Is this realistic?

Waiting2goback~Thanks:) The running numbers don't scare me at all. I know I can already run that and I have rode a bike at the gym but not over 10 miles. Maybe with no Disney trip planned you could look for a triathalon? I didn't even know there were so many in my area! The one I am doing is a "short" one for woman only but there are 3 besides this one throughout the summer and you can do the short or the long! Who knew?

It's AMAZING what we've all been missing sitting on the couch!!
I might be crazy! I am seriously considering signing up for a dualathon. It's a 5k followed by a 10.6 mile bike ride followed by ANOTHER 5k. I don't even own a bike anymore! I can just imagine how like jello legs will feel for the 2nd 5k. Well, if I do it. Its in September so I have the time to train and was looking for something to keep me going.
Not crazy at all! In fact, I'd rather do a dualathlon than a Tri because the idea of swimming with large groups freaks me out. Sign up for it and start training! Are there bike rental places near you? I know I'm the southern most person, and biking is becoming more popular around here, but it's a chance to try different bikes and see what works for you. Maybe I'll do that this spring and try riding to work once or twice a week.

So, what to do about your loss of mojo and how do we fix it. With the exception of Chiomaca, none of us have really been doing great all winter.
To be fair to you guys, as I noticed above, I'm the furthest south of the bunch. (I think...Darci?) so it's easier for me to be active. And I live and work in a culture where fitness is almost worshipped. We have a full gym at work that costs about $250 for the year, it's expected that you'll work out during the work day, and the city has more running clubs, specialty stores, and beautiful trails than you can shake a stick at. Races at multiple distances most weekend of the year. And yet I still didn't run yesterday, so I'm kind of a slacker in my world. I did buy a new pair of running shoes.
Sorry I haven't had time to post. I usually post from work but it has been crazy lately so no time. :( I did weigh in this morning. Up 2.2 lbs. not surprised. I did look back though and I've been consistently trending down since October even though it has been painfully slow. Time to get back on track.

I just got home from work and am perched on the side of my coffee table because I know if I sit on the couch I won't make it to zumba. Pretty sad huh?

I will try to catch up tomorrow on everyone's posts. I just wanted to get this up for accountability.
Waiting2goback~Thanks:) The running numbers don't scare me at all. I know I can already run that and I have rode a bike at the gym but not over 10 miles. Maybe with no Disney trip planned you could look for a triathalon? I didn't even know there were so many in my area! The one I am doing is a "short" one for woman only but there are 3 besides this one throughout the summer and you can do the short or the long! Who knew?

It's AMAZING what we've all been missing sitting on the couch!!

Yep, life passed me by all those years I was planted on the couch.

The reason I haven't committed to signing up for a triathalon is the swimming. I'm not good at it. I need a lot of work to be able to do that and then follow it up with a bike ride and run. At this point I just want to focus on my most important physical goal, which is to qualify for the Boston Marathon.

To be fair to you guys, as I noticed above, I'm the furthest south of the bunch. (I think...Darci?) so it's easier for me to be active. And I live and work in a culture where fitness is almost worshipped. We have a full gym at work that costs about $250 for the year, it's expected that you'll work out during the work day, and the city has more running clubs, specialty stores, and beautiful trails than you can shake a stick at. Races at multiple distances most weekend of the year. And yet I still didn't run yesterday, so I'm kind of a slacker in my world. I did buy a new pair of running shoes.

The snow is a legit reason for not being able to get to the gym this month but I have been slacking and making excuses since November. It's disgusting. I swore I wouldn't let the excuses get the best of me but I have. I should be doing much better than I am.

But, I got to the gym tonight after work. 3.5 miles on the treadmill. I will be back on the roof tomorrow as I have the day off again. Hopefully I will be back to the gym tomorrow night.
I think it's worth a try. I do pretty well eating the same thing for breakfast and lunch, but try to change up at dinner. Breakfast is always the same, lunch is a rotation depending on if I'm working out that day (wrap) or not (salad). The idea of a menu is neat, especially if you know you're going to cook for sure.

I did end up signing up for the "clean meals" version of emeals. I figured that at least it would hopefully add some recipes into rotation for me. I have tried to eat the same things over and over for lunch and breakfast but I get so bored with it. I am ok with it for a month or so, but then I have to find something else. We almost always cook something. If not we order out. So if we have a meal planned it is easier to stick with it. I just hope that my family is willing to try new things.

I might be crazy! I am seriously considering signing up for a dualathon. It's a 5k followed by a 10.6 mile bike ride followed by ANOTHER 5k. I don't even own a bike anymore! I can just imagine how like jello legs will feel for the 2nd 5k. Well, if I do it. Its in September so I have the time to train and was looking for something to keep me going. The Wine and Dine would be awesome but its just too expensive right now

Do it! You will train for it if you sign up. If your goal is to just finish, then that's all that matters. I hear ya on the bike thing. I have not ridden one in years but plan to buy one for me and my hubby this year. It is something that he would like to do and we can do as a family. Looking forward to it, but ours won't be anything great. Walmart here we come. lol If I was going to race or something, that would be different.

To be fair to you guys, as I noticed above, I'm the furthest south of the bunch. (I think...Darci?) so it's easier for me to be active. And I live and work in a culture where fitness is almost worshipped. We have a full gym at work that costs about $250 for the year, it's expected that you'll work out during the work day, and the city has more running clubs, specialty stores, and beautiful trails than you can shake a stick at. Races at multiple distances most weekend of the year. And yet I still didn't run yesterday, so I'm kind of a slacker in my world. I did buy a new pair of running shoes.

A slacker in your world = overachiever in mine. lol ;) I totally agree with what you said though. You are required to maintain a certain amount of physical fitness and then are also surrounded by like minded people. I am working to surround myself with some of those people as well. I've got about a 50/50 mix right now. My friends that do not exercise do not understand why I do. I definitely can see myself moving south to some degree once the kids are grown! I need warmth and sunshine.

Yep, life passed me by all those years I was planted on the couch.

The snow is a legit reason for not being able to get to the gym this month but I have been slacking and making excuses since November. It's disgusting. I swore I wouldn't let the excuses get the best of me but I have. I should be doing much better than I am.

But, I got to the gym tonight after work. 3.5 miles on the treadmill. I will be back on the roof tomorrow as I have the day off again. Hopefully I will be back to the gym tomorrow night.

I think, especially in the northeast, most people's fitness does decline to a degree in the winter. Even runners scale back on their mileage. You will get there. You are too determined not too!
I did drag myself to Zumba even though I did not feel like it. I still am not feeling 100% but I know I can't allow that to keep me from exercising. I was fine in class last night even though I anticipated it being really tough. Guess 1 1/2 weeks isn't the end of the world after all. lol I'm glad I went, but it does speak to how easy it is for me to slip out of the routine.

Next week we will try some of the emeals recipes and I will let you guys know how it goes. Crossing my fingers that my family does not rebel...
I just got home from work and am perched on the side of my coffee table because I know if I sit on the couch I won't make it to zumba. Pretty sad huh?
Not at all! My general MO is to come home and take the dogs out immediately. If I have things to do for the evening like a track workout or trapeze lesson, I don't even go upstairs to the living room (my ground floor is kitchen, utility room, and small living area that the dogs use) or else the couch will suck me in and I won't leave.

The snow is a legit reason for not being able to get to the gym this month but I have been slacking and making excuses since November. It's disgusting. I swore I wouldn't let the excuses get the best of me but I have. I should be doing much better than I am.

But, I got to the gym tonight after work. 3.5 miles on the treadmill. I will be back on the roof tomorrow as I have the day off again. Hopefully I will be back to the gym tomorrow night.
Depression will do that to you, too. You have a big uplifting fall with ToT and the marathon, then nothing to look forward to...which is why you need to find something to help motivate you. That's what you've been lacking and one of the areas you keep making excuses. You need to set a short term goal. An achieveable one, thought it should be a stretch. Right now you have everything hung on a BQ without much in between. I know people who have been trying for YEARS to BQ. So what's your goal for Baystate and how are you going to get there? It's okay to make BQ your big goal...but what happens if you have a bad day? You need some intermediate goals to work towards that move you forward. You're really good at beating yourself up, how do you build yourself up? 3.5 miles on the treadmill is a start - and we're all here to help.

I did end up signing up for the "clean meals" version of emeals. I figured that at least it would hopefully add some recipes into rotation for me. I have tried to eat the same things over and over for lunch and breakfast but I get so bored with it. I am ok with it for a month or so, but then I have to find something else. We almost always cook something. If not we order out. So if we have a meal planned it is easier to stick with it. I just hope that my family is willing to try new things.
I looked at that - the sample meals at least look interesting. I looked at the ones that center around grocery stores, too. Sadly the Safeway one isn't that great and the Whole Foods one looks great but I can walk to Safeway but not Whole Foods. (plus...$$$). Still I like the clean eating and Paleo menus. I might think about that once things here slow down a little. Can you make the switch and just not tell the rest of the family?

Glad you made it to Zumba. And that your fitness level is maintaining...that means you had a solid base before the winter descended. Congrats!

As for me...yesterday was track day. 1.25 mile warm up (would have only been a mile but I got there early and needed to do another lap to stay warm), 2000m at race pace, followed by 3x400m at 5k pace, with 2 minutes rest between. For me that translates into 5 laps at a long run pace and then 3 single laps running hard but not all out. I run more by feel and then check my actual pace on Map My Run later. The only problem is that I either have to stop the timer each time I finish a repeat and then remember to re-start when I go back out, which isn't a sure thing. My current goal on the 400s is to get under 2 minutes and to be under 4 for 800s. Not there yet, but I will get there!
I just got home from work and am perched on the side of my coffee table because I know if I sit on the couch I won't make it to zumba. Pretty sad huh?

I think that's awesome you know that about yourself and take steps to avoid it - if I go home after work I won't leave again so I need to make sure that I only schedule stuff right after or right before work. I also try and schedule the girls activities close to a class time if I can so I’m already there.

I did drag myself to Zumba even though I did not feel like it. I still am not feeling 100% but I know I can't allow that to keep me from exercising. I was fine in class last night even though I anticipated it being really tough. Guess 1 1/2 weeks isn't the end of the world after all. lol I'm glad I went, but it does speak to how easy it is for me to slip out of the routine.

Next week we will try some of the emeals recipes and I will let you guys know how it goes. Crossing my fingers that my family does not rebel...

Yeah for Zumba – I REALLY need to try a class soon, I think I would like it. You are right about how easy it is to slip.

Last month I decided I needed to get better at the meal planning so the first weekend I randomly picked 15 freezer recipes on the internet (well it was more like 10 and then 5 I already had) and spent a whole week cooking and at the end of it I had 18 meals in the freezer. I also inventoried what I had so I could use it up. It will last me to the end of Feb. I will do it again but I will be more picky about the recipes and make sure I do the prep work so if 5 recipes call for peppers I cut up all the peppers at once etc.

I originally did it because I realized the best way for me to get to Disney was to save the money without having to “save” that money (meaning it doesn’t come out of our savings account) and the easiest way to do that would be to reduce the amount we spend on eating out. Now that I know how relatively easy it was and how awesome it is to have the meals preplanned I will now try and do it for health reasons as well and get better recipes.

I looked at that - the sample meals at least look interesting. I looked at the ones that center around grocery stores, too. Sadly the Safeway one isn't that great and the Whole Foods one looks great but I can walk to Safeway but not Whole Foods. (plus...$$$). Still I like the clean eating and Paleo menus. I might think about that once things here slow down a little. Can you make the switch and just not tell the rest of the family?

I agree with the not telling the family. I give my hubby and kids two choices whenever I cook – take it or leave it LOL. Where did you see the ones that center around the grocery stores? I might need to look at that

As for me...yesterday was track day. 1.25 mile warm up (would have only been a mile but I got there early and needed to do another lap to stay warm), 2000m at race pace, followed by 3x400m at 5k pace, with 2 minutes rest between. For me that translates into 5 laps at a long run pace and then 3 single laps running hard but not all out. I run more by feel and then check my actual pace on Map My Run later. The only problem is that I either have to stop the timer each time I finish a repeat and then remember to re-start when I go back out, which isn't a sure thing. My current goal on the 400s is to get under 2 minutes and to be under 4 for 800s. Not there yet, but I will get there!

You will get there! One day I might even understand what you are saying instead of it seeming like a far away dream LOL!

Thanks everyone for letting me know I’m still welcome even though I’ve been slacking. Part of my lack of motivation is the cancelling of TOT. It was the only run that really worked in our schedule – I’m trying to see if any of the others do but so far none in 2015 or 2016 do. It may be better if I go on my own instead of making a family trip out of it but I couldn’t do that before we got one more trip under our belt or my kids would have a fit LOL! I do think I’ll have enough points for a pretty much free trip to Disneyland next year for spring break so that will keep them at bay for awhile if we can’t make it to WDW this year. I think the timing of finding out about the run was the worst part – it was right before our rainy season. The other “bad” thing for my mojo was asking my cousin to come with me. It’s great when she comes but its so easy to cancel when she does and unfortunately she does a lot. I need to get back in the habit of going on my own and if she meets me great and if she doesn’t no big deal. I need to set a goal and stick with it soooooooooo..................

1. Get to a Zumba or other workout class before the end of Feb to try it out.
2. Go out for a run/walk at lunch at least two times between now and the end of Feb and
3. Go to aquafit 4 times a week with or without my friends.

Ok now I’m committed! I will also look into local “fun” runs coming up this summer and pick one to aim for.
A slacker in your world = overachiever in mine. lol ;) I totally agree with what you said though. You are required to maintain a certain amount of physical fitness and then are also surrounded by like minded people. I am working to surround myself with some of those people as well. I've got about a 50/50 mix right now. My friends that do not exercise do not understand why I do. I definitely can see myself moving south to some degree once the kids are grown! I need warmth and sunshine.

I think, especially in the northeast, most people's fitness does decline to a degree in the winter. Even runners scale back on their mileage. You will get there. You are too determined not too!

OK, so I get what you are saying to Chiomaca but the truth is, YOU are an overachiever in your world. You said 1/2 of your friends don't exercise. You ran a 10 mile race. That makes YOU the overachiever in YOUR world. It's all relative though. None of us could probably keep up with Chiomaca in her circus workouts, right now. But, if we worked at it we would get stronger and we could probably do some of those too. Maybe not, but maybe.

I know what you are saying about the weather. But I told myself I wouldn't allow it to happen to me this year and it did, so it bothers me. Last year I was getting start right about now. I couldn't run at all. 2 workouts ago I did 5.3 miles. So, I know I am ahead of the game compared to last year. I could probably do 10 miles tomorrow if I wanted to. So, I am still in decent shape. I get all of that. I am just not where I wanted to be right now, so that's my problem. More on that below as I have to comment to Chiomaca.

Depression will do that to you, too. You have a big uplifting fall with ToT and the marathon, then nothing to look forward to...which is why you need to find something to help motivate you. That's what you've been lacking and one of the areas you keep making excuses. You need to set a short term goal. An achieveable one, thought it should be a stretch. Right now you have everything hung on a BQ without much in between. I know people who have been trying for YEARS to BQ. So what's your goal for Baystate and how are you going to get there? It's okay to make BQ your big goal...but what happens if you have a bad day? You need some intermediate goals to work towards that move you forward. You're really good at beating yourself up, how do you build yourself up? 3.5 miles on the treadmill is a start - and we're all here to help.

As for me...yesterday was track day. 1.25 mile warm up (would have only been a mile but I got there early and needed to do another lap to stay warm), 2000m at race pace, followed by 3x400m at 5k pace, with 2 minutes rest between. For me that translates into 5 laps at a long run pace and then 3 single laps running hard but not all out. I run more by feel and then check my actual pace on Map My Run later. The only problem is that I either have to stop the timer each time I finish a repeat and then remember to re-start when I go back out, which isn't a sure thing. My current goal on the 400s is to get under 2 minutes and to be under 4 for 800s. Not there yet, but I will get there!

You are probably right. I guess there was a letdown after the races were over. I know for a fact I am bummed about not getting to do a Disney race this year. I feel your pain Dizzy. It was so much fun, and talking about it at work with my co-workers is bumming me out. This is the first time I am admitting that to anyone because I feel like I shouldn't even be thinking about that, given my situation.

I have already taken off the time for the Baystate Marathon so it's not like I have nothing to look forward to. I really am looking forward to that. Come March 1, I will be signing up. I am also trying to plan some other races. Had issues with that kid that took all the time off at work (he got fired yesterday by the way). But, I am going to try and do a 1/2 in June, July, and either August or September. I also REALLY, REALLY, want to do the Marine Corps Marathon. Financially it will cost the same as a Disney race from what I saw so I'd rather do Disney if that was the case, for obvious reasons.

You are 100% correct. I beat myself up all day long. I got away from it for a long time. But in recent weeks it is back. So, I am redoing my self assessment. (I learned this in a self-esteem book I read and it worked AWESOME.) So, I recognize I am going back down the wrong path and will begin doing it again tonight. I have just been very bummed out for the last month. I need to get out of the cycle.

As for the BQ. I know it is hard to do. I know there is a great chance I won't be able to do it this year. BUT, my mind doesn't work like that. Once I decide I want something I will work as hard as I can to make it happen. Chances are I won't be satisfied with the results if I don't make it but I need to work on that.

So, I will get back on track. I will put 100% effort in this spring and summer. I will get out of this funk. I won't make my 200 lb goal for the father/daughter dance but I need to get closer.

And, while I am spilling my guts, you know one thing that bothers me. Crossing another finish line and having nobody there to share it with. :sad: OK, I went to counseling today, can you tell? : )

Great job on your run. I may not be there with you but it keeps me going right now, as little as it may be.

Thanks everyone for letting me know I’m still welcome even though I’ve been slacking. Part of my lack of motivation is the cancelling of TOT. It was the only run that really worked in our schedule – I’m trying to see if any of the others do but so far none in 2015 or 2016 do. It may be better if I go on my own instead of making a family trip out of it but I couldn’t do that before we got one more trip under our belt or my kids would have a fit LOL! I do think I’ll have enough points for a pretty much free trip to Disneyland next year for spring break so that will keep them at bay for awhile if we can’t make it to WDW this year. I think the timing of finding out about the run was the worst part – it was right before our rainy season. The other “bad” thing for my mojo was asking my cousin to come with me. It’s great when she comes but its so easy to cancel when she does and unfortunately she does a lot. I need to get back in the habit of going on my own and if she meets me great and if she doesn’t no big deal. I need to set a goal and stick with it soooooooooo..................

1. Get to a Zumba or other workout class before the end of Feb to try it out.
2. Go out for a run/walk at lunch at least two times between now and the end of Feb and
3. Go to aquafit 4 times a week with or without my friends.

Ok now I’m committed! I will also look into local “fun” runs coming up this summer and pick one to aim for.

Welcome back. I am glad to see these goals and I really hope you stick to them, for YOU. I am mentally drained. I am off to watch Millionaire Matchmaker. I don't watch much TV but I love her. I love honesty and she is all about it. Thanks for letting me vent again.
I agree with the not telling the family. I give my hubby and kids two choices whenever I cook – take it or leave it LOL. Where did you see the ones that center around the grocery stores? I might need to look at that
On the eMenu webpage that StayCool is talking about, there are a whole variety on menu options, including one that seems to work around the weekly specials at the stores. I had to poke around a bit, but there are links at the bottom of the page to the whole menu range. I wish there were an option to subscribe to multiple menus at a discount.

You will get there! One day I might even understand what you are saying instead of it seeming like a far away dream LOL!
This is why I keep telling you guys to find a running group. Until I did that, I would have had no idea what I am saying either. There are several women in our group who are in the 100+lb overweight category at track and long runs. Everyone is supportive and I think it makes a difference.

Thanks everyone for letting me know I’m still welcome even though I’ve been slacking. Part of my lack of motivation is the cancelling of TOT. It was the only run that really worked in our schedule – I’m trying to see if any of the others do but so far none in 2015 or 2016 do. It may be better if I go on my own instead of making a family trip out of it but I couldn’t do that before we got one more trip under our belt or my kids would have a fit LOL! I do think I’ll have enough points for a pretty much free trip to Disneyland next year for spring break so that will keep them at bay for awhile if we can’t make it to WDW this year. I think the timing of finding out about the run was the worst part – it was right before our rainy season. The other “bad” thing for my mojo was asking my cousin to come with me. It’s great when she comes but its so easy to cancel when she does and unfortunately she does a lot. I need to get back in the habit of going on my own and if she meets me great and if she doesn’t no big deal. I need to set a goal and stick with it soooooooooo..................

1. Get to a Zumba or other workout class before the end of Feb to try it out.
2. Go out for a run/walk at lunch at least two times between now and the end of Feb and
3. Go to aquafit 4 times a week with or without my friends.

Ok now I’m committed! I will also look into local “fun” runs coming up this summer and pick one to aim for.
Hoory for goal setting! Those seem do-able but something you'll need to push yourself a bit for (getting to Zumba) so that's a great combination. If your gym offers it, Body Pump is pretty great, too. So you guys aren't going to do marathon weekend next year? That's too bad. Maybe the year after they'll restore ToT or something similar.

OK, so I get what you are saying to Chiomaca but the truth is, YOU are an overachiever in your world. You said 1/2 of your friends don't exercise. You ran a 10 mile race. That makes YOU the overachiever in YOUR world. It's all relative though. None of us could probably keep up with Chiomaca in her circus workouts, right now. But, if we worked at it we would get stronger and we could probably do some of those too. Maybe not, but maybe.
Yup. He's right. I may be a slacker, but you're the over achiever in your world. You should be proud of your desire to lose weight and get healthy, especially since you've set yourelf some cool goals in the past (And met them!) Also, given men's inherent upper body strength advantage, you could probably keep up with me now or relatively quickly.

You are probably right. I guess there was a letdown after the races were over. I know for a fact I am bummed about not getting to do a Disney race this year. I feel your pain Dizzy. It was so much fun, and talking about it at work with my co-workers is bumming me out. This is the first time I am admitting that to anyone because I feel like I shouldn't even be thinking about that, given my situation.

I have already taken off the time for the Baystate Marathon so it's not like I have nothing to look forward to. I really am looking forward to that. Come March 1, I will be signing up. I am also trying to plan some other races. Had issues with that kid that took all the time off at work (he got fired yesterday by the way). But, I am going to try and do a 1/2 in June, July, and either August or September. I also REALLY, REALLY, want to do the Marine Corps Marathon. Financially it will cost the same as a Disney race from what I saw so I'd rather do Disney if that was the case, for obvious reasons.
You are totally allowed to be bummer that your co-worker is thinking about going to Disney when you'd like to do so as well. That's just human. I'm glad the jerk kid got fired, hopefully that frees up some weekend time for you to get some races in. You probably don't want to do Marine Corps and Baystate in the same year - too close together. You'd do better to do Baystate and save to go to marathon weekend at WDW.

As for the BQ. I know it is hard to do. I know there is a great chance I won't be able to do it this year. BUT, my mind doesn't work like that. Once I decide I want something I will work as hard as I can to make it happen. Chances are I won't be satisfied with the results if I don't make it but I need to work on that.
This is where the intermediate goals are important. Pick your races (for example, I am running the Cherry Blossom Ten Miler, Tink, the Navy Air Force Half, and the Army Ten Miler - working my way up in distance, and then back down to taper as Army is usually 1-2 weeks before Marine Corps) and goal paces/times for each of them and then train to reach those times. Then pick three goals for Baystate, i.e.: 1. BQ 2. BQ-5 minutes 3. BQ - 10 minutes, or something along those lines. My goals for MCM #2 were 1. Under 5 hours, 2. 5:05, 3. 5:10. Goal #1 was "I'm having a great day!" Goal #2 was "Boy, it's hotter than I expected/have to use the bathroom more often. Goal #3 was: "Man, my hip is just not working with me, ouch, ouch, ouch." I ended up beating Goal #1, so I was probably too conservative, but going from a 5 hour marathon to a BQ is a little too ambitious as a sole goal.

Don't think my long run is going to happen tomorrow. The winds and temps here are so bad that the two road races here have been cancelled - and that's without any snow. My foster dog is meeting a family on Saturday, so I'm really excited about that. How often does a guy who's a behavioral therapist want to adopt a dog that needs a lot of behavioral modification and patience? Guy could be a dream come true.
Depression will do that to you, too. You have a big uplifting fall with ToT and the marathon, then nothing to look forward to...which is why you need to find something to help motivate you.

I looked at that - the sample meals at least look interesting. I looked at the ones that center around grocery stores, too. Sadly the Safeway one isn't that great and the Whole Foods one looks great but I can walk to Safeway but not Whole Foods. (plus...$$$). Still I like the clean eating and Paleo menus. I might think about that once things here slow down a little. Can you make the switch and just not tell the rest of the family?

Waiting2goback, I have to say that I agree with Chiomaca about depression. I do know that you have been going to counseling, but this is the hardest time of the year to lift yourself up out of a low.

I looked at a few of the sample menus. Paleo would be too much for my family and initially clean eating may be a stretch too, at least during the winter. In the summer we eat better with a lot of grilling and fresh fruits and veggies. They will notice right off that things are different because we will be trying new things we have never eaten before. I just hope they roll with it.

Yeah for Zumba – I REALLY need to try a class soon, I think I would like it. You are right about how easy it is to slip.

Last month I decided I needed to get better at the meal planning so the first weekend I randomly picked 15 freezer recipes on the internet (well it was more like 10 and then 5 I already had) and spent a whole week cooking and at the end of it I had 18 meals in the freezer.

You will get there! One day I might even understand what you are saying instead of it seeming like a far away dream LOL!

1. Get to a Zumba or other workout class before the end of Feb to try it out.
2. Go out for a run/walk at lunch at least two times between now and the end of Feb and
3. Go to aquafit 4 times a week with or without my friends.

Ok now I’m committed! I will also look into local “fun” runs coming up this summer and pick one to aim for.

LOVE Zumba. lol And I like the *idea* of freezer meals. I have made some and when I make things like lasagna I will put one in the freezer. I just haven't gotten into doing that many at once. Yay for goals!! :)

I don't really understand the track workouts either. Maybe someday...

OK, so I get what you are saying to Chiomaca but the truth is, YOU are an overachiever in your world. You said 1/2 of your friends don't exercise. You ran a 10 mile race. That makes YOU the overachiever in YOUR world. It's all relative though. None of us could probably keep up with Chiomaca in her circus workouts, right now. But, if we worked at it we would get stronger and we could probably do some of those too. Maybe not, but maybe.

I know what you are saying about the weather. But I told myself I wouldn't allow it to happen to me this year and it did, so it bothers me. Last year I was getting start right about now. I couldn't run at all. 2 workouts ago I did 5.3 miles. So, I know I am ahead of the game compared to last year. I could probably do 10 miles tomorrow if I wanted to. So, I am still in decent shape. I get all of that. I am just not where I wanted to be right now, so that's my problem. More on that below as I have to comment to Chiomaca.

You are 100% correct. I beat myself up all day long. I got away from it for a long time. But in recent weeks it is back. So, I am redoing my self assessment. (I learned this in a self-esteem book I read and it worked AWESOME.) So, I recognize I am going back down the wrong path and will begin doing it again tonight. I have just been very bummed out for the last month. I need to get out of the cycle.

And, while I am spilling my guts, you know one thing that bothers me. Crossing another finish line and having nobody there to share it with. :sad: OK, I went to counseling today, can you tell? : )

I guess I kind of want to remake how I identify myself. I work in healthcare and feel like such a hypocrite. I have had some people that are smaller than me that I have had to discuss weight loss with. I had this one lady ask me if I had the health problems she does due to MY weight. lol I very happily told her that I do not. But I understand why people get defensive. I've also been that person that says I'm fat before anyone else does. (not that people really have). Oddly enough I never connected my identity with being overweight. So as silly as it is, I was kind of surprised at what I looked like when I decided to do something about it. Anyway, I see what you are saying, but like you, feel like there is so much more I could be doing. I definitely should have lost more weight than I did last year. There is so much to lose that there is no excuse. I used to beat myself up but that would lead to me giving up. So instead I am trying to focus on where I was vs where I am now. My progress may be slow but I haven't given up.

I am glad you are working on your self assessment and going to counseling. You need to build yourself back up after years of being torn down. You will get there. You can do it. You are worth it. :)

This is why I keep telling you guys to find a running group. Until I did that, I would have had no idea what I am saying either. There are several women in our group who are in the 100+lb overweight category at track and long runs. Everyone is supportive and I think it makes a difference.

Yup. He's right. I may be a slacker, but you're the over achiever in your world. You should be proud of your desire to lose weight and get healthy, especially since you've set yourelf some cool goals in the past (And met them!) Also, given men's inherent upper body strength advantage, you could probably keep up with me now or relatively quickly.

Don't think my long run is going to happen tomorrow. The winds and temps here are so bad that the two road races here have been cancelled - and that's without any snow. My foster dog is meeting a family on Saturday, so I'm really excited about that. How often does a guy who's a behavioral therapist want to adopt a dog that needs a lot of behavioral modification and patience? Guy could be a dream come true.

I'm still afraid of running in a group. There is one that is about 30 minutes from my house. I've been on their facebook page and they all look fit. lol I am easily intimidated. Someday.

I'm a work in progress. I'm also a girl. ;) lol No upper body strength here.

That is awesome about your foster dog. :) Sounds like a perfect fit.

The temps here have been horrible too. Wind chill warnings all over the place. A lot of schools were either delayed or closed. At least the sun is out!

Today we went shopping and bought a bunch of things to start using the emeals recipes. They have 2 weeks up at a time so I printed both and we will make 10 of the 14 recipes. The other 4 were just things I knew my family (or I) wouldn't eat. The problem with "making" my family eat what is cooked is that I am not usually the primary cook. I don't get home until 6-6:30 so my husband does most of it. I just hope he sticks with it. If not then I will try to do more cooking. I'm really looking forward to trying this stuff. They do have a clean eating crockpot section so I may switch to that for a bit as well.

Tonight is a girls night. A bunch of us are going out to dinner and then watching 50 Shades of Grey tonight. Hope the movie is as good as the book!
Wow! It's been busy here today!

Dizzyr~you have made some very challenging yet attainable goals! You got this!

Chiomaca~did your foster doggy get a forever home? That is a bummer about your long run. Do you prefer running outside?

Staycool~how was the movie. When are you going to start the emeals? Have you thought any more about boot camp or found one in your area?

Waiting2goback~I'm new around here so don't want to say too much or overstep so I'll say this. Your goal of a BQ is admirable!! Go for it!!! But enjoy the stops along the way. Depression is a b!

Oh! So I've been trying to find an app (or running watch) that works at the indoor track. So far no luck. I used run keeper and it told me after 2.5 ( counted laps, which is a pain!!) that I had gone .13 miles and my pace was 4.19.38. I had to LOL. Seriously 4 HOURS +? I couldn't even be upset about it.

On another note my friend told me she didn't want to do the duathlon. I was sad at 1 st but realized I was putting MY goals on her. I like to run while she does an hour of body fit or boxing 6 days a week with 30 min on the treadmill for fun. Yes she's fit and could do it but it's not her goal. Anyway I still want to do it. I'm also thinking of adding a 10k to Lozilu and considerering seriously the duathlon. My husband is so supportive and it helps immensely.

Happy Valentine's Day!!
This is why I keep telling you guys to find a running group. Until I did that, I would have had no idea what I am saying either. There are several women in our group who are in the 100+lb overweight category at track and long runs. Everyone is supportive and I think it makes a difference.

You are totally allowed to be bummer that your co-worker is thinking about going to Disney when you'd like to do so as well. That's just human. I'm glad the jerk kid got fired, hopefully that frees up some weekend time for you to get some races in. You probably don't want to do Marine Corps and Baystate in the same year - too close together. You'd do better to do Baystate and save to go to marathon weekend at WDW.

This is where the intermediate goals are important. Pick your races (for example, I am running the Cherry Blossom Ten Miler, Tink, the Navy Air Force Half, and the Army Ten Miler - working my way up in distance, and then back down to taper as Army is usually 1-2 weeks before Marine Corps) and goal paces/times for each of them and then train to reach those times. Then pick three goals for Baystate, i.e.: 1. BQ 2. BQ-5 minutes 3. BQ - 10 minutes, or something along those lines. My goals for MCM #2 were 1. Under 5 hours, 2. 5:05, 3. 5:10. Goal #1 was "I'm having a great day!" Goal #2 was "Boy, it's hotter than I expected/have to use the bathroom more often. Goal #3 was: "Man, my hip is just not working with me, ouch, ouch, ouch." I ended up beating Goal #1, so I was probably too conservative, but going from a 5 hour marathon to a BQ is a little too ambitious as a sole goal.

Don't think my long run is going to happen tomorrow. The winds and temps here are so bad that the two road races here have been cancelled - and that's without any snow. My foster dog is meeting a family on Saturday, so I'm really excited about that. How often does a guy who's a behavioral therapist want to adopt a dog that needs a lot of behavioral modification and patience? Guy could be a dream come true.

I may have found a running group. I talked to a customer and he told me about one. They run on Tuesday nights. Obviously I would only be able to do it on nights I am not working. But, I may give it a shot once the weather warms up and the sidewalks are passable.

I may have talked my other co-worker, the original one, into signing up for a race. He won't do Wine and Dine though. He is thinking the Avengers. He wants to, he is just afraid he won't be able to do it. I will be happy for them when they come home with their medals. I am just so mad at myself for not being in the position to be able to go.

Here is the truth. I will be proud of myself just for finishing the Baystate Marathon again. Let's face it, no marathon is easy. That would be one of the 3 goals, just to finish again. Another goal is to do it under 4 hours. It was last year's goal, and if not for hamstring cramps I would have done it. Goal 3 is BQ.

I hear you loud and clear on the weather. Another 12-18" starting tomorrow. If we get that much it will put us at about 10' of snow since the beginning of January. OUCH!

Waiting2goback, I have to say that I agree with Chiomaca about depression. I do know that you have been going to counseling, but this is the hardest time of the year to lift yourself up out of a low.

I guess I kind of want to remake how I identify myself. I work in healthcare and feel like such a hypocrite. I have had some people that are smaller than me that I have had to discuss weight loss with. I had this one lady ask me if I had the health problems she does due to MY weight. lol I very happily told her that I do not. But I understand why people get defensive. I've also been that person that says I'm fat before anyone else does. (not that people really have). Oddly enough I never connected my identity with being overweight. So as silly as it is, I was kind of surprised at what I looked like when I decided to do something about it. Anyway, I see what you are saying, but like you, feel like there is so much more I could be doing. I definitely should have lost more weight than I did last year. There is so much to lose that there is no excuse. I used to beat myself up but that would lead to me giving up. So instead I am trying to focus on where I was vs where I am now. My progress may be slow but I haven't given up.

I am glad you are working on your self assessment and going to counseling. You need to build yourself back up after years of being torn down. You will get there. You can do it. You are worth it. :)

Tonight is a girls night. A bunch of us are going out to dinner and then watching 50 Shades of Grey tonight. Hope the movie is as good as the book!

The "depression" is due to a lack of exercise, I know it. The weather isn't making it easy to exercise but I feel so much better the days I work out.

On a similar note, I had a customer insult me today. Our accessory of the month is the FitBit. I was telling her how I am the one in the office into fitness so they turn to me to discuss the FitBit with people. I said I know it's hard to believe looking at me though. (Cuz she was looking at me like I'm crazy) She said, "No kidding its hard to believe." Some of my co-workers came to my defense. She said, "Sorry, I guess if I have nothing to say I will just say nothing at all." I looked her in the eye and said, "I have run a marathon and have the medal to prove it." She then kept quiet. My point in sharing is, it doesn't matter how you look because people will always judge and find fault. You will get where you want to be and it will be worth all the time and effort, and it will last.

I woke up focused and determined today to be more positive and get back to my positive ways. I decided I was going to the gym tonight after work, and it would mean travelling to a different gym that is open 24/7 because mine isn't on weekends. It was negative degrees out this morning and when I got back in the car after the workout it was -2'. I almost didn't go but I forced myself. I am hoping it is the first step in getting back to where I was.

Waiting2goback~I'm new around here so don't want to say too much or overstep so I'll say this. Your goal of a BQ is admirable!! Go for it!!! But enjoy the stops along the way. Depression is a b!

On another note my friend told me she didn't want to do the duathlon. I was sad at 1 st but realized I was putting MY goals on her. I like to run while she does an hour of body fit or boxing 6 days a week with 30 min on the treadmill for fun. Yes she's fit and could do it but it's not her goal. Anyway I still want to do it. I'm also thinking of adding a 10k to Lozilu and considerering seriously the duathlon. My husband is so supportive and it helps immensely.

You say what you need to say. I don't get offended easily and I work best when people are honest with me. As long as they are mean on purpose, I'm good with it. You can tell me I am crazy for trying to BQ. I know I am.

Sign up for it. You need to do it for you anyway so if you do it alone you do it alone.
Waiting2goback~that woman was mean to you because she feels bad about herself. You are right though, people are going to judge us no matter what.

I never want you to perceive me as mean, but sometimes I do employ tough love.

I don't think it's crazy to try and BQ but it is rather ambitious! I have a friend that not only runs marathons but WINS them. He just set a course record in Texas. He ran Boston this year and said it was an amazing experience. Don't give up on a dream!

I'm going to look on Craigslist for a bike. I want to go to a bike store and find want I need first:)
It didn't really bother me what she said. I know what I accomplished. Just because I am not ripped doesn't mean I'm a fat slob anymore. Who cares what she thinks.

I want to hear what you had to say, I can take it.

No, I am crazy. If I ran a perfect race in October, meaning no cramps or anything, I would have been just under 4:00 given my pace from the other races. I need to be at 3:15 at worst to have a chance to get into the Boston Marathon. I know it is almost impossible to trim 45:00 off your marathon time in one year. So its OK if everyone thinks I'm crazy.

As for the experience, I have heard how awesome it is. I sat next to a lady on the bus on the way to run the ToT. She ran Chicago 8 times I think she said, Boston 2 times, MANY Disney races on top of other regular races. She was from Chicago too. She said Boston was by far the best race ever. She said there is nothing like it. I'll run it in 2017 if humanly possible. I would like it to be by qualifying. If not I will run for Boston Children's Hospital so I can give back to them for taking care of my son.

I hope you get a bike and love it as much as I do. :yay:

For those of you with significant others, Happy Valentines Day!!! :love::love::love:
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! We went out for a family Valentine's dinner to Boston Pizza for heart shaped pizza. The last time we were there was for my daughter's birthday and the service was AWFUL! We complained to the manager who was useless and then to the owner. (My husband rarely gets upset enough to complain so if he does it means it was really bad) The owner gave us two coupons for an individual pizza and drink so we decided to go back and use them tonight (and ordered a heart shaped pizza as well). We ended up in the same table with the same waitress and manager! It was a little uncomfortable because she was trying way to hard and it seemed faked. The food and service was fine until the end - it took far to long to get desert and the bill. I think it's time to go back to the BP we used to go to before this one opened.

Our van also died again this morning while my husband was coming home from work - we spent $3000 on it in January and $500 in December. I don't know what's wrong, it is a 2006 but that's still not that old really. It's like there's a problem they can't find and it's causing other things to die. We have suspected that there is something wrong with the electrical for awhile now and keep saying that but so far they haven't figured it out. In January we thought about trading it in for a new one but I don't really want to take on a van payment again and I'm not quite ready to go to a car so we decided to get the work done thinking that would be it for awhile. My Disney dream is getting further and further away :(

It's supposed to be sunny and 11 degrees (I don't know what that is in your world!) all week so hopefully that will motivate me to get out there and start the couch to 5K program again. Work is getting really hectic and I think the break at lunch would be a really good thing.
Staycool~how was the movie. When are you going to start the emeals? Have you thought any more about boot camp or found one in your area?

On another note my friend told me she didn't want to do the duathlon. I was sad at 1 st but realized I was putting MY goals on her. I like to run while she does an hour of body fit or boxing 6 days a week with 30 min on the treadmill for fun. Yes she's fit and could do it but it's not her goal. Anyway I still want to do it. I'm also thinking of adding a 10k to Lozilu and considerering seriously the duathlon. My husband is so supportive and it helps immensely.

The movie was good. I have read all the books so I was able to fill in some of the blanks. If I hadn't read them, I think I would have been a little frustrated. There is only so much that they can explain with actions vs the thoughts that are in the book. There was A LOT of sex. So much that I think it should have been rated NC-17. I have to say I was surprised how much skin there was and how much was shown. :rolleyes: Rumor has it that they will release the next 2 on the next 2 valentines days. So we already have girls nights planned for the next 2 years. :teeth:

We will start emeals either tomorrow or the next day. We do have a lot of leftovers right now that need to be used up. I'm looking forward to trying new things. Boot camp is on Sunday mornings locally and the last couple of weeks I wasn't feeling well. Last night being V-day, I had a little too much champagne and wine to make it a good idea. Hopefully next Sunday...

Start signing up! You can do anything you can put your mind to. :jumping1:

I may have found a running group. I talked to a customer and he told me about one. They run on Tuesday nights. Obviously I would only be able to do it on nights I am not working. But, I may give it a shot once the weather warms up and the sidewalks are passable.

The "depression" is due to a lack of exercise, I know it. The weather isn't making it easy to exercise but I feel so much better the days I work out.

On a similar note, I had a customer insult me today. Our accessory of the month is the FitBit. I was telling her how I am the one in the office into fitness so they turn to me to discuss the FitBit with people. I said I know it's hard to believe looking at me though. (Cuz she was looking at me like I'm crazy) She said, "No kidding its hard to believe." Some of my co-workers came to my defense. She said, "Sorry, I guess if I have nothing to say I will just say nothing at all." I looked her in the eye and said, "I have run a marathon and have the medal to prove it." She then kept quiet. My point in sharing is, it doesn't matter how you look because people will always judge and find fault. You will get where you want to be and it will be worth all the time and effort, and it will last

Yay for finding a running group. You need to find like minded people and I think right now that is one of your big struggles. And I agree about depression due to lack of exercise. I get really twitchy when I go too long without some kind of workout. Glad you are getting back to being positive. :)

As far as your customer being an idiot, well unfortunately people think that they can comment on whatever they want. I really really dislike rude people. And I have mastered putting them in their places over the years. I used to just take it and feel bad. Now I make sure they know they were out of line. Ugh. Such a pet peeve of mine.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! We went out for a family Valentine's dinner to Boston Pizza for heart shaped pizza. The last time we were there was for my daughter's birthday and the service was AWFUL! We complained to the manager who was useless and then to the owner. (My husband rarely gets upset enough to complain so if he does it means it was really bad) The owner gave us two coupons for an individual pizza and drink so we decided to go back and use them tonight (and ordered a heart shaped pizza as well). We ended up in the same table with the same waitress and manager! It was a little uncomfortable because she was trying way to hard and it seemed faked. The food and service was fine until the end - it took far to long to get desert and the bill. I think it's time to go back to the BP we used to go to before this one opened.

Our van also died again this morning while my husband was coming home from work - we spent $3000 on it in January and $500 in December. I don't know what's wrong, it is a 2006 but that's still not that old really. It's like there's a problem they can't find and it's causing other things to die. We have suspected that there is something wrong with the electrical for awhile now and keep saying that but so far they haven't figured it out. In January we thought about trading it in for a new one but I don't really want to take on a van payment again and I'm not quite ready to go to a car so we decided to get the work done thinking that would be it for awhile. My Disney dream is getting further and further away :(

It's supposed to be sunny and 11 degrees (I don't know what that is in your world!) all week so hopefully that will motivate me to get out there and start the couch to 5K program again. Work is getting really hectic and I think the break at lunch would be a really good thing.

That stinks about the poor service. At least they tried to make it better though but I completely understand about the "fake" feeling.

That is awful about your van. We just went through something similar with my husband's truck... $1700 later. :sad:

We are having frigid weather. 1' out and a windchill of -25. It is sunny though at least.
So I had a really good weekend with friends and my hubby. Girls night was a definite success. We all went out to dinner and had a few drinks. At the movie one of my friends fell asleep and was snoring. :crazy: I seriously think I spent 5 minutes trying not to laugh out loud at her. Last night we stayed home and my hubby went out of his way to make a romantic evening. He did such a great job.

Today I signed up for the Dirty Girl 5k in the end of August. So the Color Run is in the end of April. I've got to get moving, but either way, they are a lot of fun. If I can ramp up my training I might sign up for a 10k this summer, but if not I will just keep doing 5ks to keep moving.

Today will be food prep for the week. Not exciting but needs to be done. Plus my husband is starting to get sick so I need to make it as painless as possible.

Happy Sunday!
Dizzyr~sounds like your night out was...... interesting. It sounds like they wanted too make it right anyway. that is terrible about the van. I hate when vehicles start to be such a money pit.

Staycool~thanks for the movie review. my friend said parts were cheesy but overall ok. I think your running plan sounds awesome. I wish I had a Dirty Girl around here instead off Lozilu. Basically the same thing but much cooler name!!!

Waiting2goback~I think a running group will be so good for you! Motivation and encouragement in person. its much harder to be down when your focusing outward!

So I did some asking around about what kind of bike I'd need for the duathlon at bike shops & sporting goods stores. I found a bike on Craigslist that fit the bill and bought it. not top of the line but a decent bike for $90!

Keep moving!
Our van also died again this morning while my husband was coming home from work - we spent $3000 on it in January and $500 in December. I don't know what's wrong, it is a 2006 but that's still not that old really. It's like there's a problem they can't find and it's causing other things to die. We have suspected that there is something wrong with the electrical for awhile now and keep saying that but so far they haven't figured it out. In January we thought about trading it in for a new one but I don't really want to take on a van payment again and I'm not quite ready to go to a car so we decided to get the work done thinking that would be it for awhile. My Disney dream is getting further and further away :(

It's supposed to be sunny and 11 degrees (I don't know what that is in your world!) all week so hopefully that will motivate me to get out there and start the couch to 5K program again. Work is getting really hectic and I think the break at lunch would be a really good thing.

Glad you had a nice Valentines Day. Now you know not to go back to that place anymore.

I know car payments stink but if you think of it this way, had you gotten a new van with a $300/month payment the amount of money you spent to fix the old one would have paid the first year's worth of payments. And you have a newer van. Especially electrical problems, those can be a nightmare. Anyway, I hope this repair is less costly.

11 degrees. That would be balmy around here. It is currently 1' here with 30-40 mph winds. So, its pretty chilly here.

So I had a really good weekend with friends and my hubby. Girls night was a definite success. We all went out to dinner and had a few drinks. At the movie one of my friends fell asleep and was snoring. :crazy: I seriously think I spent 5 minutes trying not to laugh out loud at her. Last night we stayed home and my hubby went out of his way to make a romantic evening. He did such a great job.

Today I signed up for the Dirty Girl 5k in the end of August. So the Color Run is in the end of April. I've got to get moving, but either way, they are a lot of fun. If I can ramp up my training I might sign up for a 10k this summer, but if not I will just keep doing 5ks to keep moving.

Glad you had fun with your friends. I have to admit, I heard about the hype about the books but I don't know what the big deal is because I never read them.

Congrats on signing up for a race and you should absolutely sign up for a 10K. You can do it. You did more than that last year.

So I did some asking around about what kind of bike I'd need for the duathlon at bike shops & sporting goods stores. I found a bike on Craigslist that fit the bill and bought it. not top of the line but a decent bike for $90!

Keep moving!

What am I doing wrong? The bikes I am looking at on craigslist are $900. How did you find one for $90?

No workout for me today. Had to snowblow AGAIN before work. Then I worked and got home and the "wife" left as she is going away for a couple nights at a hotel. So I could go to the gym. I have the kids tomorrow so I may get up early and do P90X3. If not I am planning to do it tomorrow night when they go to bed.

Here is an update on my co-workers. I had the one I told you about that is signing up for Wine and Dine is still doing that. The original one I was trying to talk into it has now decided he is going to do Wine and Dine AND Avengers so he can get his C2C. He asked me my opinion and I told him if he really wants the C2C (which he says he does) then it makes the most sense to do that as he will have done the training already so doing one more race the next week will be no problem.

It was dead at work today because of the snow so we watched YouTube videos of runDisney races. They are all fired up. This is good for me because now I have people to talk to running about. They are asking me a million questions. It's bad because now I am so bummed I can't do a runDisney race for a while, even more than I was.


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