Is this realistic?

Oh gee, Stay Cool, that's both dogs so quickly and one that came as a complete shock. I am so, so, sorry. My heart breaks for you.

It's been a tough week all around it sounds like. A few weeks ago one of my co-workers was in an accident. He was driving from DC to PA to give a talk at the Army War College and never made it - he hit a snowplow during the last snowfall of the year. Massive injuries, but we hoped for the best. Sadly, he passed away last night. Leaves behind his wife and three boys ages 10-15. Heart breaking all around. Life is so fragile. Hug everyone you know and I'll keep all of you in my thoughts.
I just popped in to check the free dining thread (waiting to see the fall dates in case I can manage a trip the first week of Sept before the kids go back to school) and was going to log off and call it an early night but I saw this post and wanted to respond. I'm sorry the offer wasn't what you were hoping for. What kinds of things did they say that made you want to decline it? Hopefully the bank offer will be something better. It sucks but I am sure you will find the right job and hopefully it will be soon. You are looking for a better job and that's often harder to find but when you do find it the wait will be worth it.

I'm really sorry that the job offer was such a let down. I'm also curious about what the letter said that disappointed you, especially if you still consider the Verizon job better despite the pay difference. Keeping my fingers crossed for the bank job.

Glad you got a run in. Sometimes a run to clear your head helps more than anything else.

Waiting, I hope you have better news from the bank. Sounds like that is the one you wanted anyway.

I did weigh in yesterday morning and was down 0.6 lb.

I'm having a rough couple of days as well so don't worry too much if I stay away for a bit. Yesterday some jackwad hit my dog and we weren't able to save him. He never goes in the road so I don't know why. Anyway, I'm in a bit of a fog and just need to hole up in my house for a while. I will be sure to make the 5k this weekend but otherwise will likely hibernate from the world for a bit. I have to say that this year has just been one crappy thing after another. If it is going to keep on like this I will need to fast forward until 2016.

StayCool, glad to hear about the weight loss. I am sorry to hear about your dog. Did you get the guy's info or was it hit and run?

In the letter she was talking about deadlines for me to hit certain targets, many of which I have no control over. She said that effort would not be good enough, that it was a results based business. Which is fine because it is sales but I have no control over the offers the insurance companies make so I don't know how competitive they are. It said that my base would decrease each year but didn't say by how much. It had a lot of detail in it to protect them but on the stuff I needed it was all grey and unclear. In the interview I was told I would get a car and cell phone allowance but it wasn't in the offer. When I asked her about her she responded that it was based on results, not automatically given. But there was no indication what I had to do to get it. On top of that, I pay $400/month for health and dental for my whole family with Verizon. Their benefits were $1400/month. And that is just as important to me given my son's medical issues.

Nothing from the bank yet.

I had today off. I got in a run during the day for a change. I ran around the lake, which I have been dying to do. Did 4.6 miles. I wanted to do more but my legs were sore from last night.
Oh gee, Stay Cool, that's both dogs so quickly and one that came as a complete shock. I am so, so, sorry. My heart breaks for you.

It's been a tough week all around it sounds like. A few weeks ago one of my co-workers was in an accident. He was driving from DC to PA to give a talk at the Army War College and never made it - he hit a snowplow during the last snowfall of the year. Massive injuries, but we hoped for the best. Sadly, he passed away last night. Leaves behind his wife and three boys ages 10-15. Heart breaking all around. Life is so fragile. Hug everyone you know and I'll keep all of you in my thoughts.

Wow, that's awful. Yes it is fragile. It can change so quickly and unexpected. I am sorry for his family too.
In the letter she was talking about deadlines for me to hit certain targets, many of which I have no control over. She said that effort would not be good enough, that it was a results based business. Which is fine because it is sales but I have no control over the offers the insurance companies make so I don't know how competitive they are. It said that my base would decrease each year but didn't say by how much. It had a lot of detail in it to protect them but on the stuff I needed it was all grey and unclear. In the interview I was told I would get a car and cell phone allowance but it wasn't in the offer. When I asked her about her she responded that it was based on results, not automatically given. But there was no indication what I had to do to get it. On top of that, I pay $400/month for health and dental for my whole family with Verizon. Their benefits were $1400/month. And that is just as important to me given my son's medical issues.
Wow, that's a doozy of a set of expectations. And at $1000 more a month for health care, that would eat away most of the increased salary. Sounds like a bit of a bait and switch. Hope you hear from the bank, but it certainly seems that with just the health care piece you're better off at Verizon.

I got in a good run yesterday, but I am re-thinking my new shoes. I didn't notice after the half marathon in March or the training runs on either side, but after my last three runs in the new shoes, I've noticed a really painful return to the aching knees I left behind when I went with the minimalist shoes. And my shins hurt. So, back to the Nikes with a little extra blister protection on the arches until I can try and find something new. Running Shoe Guru reviews say that there's a Skechers shoe that has a similar feel to the Nikes, so I'm going to try them out at some point. Probably not until after Tinkerbell, though.
Wow, that's a doozy of a set of expectations. And at $1000 more a month for health care, that would eat away most of the increased salary. Sounds like a bit of a bait and switch. Hope you hear from the bank, but it certainly seems that with just the health care piece you're better off at Verizon.

I got in a good run yesterday, but I am re-thinking my new shoes. I didn't notice after the half marathon in March or the training runs on either side, but after my last three runs in the new shoes, I've noticed a really painful return to the aching knees I left behind when I went with the minimalist shoes. And my shins hurt. So, back to the Nikes with a little extra blister protection on the arches until I can try and find something new. Running Shoe Guru reviews say that there's a Skechers shoe that has a similar feel to the Nikes, so I'm going to try them out at some point. Probably not until after Tinkerbell, though.

Yeah, now I know why they didn't discuss any details in the interviews, because they assume people wouldn't bother coming back for the second interview. She didn't even acknowledge my email declining the offer. Just one more sign I made the right choice. Oh well. I am going to email the bank next and see if they have a decision so I can put all this behind me.

That stinks about the shoes. Its so hard finding the right shoes. Even if you run for a couple minutes on a treadmill in the store you can't see what would happen after a few miles of a training run. My sneakers are heavenly. They are so comfortable. But they have cause a blister on my middle toe on my right foot. That's the only one. So, if the skin doesn't toughen up over time I will just put body glide on it or something. My point is, you can't really know until you put a few runs and several miles on them. For me it is worth it because the shoes are that comfortable.

I ran tonight after work. It was my third day in a row. And I still don't have any light source so I was running mostly in the dark. But, I did 2.6 miles. Not the longest run but my leg started hurting and the sight issue caused me to cut it short. Now I have my compression socks on for bed. I have to say, wearing these things to bed has made a HUGE difference in recovery. I was skeptical but they work.

Oh, and I have not been following the 1700 calorie diet too closely and I have been feeling fat. I figured I'd weigh myself this morning just to get an idea what the bad news would be. I was DOWN 5 lbs since 4/1. I did it 4 times to be sure it wasn't the scale. So I was pretty excited.

Everyone have a great day tomorrow.
That stinks about the shoes. Its so hard finding the right shoes. Even if you run for a couple minutes on a treadmill in the store you can't see what would happen after a few miles of a training run. My sneakers are heavenly. They are so comfortable. But they have cause a blister on my middle toe on my right foot. That's the only one. So, if the skin doesn't toughen up over time I will just put body glide on it or something. My point is, you can't really know until you put a few runs and several miles on them. For me it is worth it because the shoes are that comfortable.

I ran tonight after work. It was my third day in a row. And I still don't have any light source so I was running mostly in the dark. But, I did 2.6 miles. Not the longest run but my leg started hurting and the sight issue caused me to cut it short. Now I have my compression socks on for bed. I have to say, wearing these things to bed has made a HUGE difference in recovery. I was skeptical but they work.

Oh, and I have not been following the 1700 calorie diet too closely and I have been feeling fat. I figured I'd weigh myself this morning just to get an idea what the bad news would be. I was DOWN 5 lbs since 4/1. I did it 4 times to be sure it wasn't the scale. So I was pretty excited.
Yeah, I'm bummed about the shoes, but at least I know there's a way to fix the problem instead of going from doctor to doctor and getting no help the way I did in my 20s. At least I know I have something that mostly works while I keep looking for a longer term solution.

Congrats on the weight loss, that's awesome! I think being really aware really does help. For me, just the act of logging means that my snacks have decreased in quantity and increased in quality. I haven't checked my weight, will do that next week some time. But just eating less sugar is good. Now I need to rebalance my fat/carb numbers - it's jsut a few % off what MFP thinks it should be, but it's something to consider. BUT, my fat intake is generally good fats- salmon, almonds rather than bad, so I'm not too stressed about it.
Oh gee, Stay Cool, that's both dogs so quickly and one that came as a complete shock. I am so, so, sorry. My heart breaks for you.

It's been a tough week all around it sounds like. A few weeks ago one of my co-workers was in an accident. He was driving from DC to PA to give a talk at the Army War College and never made it - he hit a snowplow during the last snowfall of the year. Massive injuries, but we hoped for the best. Sadly, he passed away last night. Leaves behind his wife and three boys ages 10-15. Heart breaking all around. Life is so fragile. Hug everyone you know and I'll keep all of you in my thoughts.

That is horrible about your co-worker. :( My heart goes out to his family.

The person that hit my dog never stopped. That plus the fact that he was on the side of the road so there was plenty of room to move just makes me very mad. Ugh. Josie (our last remaining dog) was his side kick so she is very lonely right now. Plus she has no idea what is going on just that both of our other dogs are gone.

Oh, and I have not been following the 1700 calorie diet too closely and I have been feeling fat. I figured I'd weigh myself this morning just to get an idea what the bad news would be. I was DOWN 5 lbs since 4/1. I did it 4 times to be sure it wasn't the scale. So I was pretty excited.

Good job on the weight loss. :)

Yeah, I'm bummed about the shoes, but at least I know there's a way to fix the problem instead of going from doctor to doctor and getting no help the way I did in my 20s. At least I know I have something that mostly works while I keep looking for a longer term solution.

Congrats on the weight loss, that's awesome! I think being really aware really does help. For me, just the act of logging means that my snacks have decreased in quantity and increased in quality. I haven't checked my weight, will do that next week some time. But just eating less sugar is good. Now I need to rebalance my fat/carb numbers - it's jsut a few % off what MFP thinks it should be, but it's something to consider. BUT, my fat intake is generally good fats- salmon, almonds rather than bad, so I'm not too stressed about it.

I think one of the worse things about shoes is that by the time you figure out that they don't work for you it is too late to return them. I agree that tracking makes eating better easier. :)

Today was the Super Run 5k. It was nice to do something like that together. We were able to bring Josie so we dressed her up in a pink superman shirt that had a cape on the back. It was really cute. The kids really enjoyed it and had a good time. The hubby and I struggled a bit but we finished. I guess I had the mindset that it was "only" a 5k so the fact that I did not train was no big deal. Lets just say that my shins are aching. My left foot went completely to sleep as well and I don't know why. It has never happened before. The strangest part is when I ran the last little bit (walked most of it) the numbness went away very quickly. Idk. I was really proud of my husband for finishing. :)

The weather is beautiful here so I am going to try to spend some time outside. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
The person that hit my dog never stopped. That plus the fact that he was on the side of the road so there was plenty of room to move just makes me very mad. Ugh. Josie (our last remaining dog) was his side kick so she is very lonely right now. Plus she has no idea what is going on just that both of our other dogs are gone.

Today was the Super Run 5k. It was nice to do something like that together. We were able to bring Josie so we dressed her up in a pink superman shirt that had a cape on the back. It was really cute. The kids really enjoyed it and had a good time. The hubby and I struggled a bit but we finished. I guess I had the mindset that it was "only" a 5k so the fact that I did not train was no big deal. Lets just say that my shins are aching. My left foot went completely to sleep as well and I don't know why. It has never happened before. The strangest part is when I ran the last little bit (walked most of it) the numbness went away very quickly. Idk. I was really proud of my husband for finishing. :)

The weather is beautiful here so I am going to try to spend some time outside. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Sorry to hear the guy never stopped after hitting your dog. Some people just suck. (Sorry, but I had to say it).

Awesome job to your whole family for doing that race. It would have been easy to quit given what a hard month you have had but you all did it. Congrats!

I did 4.31 miles tonight. Planned on 6 but it just wasn't happening tonight. Everything hurt at about a mile. I just kept pushing for as long as I could. Big day around here tomorrow with the Boston Marathon and all. I hear it is going to pour out. I feel bad for all the runners but hopefully it won't be too bad.
I witnessed an accident on my way home from work. I was on the southbound side of the highway. A Jeep Cherokee was in the air about 20 feet and flipping over. Once everything settled (I stopped to help) and the pieces were put together it turns out she was on the northbound side, she lost control because she was drinking, she hit the median which caused her to launch into the air and flip in my direction. She got out and walked away. She wasn't even bleeding. I couldn't believe it.

Its raining here all day. I watched some of the Boston Marathon on my phone at work in between customers. It was so much different watching it this year now that I have an appreciation for it. I couldn't believe it. These lead runners look like they are jogging while they are running 4:30 min/miles.

Everyone at work was asking me about the race and if I would do it next year. I had to explain how it works as far as raising the money or qualifying. Some people didn't even know how long a marathon is. I mean, do they not listen when I talk? :rolleyes:

So, I may sign up and race for charity next year. I got the urge when I saw the corrals being released. I was just wishing I was there, even in the rain. I may just need to find a way to raise the money. We'll see. I'm not sure I will be qualifying this year. I got excited during the winter when I was running 7:00 miles on the treadmill but being on the street is so much different, obviously. The fastest I have done is 8:30. I have a long way to go in a short amount of time. Makes me wonder if I will ever be able to qualify.

No run for me today. I am so sore from yesterday's run, which is weird given I did 3 days in a row last week and wasn't sore at all and I had 2 days off. It is going to rain for a few days here so I might be back in the gym tomorrow night as much as I don't want to be.

Hope everyone is doing well. Have a good night all.
The person that hit my dog never stopped. That plus the fact that he was on the side of the road so there was plenty of room to move just makes me very mad. Ugh. Josie (our last remaining dog) was his side kick so she is very lonely right now. Plus she has no idea what is going on just that both of our other dogs are gone.
That's just awful. And poor Josie. My Niko mopes when a foster has gone away. I was going to be a one dog home for a while, but one of our dogs hurt his left foreleg and they needed someone good with scared dogs and medical rehab, so now I have a new foster pup. Latch is a sweetie and while he is totally skittish, he wants to be happy, so I think we'll get him there.

Today was the Super Run 5k. It was nice to do something like that together. We were able to bring Josie so we dressed her up in a pink superman shirt that had a cape on the back. It was really cute. The kids really enjoyed it and had a good time. The hubby and I struggled a bit but we finished. I guess I had the mindset that it was "only" a 5k so the fact that I did not train was no big deal. Lets just say that my shins are aching. My left foot went completely to sleep as well and I don't know why. It has never happened before. The strangest part is when I ran the last little bit (walked most of it) the numbness went away very quickly. Idk. I was really proud of my husband for finishing. :)
Congrats on the group finish! It's hard to get your mind in the right place with so much going on. And that's a really big deal for your husband - and you for being his inspiration!

I witnessed an accident on my way home from work. I was on the southbound side of the highway. A Jeep Cherokee was in the air about 20 feet and flipping over. Once everything settled (I stopped to help) and the pieces were put together it turns out she was on the northbound side, she lost control because she was drinking, she hit the median which caused her to launch into the air and flip in my direction. She got out and walked away. She wasn't even bleeding. I couldn't believe it.
Wow. Very good of you to stop and help.

Its raining here all day. I watched some of the Boston Marathon on my phone at work in between customers. It was so much different watching it this year now that I have an appreciation for it. I couldn't believe it. These lead runners look like they are jogging while they are running 4:30 min/miles.
It was a pretty amazing race, wasn't it? I was especially rooting for Meb, but I knew he was going to be a target this year. Was surprised to see Americans keeping the lead for as long as they did. The women's finish was SO close! If you want to run it, you should. Commit. No excuses...not weather, not "I wasn't feeling it" excuses. You can do it.

I switched shoes back to the Frees on Saturday and what a difference it has made! My left knee still aches and there's leftover shin pain in both legs, but it's feeling so much better. Hopefully the rest of the pain will fade with time. Saturday I took my mom to meet up with my running group - StayCool there was a Super Hero 5k going on in the same place. I wondered if it was connected with yours - it was a run to support foster kids, I think. Sunday I took my mom and her search dog up for their recertification test and then picked up the new pup. So lots of activity but stuck around home. Mom heads home tomorrow, so I'll be able to mostly get back into my routine. I'm in a conference until Thursday, so that will still limit me a little. Hopefully the thunderstorms will have stopped by then!
I witnessed an accident on my way home from work. I was on the southbound side of the highway. A Jeep Cherokee was in the air about 20 feet and flipping over. Once everything settled (I stopped to help) and the pieces were put together it turns out she was on the northbound side, she lost control because she was drinking, she hit the median which caused her to launch into the air and flip in my direction. She got out and walked away. She wasn't even bleeding. I couldn't believe it.

Everyone at work was asking me about the race and if I would do it next year. I had to explain how it works as far as raising the money or qualifying. Some people didn't even know how long a marathon is. I mean, do they not listen when I talk? :rolleyes:

So, I may sign up and race for charity next year. I got the urge when I saw the corrals being released. I was just wishing I was there, even in the rain. I may just need to find a way to raise the money. We'll see. I'm not sure I will be qualifying this year. I got excited during the winter when I was running 7:00 miles on the treadmill but being on the street is so much different, obviously. The fastest I have done is 8:30. I have a long way to go in a short amount of time. Makes me wonder if I will ever be able to qualify.

No run for me today. I am so sore from yesterday's run, which is weird given I did 3 days in a row last week and wasn't sore at all and I had 2 days off. It is going to rain for a few days here so I might be back in the gym tomorrow night as much as I don't want to be.

Wow. That is a crazy accident. Some people are just so lucky.

I know what you mean about people not knowing what a marathon is. I had a lady think that a 5k was a marathon. lol

You will get there one way or the other. :) We all have faith in you.

That's just awful. And poor Josie. My Niko mopes when a foster has gone away. I was going to be a one dog home for a while, but one of our dogs hurt his left foreleg and they needed someone good with scared dogs and medical rehab, so now I have a new foster pup. Latch is a sweetie and while he is totally skittish, he wants to be happy, so I think we'll get him there.

Congrats on the group finish! It's hard to get your mind in the right place with so much going on. And that's a really big deal for your husband - and you for being his inspiration!

I switched shoes back to the Frees on Saturday and what a difference it has made! My left knee still aches and there's leftover shin pain in both legs, but it's feeling so much better. Hopefully the rest of the pain will fade with time. Saturday I took my mom to meet up with my running group - StayCool there was a Super Hero 5k going on in the same place. I wondered if it was connected with yours - it was a run to support foster kids, I think. Sunday I took my mom and her search dog up for their recertification test and then picked up the new pup. So lots of activity but stuck around home. Mom heads home tomorrow, so I'll be able to mostly get back into my routine. I'm in a conference until Thursday, so that will still limit me a little. Hopefully the thunderstorms will have stopped by then!

I was thinking of getting another dog before Simba was hit. Now I think I just need a mental break for a bit. I just can't handle any more bad things at the moment. My mother in law's health is declining, quite a bit since January. So I think I just need to focus on my family right now. When the time is right we will get another dog (or two). We are putting up a fence in the backyard first though. I just can't handle the chance that it would happen again.

My kids have asked to do another 5k. My husband said he will watch. lol I said fine but he needs to start walking with me during the week. He has agreed to that. :) The Super 5k is all over, kind of like the Color Run or Dirty Girl.

I think it is amazing all the work you do with foster dogs. :) The thunderstorms last night were crazy! And they started as soon as I went to bed. lol

Well weigh in today and up 1.4 lbs. I am hoping that a lot of it is just water retention due to sore muscles. I did not eat the greatest (emotional eating) but not this badly. So I will ride it out until next week. But I need to get a handle on it because obviously the stress is not going away in my life. I need to find another coping skill.
I was thinking of getting another dog before Simba was hit. Now I think I just need a mental break for a bit. I just can't handle any more bad things at the moment. My mother in law's health is declining, quite a bit since January. So I think I just need to focus on my family right now. When the time is right we will get another dog (or two). We are putting up a fence in the backyard first though. I just can't handle the chance that it would happen again.

My kids have asked to do another 5k. My husband said he will watch. lol I said fine but he needs to start walking with me during the week. He has agreed to that. :) The Super 5k is all over, kind of like the Color Run or Dirty Girl.

I think it is amazing all the work you do with foster dogs. :) The thunderstorms last night were crazy! And they started as soon as I went to bed. lol

Well weigh in today and up 1.4 lbs. I am hoping that a lot of it is just water retention due to sore muscles. I did not eat the greatest (emotional eating) but not this badly. So I will ride it out until next week. But I need to get a handle on it because obviously the stress is not going away in my life. I need to find another coping skill.
I can understand waiting. It took a while before I was ready for a new animal after I had to put my cat down. And it looks like you have plenty of other things to deal with. I find the foster pups to be very rewarding, but it's a lot of work, too. Sometimes I want to take a break but I have too much ingrained guilt to stop just yet. In fact, by next week, I may have two fosters. I can't send this little dude back to the daycare where he was so terrified, and the one I was supposed to get all along comes up on Tuesday. So....yeah.

Great that your kids want to keep doing the 5ks - maybe you can train together as part of your own little running group! Make your husband go to the track with you and eventually he'll be so bored he'll join in, too!
It was a pretty amazing race, wasn't it? I was especially rooting for Meb, but I knew he was going to be a target this year. Was surprised to see Americans keeping the lead for as long as they did. The women's finish was SO close! If you want to run it, you should. Commit. No excuses...not weather, not "I wasn't feeling it" excuses. You can do it.

From what I hear, the electricity at the starting line is unbelievable. I was rooting for Meb too but how hard must it be to win the race more than one year in a row. Everything basically has to go perfect to win it once, never mind 2 or more times.

I am on the fence about running next year. I just don't know if I can raise the required $5000. It is my only concern because if I can't I have to pay it. I have some people saying they will help/contribute but who knows what that equates to.

I have a question for you guys though. I may have asked this before, although I don't think so. How is the Boston Marathon perceived outside of this area? Is it a huge race outside of this area?

Well weigh in today and up 1.4 lbs. I am hoping that a lot of it is just water retention due to sore muscles. I did not eat the greatest (emotional eating) but not this badly. So I will ride it out until next week. But I need to get a handle on it because obviously the stress is not going away in my life. I need to find another coping skill.

That is so awesome the kids want to do another race. This was all started by YOU. Hopefully you see how great that is. Don't worry about the weight. You have a lot going on and 1.4 lbs is nothing really.

I ran last night after work. Just under 4 miles. My leg was/is still hurting. This happened last year too. As I am trying to increase my mileage my leg is hurting. I will break through the barrier and things will be fine. I never heard back from the bank, despite and email asking for a status. I am guessing I didn't get it. So now I can finally figure out my races for the year and sign up.
I can understand waiting. It took a while before I was ready for a new animal after I had to put my cat down. And it looks like you have plenty of other things to deal with. I find the foster pups to be very rewarding, but it's a lot of work, too. Sometimes I want to take a break but I have too much ingrained guilt to stop just yet. In fact, by next week, I may have two fosters. I can't send this little dude back to the daycare where he was so terrified, and the one I was supposed to get all along comes up on Tuesday. So....yeah.

Great that your kids want to keep doing the 5ks - maybe you can train together as part of your own little running group! Make your husband go to the track with you and eventually he'll be so bored he'll join in, too!

The house just feels a bit empty. I've always had a lot of animals. I tend to collect them as I go. Most of our animals now were from bad situations.

The kids are excited about the 5ks. I'm kind of surprised actually. lol They did ask if they could train with me this summer which is funny because I haven't been running at all and they just expect me to once it gets nicer out. :)

I have a question for you guys though. I may have asked this before, although I don't think so. How is the Boston Marathon perceived outside of this area? Is it a huge race outside of this area?

That is so awesome the kids want to do another race. This was all started by YOU. Hopefully you see how great that is. Don't worry about the weight. You have a lot going on and 1.4 lbs is nothing really.

I ran last night after work. Just under 4 miles. My leg was/is still hurting. This happened last year too. As I am trying to increase my mileage my leg is hurting. I will break through the barrier and things will be fine. I never heard back from the bank, despite and email asking for a status. I am guessing I didn't get it. So now I can finally figure out my races for the year and sign up.

For my area and the people I know, the Boston marathon is only a big deal due to the bombing. Prior to that, there really was no discussion about it.

The kids are seriously considering cross country now. DD finished in 45 minutes and DS finished in 32 minutes with no training. They can seriously kick my butt! :D

That stinks about not hearing from the bank. :( Boo to them not following up.

For now I am trying to focus on controlling my eating more than pushing the exercise part. Due to stress my eating will spiral out of control so I am trying to get a handle on that. I've been tracking again even when I don't want to (meaning when I eat something I *shouldn't*). Still working up the motivation to go back to Zumba.
I have a question for you guys though. I may have asked this before, although I don't think so. How is the Boston Marathon perceived outside of this area? Is it a huge race outside of this area?
It's huge in the running world, but as StayCool said, it wasn't on non-runner's interest list until the bombing. I didn't even know there was a qualification time until I dated a marathoner a few years ago, well before I even started distance running.

I ran last night after work. Just under 4 miles. My leg was/is still hurting. This happened last year too. As I am trying to increase my mileage my leg is hurting. I will break through the barrier and things will be fine. I never heard back from the bank, despite and email asking for a status. I am guessing I didn't get it. So now I can finally figure out my races for the year and sign up.
Sorry. That stinks on several levels. I am kind of amazed at the number of businesses that don't even bother to give you a polite no, even a form letter/e-mail. Are you looking at any other jobs?

The kids are excited about the 5ks. I'm kind of surprised actually. lol They did ask if they could train with me this summer which is funny because I haven't been running at all and they just expect me to once it gets nicer out. :)
The kids are seriously considering cross country now. DD finished in 45 minutes and DS finished in 32 minutes with no training. They can seriously kick my butt! :D
Very cool! See - you do have your own homegrown running group! And they'll make you get out, too.

For now I am trying to focus on controlling my eating more than pushing the exercise part. Due to stress my eating will spiral out of control so I am trying to get a handle on that. I've been tracking again even when I don't want to (meaning when I eat something I *shouldn't*). Still working up the motivation to go back to Zumba.
Logging food was a challenge all week. First mom came into town and I took her to a fancy place that I had a gift card for (Christmas maybe?) and it was all small plates that we split. Hard to log a couple of bites of this, and a couple of bites of that when it's all different. Then during the week I have been at a conference with plated lunches. I tried to estimate, and I try to estimate high, but it was hard. I do find that needed to log my food makes me reconsider that next peanut butter egg left over from Easter though, so it's doing the job one way or another.

As far as motivation - hard to do with Zumba but maybe you could try a variation of the 15 minute rule? That's one that my friends have proposed - you do x for 15 minutes and then if you're still not feeling it, you can quit. Maybe tell yourself that you're going to change and drive yourself there but if you're not feeling it, you can leave?
For my area and the people I know, the Boston marathon is only a big deal due to the bombing. Prior to that, there really was no discussion about it.

For now I am trying to focus on controlling my eating more than pushing the exercise part. Due to stress my eating will spiral out of control so I am trying to get a handle on that. I've been tracking again even when I don't want to (meaning when I eat something I *shouldn't*). Still working up the motivation to go back to Zumba.

It's huge in the running world, but as StayCool said, it wasn't on non-runner's interest list until the bombing. I didn't even know there was a qualification time until I dated a marathoner a few years ago, well before I even started distance running.

Sorry. That stinks on several levels. I am kind of amazed at the number of businesses that don't even bother to give you a polite no, even a form letter/e-mail. Are you looking at any other jobs?

Logging food was a challenge all week. First mom came into town and I took her to a fancy place that I had a gift card for (Christmas maybe?) and it was all small plates that we split. Hard to log a couple of bites of this, and a couple of bites of that when it's all different. Then during the week I have been at a conference with plated lunches. I tried to estimate, and I try to estimate high, but it was hard. I do find that needed to log my food makes me reconsider that next peanut butter egg left over from Easter though, so it's doing the job one way or another.

As far as motivation - hard to do with Zumba but maybe you could try a variation of the 15 minute rule? That's one that my friends have proposed - you do x for 15 minutes and then if you're still not feeling it, you can quit. Maybe tell yourself that you're going to change and drive yourself there but if you're not feeling it, you can leave?

For what its worth, I didn't know you needed to qualify for the Boston Marathon either until I began running. But, it was always a huge deal in this area. I mean they shut down so many roads in Boston on a normal business day for a race, it must be big.

StayCool, I hope you can get things figured it. It seems as if motivation is a big struggle on this thread as of late. Activity comes and goes. I want everyone to achieve their goals.

Chiomaca, I get what you are saying about logging. Just the fact you are aware of what you are eating because you have to log it makes you (all of us) make better decisions.

As for the job, yeah it stinks there is no professional courtesy anymore. I mean I took time out of my day for two interviews and not even an answer? Oh well, I am back to focusing on my CFA. I will stay at Verizon as it is no real pressure (except what I put on myself) and keep my eyes open. It's not ideal but its my own fault. I will figure it out.

I ran last night after work. It was in the 30's and windy but I got out there anyway. My right leg continues to hurt so I cut it short at just under 3 miles. I am taking tonight off to rest it and see if it feels any better tomorrow.
Just wanted to check and say that the Color Run is done. It was chilly this morning but by race time the sun was shining and it was turning out to be a beautiful day. Then 30 minutes after it was over it was cloudy and gloomy again. Lol Gotta love NY weather. Anyway I had a really good time and the only thing that hurts is my right foot. That's only because my shoes need to be replaced badly. And at noon I was at 10,000 steps for the day :) Now I just need to do this more regularly. Have a happy Sunday ever


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I ran last night after work. It was in the 30's and windy but I got out there anyway. My right leg continues to hurt so I cut it short at just under 3 miles. I am taking tonight off to rest it and see if it feels any better tomorrow.
Glad you made it out. Have you seen a doc yet about that leg? It's been a while that it's been hurting.

Just wanted to check and say that the Color Run is done. It was chilly this morning but by race time the sun was shining and it was turning out to be a beautiful day. Then 30 minutes after it was over it was cloudy and gloomy again. Lol Gotta love NY weather. Anyway I had a really good time and the only thing that hurts is my right foot. That's only because my shoes need to be replaced badly. And at noon I was at 10,000 steps for the day :) Now I just need to do this more regularly. Have a happy Sunday ever
So glad you made it out and had a good time. So when's your next 5k???

It's been a rough weekend for me. Saturday was the 100th Anniversary of the invasion of Gallipoli during WWI, and is celebrated as Australia and New Zealand's national Memorial Day. We started with a 5:45 service and continued on through 1:30 in the afternoon, including receptions at various embassies and services outside (5:45) and at the National Cathedral (10:30). First church service I've ever attended that started with didgeridoo music. The Aussie friends I attended with said it was their first, too. In between the church service and the reception at the New Zealand embassy, I learned about the earthquake in Nepal. I have a good friend and his family in Kathmandu and so now I'm worried sick. On a positive note, the new foster is settling in and seems to be gaining confidence, which is nice. Anyway, between the early run and the sleepless nights, I haven't run this weekend. I'll get at it during the week.
StayCool- Excellent job on the race and cool medal on top of it. Hopefully you can get some new sneakers soon and keep up the momentum.

Chiomaca- It's been hurting for my last 3 runs, or about a week. I have taken a few days off to rest it. I will run tomorrow and give it a test. This is provided my daughter is feeling better, she had a fever at bedtime tonight and the wife is gone for a few days to a work conference. So if she stays home tomorrow it means no run for me.

I hope your friend is OK. I don't watch the news so I don't know any of the details but I did briefly hear about the earthquake.

I have some oral surgery scheduled for Tuesday so if it goes as planned it means very little running for me this week. But, I may start P90X3 this week as I can't go without exercise all week. I have been putting it off for long enough, this might be the week to start.

Everyone have a good week.


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