

I’m sorry, what?

“If he had held on to that picnic basket, the pie wouldn’t have flown out and got stuck in the train.”

Hold on, kid.

Let’s set this straight.

You can guess how Landon and I passed the time between the pre-show and the loading station.:rotfl:

“What about Minnie kicking him into the car. If she hadn’t done that, Pluto wouldn’t have been in the trunk. Or what about Mickey taking those railroad tracks too fast. He caused the trunk to open.”

“Mom, those were circumstances outside of his control. But he could have held on to the basket. He could have...”

Jeez kid.

Glad he’s never seen Titanic.
He would NOT like how that ending played out.:laughing:

Before long, it was our turn to hop aboard a train.


And take a runaway adventure.


It was so much fun!

I absolutely loved it and wanted to ride it again as soon as possible. The music was catchy, there were so many little details to try and spot, and it felt good to have a ride dedicated to the main man, himself. Classic Disney, you know?

I knew, riding it once, there were so many things I missed, and I couldn’t wait to get back on board and look out for new Hidden Mickeys and glimpse Pluto in the scenes.

Exiting the ride, our joy was burned off us in the form of extreme sunshine.

Wowza! It was bright and hot out.

Unlike other summer trips I’ve taken, this past July there was not as much rain as usual. So there was little cloud coverage and not many afternoon showers to drop the temperature. And while, yes, storms increase the humidity, at least the UV index weakens.

Not this trip.

It was bright light all the time.

To which, Alex and I called it quits.

The sun won this day.

We made the call to take the kids back to the AirBnB and eat lunch there. A hard decision for my commando touring boys, but when you have a six year old whose response to the outside light was, “AAAGGHHHH.” (Paraphrasing, of course.)

You need to break that attitude up.

Time for a midday break!

Back at the house, we ate, Evie sat on the couch and repeated, “It’s hot,” and Landon went swimming.


The pool was deceiving.

It looked nice.


But the image was a trick.

It was not nice.

Not nice at all.

It was hotter than bath water and the top layer was coated in bugs. You would swim across and upon resurfacing, come up with black specks on your mouth, your eyes, your fingers.

And naturally, there was no skimmer at the house.

We came to find out later on in the trip, that for some reason the pool temperature was set to 95 degrees!


You step in expecting a nice, refreshing swim and instead feel like you’re a ham trying to boil in a pot.

It was gross.

Only Landon was willing to get poached.

The durability of kids.

Dragging him out of the pool, I forced everyone to take a nap. The kids swore they didn’t sleep.

But guess who had to wake their little behinds up when it was time??

Uh huh.
Sure you didn’t.:rolleyes2

Our Num Num cookie had long since worn off, and we were in need of a sugar fix. Couldn’t let the levels get depleted! That’s what powers the energy to ride attractions!

Fortunately, we had more of this bad boy to enjoy:


Seriously, if there’s a better peanut butter chocolate cake out there, I’d love to try it. Otherwise, this one tops the charts.

Secretly, I wished I had one all to myself.

I mean, I love my husband and kids.

But copious amounts of chocolate cake would have been lovely.

Ahh well….guess I’ll have to wait until another time.

(Hint hint *wink wink*)

As rested as we would ever be, it was time to head back into the parks!

Up Next…Your Glasses Have Rapunzel. Man, I Picked a Boring Pair
Despite some challenges, sounds like a fun day in the MK! I need to try that gigantic cookie. Scooter man - very frustrating just reading about it. The blank stare :confused3 Sorry about the disappointing pool situation - hope you figured out the temp setting in time to enjoy it. Cool water w/bugs is at least better than hot water w/bugs. Hope it cooled off for your evening time in the park!
Before the trip, the kids had been begging Alex and I to try the Jack Jack Num Num Cookie, so we figured ten o’clock in the morning was the perfect time to give it a whirl.

It's never too early for sweets at DW.

We declared that the treat was one Evie head size. :rotfl:

Wow, it really is big.

You see, what had happened was. This gentleman in a scooter was parked in front of the MagicBand display. He had two kids on his lap watching videos on phones and he was casually eating popcorn out of a bucket in his basket.

How very frustrating and rude.

Sadly, this is as close as any of us came to a Premium Mickey Ice Cream Bar. It never worked out for us that we got one.

As much as I love the Mickey Ice Cream Bar, this has happened to me too.

I absolutely loved it and wanted to ride it again as soon as possible.

I'm so happy you enjoyed it. It has really grown on me.

It was hotter than bath water and the top layer was coated in bugs. You would swim across and upon resurfacing, come up with black specks on your mouth, your eyes, your fingers.

That's just gross.

Our Num Num cookie had long since worn off, and we were in need of a sugar fix. Couldn’t let the levels get depleted! That’s what powers the energy to ride attractions!

Very true!
Having worked hard at Toy Story Midway Mania, we felt it was time to reward ourselves with some sugar. Before the trip, the kids had been begging Alex and I to try the Jack Jack Num Num Cookie, so we figured ten o’clock in the morning was the perfect time to give it a whirl.
We loved that cookie! Can you believe Bill and I polished it off between the two of us? Obviously we have separate dessert stomachs.
When I asked him if I could get to the MagicBands, he just looked at me blank faced.
What in the world? Did he understand what you said? That is just so rude!
Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway opened after our last trip, and getting to ride it was one of the experiences I was most looking forward to!

I love dark rides, I love Mickey and Minnie, and I love more attractions offered in Hollywood Studios.

The park needed an attraction for all ages after they closed The Great Movie Ride.

It’s safe to say I was the most excited of the bunch.
I was so excited to ride MMRR too.
It was so much fun!

I absolutely loved it and wanted to ride it again as soon as possible. The music was catchy, there were so many little details to try and spot, and it felt good to have a ride dedicated to the main man, himself. Classic Disney, you know?

I knew, riding it once, there were so many things I missed, and I couldn’t wait to get back on board and look out for new Hidden Mickeys and glimpse Pluto in the scenes.
Same, my friend, same. So many possibilities for Hidden Mickey and honestly the whole attraction just made me laugh and smile the whole time.
It was not nice.

Not nice at all.

It was hotter than bath water and the top layer was coated in bugs. You would swim across and upon resurfacing, come up with black specks on your mouth, your eyes, your fingers.

And naturally, there was no skimmer at the house.

We came to find out later on in the trip, that for some reason the pool temperature was set to 95 degrees!

That is awful! Were you able to contact the condo manager to correct it?
Oh no! I lost all my quotes so here goes nothing!
That is some size of cookie and boy I wish I was more like you. I could eat chocolate for breakfast- I mean, I don’t - well except a whack of Easter Egg on Easter Sunday and a chocolate coin on Christmas Day- but I could 😆
I absolutely loved MMRR and definitely want to do it again to take in more of the details. Landon makes me smile . He is such a thoughtful, sensitive soul and yes don’t EVER let him see Titanic 😱

I can’t remember what else I was going to say ( blame age/menopause/ foggy Sunday morning brain/ whatever you like) oh except yuck on the pool and obviously the lack of a Mickey bar this last trip means a do over is needed 🤣
Matthew had 3 requests on our trip- a Mickey Bar, a churro and a chocolate crepe from France. We made sure we at least managed that for the boy and I have to say it made him a very happy teen ❤️
I need to try that gigantic cookie.

It's definitely a novelty treat. I don't think I've ever seen a chocolate chip cookie that big before.

Sorry about the disappointing pool situation

I just wanted to know why someone wanted to swim in that warm of water in the middle of summer. :confused3

It's never too early for sweets at DW.

Alex always says, "You've got your regular stomach, and then you've got your Disney stomach. And the Disney stomach demands sweets." :rotfl:

As much as I love the Mickey Ice Cream Bar, this has happened to me too.

I think with all the unique and fun Disney desserts, sometimes it's hard to remember to grab a "basic" snack like an ice cream bar.
We loved that cookie! Can you believe Bill and I polished it off between the two of us? Obviously we have separate dessert stomachs.

Haha, my family are wimps when it comes to finishing snacks. Give it another 4-5 years, when both kids are teenagers, I'm sure I'll wish for these days back!

So many possibilities for Hidden Mickey and honestly the whole attraction just made me laugh and smile the whole time.

Do you think you've caught a lot of the Hidden Mickeys? I know I came nowhere close. :laughing:

I could eat chocolate for breakfast- I mean, I don’t - well except a whack of Easter Egg on Easter Sunday and a chocolate coin on Christmas Day- but I could

I used to be able to! But then I got gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with Evie, and ever since, too much sugar in the morning makes me ill. But like you, I do make exceptions on Easter. :rotfl:I'm a sucker for Cadbury Eggs. Another thing from Tesco I'm going to miss. :laughing: (On that same topic, the kids are going to be so sad when the bunny doesn't bring them gigantic chocolate eggs anymore. Those UK specialties are so much fun.)

I absolutely loved MMRR and definitely want to do it again

Glad you were able to ride it!

Matthew had 3 requests on our trip- a Mickey Bar, a churro and a chocolate crepe from France. We made sure we at least managed that for the boy and I have to say it made him a very happy teen

I love that his requests were food related. And I'm happy to hear he got all of them. :goodvibes

I love hearing about your trip! I know, I know, I've seen you say it on others pages that you don't want to write a TR yourself (which I strongly disagree with) but I appreciate you talking about it.
Alex always says, "You've got your regular stomach, and then you've got your Disney stomach. And the Disney stomach demands sweets." :rotfl:
:rotfl: I’m with Alex!
I'm a sucker for Cadbury Eggs. Another thing from Tesco I'm going to miss. :laughing: (On that same topic, the kids are going to be so sad when the bunny doesn't bring them gigantic chocolate eggs anymore. Those UK specialties are so much fun.)
Cadbury’s and Galaxy are my favourite although I also love Baileys truffles and lindor too. Basically I love chocolate- just not cheap chocolate 😂
Glad you were able to ride it
I actually managed to ride all the new to me rides once with a variety of family members so I really can’t complain. I am the one who loves all the parks all the time and does all the planning so while I got the rides in I had to cancel so many park reservations and adrs and that was hard 😞 I still wish I’d managed to meet you guys.
I love hearing about your trip! I know, I know, I've seen you say it on others pages that you don't want to write a TR yourself (which I strongly disagree with) but I appreciate you talking about it.
Part of it is that my boys don’t like to be on social media of any kind and another part is that it was a wee bit disappointing but at the same time we had a nice enough trip- just not the trip I’d planned. Put it this way - we ended up there for 17 nights and did not make AK or any water parks and I only got to Mk 1 day. I cancelled Oga’s and Space 220 and came close to calling an ambulance once but on the positive side we were there long enough to slowly hit up most of the new stuff though my husband and Matthew didn’t manage them all. It was just very different than any other trip but I’m still glad we went though I try not to think about the costs!
Last edited:
Before the trip, the kids had been begging Alex and I to try the Jack Jack Num Num Cookie, so we figured ten o’clock in the morning was the perfect time to give it a whirl.
You can eat whatever you want, whenever you want on vacation!

We declared that the treat was one Evie head size. :rotfl:
She looks far less enthused about a giant chocolate chip cookie than I would be!
I got into a polite fight with another guest.
Disney World drama!
Despite it only being for a few minutes while we got what we wanted and moved on.

This spot was this guy’s Alamo and he was sitting strong.

I mean, I kind of don't blame him for wanting to sit under a vent, but I'd have been tempted to drop a few magic bands while struggling to reach across. I can do passive aggressive too.
(Do you hear me groaning? Even now, sitting in my house, I’m remembering the application process with dread. Bad memories there. And the second sunscreen rendering was always worse, because the kids were wet with sweat which made rubbing it in even harder. BAD MEMORIES, I SAY.)
That's why we like the spray application. Except DD... there's like 1 kind of sunscreen that she can use that doesn't give her a rash so we have to deal with that.
I absolutely loved it and wanted to ride it again as soon as possible. The music was catchy, there were so many little details to try and spot, and it felt good to have a ride dedicated to the main man, himself. Classic Disney, you know?

I knew, riding it once, there were so many things I missed, and I couldn’t wait to get back on board and look out for new Hidden Mickeys and glimpse Pluto in the scenes.
I'm really glad to see that you enjoyed it so much! Looking forward to finally seeing it myself!
To which, Alex and I called it quits.

The sun won this day.

We made the call to take the kids back to the AirBnB and eat lunch there. A hard decision for my commando touring boys, but when you have a six year old whose response to the outside light was, “AAAGGHHHH.” (Paraphrasing, of course.)
The downside of going in the summer...
Evie sat on the couch and repeated, “It’s hot,” and Landon went swimming.
Poor girl is traumatized already!
We came to find out later on in the trip, that for some reason the pool temperature was set to 95 degrees!
Somebody thought it was a hot tub?
Seriously, if there’s a better peanut butter chocolate cake out there, I’d love to try it. Otherwise, this one tops the charts.

Secretly, I wished I had one all to myself.

I mean, I love my husband and kids.

But copious amounts of chocolate cake would have been lovely.
I mean, love is love, but sometimes you've just got to sneak that cake and hope they forget about it. :rolleyes1
Slinky Dog Dash for the first hour of park opening!

All right, all right, this Genie Plus thing ain’t so bad so far.
Good Job! I did not have as good of luck getting early times.

We had only been on the ride once before, and Evie was not a huge fan of it. During our turn, she famously yelled out, “I’m doing this, but I don’t like it!”
At least she tried...

When it was our turn to get on Slinky, Alex rode in front with Evie, while I sat with Landon. And near the end of the ride, I heard my daughter shout, “I still don’t like this!!!”
Poor lady! It does get pretty high for that one drop.


Best I’d ever gotten!
I was feeling really good.
This was a pretty lucky morning, after all.

Then we swung around to see the screen that listed the best in vehicle.


My blessed husband got 1,000 more points than me!
That does sting... Just wait till the kids are big enough to beat you...

We had no idea what the rest of our Disney trip held in store for us, but one thing was already certain. We WOULD be riding TSMM again.
It is so fun to have that competition.

Having worked hard at Toy Story Midway Mania, we felt it was time to reward ourselves with some sugar. Before the trip, the kids had been begging Alex and I to try the Jack Jack Num Num Cookie, so we figured ten o’clock in the morning was the perfect time to give it a whirl.
I mean is it any better or worse than a donut? Not that we eat donuts often. but they are both just sugar... And it's vacation!!! Live it up.

As someone who loves a good chocolate chip cookie, I thought I would enjoy this a lot more than I did. It was more of a blondie and had too much brown sugar for my taste. Then again, I only took a single bite.
Yours doesn't look like it has enough chocolate chips. It is usually full of them...
So glad you loved Mickey and Minnie's- it's definitely a favorite here!!
UGH- that pool sounds awful. I hope you were able to fix it later in the week.
I actually managed to ride all the new to me rides once with a variety of family members so I really can’t complain.

I'm happy to hear you were able to ride all the new to you attractions. That's something!

I still wish I’d managed to meet you guys.

I'm sure one day it'll work out. Alex still wants to try for Northern Ireland before we leave. :rotfl:

just not the trip I’d planned.

It's hard when something you've been looking forward to for so long doesn't go as expected. It can really be a thorn in your side. But you always sound so positive about what you did get to do, which is all you really can do at this point.

came close to calling an ambulance once

Oh gosh! For your son? Did the resort help you out at all, help locate an urgent care?

You can eat whatever you want, whenever you want on vacation!

Another reason vacation is the best.

She looks far less enthused about a giant chocolate chip cookie than I would be!

Evie has never been a silly kid. She looked at Alex like he was crazy for holding the cookie up to her head. :confused3

Somebody thought it was a hot tub?

I don't know what was happening with the pool, but it was the worst surprise when we first got in.
At least she tried...

I was really proud of her for giving all the attractions a try, but now she definitely knows what she likes and doesn't like and has no desire to give some rides a second chance. :rotfl:

Just wait till the kids are big enough to beat you...

I'm sure by the next time we go to WDW, Landon will be much better at TSMM.

Yours doesn't look like it has enough chocolate chips. It is usually full of them...

You're right, there weren't a lot of chocolate chips in our cookie.

So glad you loved Mickey and Minnie's- it's definitely a favorite here!!
UGH- that pool sounds awful. I hope you were able to fix it later in the week.

Mickey and Minnie's is great! I loved having the attraction in DHS, something that's not a coaster.

I still cannot understand why someone wanted to swim in such hot water in the middle of summer. Crazy!
Hello friends! Can I just say, this fall has been busier than I anticipated. I think I would have held off starting this report if I knew how little time I had to dedicate to it. Between kids’ activities, family visiting, and us trying to cram as much traveling into our schedules as possible, the days are flying by!

It’s our last year here in the U.K. and in a few months we should know where we’re going next. Alex hates the unknown and just wishes we had our next assignment. Meanwhile, I’m just soaking up the fact that we’ve been lucky enough to live overseas for seven years. It’s hard to believe this wild ride is coming to a close!


Before I moved on with a regular update, I wanted to share with you all some of our Disney plans coming up.

Alex was not going to leave the U.K. without seeing Disneyland Paris one more time.


He loves these parks, and they have the new Avengers Campus and an added Marvel theme to an old resort, which we haven’t seen before!

We’re going over Thanksgiving Break (taking a train!) and will get to see all the Christmas decorations. I love the holidays and cannot wait to see the parks decked out for the season.

As I said, we are no strangers to Disneyland Paris.

We went for the first time in 2016, when Evie was just a baby:



And then in 2017, when the parks were celebrating their 25th Anniversary:


Where we managed to grab some traditional pics:



And we stayed at the Disneyland Hotel:


One of the coolest experiences we’ve had at a Disney park. There’s absolutely nothing like walking out of your resort and being INSIDE the park.

Then there was our last trip to Disneyland Paris. Probably one of the most memorable for me.

We were able to see Main Street decorated for Halloween:


The kids ran a kids’ race in the Village, Alex ran a 10K, and I completed the DLP Half Marathon!


All our trips to DLP have been wonderful, and with so much happening in the parks this year, I’m really glad we get to go back. It’ll be DLP’s 30th Anniversary and like I said, there will be holiday decorations.

So fun!

Continued in Next Post:


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