You must be swift as the coursing river (as long as it's the Lazy River) - comments welcome

April 15 - 21, 2024
5K training week 4

In which I have no idea what day it is

This week's schedule

Easy/strides: 6.09 miles (10:07), avg. HR 151, max 173, 90% Z1-2
Lower body strength/HIIT

My Achilles was making me a little nervous, so I started out super duper easy. Fortunately I didn't have any problems with it, so I got back to normal kind of out of habit. Pretty good run overall.

The strength/HIIT was one of those routines I've done many times over the years but not in a while, so it was cool to see gains. I was lifting heavier on the strength sets and feeling less tired on the HIIT. While I wasn't too tired, I was feeling kind of fatigued by the time I finished (don't ask me to explain the difference but there is one). I think it's a combination of still recovering from the long run/race on Saturday and probably not getting enough protein afterwards. Nutrition is too complicated 😩

Easy/strides: 7.29 miles (9:32), avg. HR 155, max 178, 86% Z1-2

It was a fairly pleasant morning and a fairly pleasant run. I do keep having this issue where I start doing strides and my HR goes up and just doesn't go back down again (especially when I'm already running uphill). I have just kind of given up on trying to fix this.


I finally hung my medal racks! I am still slightly afraid of the drill. (Am I the only one who looks at power tools and just sees easy ways to maim yourself by accident? 🫣)

Two racks with medals hanging from them with bibs from my PR races in between, because by the time I realized the racks were weirdly far apart, I had already made a bunch of holes in the wall

Workout: 1.54 mile WU/strides + 4 x 45s @ 1MP/90s RI + 10 min @ LTP + 2 min RI + 4 x 45s @ 1MP/90s RI + 1.75 mile CD
Split paces: 6:13, 6:39, 6:55, 5:57; 7:25; 6:39, 6:11, 5:43, 6:18
GAP splits: 6:07, 6:10, 5:38, 5:59; 7:24; 6:09, 6:02, 5:59, 6:13
Total: 6.97 miles, 1:04:00, avg. HR 159, max 193

Total body strength

Workout analysis (GAP) chart

That was hard.

I mostly mean it was hard work, but pacing is also hard. I have to get used to the GAP on the trail again (though Strava's calculations always seem a little questionable to me). Regardless, though, I was probably going too fast on most of the mile pace intervals - paces with a "5" in front are definitely beyond my current fitness 😅 I wasn't too bad on the LT portion of the sandwich, especially for not being used to these paces. It was a struggle to keep that up in the second half of the interval, though. And I was walking the first half of the recovery intervals in the second set 🥵

It did not help that I had technical difficulties with my water bottle which resulted in only having water for the first mile or so. The little plastic piece that keeps the water from spilling out when you're not drinking from it stopped keeping the water from spilling out, and that clearly wasn't working for a speed workout. I tucked it behind a log and picked it up on my way back. Does anyone else have a problem with Nathan water bottles constantly breaking? I've had like six different models since I started running regularly two years ago and they've all died an extremely inconvenient death 😑

Anyway, even though I'm still working on the pacing, I feel like it was a success just to get through that workout without dying, so overall it's a win 🙌

I didn't have time to do my strength workout right when I got back from my run, and by the time I got to it, I was feeling really tired and wasn't sure how it would go. But I actually felt better when I was moving. I definitely didn't get as many rounds in as Nicole, but I was just happy it didn't suck as much as I thought it might. (That seems to be a theme for the day.)

Easy: 6.3 miles (9:56), avg. HR 151, max 169 (?)

I was feeling tired after Thursday's workout, so I was a bit sluggish starting out. It was cooler than it had been for the past few days, which wasn't the worst thing but I did kind of wish I had long sleeves. After a few stiff, chilly minutes, though, I felt okay for the most part.

I did the core workout as kind of a warmup, and it was...more difficult than I was expecting. My legs kept twitching on the reverse crunches 😬

Long: 13.21 miles (9:39), ???

I enjoyed some quite pleasant running weather this morning. It was about mid-50s and cloudy when I went out, which is pretty much my ideal. Since my handheld was broken, I took my hydration vest with half a liter of Skratch and half a liter of plain water (and finished about half of the water and most of the Skratch). First time I've used that in a while!

All in all, a pretty good run. I think I was going a teensy bit harder than I maybe should have, but it was hard to tell, at least from my HR, because my watch was cadence-locked for like 8 miles. Le sigh.

In addition to the water and Skratch, I had two GUs and a UCAN gel. Also my abs were sore from Friday 😅

I did the yoga in the afternoon, and mostly I did the easier version of everything because I was tired. BUT I did feel the most balanced I ever have trying Dancer! So that was exciting. Also the dog wanted to help 🤣

yoga friend.jpg
My dog "helping" me with yoga by laying his head in my lap

Easy/strides: 6.14 miles (10:20), avg. HR 154, max 167, 98% Z1-2
Upper body strength

Why is it cold again?? It was in the 40s when I got up, and I didn't like it 🥶 I saved my run for the afternoon when it was at least above 50. My legs felt kind of heavy, but otherwise it was okay.

Running: 7h 28m, 46 miles
Strength/mobility: 2h 16m
Total: 9h 45m

Weekly training log

So I successfully kept my long run on Saturday, but then I was really confused about what day it was. Like, yesterday afternoon I was trying to see when people I know finished London, and I was so confused about why the results weren't up yet. And then I realized the race wasn't until the next day 🤣 Moral of the story: you can change when you do your runs, but changing when you think you do your runs takes longer!

Coming up
Next week's schedule

Well, I decided it wouldn't hurt to add some speedwork to my long runs, so I'm doing a classic 5K workout with at least 4 extra miles added on 🫠 We'll see how it goes!

I'll also probably keep the schedule shifted back a day, but it's too much work to update the spreadsheet 🙃
I love your two medal racks for DC and Disney!

I have a Nathan speed draw water bottle and the top broke on mine, same issue as you had. Thankfully I found you can buy replacement tops on Amazon!
April 22 - 28, 2024
5K training week 5

In which I crash and burn

This week's schedule

Easy/strides: 6.21 miles (9:35), avg. HR 157, max 173, 77% Z1-2?
Lower body strength

Started out too fast. Mostly because I was cold and I wanted to be warmer. It sort of worked, but then I ended up working harder than I should have in the last couple of miles. I used to be good at keeping my easy runs easy...

Random vignette: While I was running along the Potomac, I looked out and saw a mama duck with a little fleet of ducklings! I really wished I had brought my phone so I could take a picture.

Also my Saucony Endorphin Speed 3s now have 450+ miles on them but still feel the same as the new pair I wore at the Princess Half (because they matched my outfit). I usually get 300-400 miles out of my shoes, so that's pretty impressive.

The strength workout was new to me. It took a second to get the hang of some of the exercises (especially because I was using a dumbbell instead of a kettlebell), but I liked it. However, for some reason as I was finishing the workout/doing my heel drops afterwards, I was STARVING. I ended up stuffing candied pecans in my face while I was stretching 😅

Easy/strides: 6.25 miles (9:57), avg. HR 149?

I was really trying to take it easy, and I did fairly well. I did order a new cap for my handheld thanks to @nancipants, but it hadn't arrived yet, so I decided to run around the Mall because most of the water fountains there actually work. It was mostly fine; I just wish groups would realize that other people are also using public spaces and not take up the entire sidewalk 🙄

My throat started aching at some point on Monday, even though I was JUST sick last month. I woke up with it feeling extra scratchy, but otherwise I was okay, and it wasn't really noticeable while I was running. But no more illnesses!

off (yoga)

Maybe it's just allergies.

Workout: 2.5 miles easy/strides + 15 min steady + 6 min @ LTP + 4 min @ CV + 2 min RI + 4 x 30s @ 1MP/1 min RI + 1 mile CD
Total: 7.63 miles, avg. HR 166, max 186 (?)

Total body strength

Strava workout analysis chart and lap splits

I think it's just allergies. I felt fine during my workout other than all the sniffling. (I mean, it was hard, but it's a workout. It's supposed to be hard.)

I was freezing for whole warmup, but once I started working harder it was fine. Sometimes I sort of envy people who drive to their starting point and can do their warmup and then drop a jacket back at the car. But it's much easier to run from my house, and I can use the mile or two to the trail to warm up without worrying about traffic lights messing up my workout.

My pacing was pretty good for the most part. I didn't look at my watch during the mile-pace intervals, but also Apple and Strava disagree about the paces on those. I think they were too short to get good data. I definitely could have run faster, so I'm not worried about it.

I was pretty tired for the rest of the day, but not too tired to get stuff done so it's fine.

Easy: 6.15 miles (10:29), avg. HR 150, max 162, 100% Z1-2

My main goal with this run was to take it easy so I could recover between Thursday and Saturday's hard days. It was fairly successful.

Long/workout: 4.5 miles easy/strides + 6 4.75 x 800m @ 5KP/1 min RI + 5 miles easy
Interval split paces: 7:01, 7:01, 6:50, 7:03, 7:03 (620m)
GAP: 6:55, 7:10, 6:50, 6:56, 6:58 (620m)
Total: 12.29 miles, 2:03:00

Strava pace analysis chart

Well. That did not go as planned.

I was generally fine for the easy portion. Annoyingly I did have to pee about 15 minutes in, but luckily I was still coming up to the real bathrooms on the Mall so I didn't have to use the Gravelly Point port-a-potties, which are gross. There were more people out than I was expecting on a fairly cool and cloudy morning, but I guess everyone is ready for spring. I did a few strides coming up on the workout part, which required some extra strategizing because of all the people on the trail, and then I was ready to go.

Interval #1: Hard but doable. A little fast, especially at the beginning, oops.

Interval #2: Similarly hard but doable and starting too fast. Also I remembered I was supposed to have had a gel at 4 miles and did not. I walked the rest interval so I could belatedly take the gel.

Interval #3: Getting harder. Walked most of the recovery again, this time because I was tired.

Interval #4: Really hard. Breathing is no longer matched with cadence. Walked the rest period again.

Interval #5: Actively in the process of dying. Pace started to drop off and ended the interval around 600m.

Interval #6: Skipped

After partial interval #5, I walked for a couple of minutes before getting back to a jog. The rest of the run was okay except for a mile or so later where I had to walk again, this time because of a side stitch. It went away after a few minutes, though, and then I went back to running.

So that's not exactly what I was aiming for.

I have some takeaways:

1. Probably not running a 7 flat pace in a 5K in the near future (especially if I start out at 6:30-6:40). I was actually supposed to be doing a 7:05 pace, and I don't know if the extra few seconds would have made a difference, but that seems pretty ambitious right now too 🫤

2. Maybe don't have your first real work at race pace be a really hard workout in the middle of a long run. This wouldn't have been an easy workout on its own, but on fairly tired legs and starting 5 miles into a long run was maybe not the wisest plan.

3. Whatever happened to running by feel? I'm actually not terrible at that when I think about it, but I was thinking pace instead and kept starting too aggressively, which certainly didn't help.

Anyway, that was a bit disappointing, but I learned some things 🤷‍♀️

Easy: 6.3 miles (10:30), avg. HR 152, max 163, 100% Z1-2
Upper body strength

It was a pleasant morning for an easy run. These days on Sundays I usually run up Massachusetts Ave and back, which makes for lots of hills. This time I paid a quick visit to my grad school alma mater so I could pee and grab a drink of water, and circling back I got to run up a VERY steep hill 😬

Running: 7h 24m, 44.86 miles
Strength/mobility: 2h 3m
Total: 9h 27m

Weekly training log

Um, Strava...what the heck happened with the color scheme?? Ick.

Coming up
Next week's schedule

More hills and another long run workout, though hopefully this one will go a little better.
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April 29 - May 5, 2024
5K training week 6

In which the weather is all over the place

This week's schedule

Easy/strides: 7.3 miles (10:10), avg. HR 152, max 177, 95% Z1-2
Lower body strength

Um, is it summer now?? It was in the mid-70s by the time I finished my run. It didn't feel too bad, though, so I must have done okay slowing down.

I can't remember why I didn't include HIIT with my lower body strength workout. I thought about doing a short video, but I didn't feel like it 🤷‍♀️

Easy/strides: 6.07 miles (10:13), avg. HR 153, max 179, 91% Z1-2

It was another warm morning, but there was a bit more of a breeze this time. I mostly felt good except that my left glute started aching about halfway through. Probably left over from Monday's strength. I stopped on the way back and got my free doughnuts from Krispy Kreme 🤤

off (yoga)

I think I like doing yoga on my rest day better than doing it after my long run.

Workout: 2.24 mile WU/strides + 4 x 60/45/30s uphill/jog down (walk after each set) + 2.35 mile CD
Total: 7.23 miles, avg. HR 158, max 191

Total body strength

Workout analysis (GAP) and splits

HILLS. Hills are hard. Especially when it is warm and sunny.

This workout came to me courtesy of Phily Bowden on YouTube (love her), and I thought, sure, that sounds like a fun way to die.
I wrote down the basics but didn't remember much about the video it came from. However, since it's Phily, I was pretty sure that each rep in a set was supposed to get faster, so I did that. The first set was way too fast all around; I already felt like I was dying and I was only a quarter of the way through the workout. So I dialed it back a little for the next set. Every rep felt just slightly too long, like I really wanted to stop 5 seconds ago, but here I am, still running up the hill. Which is probably actually kind of what's supposed to happen, but oy 🥵

Strava says my GAP didn't necessarily get faster as the reps got shorter, but I can assure you that in real life my effort certainly did. Splits are above but I'm always kind of skeptical of the GAP, especially when it disagrees with my actual experience.

By the end my jog downhill wasn't much faster than walking, but I somehow survived. (Let's be honest, I saved Des and Kara for this workout and they got me through it 😂)

Easy: 6.26 miles (10:00), avg. HR 151, max 164, 100% Z1-2

I expected this to be more of a recovery run, but I actually felt pretty good. It was a little cooler than the last few days, which was nice. I did catch myself speeding up a little in the last couple of miles because I wanted my average pace to be under 10 flat, but then I realized I was being dumb 😅

Long: 9 miles easy + 10 min @ MP + 6 min @ HMP + 4 min @ 10KP + 3 min @ 5KP + 1 min @ 1MP + 1.4 mile CD
Interval split paces: 8:17, 7:45, 7:35, 7:22, 6:39
GAP: 8:13, 7:48, 7:24, 7:21, 6:41
Total: 13.47 miles, avg. HR 158, max 182

This weather is giving me whiplash. From 70 and sunny to 50 and gloomy is a real transition. Doing this workout in 70 and sunny conditions would have sucked, but after the rest of the week I was surprised when it cooled off again. The drizzle did make the trees look extra-green, though.

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Rock Creek Trail surrounded by a lot of spring green

Anyway, I felt a little stiff during the "warmup" (a.k.a. the 9 miles I was running before I had to go faster). Also perhaps unsurprisingly, I had to stop at the bathroom at about 4.5 miles. This is also where I tucked my arm sleeves into my vest (which I then slightly regretted as it started drizzling again and my arms were cold). Other than that, the first segment was pretty uneventful.

Because my legs were still feeling kind of stiff, I wasn't sure how faster paces would go. I tried to focus on running by feel - I was still checking my watch, but it worked surprisingly well and my pacing was surprisingly decent. I was also pleased that I was feeling okay for the most part. After last weekend's blowup, I was a little worried about this one, but I only really felt like I was working after I got to a steep hill in the middle of the 10K segment.

Then things went a little off course (metaphorically, at least for me). You might notice that the paces on the last two segments are significantly slower than they should be. Well, that wasn't actually a running problem. A little bit into the 5K segment, I came upon a pretty serious looking car accident next to the trail I was using. I didn't actually stop - I felt kind of bad going by but there were a couple dozen people already hovering around and there was nothing I could do except get in the way - but I did slow down going through that. I felt like it would have been callous to sprint through. I hope everyone was okay 😟

So yeah, hence the slower 5KP segment. There was no such issue with the mile pace segment, but I glanced down early on and saw 5-something, so I slowed down, and then I got distracted and ended up going too slow. It's fine.

From a running perspective, I feel like that went reasonably well. But drive carefully out there, folks!

Easy: 6.3 miles (10:47), avg. HR <149, max 159, 100% Z1-2
Upper body strength

My legs were tired. But I managed to find the one hour of the morning where it wasn't really raining, so all in all it was a pretty good run.

By early afternoon I was feeling pretty fatigued, and I thought about skipping my strength training. But skipping things makes me sad, so I traded in my planned routine for a quick one so I could at least do something.

Running: 7h 53m, 46.64 miles
Strength/mobility: 2h 10m
Total: 10h 4m

Weekly training log. It is still ugly.

It was a big week, so I'm not really surprised to be especially tired.

Coming up
Next week's schedule

Some nice threshold intervals, and then a shorter long run leading into race week the following week!
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Strava says my GAP didn't necessarily get faster as the reps got shorter, but I can assure you that in real life my effort certainly did. Splits are above but I'm always kind of skeptical of the GAP, especially when it disagrees with my actual experience.
I get my GAP from my Garmin Epix, not Strava, but my experiences is that GAPs for short segments are often not at all correct or even logical. I suppose that in order to calculate a GAP, the calculator needs an established grade for a certain distance/time, otherwise, how can it tell if the grade is changing? I think that for short segments, there just isn't sufficient data on this for the calculation to be correct.
May 6 - 12, 2024
5K training week 7

In which the flow happens

This week's schedule

Easy/strides: 7.25 miles (9:45), avg. HR 150, max 176, 93% Z1-2
Lower body strength/HIIT

It was warm. It was humid. (It was overcast, at least.) I was still tired. All indications said I should have been slower than usual. But I was not.

I still don't get it 🤷‍♀️

Also, that HIIT segment was tough. My average HR was higher for the strength/HIIT workout than it was for my 7-mile run 😅

Easy/strides: 6.19 miles (9:47), avg. HR 155, max 176, 82% Z1-2

Another warm and humid day mitigated by a breeze and some cloud cover. I was still a little tired, but I got some good sleep so it wasn't too bad. I ended up doing like 11 strides, which is why my HR was a bit high.

Sometimes my watch makes me throw up my hands.

Me: *runs 6.19 miles*
My watch: Congrats on running a 5K!
Me: ... 🤦‍♀️


Good rest day routine. Nice and relaxing.

Workout: 2.27 mile WU/strides + 5 x 5 min @ LTP/1 min RI + 1.66 mile CD
Interval split paces: 7:33, 7:27, 7:24, 7:26, 7:33
GAP: 7:32, 7:24, 7:22, 7:26, 7:29
Total: 7.66 miles, avg. HR 156, max 189

Total body strength

Workout analysis (GAP)

I feel like this went...okay? I was up and down on the paces, partly because of hills and partly because I'm still bad at pacing. But the only issue I had was a side stitch at the end of rep #4. I walked the rest interval while I tried to make that go away. It seemed like it worked, but the side stitch came back with a vengeance halfway through rep #5. I pushed through it, but I definitely slowed down in the second half because (a) it hurt, and (b) I felt like I couldn't breathe. So that was fun 🙃

I walked a bit again after that until the side stitch receded, and then I headed back home at a slow jog, which fortunately didn't bring it back. Really hoping that doesn't happen when I'm trying to race 😦

Although the side stitch didn't come back in my cooldown, I did have a weird pain in my right foot, from the pinkie toe down to that side of the ball of my foot. Never had that before. Didn't like it. Maybe the Endorphin Speed 3s are finally reaching their limit. We'll see if the problem makes an appearance in other shoes.

Easy: 6.27 miles (10:14), ???

It was one of those gray mornings where I didn't really feel like going out. Snuggling with my dog on the couch was much more appealing. Eventually I dragged myself out the door. I didn't wear a hat because it was cloudy and all of my hats were smelly, and that was a bad choice. Despite a total lack of precipitation on the radar, it rained basically the whole time. It was hard to see 😵‍💫

I guess on the positive side, no issues with my foot or side.

Plus, the return of Kenyan core (via Ben Is Running)! It was still hard. But when I last did this routine in December, I was sore for like three days. Did the extra core work over the past few months make my muscles more resilient? Stay tuned...

Easy/strides: 8.67 miles (9:23), avg. HR 156, max 175, 88% Z1-2

Whee! Somehow I always do the last long (or "long") run before a race too fast. I felt really good, though.

I ended up swinging through the other parkrun route near me on Teddy Roosevelt Island. It's actually slightly closer, but the route is a little more precarious, with some slippery patches of mud and a long stretch of boardwalk. However, it is pretty shaded, so if it's hot and sunny for my June parkrun, I might head there instead of Fletcher's Cove (which has pretty much zero shade). Fortunately next Saturday doesn't look bad, so Fletcher's Cove is still the plan for that.

When I was figuring out my water bottle situation, I ordered a Naked running belt and a soft flask to see if that would work better than a handheld, and this was the first good opportunity to try it out. It took some experimentation to find the right arrangement (flask in the front left pocket, phone in the back), but I think it could be good for the marathon. The flask does bounce a bit when it's full, but once the water level goes down, it's more comfortable.

And the verdict: not sore! Yay, core strength! 💪 Maybe I should do the 45-minute version next time...😳

Easy/strides: 5.1 miles (9:39), avg. HR 156, max 170, 90% Z1-2
Upper body strength

I looked back to see when the last time I ran less than 6 miles was, and it was like a month ago. No wonder this felt short. Fun taper times!

Running: 41.16 miles, 6h 36m
Strength/mobility: 2h 21m
Total: 8h 58m

Weekly training log (still icky)

I don't know that I necessarily needed to start tapering a week out for a 5K...but it probably won't hurt. Especially since I've been doing pretty high mileage for average-runner 5K training.

Anyway, other than the side stitch issue, these last few runs have felt pretty good! I feel like week 6/7/8 is around when things really start clicking 😁 (And hey, I've done enough training cycles that I have a sense of when things should start clicking now! 🤣)

Coming up
Next week's schedule

Parkrun #2! Obviously I already did Monday's stuff today since I shifted the schedule, and now I have to decide whether I want to do the workout tomorrow or keep it on Tuesday 🧐

Weather looks a bit on the warm side, but not too bad. It keeps shifting, though, and there's a decent chance of rain, so who knows what the not-a-race will look like... fingers crossed for decent weather.

Last but not least, happy mothers' day to the moms in the group! Here's me and my mom in front of the X-wing fighter in GE:



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