Zip-ah-de-doo-da, Zip-ah-dee-EH! Two Canadians Visit WDW for the 1st Time - COMPLETE!

You HAVE to do whatever you can to get tickets to the outdoor game. I just went to the one in Denver and while crazy expensive it was one of the best weekends of my life! Highly recommend it. They are so awesome.

I'm actually on the waitlist for Oilers season tickets, so I'm hoping they might open up some tickets to those of us on that list! I'd love to go to that alumni game too, Teemu Selanne and Dale Hawerchuk against Gretzky, Messier, Curry and Coffey? Yes please!

That must have been awesome to experience (even if the end score was not in your favour...). I actually watched a bit of that alumni game from the Anaheim Ducks gift shop haha, but missed the actual game because we were at Disneyland for the day.

Also, sorry for the results your Avs have been getting lately, it's not looking good for them to make the playoffs. It's too bad, I was rooting for them, I'm a MacKinnon fan.

Also really enjoying your report :) We are doing Disneyland for the first time since we were kids (14 years ago) and we're WDW vets. Loving the direct comparisons :)

I feel like the two are so different, yet so similar in a lot of ways. I love the ease of park-hopping in California, but I love the Disney bubble you enter in Florida. I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Thanks for reading along!
Just got to read your trip report and I must say that I love it! :D I am enjoying all of the details, your comparisons, and of course, your awesome photography of food and the characters (Beast and Tusker House were my favorites! :D). I am sorry about your Crohns flare-up, but sometimes, food/drink is the best medicine when you feel crappy :( . Your trip report is definitely giving me some awesome ideas for my next trip (not sure when?), like trying Be Our Guest for dinner (I have only done lunch on my trips in 2014 and 2016) as the atmosphere and food looked amazing! :D Thank you for your awesome report and I look forward to reading more! :D

Thanks for joining in! My report is no where near as detailed as your's is, maybe that's something I can strive for on my next trip! I had way more fun meeting characters then I ever imagined I would!

I was very determined to get a new phone before I went to Disney, and I couldn't be happier with the quality of the pictures taken with my new iPhone 6. Then my dad surprised me with a new Nikon camera for Christmas to take on our trip. I'm very happy with how some of my pictures turned out :)

Crohn's sucks haha. Luckily I didn't get sick again the entire trip!

I highly recommend BOG for supper! I loved that steak and those beans so much! We actually ate there a few more times on this trip haha...
Hi Fallon! I'm following along here and enjoying your trip report,

Welcome! Thanks for joining in!

We love Tusker House. Food wise, it's my favorite character buffet meal. We try to book lunch around 11:15-11:30. That way we get the tail end of the breakfast items and the beginning of the lunch options. Then we need to be rolled out of there!

This is great to know! I'm not a huge fan of breakfast foods (eggs tend to bother my stomach), but Luke loves breakfast. Poor guy, he would love going out for breakfast every once in a while, but I always refuse unless the place is also serving from their lunch menu at the same time. I will definitely have to remember this when I'm booking our reservations for our next trip and I'm sure I will have a very happy boyfriend :)

I'm sorry your crohn's acted up. It's awful when you're not feeling well on vacation.

It was a rough afternoon, luckily it was only that day!

I love how you do the breakdown with your dining plan. I'm one of those people who needs to get the most bang for the buck with the DDP also. I know dining plans catch a lot of flack, but I do like paying up front and not having to worry later.

I kept really good notes for the first few days, and then they get a little shady afterwards, so I'm hoping I'll be able to remember enough to do a final tally of cost vs. worth. I really enjoyed being on the dining plan this time, but I'm not sure if we'll go that route next time. We're thinking we might like to eat at more table service places and not as many quick services, and I also felt like it was way too much food most of the time, with the dessert being included.

I also agree with your assessment of quick service meals at WDW. I'm always pleasantly surprised by the selection and quality of most of the counter service restaurants.

I can't wait to go back to eat more Disney food!
Hello again Fallon! :D I have to say, I think that your QS meals look excellent, especially the Turkey Platter, which would be my pick for sure! :D I cannot say that I disagree with you and annie170 on the quality of QS meals, as I find them to be very good to excellent for the most part, as the quality is definitely high and the portion sizes are on the generous side. Can't wait to read more of your adventures fallonkendra! :D

That turkey platter was really good! I actually watched them carve the turkey after I ordered it, so it was nice and juicy! And it was so cheap! One of the big reasons why I'm so excited to go back to Disney is to eat! There were very few meals where I was not overly impressed, but for the most part I was blown away by how good everything was!
I'm with Luke on the carb-loading ... I don't like to do it. I just eat what I normally do. So far, thankfully, I haven't had any problems.

Thanks for sharing the cost breakdown on the dining plan. We've thought about getting the dining plan in the past but have never really been sure if it was a good value, so it's definitely interesting to see that it seemed to be a good value for you so far!

I'm going to go read your planning report now. Yay for another runDisney trip!
I'm with Luke on the carb-loading ... I don't like to do it. I just eat what I normally do. So far, thankfully, I haven't had any problems.

Thanks for sharing the cost breakdown on the dining plan. We've thought about getting the dining plan in the past but have never really been sure if it was a good value, so it's definitely interesting to see that it seemed to be a good value for you so far!

I'm going to go read your planning report now. Yay for another runDisney trip!

I was so determined to make the dining plan worth it, I did an insane amount of research on menus and prices before I went haha. I slacked a little towards the end of the trip with writing down all of the costs, but I'm still certain we came out ahead. The only problem with it was how much food we ate. Neither one of us typically order dessert at a restaurant, but because it was included in the dining plan we ate it with every meal...

I'm so excited to be in the planning process for another Disney trip! And we're still planning on going in January 2018 again as well haha.
That turkey platter was really good! I actually watched them carve the turkey after I ordered it, so it was nice and juicy! And it was so cheap! One of the big reasons why I'm so excited to go back to Disney is to eat! There were very few meals where I was not overly impressed, but for the most part I was blown away by how good everything was!
It looked amazing! :D Nothing like delicious, hot turkey carved off of the frame and for what you are getting, it is definitely inexpensive! I absolutely agree with you, it is hard to find a Disney restaurant that is not good! :D
Day Four - Part One: Early Morning Wake-up! (January 8, 2016)

This was an extremely early morning - we were getting up when a younger version of myself would have just been heading to bed...But I was okay with it - this was our entire reason for this trip! It was 10k day!


Luke woke up around 2:45am so he could eat his yogurt parfait and cereal he had picked up the night before, and start getting himself hydrated. I heard him get up, but I refused to open my eyes and swing my legs over the side of the bed until 3:30. I quickly brushed my teeth, threw my hair up into a messy ponytail and we left the room about 15 minutes later. When we got to the front of the hotel where bus-pick up was, there was already a bus for the race sitting there waiting so we walked directly on (seriously, Disney transport had been so good to us so far on this trip!). It was a short drive to the parking lot at Epcot, and then we got into the line for people carrying bags. It moved really quickly, and it did not take us long before we were in the main area for the race. There were so many people! While we walked around a bit, it started raining - good thing I was wearing my rain coat! Around 5am Luke had to head to the starting corrals, so I gave him a hug, wished him good luck and told him to not worry about his time and just enjoy every minute of the race! I went around to the spectator viewing area to watch the start of the race.

At exactly 5:25am, the first countdown was held and the wheelchair athletes were off! At 5:30 the actual competitive athletes (Corral A) took off. Each 10 minutes, another group had their chance to leave the start gate and set out on their 10km, and with each group there were fireworks set off.

Eventually, Group D was led into the starting corral!

I was texting Luke, and let him know where I was so he could wave to me as he went by to start his race :) After I watched him go through the start gate, I made my way over to the finish line. I knew he'd be at least an hour and a half, since he did want to stop and meet a few characters (because seriously, where else can he do that during a race?!). It was raining this entire time, and it was kind of cold but luckily I had dressed in layers. I found a spot to sit on the grandstands beside the finish line, set Luke's sweater down so I could keep my bum dry haha, and made myself comfortable. I did have a great view of this:

Luke's group started the race at 6am, and it rained until a little after 7:30 or so. I actually got to sit there and watch the sunrise around Spaceship Earth - so cool!

I had taken my bookbag with me, I was planning on using the time to write down my notes of everything that we did the day before in the new travel journal my mom had bought me for Christmas but the rain put a damper on that. I was not bored at all though, it was a ton of fun to just people watch! Some of the costumes were phenomenal! People put so much effort into their outfits, and they all looked great! Some people just have so much creativity! Luke was texting me every so often, and stopping to update his Facebook to let our families and friends know how he was doing with pictures like this one:

Just past the 4 mile marker, he texted to say he was going to stop to meet his first character - Remy from Ratatouille! About 10 minutes later, I had this picture sent to me:

So cute! I love how happy Luke looks in this picture!

Next post: the rest of Luke's race!
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Yay for 10K day! That wakeup is definitely early, and you're so amazing for waking up and going to watch the race!

The rain was definitely a bummer, but the races are still a lot of fun. People-watching at these races is so amazing ... just seeing all of the costumes and the things people wear are awesome!

I love Luke's Ratatouille picture! That was definitely one of my favorite character meets - it was awesome that they were out there!
Yay for 10K day! That wakeup is definitely early, and you're so amazing for waking up and going to watch the race!

Haha, I'm not that great - I told him that after sitting in the rain for 2 hours, I am now exempt from attending any other races he does this year.

The rain was definitely a bummer, but the races are still a lot of fun. People-watching at these races is so amazing ... just seeing all of the costumes and the things people wear are awesome!

I'm now fairly certain I'm going to run the 5km next January with Luke, so I guess we'd better start on our costumes for it! His suggestion - Wall-E and Eve (his favourite Disney/Pixar movie) I guess we'll see what I'm able to come up with haha.

Sitting in the rain did suck, but then I just looked to my right, saw the giant Epcot ball and reminded myself that I was still at Disney, and that immediately made me happy!

I love Luke's Ratatouille picture! That was definitely one of my favorite character meets - it was awesome that they were out there!

He was really excited about that too, even more so when I told him it was a super rare character to meet.
Gosh, what an early start!

I've heard the costumes people come up with are really great for those races. My marathon running daughter did a Disney race a few years ago. While she had fun, she was surprised by tone of the race. We have to remind her that not everyone is as diehard as she is!

The picture with Remy is so cute!
I'm joining in! This trip report is great: it's got Canadians, first-timers, run Disney and awesome narrative! :)
Loving your TR so far. I'd never heard of a degu before so glad you posted pics!
Gosh, what an early start!

I've heard the costumes people come up with are really great for those races. My marathon running daughter did a Disney race a few years ago. While she had fun, she was surprised by tone of the race. We have to remind her that not everyone is as diehard as she is!

The picture with Remy is so cute!

Luke is definitely not a diehard runner, but he was a little bit upset by how slow his time was in the 10km, even though I kept reminding him that runDisney was not about getting his best time ever, it was for him to have fun and meet characters and soak up a new experience. He did agree that his time doesn't matter to him now, and he loved the entire thing so much we're going back in January 2017 for another marathon weekend!

I'm joining in! This trip report is great: it's got Canadians, first-timers, run Disney and awesome narrative! :)

Welcome! Thanks so much for reading along! I'm glad you are enjoying my report, even though I've been slack and haven't put up a new update in's coming though, I promise!

Loving your TR so far. I'd never heard of a degu before so glad you posted pics!

Thanks for joining in! Most people have never heard of degus before, I usually end up referring to them as my "cuter than rats rodents". I'm hoping to have the next part of my trip report posted within the next few days!
I lost your trip report but I found it again! I'm sorry to hear you were sick. That's no fun. But it still sounds like you're having a good time! I can't wait to start mine!
The runDisney races seem really interesting. Being able to meet rare characters like Remy would be fun. I'm not a long distance runner by any stretch, but it would probably be some great motivation. Maybe one day I'll do one.
I lost your trip report but I found it again! I'm sorry to hear you were sick. That's no fun. But it still sounds like you're having a good time! I can't wait to start mine!

Welcome back! I'll be sure to read your trip report once you start it!

The runDisney races seem really interesting. Being able to meet rare characters like Remy would be fun. I'm not a long distance runner by any stretch, but it would probably be some great motivation. Maybe one day I'll do one.

I'm also not a runner, but it seems so tempting just to meet all of the rare characters! The way the entire race weekend was organized was incredibly impressive too!
Thank you for continuing to update your report! I love your comments because I agree with a lot of the stuff you're talking about (especially sleeping in! even on vacations).

GF is taking me to our first WDW trip around the same time you're planning your Disney Run in 2017. I have been to DL and when I learn more about WDW during the planning, I'm constantly comparing the two! Love your little comparisons for the dining plan because we are thinking of going that route as well.

I also love your photopasses. Do you think it was a good purchase at the end?
Thank you for continuing to update your report! I love your comments because I agree with a lot of the stuff you're talking about (especially sleeping in! even on vacations).

I understand the appeal of wanting to be up and on the go early in the morning during a Disney vacation, and we did it on certain days of the trip, but sometimes it's just so nice to wake up on your own without an alarm (or in our case - a cat sitting on your face or a dog jumping on you).

GF is taking me to our first WDW trip around the same time you're planning your Disney Run in 2017. I have been to DL and when I learn more about WDW during the planning, I'm constantly comparing the two! Love your little comparisons for the dining plan because we are thinking of going that route as well.

The dining plan was worth it for us on this trip, but it was soooo much food! Right now, I don't think we'll be purchasing the dining plan for our 2017 trip since I want to eat at more table service places, and not an equal split of table and quick serve. What are your dates for your trip?

I'll continue comparing the two parks for the rest of my trip report :)

I also love your photopasses. Do you think it was a good purchase at the end?

It was a lot of money, especially with the exchange rate, but in the end, I'd say it was worth it. I kept thinking of it as it costs $15 per ride photo, so I just needed to get 10 decent ride photos out of it. I did end up with more than that, but some of them I would have never paid for. The other pictures I got though more than made up the difference (like in front of the castle, the Tree of Life, character meet and greets, etc).

Thanks for reading along!


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