Stroller stolen- looks like Epcot

I've only been out of the stroller market for a few years but I can't get over how crazy expensive they are. Just when you think, "no one will ever pay more than that for a stroller" someone comes out with a pricier one and suddenly you see them everywhere. The last time I used a stroller at Disney I took an old Graco with more duct tape than foam on the handles and didn't worry for a minute. One advantage of being a penny pincher is never having anything that anyone would want to steal!
She's probably already been ID'ed, because she's wearing a MB in the video.

I see an arrest and lifetime ban coming. Sad.
In a Facebook group I'm in they had her IDed in a few hours. She has several Facebook accounts and apperently has a record of theft starting in 2009 on. She has stolen and sold several strollers in Disney groups. Not sure how she has not been caught and banned from Disney but this might be the final straw. The bugaloo is a $600 stroller.
The poor woman I feel so sorry for her, must have been so distressing.

Also shocks me that people would come to Disney to steal Stroller of all things - honestly what is wrong with people.
Also shocks me that people would come to Disney to steal Stroller of all things

Not shocking at all to me. Thieves know people don't properly secure their valuables and will take advantage of it. I think people forget that the population of Disney on any given day is larger than the communities many of us live in and in those communities there are crimes. Disney is no different. There are good people, there are bad people, there are all types of people.
There are good people, there are bad people, there are all types of people.

I think it just what they stole not that people steal, as I would never leave any of my valuables out at Disney. I've got a lovely bag with a strap that goes across my chest so people can't run off with my stuff.

Which is strange as I don't use one of the bags in my day to day life and I work in London lol

If the story was some about a woman had her bag stolen from her stroller, I would feel sorry for her; but think well that was a bit silly.

But a Stroller :scared1: somewhere where a baby or child is going to be placed, just elevates you to a different level of scum in my book.

Although all stealing is wrong! (Apart from you Children's french fries you're always allowed to steal them lol)
I have never left my wallet on the stroller, back in the days when we had one big video camera we took the risk, I understand folks with very expensive stroller love them, but I wouldn't risks it, I'm impressed they found the culprit so fast and it will show others that Disney do take it seriously
But a Stroller :scared1: somewhere where a baby or child is going to be placed, just elevates you to a different level of scum in my book.

Many times it isn't the stroller they want, it is what is left in it (although in this story, she did use the stroller). They don't go through the stuff in the stroller where it was originally left. They just roll the stroller away and then grab the contents inside. Nobody will ever know it isn't their stuff they are walking away with.

If the stroller is expensive, it can easily be sold online also which this person did.

Some people just don't have a conscience about taking something they didn't earn. It's sad but a harsh reality of the world.
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This is why I warmed my sister in law not to take her expensive stroller. We just have a fairly inexpensive umbrella one. It would be awful if someone stole it, purely for sentimental reasons, but I have always done my best, the two times we've been at the parks with it to NEVER leave anything of any value in it (though, we did park out soft cooler with bottles of water in it) We had ours go missing a little bit once, and I think it was taken mistakenly, because it was a stroller park or two away, but I'll never, ever forget how someone DID steal the poncho off of it turning a heavy rain storm while it was parked at we were at Indiana Jones. I was furious. I bought bright red ponchos, including one for the stroller, and the seat was soaked. But not a minute after we got there, some guy, wear a matching poncho was dashing off. GRRRR. This year we will do Epcot for the first time, and I do plan to buy a lot. So I worry about leaving my bags in the stroller.
This is why I warmed my sister in law not to take her expensive stroller. We just have a fairly inexpensive umbrella one. It would be awful if someone stole it, purely for sentimental reasons, but I have always done my best, the two times we've been at the parks with it to NEVER leave anything of any value in it (though, we did park out soft cooler with bottles of water in it) We had ours go missing a little bit once, and I think it was taken mistakenly, because it was a stroller park or two away, but I'll never, ever forget how someone DID steal the poncho off of it turning a heavy rain storm while it was parked at we were at Indiana Jones. I was furious. I bought bright red ponchos, including one for the stroller, and the seat was soaked. But not a minute after we got there, some guy, wear a matching poncho was dashing off. GRRRR. This year we will do Epcot for the first time, and I do plan to buy a lot. So I worry about leaving my bags in the stroller.
If you are staying on site, you can have your purchases sent to your resort. If you aren't, you can have them set to the front of the park.
One advantage of being a penny pincher is never having anything that anyone would want to steal!

I completely agree! This works for a lot of things!

Actually we rented a double stroller for our grandkids last time we went. I purchased a stroller lock to use because I didn't want to have to pay to replace it if stolen. Used zip ties to hang a big laminated sign to the handle so no confusion. I always feel so safe at Disney, but smart enough to realize thieves are everywhere.
Yes probably not the best idea to leave all those things in the stroller - but as mentioned by others – giving the mother the benefit of the doubt – there may have been extenuating circumstances like having three kids and two have to go to the bathroom right away – so you just RUN – and assume or HOPE that everything will be ok....

And yes – it can be disarming because you are AT DISNEY and you do kind of let your guard down since for most of us it is a vacation that we have put considerable time into planning and you think that everyone else is there to also have a good time and not steal.

I was REALLY SHOCKED when someone stole a balloon that I had tied on a stroller (and no it didnt float away...hahaha) when we went on a ride. I assume to this day it was some teen just taking the balloon – but hopefully not a parent that stole it to give to their child – that would just be TERRIBLE!

Situation was made worse when I went to City Hall to report it stolen and get a new one and I was questioned by Disney staff or at least challenged: “What proof did I have that it was stolen?, etc. etc.”

My response in an agitated tone was: “Are you insinuating that I am lying about getting my balloon stolen so that I can get a free one....?” I then proceeded to make a REALLY big deal because Disney staff was making a pretty derisive remark and making a bad situation WORSE!!! But I really was shocked that someone would steal the balloon....

On strollers: When we initially started going to Disney with our young son - we would lock our stroller to a fence or chain and as you all know ( – come back and find the lock or chain clipped.

We have since then proceeded to run the metal rope of the retractable lock through the wheels to make the stroller un-rollable – that at least helps with stealing – unless they want to carry it through the park.

But Disney should REALLY REALLY REALLY embarrass or publicize this person/incident and make sure that other “thieves” whether planned or opportunistic – know that if you do something like this and are caught you will be ejected from the park, NEVER be allowed back and prosecuted as extensively as possible....such a sad commentary on our society – even at Disney....

Bigger question is – if I put my guard down about stealing when at Disney – how paranoid am I now going to be about child molesters and kidnappers, etc.

We are still very diligent about where our son is and what he is doing – but probably (a little) less than when at a mall or in the general public back home.....more food for thought!
I completely agree! This works for a lot of things!

Actually we rented a double stroller for our grandkids last time we went. I purchased a stroller lock to use because I didn't want to have to pay to replace it if stolen. Used zip ties to hang a big laminated sign to the handle so no confusion. I always feel so safe at Disney, but smart enough to realize thieves are everywhere.

Just a reminder the CMs have to be able to move the stroller in stroller parking so a stroller lock can cause more problem s then it will solve.
I completely agree! This works for a lot of things!

Actually we rented a double stroller for our grandkids last time we went. I purchased a stroller lock to use because I didn't want to have to pay to replace it if stolen. Used zip ties to hang a big laminated sign to the handle so no confusion. I always feel so safe at Disney, but smart enough to realize thieves are everywhere.

As long as you don't lock your stroller to something, that is a good idea. Oh, and you also have to lock it in a way that the CMs can still roll it if they need to shift strollers around.
I wonder if the advent of small tracking devices will start to put an end to this kind of theft happening.
For some reason people think they are in a Disney Bubble with Pixie Dust and Dole Whips floating around... rather than realizing there are losers that walk this Earth just making our lives that much more difficult .. even at Disney.
Hopefully the Value of the item/s will raise the theft to the next level for prosecution and also permanent entrance banning into the parks.


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