Healthy Living from the INSIDE OUT - May 2016 WISH Challenge

Woohoo down to a new low since the start. 56% of my 8 pound goal. I'll re-check on 31st to see final though. I might not make it but I'm soooo happy to be down and next month I could say bye bye to the 300s. I'd love to lose 50-75 lbs before we go to Florida for WDW, Universal and stuff. Right now the dates aren't even really a thought because even though I have some in savings I may need some of it for car repairs/new used car. And we just don't know when my dad will have the time off. We may end up going in Spring. Mostly worried about Universal and not being able to enjoy the coasters. :scared: Disney I'm sure I could ride mostly everything and definitely everything I'd want to ride. My gym has a location near my dad's house so I'll have that option on non park days. I think they earliest we'd be able to go is late October. My brother would want to go for Oktoberfest. Excited at ideas but not sure when it will happen. I somewhat want to go Late May into early June right after school's out next year so we can enjoy a couple waterparks too. But I typically prefer doing theme parks in Sept-Oct.

Gorgeous photo of your daughter - we too wished we could live in some of those beach houses. And I laughed when I saw your picture of the birds - it brought back memories of seeing them on our beach walk on our trip there - we saw that at Hermosa Beach - which beach were you at? Also on the bird topic we couldn't get over how big the seagulls were! We have seagulls here at home but nowhere near as big lol.

Even if she hits that phase I'm sure that she will gravitate back to having fun with mum. Our trip to DL brought my DS back to me and we was 13 at the time of the trip - he had already been going through that phase of walking several steps behind me at the shops and looking mortified at school if I dared looked like I was going to kiss him goodbye :scared1: - but then on our trip I got hugs in line, walking along with me with an arm draped on my shoulder, a random kiss on the cheek all in public :rotfl: but granted far from home. But it carried over when we got home and he's back to walking WITH me and kissed me goodbye in front of the office at High School this morning after a late drop off (but there were kids around) - he's 15 now.

It was Mission Beach in San Diego. :) It's about 5 1/2-6 hours from our house.

my motivation is running little low. things are really slow this month

Pjlla I love my fitbit too. I like numbers so I keep track on Fitbit Calories burned - MFP and weight loss and I find it takes 9500 calorie (results from last 5 weeks) deficit to loose 1 kg. The theory is you need 7700 so I have a feeling fitbit overestimate burn little

but I still find it great tool and plan to continue using one even after I reach my goal

Happy Friday All

Hope it gets running a bit very shortly. I've had mine do that but hopefully now that I've been consistent a month I'll keep going when motivation wanes because I have the gym buddy and the habit built up.

Good morning and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need a weekend.... and it's a LONG weekend! WOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!

And good news.... my FITBIT appears to have survived! Gotta rock the steps today to make up for yesterday (even though I did walk a lot, it doesn't "count" if the FB doesn't track it, right??).

Going to give the scale another opportunity tomorrow morning before I declare an official number (and before I throw the scale out the window and go buy a new one :mad: ).

Need to dash in one minute in order to drop DS off (or have him drop me) and for us both to be on time! I was nearly late yesterday and it isn't a relaxing way to start the day!

No hanging out laundry this morning because they are predicting off/on thundershowers today.... frustrating since I don't want to use the dryer.

Anyhooooo.... running now, but I'll be back later to chat! ..............P

Hope tomorrows opportunity shows something good for you. I was shocked by mine this morning. I'm feeling slightly bloated even and was still down. Thankfully I was worried since I'm nearing my time of month.

QOTD - May 27

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The month of unending rain is over and it seems to be SUMMER!!!! My least favorite season but one I'm pretending to accept with JOY!! Instead of SADNESS and DISGUST at the realization that walking a mile in my work clothes has left me a disheveled mess. At least the pool will be open tomorrow!!!

What fun things do you have planned for summer???

Probably lots of swimming at local pools maybe will venture to the waterparks. I'm hoping to make it to California again. Even if I can't afford DL I still want to go to the beach maybe check out the Hollywood sign and other stuff I'd never done. Just anxious even thinking of driving LA traffic though. YIKES. I'll be working on keeping active in addition to my 5-6 nights at the gym. Trying to work in cleaner whole produce because that is what I tend to eat more raw cool stuff in the super HOT summers we have here. Can you tell summer is my least favorite as well. Fall is my favorite so I'll be in survival mode trying to make it to Fall. HEHE
End of May goals Checkin:

Combination of results on all of the goals = 82%.

It seems like I've been up and down this week but when I logged my weight in WW I am finishing down a pound from what I logged last week, so happy about that.
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Loving the sound of all your summer plans guys - we are heading into winter so I will just read and live vicariously through your plans.

It's funny-- you move near the beach and think you will be there all the time-- nope! This year I am making more of an effort to go though.

I totally get this - work and general life still gets in the way - I find I still have to make a concerted effort to plan beach days - although now that I have workout buddies and we do our river/beach workout 2-3 times a week I am getting to enjoy it more often.
Loving the sound of all your summer plans guys - we are heading into winter so I will just read and live vicariously through your plans.

I totally get this - work and general life still gets in the way - I find I still have to make a concerted effort to plan beach days - although now that I have workout buddies and we do our river/beach workout 2-3 times a week I am getting to enjoy it more often.

YEP when I lived in Lakeland, Florida I went to the beach once I think. And MK once in the 11 months or so I lived there that 3rd time.
check in 4.5 lbs loss/6 goal. 75%

I lost nearly 13 lbs since 28th of March! It feels slow but really, it isn't that slow - it's only 2 months! I have another 3 lbs to lose to my original stage one goal, but really happy with the result.

I may do another check in if there is further result next week, but feeling content with this result. I see different person looking myself in the mirror now
Happy weekend all!! I am up and moving and have the third load of wash going onto the line in a few minutes and breakfast is being consumed as I type. We had a plan to do yard work all weekend, but it is supposed to be 93°F here today.... too hot for yard work! I also have some errands to run.... so I am going to change up today's schedule from a.m. errands/p.m. yard work and flip that around so that I am showered and in an air-conditioned car/air-conditioned store during the hot part of the day later. Dinner is in the crockpot, but if it seems just too hot to eat a hot meal, I'll save it for tomorrow and we can have a yogurt parfait night.

I was going to comment/complain about the scale not moving much and then I felt like that would be whiney.... and THEN I realized that I why I chat here! This is the PERFECT place to chat/talk/complain/celebrate what happens on the scale!! Sometimes I forget that in an effort to always stay upbeat and positive. But here goes..... GOSH DANG IT! The darn scale is making me crazy!! It moved down EVER SO slightly today, so at least I will end the month down.... but by a fraction of a pound only. There are days that I feel like I cannot do anything more than I am doing.... but then I remember that I don't exercise with the regularity/effort that I did in the past and I'm sure that is having a HUGE impact on why the scale just won't budge, no matter how well I eat, how low I drop my carbs, how many Fitbit "steps" I take (sometimes I question the precision of the count).

When I re-started this journey over 200 pounds in 2008, one thing I added that I hadn't added in the past was EXERCISE... and I started low-key with the Walk Away the Pounds videos plus walking outside with a friend. I think it is time to dust off the videos and make a solid PLAN going into these next two week. I have EXACTLY 2 weeks to lose weight to feel my VERY BEST in the dress I have picked out for the graduation and for whatever I decide to wear to the wedding on the same day (may be the same dress, may not). And I KNOW whatever I do, whatever sleep sacrifices I make in the next two weeks, I will be SO happy that I did it when June 11 arrives and I can feel PRETTY and CONFIDENT in my dress (with or without a shaper).

So I am ASKING you to keep me accountable.... ask me about my plan, ask me what video I did, how long I walked, etc, etc. And I will fess up right now.... if I get super quiet (i.e. no posts), it usually (but not always) means I've fallen off my plan and I'm embarrassed to admit it. I think by telling you that now, it will keep me posting!!

Off to write up a two week plan and I'll share when it is done.... plus I MUST get DS's graduation party invites DONE and ready to mail today!!................P
Hi everyone, it has been far too long since I checked in. Sorry!! I will have the June thread up either tomorrow or Monday evening. Hopefully tomorrow!

The scale is not nice to me. I am getting a bit frustrated that it just is not moving as it should if I look at my calorie deficit. I am wondering if I need to have my doctor check my thyroid again. Even if the fitbit is overestimating my burned calories to a certain degree, there should be more movement. But then since my weight fluctuates so much, I never really now what my real weight is as it moves between so many high and low points (often up to 5 pounds from one day to the next). But it seems that I am currently having a hard time to get to new low points.

In better news: I went cloth shopping today and got a few things that I needed as well as a few things that just looked very cute on my slimmer body!

I also have kept up with doing my DVD workouts again and that feels good! I am starting to feel a little bit stronger and that reminded me why I always enjoyed these programs. Hopefully I will be able to mix it up with running again once my foot is healed! My step count has creeped up and my foot is giving a little bit grief about it. I need to try to walk less, but that is difficult since my everyday life is so dependent on walking everywhere!
I am checking in this morning, I am down 1.3lbs this week, 5.7lbs for the month. I am trying to stay positive, and recognize that (1) this is a substantial amount of weight and (2) just because I set lofty goals the last couple of months and almost met them does not mean that I will be able to do this every month and (3) I had a lot of food obstacles this month that I feel I did the right thing with (enjoyed the meal, but did not go crazy).

Part of me wishes that I had been more strict with myself on those extra celebrations so that the scale would reflect a greater loss, but I don't think that would be mentally healthy for me. I am more than my weightloss journey; I should be able to enjoy a meal out with both my immediate family to celebrate the week (we eat out lunch or dinner on Saturdays) and celebrate someone's birthday that very same week. I shouldn't have to sacrifice one of these celebrations to the scale. Weight loss is absolutely a priority, but if this is going to be a lifelong change, I can't make it my only priority.

So, here I am sitting at 57% for the month. Sigh. I must turn my frustration around and look at things positively, first of all - and this is huge - I reached Onederland this month! First time in 13 years!

And instead of thinking - with more effort in the month of May, I would have achieved these next things, I should just be positive and celebrate the journey knowing that:
(1) I am really, really close to leaving "obese" behind and being "overweight" on the BMI chart (BMI 30.6)
(2) I am really, really close to being down 100 lbs (only 3.5lbs to go)

Of course with vacation in mid June, I have to, again, be reasonable with my actions (enjoy food, but don't go crazy) and be reasonable with my expectations!
I was going to comment/complain about the scale not moving much and then I felt like that would be whiney.... and THEN I realized that I why I chat here! This is the PERFECT place to chat/talk/complain/celebrate what happens on the scale!! Sometimes I forget that in an effort to always stay upbeat and positive. But here goes..... GOSH DANG IT! The darn scale is making me crazy!! It moved down EVER SO slightly today, so at least I will end the month down.... but by a fraction of a pound only. There are days that I feel like I cannot do anything more than I am doing.... but then I remember that I don't exercise with the regularity/effort that I did in the past and I'm sure that is having a HUGE impact on why the scale just won't budge, no matter how well I eat, how low I drop my carbs, how many Fitbit "steps" I take (sometimes I question the precision of the count).

It doesn't matter what the scale is showing today. If you aren't implementing permanent, sustainable habits even if it's low today it won't be low for long. If you keep doing the right things, you will get the result and it will be long term

I 100% feel your frustration but try to remind myself that I am different person now, compared to 2 months ago as I am happy being active, I love the healthier meals I am having, I am not remotely tempted to return to my old ways.

Whatever you do, make sure you don't make it too hard and not enjoyable, don't go starving or overtired as you will get burned out and won't be able to sustain it long term

you are doing great. Keep up to big picture. Think of yourself in 10 years. Do you want to be on and off diets, or do you want to be a healthy living person that is perfectly content with the choices you have made about how to live your life

Live healthy. The rest will follow. We are here to give you hug when need and kick off the couch when needed! You can do it
Part of me wishes that I had been more strict with myself on those extra celebrations so that the scale would reflect a greater loss, but I don't think that would be mentally healthy for me. I am more than my weightloss journey; I should be able to enjoy a meal out with both my immediate family to celebrate the week (we eat out lunch or dinner on Saturdays) and celebrate someone's birthday that very same week. I shouldn't have to sacrifice one of these celebrations to the scale. Weight loss is absolutely a priority, but if this is going to be a lifelong change, I can't make it my only priority.


Ignore that part, don't listen to it! If you start hating the way you live and feel super deprived you won't be able to keep the lifestyle or the weight off long term! You are a healthy living person now, how long it will take it to get to your goals doesn't matter as you intent to live healthy!

100lbs!!! WOW! This is some impressive results!

Being able to enjoy a meal with family, and knowing how to balance it out is super healthy.
Hi everyone, it has been far too long since I checked in. Sorry!! I will have the June thread up either tomorrow or Monday evening. Hopefully tomorrow!

The scale is not nice to me. I am getting a bit frustrated that it just is not moving as it should if I look at my calorie deficit. I am wondering if I need to have my doctor check my thyroid again. Even if the fitbit is overestimating my burned calories to a certain degree, there should be more movement. But then since my weight fluctuates so much, I never really now what my real weight is as it moves between so many high and low points (often up to 5 pounds from one day to the next). But it seems that I am currently having a hard time to get to new low points.

In better news: I went cloth shopping today and got a few things that I needed as well as a few things that just looked very cute on my slimmer body!

I also have kept up with doing my DVD workouts again and that feels good! I am starting to feel a little bit stronger and that reminded me why I always enjoyed these programs. Hopefully I will be able to mix it up with running again once my foot is healed! My step count has creeped up and my foot is giving a little bit grief about it. I need to try to walk less, but that is difficult since my everyday life is so dependent on walking everywhere!

SO sorry you are feeling frustrated.... I can certainly sympathize! Take care of that foot!!

I am checking in this morning, I am down 1.3lbs this week, 5.7lbs for the month. I am trying to stay positive, and recognize that (1) this is a substantial amount of weight and (2) just because I set lofty goals the last couple of months and almost met them does not mean that I will be able to do this every month and (3) I had a lot of food obstacles this month that I feel I did the right thing with (enjoyed the meal, but did not go crazy).

Part of me wishes that I had been more strict with myself on those extra celebrations so that the scale would reflect a greater loss, but I don't think that would be mentally healthy for me. I am more than my weightloss journey; I should be able to enjoy a meal out with both my immediate family to celebrate the week (we eat out lunch or dinner on Saturdays) and celebrate someone's birthday that very same week. I shouldn't have to sacrifice one of these celebrations to the scale. Weight loss is absolutely a priority, but if this is going to be a lifelong change, I can't make it my only priority.

So, here I am sitting at 57% for the month. Sigh. I must turn my frustration around and look at things positively, first of all - and this is huge - I reached Onederland this month! First time in 13 years!

And instead of thinking - with more effort in the month of May, I would have achieved these next things, I should just be positive and celebrate the journey knowing that:
(1) I am really, really close to leaving "obese" behind and being "overweight" on the BMI chart (BMI 30.6)
(2) I am really, really close to being down 100 lbs (only 3.5lbs to go)

Of course with vacation in mid June, I have to, again, be reasonable with my actions (enjoy food, but don't go crazy) and be reasonable with my expectations!

YOu have made HUGE strides.... don't be too hard on yourself~!! Reaching One-derland is a massive accomplishment!! And wow... nearly 100 pounds gone!!!??? That is absolutely amazing!!

It doesn't matter what the scale is showing today. If you aren't implementing permanent, sustainable habits even if it's low today it won't be low for long. If you keep doing the right things, you will get the result and it will be long term

I 100% feel your frustration but try to remind myself that I am different person now, compared to 2 months ago as I am happy being active, I love the healthier meals I am having, I am not remotely tempted to return to my old ways.

Whatever you do, make sure you don't make it too hard and not enjoyable, don't go starving or overtired as you will get burned out and won't be able to sustain it long term

you are doing great. Keep up to big picture. Think of yourself in 10 years. Do you want to be on and off diets, or do you want to be a healthy living person that is perfectly content with the choices you have made about how to live your life

Live healthy. The rest will follow. We are here to give you hug when need and kick off the couch when needed! You can do it

I hear you and agree with everything. Don't forget, I've been on this journey for a long time now (celebrate my "8 year anniversary" on 01/02 of this year), so I do feel like most of my changes are permanent and sustainable. But I thought that the good exercise habits I had developed were "permanent" and obviously they weren't. And I was able to maintain for many years at about 132, so the fact that I have been maintaining nearer to 138 doesn't sound like much, but it is super frustrating to me. But when I look at the facts, the biggest thing that has changed is my exercise (second biggest change is eating less/eating differently with SmartPoints). So obviously I KNOW what needs to be done..... but I cannot seem to motivate to do it. Thank you for the advise and kind words.... they are truly appreciated!! :thanks:

Few months ago I looked myself in the mirror and felt like crying. The year we dealt with my husbands cancer, the fear of what may happen have taken over me. I was constantly sad, wore baggy clothes, gained weight, didn't look after myself at all. I felt so .. old and lost. I lost my mum, my uncle, my granddad all under age of 35 all same type of cancer. Dealing with my DH diagnosis and treatment was the hardest thing I ever had to do, and the fear of what could go wrong hard to describe

I took a decision that I won't spend my life in fear. It was 16th of April last month when I said this needs to change. I need to move on. That I will focus on what could go right. I will start dreaming of future and having goals again. That regardless what I do, fear or not it won't make a difference to some things that may or not may happen but I won't spend my life in fear, I won't be paralysed to make discussion, to peruse dreams, to be happy.

It hits me at times but I brush it off with a dream of me and dh taking the grandchildren to MK when I am 63 and he is 70. I guess some fear will always be there, and it can be beneficial feeling as it can protect from doing things that are not in my interest (as smoking, eating too much etc) but it can't take over.

Oh my, my.... that is a lot of sad loss in your life. I'm so sorry. Regarding that bolded statement (my bolding)..... that is really a profound statement. It shows such a huge strength of character. Good for you for pulling yourself from the edge and making a healthier life!


Okay friends.... I'm inside for a lunch break.... DH and I have been outside doing yard work in the hot, hot sun. It is crazy warm for this time of year and of COURSE, my plan to do some cleaning indoors didn't happen.... he needed me to help set up one of the garden beds, then of course, we had to move some brush, and then cut a tree... and then load the car for the dump with some old lumber that needs to go... etc, etc. Laundry is moving along, but that will probably be it for housework today.

I'm sure when he gets back from the dump and eats his lunch, we will head right back out in the sun to get sweaty and sunburned and dirty.... but at least it is a great workout! I'm throwing logs around like a BEAST! :teeth:

I'll BBL to chat!...............P
QOTW - May 28/29/30

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I can't believe we've reached our last substantive question of the month!!! For the weekend and our final Monday, let's talk about Fear. What role does fear play in your life and in your weight loss journey? Let's dish!

Final check-ins! You can post your results anytime between now (or yesterday for the early birds) and Tuesday night. I'll post our final results on Wednesday.

Well I have an anxiety disorder so fear unfortunately leads the pack OFTEN. I've learned to tame her though. In weight loss it plays in fear of loose skin but I think it has set in that I would rather have loose skin to cover in a much smaller size than continue my health and weight in the other direction. Right now I fear injury too because I know what that could mean to my progress and success. So I'm trying to fuel my body with nutrition and make sure it is rested at night and watching for signs of overtraining.

I'll keep watching but my weight was the same on the dot as yesterday morning so happy to see the number even if I'm not at 8 lb goal for the month I'm happy with where I'm at. I will keep the same goal for next month but again not be too down if I don't reach it but will really aim to keep a 2 lb a week average.

I am checking in this morning, I am down 1.3lbs this week, 5.7lbs for the month. I am trying to stay positive, and recognize that (1) this is a substantial amount of weight and (2) just because I set lofty goals the last couple of months and almost met them does not mean that I will be able to do this every month and (3) I had a lot of food obstacles this month that I feel I did the right thing with (enjoyed the meal, but did not go crazy).

Part of me wishes that I had been more strict with myself on those extra celebrations so that the scale would reflect a greater loss, but I don't think that would be mentally healthy for me. I am more than my weightloss journey; I should be able to enjoy a meal out with both my immediate family to celebrate the week (we eat out lunch or dinner on Saturdays) and celebrate someone's birthday that very same week. I shouldn't have to sacrifice one of these celebrations to the scale. Weight loss is absolutely a priority, but if this is going to be a lifelong change, I can't make it my only priority.

So, here I am sitting at 57% for the month. Sigh. I must turn my frustration around and look at things positively, first of all - and this is huge - I reached Onederland this month! First time in 13 years!

And instead of thinking - with more effort in the month of May, I would have achieved these next things, I should just be positive and celebrate the journey knowing that:
(1) I am really, really close to leaving "obese" behind and being "overweight" on the BMI chart (BMI 30.6)
(2) I am really, really close to being down 100 lbs (only 3.5lbs to go)

Of course with vacation in mid June, I have to, again, be reasonable with my actions (enjoy food, but don't go crazy) and be reasonable with my expectations!

Woohoo!! Such success getting to Onederland. :) Almost 100 lost and out of obese. You'll make it next month. I'm looking to get free of the 300s next month. Can't wait for Onederland but have a ways to go. Hopefully by next summer.
I hear you and agree with everything. Don't forget, I've been on this journey for a long time now (celebrate my "8 year anniversary" on 01/02 of this year), so I do feel like most of my changes are permanent and sustainable. But I thought that the good exercise habits I had developed were "permanent" and obviously they weren't. And I was able to maintain for many years at about 132, so the fact that I have been maintaining nearer to 138 doesn't sound like much, but it is super frustrating to me. But when I look at the facts, the biggest thing that has changed is my exercise (second biggest change is eating less/eating differently with SmartPoints). So obviously I KNOW what needs to be done..... but I cannot seem to motivate to do it. Thank you for the advise and kind words.... they are truly appreciated!! :thanks:

my autocorrect isn't helping my bad spelling at all! I meant I won't be afraid to take a decision.

Wow, 8 years. Such long maintenance is very rare! It sounds like you have it figured out.

It doesn't sound much more then your happy weight to be honest, but I understand fully why you don't want to accept it as your new ok weight and you want to get it dealt with now.

Did you share the plan on how will you get it done?
QOTW - May 28/29/30

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I can't believe we've reached our last substantive question of the month!!! For the weekend and our final Monday, let's talk about Fear. What role does fear play in your life and in your weight loss journey? Let's dish!

Final check-ins! You can post your results anytime between now (or yesterday for the early birds) and Tuesday night. I'll post our final results on Wednesday.

Fear plays a small role in my life, and the more I lose the smaller the role becomes. I'm gaining confidence to do things that I would never have done before.

It was just three weeks ago that I finished my first official 5k. I never really thought that I would be able to do it. I said afterward that someday I would like to do a 10k. Fast forward to today and I not only finished my first 10k (a lot sooner than I expected to try one), but my pace was less than a minute more than the 5k I ran. Official times haven't been posted yet, but I clocked it at 1:20:11. I was just hoping to get under 1:25:00 and not be last (which I wasn't).

If you would have told me I would run a 10k 5 months ago I would have said you're nuts.
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