(UPD 8/29) Tales of the Tweedles & Other Spazzjazzerit PHM '15 Cupcake Adventures

Great TR so far...can't wait to hear the rest! Love the costumes!

Karen is costume queen. She goes all out. I will never have a better costume than I did as a Tweedle. It's all downhill from here........ :rolleyes:

Ok just found your report and joining in! I can't wait to hear about the class slipper challenge. I have dopey on my radar for the future.

Hi & welcome! My SIL did Dopey last year. I still call her Dopey for doing it. Just getting up 2 days in a row was a killer- I can't imagine 4. (Course I can't imagine a 1/2 and a full back to back either....). But she LOVED it & is going back next year!

Joining in!!!!

Karen - you look ADORABLE in Every. Single. Picture. Loving all of this!!! So so happy you are running without pain and doing these awesome halfs and with this cool group of ladies!

Nicole - Hi! Where are you from in Chicago? My family is in Joliet. LOVE that you did all those races as trainings. I never ever do that and it's way way more fun and I totally should.

Loving this and can't wait to read more!!!!

Karen does always look cute in every picture. We kept telling her that all weekend long. And of course she did run with a cool group of ladies- no denying that. Ha! :thumbsup2

I am Northwest burbs. Joliet is a little over an hour from me.. Down South. I enjoy 'fun' races that I can drag my oldest on because there's no pressure except to have fun! :)
Great TR so far...can't wait to hear the rest! Love the costumes!

Thanks! I'm kind of obsessed with costumes. I'm just a child, I think! :bitelip:

Ok just found your report and joining in! I can't wait to hear about the class slipper challenge. I have dopey on my radar for the future.

I was following a lot of Dopey runners this January...I've got my eye on the full, maybe in 2018, but I'm still on the fence! :scared: If I could get my Tweedle to commit, I might commit too. :rolleyes1

Joining in!!!!

Karen - you look ADORABLE in Every. Single. Picture. Loving all of this!!! So so happy you are running without pain and doing these awesome halfs and with this cool group of ladies!

Nicole - Hi! Where are you from in Chicago? My family is in Joliet. LOVE that you did all those races as trainings. I never ever do that and it's way way more fun and I totally should.

Loving this and can't wait to read more!!!!

Aw, thanks Liz! :love: Everyone was telling me how CUTE I was all weekend, it's insane! I have NEVER been called cute before, so I must have gained some cute factor somewhere out of the blue?? :love1:

Next time girl! For sure!

Karen's going to pull you into those races one way or another! You just opened the door! :)

I am in shock over the room too..............

Welcome. We love Cursing bad selfie run freaks! :welcome:

I am laughing over this.. I mean, it seems you had that camera going all the time- and that was slacking?

What you were was a water drinker slacker. :drinking:

(Yes, I will beat that horse until it's dead!)

Jeez! I HAVE room pics, just not from this trip! See!...


Uh yeah, that was complete photography-slacking! There were huge chunks of the day that I didn't even pull my camera out! I only have near 600 edited shots, that's barely any! :rolleyes1

water-schmater. Yes mom! (as I drink my coffee) :coffee: :rotfl2:
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Hey, Forewarned you this would be a Tweedle brain problem.

And after last weekend, the full is def. a NO! But I will go and be your cheerleader/water pusher.

That might be even better for me, I could just have you greeting me all along the course to cheer me on. Still not sure I want to do 26.2 ALONE...even at Disney I think a full would be better if I was with someone to share the experience with.
Well you have 3 years to work on me. :) And I have 3 years to determine if my body will hold up...... but I probably could not keep pace with you to do a full.... My goal is to get up to your pace for W&D.....
Ok, I really don't like the new Dis. It is not giving me the proper notifications on this trip report!! I've missed another 2 pages! OMG!!

Hope ---- I cannot believe you opened that door!! You know what a pusher Karen is!! I hope she doesn't kill you.

See, I'm not the only one who is surprised as your lack of room pics. I mean, really! But you did take an amazing amount the last time you were at AKL, so I guess it's ok.

I've said it many times before, but I am so proud of you and Nicole for doing all that running!! You are inspiring and yes, you are both CUTE!!!:lovestruc
Ok, I really don't like the new Dis. It is not giving me the proper notifications on this trip report!! I've missed another 2 pages! OMG!!

Hope ---- I cannot believe you opened that door!! You know what a pusher Karen is!! I hope she doesn't kill you.

See, I'm not the only one who is surprised as your lack of room pics. I mean, really! But you did take an amazing amount the last time you were at AKL, so I guess it's ok.

I've said it many times before, but I am so proud of you and Nicole for doing all that running!! You are inspiring and yes, you are both CUTE!!!:lovestruc

Our room got destroyed pretty fast after we inhabited it- and we were in a rush to get to the expo when we first arrived... so oh well! I think because both of us had stayed there previously, it didn't even cross our minds! Although I'll still go and blame Karen anyways...
I enjoyed reading about both of your training. Sounds like a lot of fun races were participated in.

Sorry you had some injuries Nicole. Glad you were able to still race.

Both of you looked adorable in your costumes.

Cant wait for more

Aw, Nicole, so sorry about your injury! I had a really bad IT band problem about a year ago...went to physical therapy and everything...and it seems switching my shoes did the trick. So weird! Hope it gets better soon....

Can't wait to read about the race!!
I think I'll start working on my travel & arrival post Tweedle! BTW, you need to get rid of your ticker, it says we're going to be at Disney in 11 months and that's just a mean lie!! :sad:
This isn't my first rodeo with Karen. :rolleyes: I needed a kick in the pants to get moving and I knew this would do it... we just made a date for a local 5k. She's the bestest friend ever and even offered to walk with me. :flower3:
This isn't my first rodeo with Karen. :rolleyes: I needed a kick in the pants to get moving and I knew this would do it... we just made a date for a local 5k. She's the bestest friend ever and even offered to walk with me. :flower3:

YeeeHAW!!! I'm lovin' them thar rodeos!

and just for my tweedle, who likes to beat dead horses...
Travel & Arriving!!

I was up at about 2am, which isn't actually all that big of a deal for me. I wake up anywhere between 3:30 and 4:30 most days and besides, I was going to have to wake up that early at Disney for the races, so it was good training. :upsidedow

I had to drive almost 2 hours to the airport, so I left at 3:45. It was uneventful, even if it was freezing! I didn't take any pictures because I was driving, but I also don't have any photos of parking the car, the nice shuttle driver who picked me up even before I got to the bench/waiting area, or the huge line for security I waited in. This probably should have been an indication of how the trip was going to go with photos for me, but I didn't notice! I was on cloud nine and SO excited!

As soon as I was through security, I headed to Starbucks. I had the brilliant plan to tell them my name was Tweedle Dee when I ordered so that I would have that written on my cup. Brilliant, I tell ya...until there were only two people in line and they didn't bother asking me for my name! :laughing: So, in true Tweedle form, after they handed me my drink, I asked to borrow their sharpie and wrote it on there myself! Take THAT! :rotfl2:


I then posted it on Instagram and instead of everyone noticing my unending WIT, they complimented me on my nails.

There were TONS of runners on this flight, I knew b/c they were either talking about the races, in groups of ladies with running gear on or they were wearing running shoes. I did snap a shot of dawn as I waited in the line to board.


Boarding was easypeasy, I got in a seat pretty close to the front (so I could get off first, duh!) and we were off before I knew it! The flight was uneventful. I went to use my booze coupon that they had sent me and the friendly attendant told me that it wasn't any good there and to use it on another flight. :confused3 I went to give him an attitude about it b/c y'know, I NEEDED my screwdriver at 9am???...and he touched my arm and said "HONEY. I SAID, it's no GOOD here, use it on another flight!" and winked at me. I felt dumb at that point, seeing as he was going to give me a free drink apparently, so I apologized and promptly put on my Tweedle ears. :rotfl2:

No, I really did. I figured he would think I was just a raving lunatic at that point anyway, so it would work in my favor. My drink was VERY strong. I must have impressed him with my wit. :rolleyes1


I tried to take a selfie but it was blurry and I was far too self conscious already wearing the Tweedle ears, I wasn't about to start taking multiple selfies with my drink too! I have some self respect! SOME.

We arrived early, so early it took a bit to get into a dock...or whatever the heck you call them! :p I texted TweedleDum and she was already there! I was having trouble at this point with my phone. The texts were not sending and everything was delayed, so I kept getting messages about where she was going to meet me and then I would respond and by the time it sent I would get another message saying NO, meet me elsewhere! It was pretty comical and in true Tweedle fashion I was staring at my phone and walked right PAST the escalators going down!

I finally reached the ME area and saw my Tweedle! We hugged and then attempted to not make it awkward. We're so much alike though, both shy when we first meet people. We should have just started cursing loudly, that would have helped! I suspect she thought I was being strange and I just KNEW she HATED me just from our first 5 minutes together! :scared:

The lines were pretty long for ME, I'm not used to that, but it wasn't long before we were escorted to our bus! Once on the bus we had to take our first Tweedle selfie!


Can you say blur?? Would we get along? Would we ever get any better at taking selfies? You'll have to keep reading! :rolleyes:

Oh I forgot a bit...
We arrived HOME and had to stop at Pop and AoA to drop some folks off first.



THEN we finally got to Animal Kingdom Lodge, where I promptly forgot to take a single picture! :rolleyes:

We did the cool newfangled checkin where you get texted your room number and don't have to go to the front desk AT ALL! We just got a room number and headed to it.

Unfortunately, they didn't think that some Tweedles might not know where they are going when looking for said room, so we meandered around a bit trying to figure out where to go! :rotfl2:

We did eventually find it and dumped our things and got ready to head down to grab some food and go straight to the Expo! I snapped ONE lone picture of the balcony. With my PHONE, no less. Not even the camera. :confused3 I know, compared to my other reports I'm failing miserably here. Sue me!

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I am ROLLING- literally LOLing- at the image of you in your tweedle ears mugging for selfies with your 9AM screwdriver. :rotfl2::lmao::rotfl::joker::upsidedow


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