Is this realistic?

Hi guys

Well, Staycool had me curious and looking at the 21 Day Fix. Long story short I ordered it and hopefully will have it next week. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to do the videos everyday and running and biking. I'm thinking for the 21 days just do the videos? will I be able to run when its over or be back at zero if I don't run??

Staycool~so sorry about your dog! They really are family. My Scotty was 15 and its just devastating.
Sounds like your kids are excited about running and that race sounds cool! that's a good thing!

Chicomaca~you are a good friend to your running partner. THAT is why we all need a running group huh? A man I work with that does tri's is really encouraging that too. what do you use to time your 4:1 (or any) intervals?

Waiting~Yay for running outside and having your feet feel better! Good luck on those interviews. Has the tips from the nutritionist helped with weight loss? when do you talk to her again?? Don't beat yourself up too much about the stress eating. No, you shouldn't have done it but its over. Move on. Your response is also a test.

Time to get ready for the week.
Good for you for helping your friend. Hopefully she appreciates it.

I have been reconsidering my weight loss goals too. I like eating healthy. I really do. But the 1700 calorie goal is killing me. It is taking the enjoyment out of all of this for me. But, my mind won't allow me to just relax and enjoy. It is a problem. My friend just told me I put to much pressure on myself, and I know I do. If I eat 2000 calories a day and never lose weight I am not sure I will be satisfied. I want to get rid of another 20-30 lbs. So frustrating. Why do I need to qualify for the Boston Marathon so early? Why does my mind work this way? Can't I just run for fun and eventually qualify?

Sorry, having a crappy week. This job stuff is bugging me. I ate so many Doritos tonight, of course feeling guilty and stupid the whole time because I knew it was wrong. But the stress of the job issues was on my mind the whole time. I haven't given in to stress eating even with the marital stuff.
She does appreciate it, but she'd do the same for me.

It sounds like you have some good questions to bring up with your therapist the next session you have. I suspect you have a need to prove yourself (to yourself and the people around you) and the weight and marathon are your choice of proof. I'm not going to lecture you because you've already gotten that. I will say that recognizing what you are doing to yourself might be the first step in healing.

Well, Staycool had me curious and looking at the 21 Day Fix. Long story short I ordered it and hopefully will have it next week. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to do the videos everyday and running and biking. I'm thinking for the 21 days just do the videos? will I be able to run when its over or be back at zero if I don't run??
I don't know what kind of base you have, but if you don't already have a solid running base, shifting to something else for three weeks then you're going to need to start over again. If you have a decent base, then you'd be okay. Looking at the schedule, I'd run or bike instead of the cardio video. Also, I looked at the 21 Day Fix website and saw the target calorie calculator...oh HELL no. Tells me my target intake is 1,025 calories. Maybe on a day that I don't do anything more than walk the dogs. Even rounding up is a bit iffy for me.

Chicomaca~you are a good friend to your running partner. THAT is why we all need a running group huh? A man I work with that does tri's is really encouraging that too. what do you use to time your 4:1 (or any) intervals?
Yes, that is why you need at least a partner and a running group is a great way to find a partner. I have several running buddies at different levels - my Cherry Blossom friend needs the encouragement, T needs someone to work back up to her pre-cancer fitness level, and I have other friends that push me to reach their levels of performance and dedication. Then there are the people I met up with by chance on the trail, sometimes part of the group and sometimes not. If you give yourself the chance, you'll find that the running community is pretty cool.

For the intervals, my Garmin can be programmed for intervals, and so can the Map My Run app. I sometimes use an app called "Interval Timer", too. The only problem with apps is that you need to have earphones in to hear the directions, and I don't do my long runs with headphones. I know other people who use a Gym Boss (I think you can find them on Amazon).
Well, Staycool had me curious and looking at the 21 Day Fix. Long story short I ordered it and hopefully will have it next week. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to do the videos everyday and running and biking. I'm thinking for the 21 days just do the videos? will I be able to run when its over or be back at zero if I don't run??

Waiting~Yay for running outside and having your feet feel better! Good luck on those interviews. Has the tips from the nutritionist helped with weight loss? when do you talk to her again?? Don't beat yourself up too much about the stress eating. No, you shouldn't have done it but its over. Move on. Your response is also a test.

Why can't you just do your running and biking in place of the exercise that goes with the program?

I am learning that 1700 doesn't seem to be enough. I am all for eating healthy and stuff but I am almost always hungry at 1700 calories. I have decided not to stress about it. If I do 1850 calories and don't lose weight, so be it. I have a feeling I will still lose weight at 1850 calories, for example. I will weigh in on 4/1 and then do it on the first of each month to see if I am losing or not.

All I do is beat myself up. But I keep plugging away.

She does appreciate it, but she'd do the same for me.

It sounds like you have some good questions to bring up with your therapist the next session you have. I suspect you have a need to prove yourself (to yourself and the people around you) and the weight and marathon are your choice of proof. I'm not going to lecture you because you've already gotten that. I will say that recognizing what you are doing to yourself might be the first step in healing.

Yes, that is why you need at least a partner and a running group is a great way to find a partner. I have several running buddies at different levels - my Cherry Blossom friend needs the encouragement, T needs someone to work back up to her pre-cancer fitness level, and I have other friends that push me to reach their levels of performance and dedication. Then there are the people I met up with by chance on the trail, sometimes part of the group and sometimes not. If you give yourself the chance, you'll find that the running community is pretty cool.

For the intervals, my Garmin can be programmed for intervals, and so can the Map My Run app. I sometimes use an app called "Interval Timer", too. The only problem with apps is that you need to have earphones in to hear the directions, and I don't do my long runs with headphones. I know other people who use a Gym Boss (I think you can find them on Amazon).

I can talk to my therapist all I want. And she makes a lot of sense and has helped me a lot. But, once I decide I want to do something I won't give up until I do it, or at least give it my best shot. I want to run the Boston Marathon and believe it or not, qualifying might be the easiest way to make it happen. They raised the amount I would need to raise for charity from $4000 to $5000 for 2015. Who knows if it will go up more by next year. I have no family to help. Only a couple of friends. My wife said she won't help me. (I would run for Boston Children's Hospital and they have done so much for my son I thought she might help, as she previously said she would). So, qualifying might be my only chance.

As far as something to prove. You are correct. I have always been like that. My parents used to put me down all the time so I always felt like I wasn't good enough and had something to prove. But in this case, I think I am trying to prove it to myself. Nobody I know cares about running, or even knows what qualifying for Boston means as far as effort. They wouldn't care. This one is all about me, I think. I want to prove what I am capable of. And I see improvement. I did 4.8 miles today at the gym. And I was able to run for up to 8 minutes at a time. I could never do that. And I did it at the pace I ran last year, about 9:00/mile. And what is possibly the most important is, my heart rate stayed in the high 120's/low 130's at that pace and I was easily able to breath through my nose. Last year I was sucking wind like a Hoover. So I am seeing the work pay off. I may not qualify this year. Maybe it will take another year. I'll be OK with that. I just have to run that marathon at some point. The commercials are showing up for the Boston Marathon now, as it is a big deal around here obviously. My daughter was talking to me about running it. She said she would help me raise the money by asking her friends at school to ask their parents. :teeth::teeth: That stuff means more than anything because I am setting a good example for my kids.

I am going to the running store tomorrow after my interview, if I have enough time before having to get the kids from school. They have a running group. I might join. If I get one of these new jobs I will join for sure as I will have a more normal schedule.

I have been letting the crap at work get the best of me. I am back on track now.

I hope everyone has a good night.
I had today off and had my interview. It went well. They want me back next week to meet the owner. On the way home I stopped at 2 different running stores. I got some new sneakers. They are SO COMFORTABLE. Hopefully these workout. If not, I had a different pair that were a close second so I could change and go with those. I got a reflective vest to hopefully start running outside soon. I got some running socks and 2 different kinds of compression socks to see which one works best.

I still need to order an arm band to hold my phone as it is new since I last ran outside. And I might get a headlamp. The ones at the stores don't seem very bright and they are still pricey. I can get a brighter one on Amazon cheaper.

Talking to the 2 different sales reps at the different stores was cool. Learned about some different races and stuff. I also learned more about the race I was going to run on Father's Day. Doesn't sound that exciting. Also learned that marathon I was considering in Newport, RI was cancelled.

And, in the last couple of days I found out the race I REALLY wanted to do, which was the Heartbreak Hill 1/2, was also cancelled for the year.

In other words, it is back to the drawing board on the races for the year but I hopefully have some new sneakers and other stuff to help with the feet pain. All I need is the weather to start cooperating.

Talk to you all tomorrow. Have a good night.
As far as something to prove. You are correct. I have always been like that. My parents used to put me down all the time so I always felt like I wasn't good enough and had something to prove. But in this case, I think I am trying to prove it to myself. Nobody I know cares about running, or even knows what qualifying for Boston means as far as effort. They wouldn't care. This one is all about me, I think. I want to prove what I am capable of. And I see improvement. I did 4.8 miles today at the gym. And I was able to run for up to 8 minutes at a time. I could never do that. And I did it at the pace I ran last year, about 9:00/mile. And what is possibly the most important is, my heart rate stayed in the high 120's/low 130's at that pace and I was easily able to breath through my nose. Last year I was sucking wind like a Hoover. So I am seeing the work pay off. I may not qualify this year. Maybe it will take another year. I'll be OK with that. I just have to run that marathon at some point. The commercials are showing up for the Boston Marathon now, as it is a big deal around here obviously. My daughter was talking to me about running it. She said she would help me raise the money by asking her friends at school to ask their parents. :teeth::teeth: That stuff means more than anything because I am setting a good example for my kids.

I am going to the running store tomorrow after my interview, if I have enough time before having to get the kids from school. They have a running group. I might join. If I get one of these new jobs I will join for sure as I will have a more normal schedule.
You're sounding more positive here than you have in a while, that makes me happy for you. I am really happy to see that your daughter is showing interest and support - what a great way to break the mold of your past!

I had today off and had my interview. It went well. They want me back next week to meet the owner.
Congrats! What is this for?

Hooray for comfortable shoes! Are you going to be running at night? These days even when I run after work it's still light, and it's dawn when I run before. I have reflective gear and a headlamp, but shouldn't be needing any more (and I really only used it to walk the dogs, anyway.) Did you get info on their running groups?

Sorry to hear about the two races. I hadn't heard about the Heartbreak Hill Half being cancelled. You still have Baystate, right? Why do you say that the Father's Day race doesn't sound all that exciting?

My motivation for mid-week runs has been lagging since I got the flu in February. I can always get motivated for weekend long runs, but I've got to start running during the week again. My training group ends with the Cherry Blossom race on the 12th, and I won't start up with them again until June/July. I did just sign up with Team RWB and found out one of my college classmates is a board member, so we chatted today in the hallways. He works one corridor over, so we run into each other once in a while. It's funny though, I signed up to keep my friend D company since she found the group to skew young, but aside from her, all the people I know are my age. Either way, it gets me a 9am Saturday running group that's dog friendly and run/walk/bike friendly to tide me over until marathon training starts.

Not going to run tonight. My foster pup has a sad tummy and needed to go out every 2-3 hours between 8pm and 6am last night. I'm going home, eating leftovers, and planning for an early bedtime!
Changed my mind. It was too beautiful a day to just come home and sit around, so I saddled up the pups and took them out for a four mile run. Ran in front of the Capitol, down the Mall and around part of the Tidal Basin to see how the cherry trees are looking before heading back into the neighborhood. It felt good and as a bonus, the dogs are both extra mellow.
You're sounding more positive here than you have in a while, that makes me happy for you. I am really happy to see that your daughter is showing interest and support - what a great way to break the mold of your past!

Congrats! What is this for?

Hooray for comfortable shoes! Are you going to be running at night? These days even when I run after work it's still light, and it's dawn when I run before. I have reflective gear and a headlamp, but shouldn't be needing any more (and I really only used it to walk the dogs, anyway.) Did you get info on their running groups?

Sorry to hear about the two races. I hadn't heard about the Heartbreak Hill Half being cancelled. You still have Baystate, right? Why do you say that the Father's Day race doesn't sound all that exciting?

My motivation for mid-week runs has been lagging since I got the flu in February. I can always get motivated for weekend long runs, but I've got to start running during the week again. My training group ends with the Cherry Blossom race on the 12th, and I won't start up with them again until June/July. I did just sign up with Team RWB and found out one of my college classmates is a board member, so we chatted today in the hallways. He works one corridor over, so we run into each other once in a while. It's funny though, I signed up to keep my friend D company since she found the group to skew young, but aside from her, all the people I know are my age. Either way, it gets me a 9am Saturday running group that's dog friendly and run/walk/bike friendly to tide me over until marathon training starts.

Yeah, I have bummed since the wife went away back in February, and then her birthday. Then the job got me down and I let it, which bothers me. I got distracted from my goals because of all these things when they are really not that important and I should have ignored them. But, I finally worked through it, I think, and feel back on track just this week.

This particular job is selling insurance. It is what I normally do. Selling phones is not my profession, it was just the best job I could find. If I am being honest, I don't really want to do this job but it pays well so I will take it for now. I just don't want to do sales any more.

I think the majority of my runs this year will be in the early morning or evening hours. I could probably get away with the headlamp.

The just learned about the Heartbreak Hill 1/2 a few days ago. I have been checking for months. I finally went on their website and there was a paragraph saying they weren't having it this year. I am still planning on the Baystate for sure. The race on Father's Day is just not in a good area of Worcester. Let's just say on one of the streets I will be running I could be running by where the prostitutes hang out. They probably won't be out early in the morning but you get the point. I may do the B.A.A. 10K on the same day. It would be an awesome race but it is all the way in Boston, which is a pain.

As for your issue with motivation for the mid week runs. I think you know what you need to do. Me telling you that you just have to get out and force yourself to start will be a waste of your time. :rolleyes1 So, I won't do that. But, you know you just have to break out of the rut and power through.

Great job getting out for a run tonight. Build on the momentum.

I was headed to the gym after work tonight and realized it was still sunny and in the 40's. So, I headed to the neighborhood I run in and ran outside. I didn't have my armband or anything so I just held my keys and phone in my hands. I didn't have a sweatshirt so it was cold just running in the t-shirt and shorts. But, it was fun being outside again. I only did 2 miles because it got cold quick when the sun went down. The new sneakers weren't bad but my feet hurt before I ran so nothing I could do at that point.

That's it for me. Have a great day tomorrow everyone. Hoping you other ladies are getting back on track soon. You are all way to quiet. It's making me nervous.
I have been in a funk lately but I’m bored with it now so it’s time to get my A$$ is gear and move on!! I was at the pool and decided since my favorite instructor was teaching I would do the class. I was so pumped because it’s been a long time since I’ve done a class so I was disappointed to find out there was a practicum student teaching for the first half. It was ok but it was very repetitive and wasn’t motivating me at all. It wasn’t anything I would consider hard and I felt like I was moving but I could tell it wasn’t getting my heart rate up. I got discouraged/pissed off/annoyed because as I was looking around me people were not working to what I considered their full potential or in some cases even complaining it was too hard (and it really really wasn’t) and I realized that even with my size I’m way more active than a lot of people. That really frustrated me because I was clearly the fattest person not only in the class but in the whole pool and I feel like that shouldn’t be the case. With all the activity I do something should make a difference but it doesn’t. So I had a pity party for a little while and then finally accepted that it was my fault I got this way not anyone else’s and although I’m more active I also have HORRIBLE eating habits and I need to get them in line or nothing will make a difference. Every once in a while I like to have a pity party because it annoys me and gets me motivated LOL I am off for the next 5 days and unfortunately they are jam packed with Easter stuff (the joys of having kids and being the house everyone comes to! I have three easter egg hunts planned!) but I am still going to see if I can get some food prep done and I’m going to write out my exercise plan for next week to see if that will help me stick to it. Lets DO THIS!!!
So I had a pity party for a little while and then finally accepted that it was my fault I got this way not anyone else’s and although I’m more active I also have HORRIBLE eating habits and I need to get them in line or nothing will make a difference.

OK, so now you recognize the problem. That's good. The irony is, eating terribly only feeds into the rut and adds to the lack of motivation. I hope you can follow through on your plan and turn things around because you owe it to yourself to give it your best.

Of course I feel like a hypocrite because I have been in a funk of my own for the last few weeks. But, at least I kept exercising, which is surprising as that was always the thing I stopped first. Another thing that really helps is positing here everyday. I may miss a day here and there because I get home late from the gym after work and I am to tired to come here but I stay consistent. I feel as if you guys will notice my mood change and call me out on it and keep me accountable.

So, I hope you can adopt some of your own habits and make the changes you want to make.

As for me, I worked til about 8:30 and then to the gym. I did just about 4 miles. I also did some looking for new races since my plans seem to all have been changed. I found a group of races in RI. There are 4 1/2's and if you do them all you get a challenge medal to go with the ones from the races. The first one is on 5/9. I am just not sure I could get ready for that one. I will give it some serious thought in the next couple days, run it by the wife to make sure she doesn't object, and I may just give it a go. Then it means I will have to kick the training into overdrive.

Have a great night everyone.
You could be ready for a half in a month. Seriously. Just go for it.

You will need to commit to a long run once a week, increasing from your current 4ish up to at least 11 the last week of April. You CAN do it if you train right.

My 5th graders were better than last week. Testing weeks stink.
You could be ready for a half in a month. Seriously. Just go for it.

You will need to commit to a long run once a week, increasing from your current 4ish up to at least 11 the last week of April. You CAN do it if you train right.

My 5th graders were better than last week. Testing weeks stink.

I know I could do it. It won't be my best time but I could make it the full 13.1. I will run it by the wife this weekend to see if she objects, as last fall she was angry because I ran two races. She claims it was because one was Disney, but who knows. If she says she has no issue then I will go for it. That would give me 7 medals for the year. Not too bad.

What do you mean about the 5th graders. Did I miss something last week?
I know I could do it. It won't be my best time but I could make it the full 13.1. I will run it by the wife this weekend to see if she objects, as last fall she was angry because I ran two races. She claims it was because one was Disney, but who knows. If she says she has no issue then I will go for it. That would give me 7 medals for the year. Not too bad.

What do you mean about the 5th graders. Did I miss something last week?
I guess I sort of understand why you need to run it past your wife, but only sort of. She seems to be perfectly fine going off on her own, is there a way for you to pre-plan weekends so you can get some time? Do you have to do the whole series, can you just a pick a few if the series is too long?

I work with 5th graders every Thursday night. Last week was their test week and the week prior was test week and it was awful. I hate what all that testing does to kids.
Hi guys

Well, Staycool had me curious and looking at the 21 Day Fix. Long story short I ordered it and hopefully will have it next week. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to do the videos everyday and running and biking. I'm thinking for the 21 days just do the videos? will I be able to run when its over or be back at zero if I don't run??

Staycool~so sorry about your dog! They really are family. My Scotty was 15 and its just devastating.
Sounds like your kids are excited about running and that race sounds cool! that's a good thing!

I still haven't started the 21 day fix. :crazy2: Let me know when you start it and what you think. Just not mentally there yet and I know I will have to push my husband into it too. Blah. My dog being gone is dragging me down, but if I am honest with myself, it isn't just that.

I don't know what kind of base you have, but if you don't already have a solid running base, shifting to something else for three weeks then you're going to need to start over again. If you have a decent base, then you'd be okay. Looking at the schedule, I'd run or bike instead of the cardio video. Also, I looked at the 21 Day Fix website and saw the target calorie calculator...oh HELL no. Tells me my target intake is 1,025 calories. Maybe on a day that I don't do anything more than walk the dogs. Even rounding up is a bit iffy for me.

That is a crazy low intake. For my weight, I am at the highest set. I don't eat that much food. :sad2:

I had today off and had my interview. It went well. They want me back next week to meet the owner. On the way home I stopped at 2 different running stores. I got some new sneakers. They are SO COMFORTABLE. Hopefully these workout. If not, I had a different pair that were a close second so I could change and go with those. I got a reflective vest to hopefully start running outside soon. I got some running socks and 2 different kinds of compression socks to see which one works best.

Yay for new shoes! :teeth: I need to break down and get some too but have been putting it off.

I have been in a funk lately but I’m bored with it now so it’s time to get my A$$ is gear and move on!! I was at the pool and decided since my favorite instructor was teaching I would do the class. I was so pumped because it’s been a long time since I’ve done a class so I was disappointed to find out there was a practicum student teaching for the first half. It was ok but it was very repetitive and wasn’t motivating me at all. It wasn’t anything I would consider hard and I felt like I was moving but I could tell it wasn’t getting my heart rate up. I got discouraged/pissed off/annoyed because as I was looking around me people were not working to what I considered their full potential or in some cases even complaining it was too hard (and it really really wasn’t) and I realized that even with my size I’m way more active than a lot of people. That really frustrated me because I was clearly the fattest person not only in the class but in the whole pool and I feel like that shouldn’t be the case. With all the activity I do something should make a difference but it doesn’t. So I had a pity party for a little while and then finally accepted that it was my fault I got this way not anyone else’s and although I’m more active I also have HORRIBLE eating habits and I need to get them in line or nothing will make a difference. Every once in a while I like to have a pity party because it annoys me and gets me motivated LOL I am off for the next 5 days and unfortunately they are jam packed with Easter stuff (the joys of having kids and being the house everyone comes to! I have three easter egg hunts planned!) but I am still going to see if I can get some food prep done and I’m going to write out my exercise plan for next week to see if that will help me stick to it. Lets DO THIS!!!

I can relate to pretty much everything in your post. I'm bigger than almost everyone I know, but am more fit as well. It is easier to exercise than it is to change my eating habits. At least you went to the class. That counts for something. One foot in front of the other.

As for me, I worked til about 8:30 and then to the gym. I did just about 4 miles. I also did some looking for new races since my plans seem to all have been changed. I found a group of races in RI. There are 4 1/2's and if you do them all you get a challenge medal to go with the ones from the races. The first one is on 5/9. I am just not sure I could get ready for that one. I will give it some serious thought in the next couple days, run it by the wife to make sure she doesn't object, and I may just give it a go. Then it means I will have to kick the training into overdrive.

I think just getting a race on the schedule will be motivating for you...

You could be ready for a half in a month. Seriously. Just go for it.

My 5th graders were better than last week. Testing weeks stink.

Yes you can be ready...

Test weeks do suck. My kids are supposed to be taking the common core tests in a few weeks but I think I am going to opt them out. The governor has gone overboard with the testing and I do not agree with how they are being used against the teachers. Teaching is not one size fits all, but he is making it that way. Both of my kids to fine but have developed test anxiety because of all the stress placed on the kids to do well so the school/teachers don't get in trouble.
I kind of took a break from the boards for a week. I'm in a crappy mood overall and just can't seem to break it. I haven't worked out in forever except for the one yoga class. Blah. Diet it up and down. Gained 2 lbs this week but I blame that mostly due to ovulation. Sorry if TMI. lol Oh well. I need warmer weather. I need sun. And I need people not to need me as much as they do. Kind of ironic considering what I do but I need a mental reset I guess. I have the 2 5k's in April, a wedding in May, a wedding in July (both that I am either a bridesmaid or matron of honor) a 5k in August and hopefully another in October. I hope that these will get me motivated to start and then I can just continue on after that. Inertia sucks.

I hope that everyone has a great Easter and gets to enjoy the day. :) I will work on busting my funk.
That is a crazy low intake. For my weight, I am at the highest set. I don't eat that much food. :sad2:
Yeah, I was appalled. The official intake levels made more sense, I think a lot of those weight loss calculators aren't designed for people who are closer to their goal weights. I did think the larger levels had a lot of food, and I still think that four servings of fruit is odd given the amount of sugar that means. If that's already more food than you normally eat, I'd move down a level or change some of the fruit servings to veggies.

I can relate to pretty much everything in your post. I'm bigger than almost everyone I know, but am more fit as well. It is easier to exercise than it is to change my eating habits. At least you went to the class. That counts for something. One foot in front of the other.
The friend that I am running with for Cherry Blossom is struggling with this. She's got a serious Mountain Dew habit and she's a stagehand, and the venues she works at aren't big on healthy food, so she eats a lot of junk. She's working on it, but depression isn't helping. She was read-ended twice last year and the neck injuries have sidelined her from most of the activities she did normally. I'm trying to figure out how to help her besides running with her and being encouraging.

My kids are supposed to be taking the common core tests in a few weeks but I think I am going to opt them out. The governor has gone overboard with the testing and I do not agree with how they are being used against the teachers. Teaching is not one size fits all, but he is making it that way. Both of my kids to fine but have developed test anxiety because of all the stress placed on the kids to do well so the school/teachers don't get in trouble.
I'm okay with common core in general after spending a lot of time with teachers who gave me a pretty good run down. But some of the other testing, or rather all of the combined testing, is too much.

I kind of took a break from the boards for a week. I'm in a crappy mood overall and just can't seem to break it. I haven't worked out in forever except for the one yoga class. Blah. Diet it up and down. Gained 2 lbs this week but I blame that mostly due to ovulation. Sorry if TMI. lol Oh well. I need warmer weather. I need sun. And I need people not to need me as much as they do. Kind of ironic considering what I do but I need a mental reset I guess. I have the 2 5k's in April, a wedding in May, a wedding in July (both that I am either a bridesmaid or matron of honor) a 5k in August and hopefully another in October. I hope that these will get me motivated to start and then I can just continue on after that. Inertia sucks.

I hope that everyone has a great Easter and gets to enjoy the day. :) I will work on busting my funk.
Not TMI, but not a good excuse either. Those two 5ks are coming up quick, so hopefully that will sort itself out.

The weather here is finally nice enough to get out and do things, so hopefully the motivation issue will sort itself out for me, too :-)
I guess I sort of understand why you need to run it past your wife, but only sort of. She seems to be perfectly fine going off on her own, is there a way for you to pre-plan weekends so you can get some time? Do you have to do the whole series, can you just a pick a few if the series is too long?

I work with 5th graders every Thursday night. Last week was their test week and the week prior was test week and it was awful. I hate what all that testing does to kids.

We have been getting along really well lately and I don't want to rock the boat. In order to accomplish my goal of ending this thing peacefully I need to be considerate. It took a lot to get her turned around and to be on the same page, I can't ruin it now. What she does and what I do are totally different. She has been with other guys already. I can't bring myself to even go on a date (not that I have many women beating down my door) at this point. It just doesn't feel right. That's just one example.

I am checking with her because if I do that 4 race challenge one of them is near my son's birthday, another is the week after my youngest's birthday, and the 4th is the week before my marathon so I would be racing 2 weeks in a row. But, I talked to her last night while we were getting ready for Easter and she said she is fine with whatever races I sign up for and claims she will even bring the kids to my 10K on 7/3 so they can see the fireworks from Gillette Stadium in addition to me crossing the finish line. That could change though.

Now I am following the whole 5th grader thing. Yeah, testing can be stressful.

I still haven't started the 21 day fix. :crazy2: Let me know when you start it and what you think. Just not mentally there yet and I know I will have to push my husband into it too. Blah. My dog being gone is dragging me down, but if I am honest with myself, it isn't just that.

Yay for new shoes! :teeth: I need to break down and get some too but have been putting it off.

StayCool, I hope you can find the motivation. You are the one that got me hooked on this thread in the first place with your positivity and motivation. I could feel it through the computer. I haven't felt it in a while and I hope I do soon. I completely understand the funk you're in. I was definitely in one for a while. I am still bummed out, sad, and feel lonely, but I also know taking care of myself is the ONLY WAY OUT of it. Eating crappy and not exercising will only make it worse. Do something different tomorrow. Fake it til you make it.

Go get the new sneakers. It helps. I could not wait to run in my new sneakers. It was nice talking to the woman working at the running store. It got me excited. (Although I think she was wrong about the Newport races being cancelled as the 1/2 is part of that 4 race challenge I am considering). Got my running socks, reflective vest, and I ordered my new armband to fit my phone. I am ready to go. Do something for yourself.

I kind of took a break from the boards for a week. I'm in a crappy mood overall and just can't seem to break it. I haven't worked out in forever except for the one yoga class. Blah. Diet it up and down. Gained 2 lbs this week but I blame that mostly due to ovulation. Sorry if TMI. lol Oh well. I need warmer weather. I need sun. And I need people not to need me as much as they do. Kind of ironic considering what I do but I need a mental reset I guess. I have the 2 5k's in April, a wedding in May, a wedding in July (both that I am either a bridesmaid or matron of honor) a 5k in August and hopefully another in October. I hope that these will get me motivated to start and then I can just continue on after that. Inertia sucks.

I hope that everyone has a great Easter and gets to enjoy the day. :) I will work on busting my funk.

I will send positive thoughts your way.

The friend that I am running with for Cherry Blossom is struggling with this. She's got a serious Mountain Dew habit and she's a stagehand, and the venues she works at aren't big on healthy food, so she eats a lot of junk. She's working on it, but depression isn't helping. She was read-ended twice last year and the neck injuries have sidelined her from most of the activities she did normally. I'm trying to figure out how to help her besides running with her and being encouraging.

The weather here is finally nice enough to get out and do things, so hopefully the motivation issue will sort itself out for me, too :-)

Depression, being in a rut/funk, the crappy winter are all reasonable roadblocks. But they are also excuses. They were for me this winter. At least she had a good friend to help her through it all. And, I hope we can all help each other break through them too.

I found a few more very appealing races to run. I am working on which ones I will do and sign up soon. I read some reviews on the company that does the races for the 4 race challenge and they are not the greatest. Seems they are very unorganized. If not for running along the ocean I wouldn't even consider them.

But, I will do more research tomorrow and decide soon. No running for me today. I had some Easter candy last night and then we went out to eat today for Easter. I feel like garbage. I can't believe I ate like this ALL THE TIME. No wonder I felt crappy and depressed all the time. I was exhausted all day.

Back at it tomorrow though. Hope everyone had a nice Easter.
The friend that I am running with for Cherry Blossom is struggling with this. She's got a serious Mountain Dew habit and she's a stagehand, and the venues she works at aren't big on healthy food, so she eats a lot of junk. She's working on it, but depression isn't helping. She was read-ended twice last year and the neck injuries have sidelined her from most of the activities she did normally. I'm trying to figure out how to help her besides running with her and being encouraging.

I'm okay with common core in general after spending a lot of time with teachers who gave me a pretty good run down. But some of the other testing, or rather all of the combined testing, is too much.

I used to be a Mt. Dew addict in my teens and early 20's. Blech. She is going to just have to take responsibility for how she eats despite the people around here. It's hard but you can't help with that. Is she on an antidepressant? If not, that may help give her a boost. Truly there is not a lot you can do besides what you are doing. You sound like an amazing friend and are likely a motivating factor, more than you realize. :)

In my state, the testing is being used inappropriately against the schools and teachers. That is the biggest problem I have with it. Besides, why should a 3rd grader have to take a 13.5 hour test? It's crazy.

I am checking with her because if I do that 4 race challenge one of them is near my son's birthday, another is the week after my youngest's birthday, and the 4th is the week before my marathon so I would be racing 2 weeks in a row. But, I talked to her last night while we were getting ready for Easter and she said she is fine with whatever races I sign up for and claims she will even bring the kids to my 10K on 7/3 so they can see the fireworks from Gillette Stadium in addition to me crossing the finish line. That could change though.

StayCool, I hope you can find the motivation. You are the one that got me hooked on this thread in the first place with your positivity and motivation. I could feel it through the computer. I haven't felt it in a while and I hope I do soon. I completely understand the funk you're in. I was definitely in one for a while. I am still bummed out, sad, and feel lonely, but I also know taking care of myself is the ONLY WAY OUT of it. Eating crappy and not exercising will only make it worse. Do something different tomorrow. Fake it til you make it.

Go get the new sneakers. It helps. I could not wait to run in my new sneakers.

I will send positive thoughts your way.

I hope it all works out for you and the races. :)

I am working on my motivation. I am finding I do really well for a while and then kinda freeze up for a bit. And I do need to get new sneakers. :)
Ok. So I woke up this morning and read Chiomaca's and Waiting's responses to my post. They were very helpful. For whatever reason I decided that today is the day that I restart everything. I've been complaining lately that everyone labels me a "strong person" and then uses that against me, meaning acting as if I don't need support because I am "strong". Anyway, a lesson I had to learn a long time ago (and apparently forgot) is that I need to do stuff for me as well as the rest of my family/friends/patients. I had stopped going to Zumba because I felt like my kids needed me a lot at that time. And they still do. But instead of being able to take care of them, I've found that I have joined them in the dumps and lost myself. So I am going to pick myself up and start caring for me. The rest will fall into place. It still is not ideal to workout 2 nights a week after work and miss family time but for now it will have to do.

I measured my food and packed healthy stuff. I'm looking forward to it. Now I am wondering how lost I am going to be at Zumba with the new routines. lol If it would only stop stinking snowing... But it is going to be 60 here today so I will take it. :)

I hope that everyone has a great day!
Ok. So I woke up this morning and read Chiomaca's and Waiting's responses to my post. They were very helpful. For whatever reason I decided that today is the day that I restart everything. I've been complaining lately that everyone labels me a "strong person" and then uses that against me, meaning acting as if I don't need support because I am "strong". Anyway, a lesson I had to learn a long time ago (and apparently forgot) is that I need to do stuff for me as well as the rest of my family/friends/patients. I had stopped going to Zumba because I felt like my kids needed me a lot at that time. And they still do. But instead of being able to take care of them, I've found that I have joined them in the dumps and lost myself. So I am going to pick myself up and start caring for me. The rest will fall into place. It still is not ideal to workout 2 nights a week after work and miss family time but for now it will have to do.

I measured my food and packed healthy stuff. I'm looking forward to it. Now I am wondering how lost I am going to be at Zumba with the new routines. lol If it would only stop stinking snowing... But it is going to be 60 here today so I will take it. :)

I hope that everyone has a great day!

It's funny, I was thinking about this exact thing when I was running tonight and was going to say it to you. I ran outside tonight, which was awesome. And, I do some of my best thinking while I am out running. I have been wondering why I kept on running after my races last year. And I realized it was because this is all I do for myself. I know if I didn't keep it up I would become fat, tired, unhealthy, and just unhappy. I may be struggling with being alone, not being able to live my life the way I want right now, etc... But, I know it would be so much worse if I didn't do this for myself.

It sounds like you came to the same conclusion today. The truth is, there will always be someone who needs something from you. There will always be someone you could help. If you don't stop and say no sometimes then you will always have a built-in excuse to not take care of yourself. I know all to well that the kids will always be needing more and more from you. But it is OK to tell them to ask dad or encourage them to figure it out for themselves, or whatever the case may be.

You started this thread wanting to lose 100 lbs. You have 80 to go. Don't give up on yourself. You owe it to yourself to do this. And, your family would want you to do it. I hope you keep pushing yourself when the motivation isn't there and break through this funk. Eventually you will find the motivation. I am just waiting for the time when you are telling us you are dropping 10lbs a month because you found the right mix of motivation, diet, and exercise. Because the truth is, all the excuses we have used over the last few months (and I am including myself in the mix as I let excuses get in the way) are exactly what got us where we were last year. We can't keep giving in.

I did 4.12 miles outside tonight. It is so much harder keeping a slow pace on the road as opposed to the treadmill. This 80/20 thing will be difficult outside. My feet are on fire. My right leg is back to going numb at about 3-3 1/2 miles like it did last summer. It doesn't happen on the treadmill. So, I have a lot of work to do this summer but I now understand why I keep doing it so I am hoping to just enjoy the ride and see what I can accomplish.

Make tomorrow the best day you can. If you do that every day you will never have any regrets.
We have been getting along really well lately and I don't want to rock the boat. In order to accomplish my goal of ending this thing peacefully I need to be considerate. It took a lot to get her turned around and to be on the same page, I can't ruin it now. What she does and what I do are totally different. She has been with other guys already. I can't bring myself to even go on a date (not that I have many women beating down my door) at this point. It just doesn't feel right. That's just one example.
Okay, that's fair. And I'm really glad to hear that you guys have come to some form of understanding. I think if you guys are going to do a 50-50 time split with the kids, you're going to need to have that worked out ahead of time - else it become a hostile prisoner exchange sort of time that everyone dreads.

Go get the new sneakers. It helps. I could not wait to run in my new sneakers. It was nice talking to the woman working at the running store. It got me excited. (Although I think she was wrong about the Newport races being cancelled as the 1/2 is part of that 4 race challenge I am considering). Got my running socks, reflective vest, and I ordered my new armband to fit my phone. I am ready to go. Do something for yourself.
It's amazing how much new stuff motivates you! I agree that the running store employees can be infectious when it comes to their enthusiasm.

I found a few more very appealing races to run. I am working on which ones I will do and sign up soon. I read some reviews on the company that does the races for the 4 race challenge and they are not the greatest. Seems they are very unorganized. If not for running along the ocean I wouldn't even consider them.
Can't wait to hear your plans!

I used to be a Mt. Dew addict in my teens and early 20's. Blech. She is going to just have to take responsibility for how she eats despite the people around here. It's hard but you can't help with that. Is she on an antidepressant? If not, that may help give her a boost. Truly there is not a lot you can do besides what you are doing. You sound like an amazing friend and are likely a motivating factor, more than you realize. :)

In my state, the testing is being used inappropriately against the schools and teachers. That is the biggest problem I have with it. Besides, why should a 3rd grader have to take a 13.5 hour test? It's crazy.
Thank you. I honestly can't imagine being hooked on Mountain Dew. I never could stand the taste, and I honestly don't like most sodas anyway. I know I can't do much more than listen and so that's what I'm trying to do.

Agreed on the testing - it's hard to hold teachers accountable when there are so many other factors.

For whatever reason I decided that today is the day that I restart everything. I've been complaining lately that everyone labels me a "strong person" and then uses that against me, meaning acting as if I don't need support because I am "strong". Anyway, a lesson I had to learn a long time ago (and apparently forgot) is that I need to do stuff for me as well as the rest of my family/friends/patients. I had stopped going to Zumba because I felt like my kids needed me a lot at that time. And they still do. But instead of being able to take care of them, I've found that I have joined them in the dumps and lost myself. So I am going to pick myself up and start caring for me. The rest will fall into place.

It's funny, I was thinking about this exact thing when I was running tonight and was going to say it to you.
Can I just say how proud I am of you two for coming to this realization? You need to write it down and put it somewhere you will see it when you're struggling. One of the things the Navy teaches is "Ship-Shipmate-Self" It's sort of like the "I'm third" movement that runs around. I understand the basic mindset behind that thought, but I've come to think that it's backwards. If you haven't got yourself taken care of - health, mental stability, financial, (add in family when I'm talking about Navy stuff), and/or you don't take care of your shipmates, then you aren't going to be focused on the job at hand. So I've always told the people who work for me that they have to take care of themselves and take care of the people around them, and that by doing that, the ship will be taken care of, too. I think the same goes for families, too.

It's been a pretty motivating day for me. I managed 3/4 of a pull-up unassisted this morning, ran 7 miles this afternoon, and started an adult ballet class tonight. There was a woman in class who was well over 100 lbs overweight, and she did pretty darn well. I didn't trip over my own feet, much. It had been 30+ years since my last ballet class but I figure if I can't trapeze, I can work on my lines. Anyway, good day and I should sleep well. For your amusement, the things that ran through my head during today's run:
1. It's too hot to run at 1300 today.
2. It's also too crowded with clueless tourists to run on the north side of the river.
3. I don't know how many configurations of three people can take up 20 square feet of sidewalk space, but I think I encountered most of them today.
4. The only reason I don't go bowling for tourists is the fear of being the subject of a "Military Officers Gone Bad" segment on CNN.
5. Sorry, little boy, the Washington Monument is only 78.3* Shaquille O'Neals, not 100, but you were standing at the bottom of the hill, so I'll give it to you.
6. If your small child balks at the mention of One. More. Museum. then give it a rest. Seriously parents, you do not have to visit every single museum on the Mall. Ride the carousel, have a picnic, take a paddle boat out, chase the ducks (not the geese, they're mean), we have some amazing water features to romp in, just stop with the museums already.
6.5 Man, it's hot and I forgot water.
7. I like the Daffodils better than the Cherry Blossoms.

*Yes, I went back to the office and did the math. Because I am a nerd.
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