Yia-Yia, Yetis and Epcotonians. A sweltering Summer of '22 adventure!

Love the matching shirts! But please excuse my ignorance, what do they mean? Aside from your user name here, I don't think it's your last name as I'm sure you said that back a few pages...is it your first name and I'm totally being a dingbat right now?? I'm sure I'll regret asking this!
I picked the name "fractal" because at the time I was setting up my Disney discussion forum accounts I was studying fractals for my job. Fractals are repeating patterns of different scale. No other significance than that. When my children found out I picked that name they thought it was hilarious, not knowing what it meant. They asked if people on the boards made fun of me because of my name. Lol! So over the years it became a bit of an inside joke and sort of a "Disney" identify for me. The T-shirts were their idea!
Smart choice! And I totally agree about the table saving. It is extremely rude. That happened to us at Sleepy Hollow and we ended up eating our delicious waffles on a trash can while people just sat at the tables with no food.

Yeah, and it's not just at Disney.

I hope they found the glasses! Or replaced them! Last year my Allie lost her ears on 7DMT and they'd have had to close the ride to retrieve them but they gave her a coupon to get another pair!

Answer is coming up!

Living with The Land is so great - they better never touch that ride!!

Our Lightning Lane for Guardians was approaching but Toni wanted a Joffrey's iced coffee first so we literally left the Park to get one.



But it put a smile on her face!


We then made our way to Guardians.


More smiles. 10 years ago getting this photo would have been near impossible and would have likely started a fight!


With some time to spare I was milling around when I heard a familiar sound.


The Jammitors were Jamming!

Here's the last one minute of their show...

They were great! After the show I asked for a photo and they happily obliged.


Back at Guardians waiting for our time and Team Marina to arrive. I was getting excited to ride this and trying to formulate in my mind an idea of the ride's experience. A new adult thrill ride at WDW is not something you experience every day!



Excited to hear your Guardians review! From your preview for the next post, seems like it's going to be positive!
Team Marina arrived and in we went.



The queue line was impressive. It immediately started to transport you into a sense of being somewhere more "cosmic". The large scale props in a closed space lended well to the 14mm lens.



A wide spiral ramp led you higher and closer to the "stars" projected top center.


This led to another area which offered different displays of Xandar.



We then met the GoTG through introductions and instructions. They were wise-cracking as ever.

"I am Groot"

"Hi Groot"


As you can see - plenty of exit signs.




Then we met Glen Close/Nova Prime.


And Terry Crews/Tal Marik who greeted us and called us Epcotians, Epcotilians, Epcotonians, etc. and told us he was going to teleport us up to their ship as part of an interplanetary goodwill mission or some such thing.


We were then led to another room with this teleportation machine over our heads...

The teleporter was humming and buzzing and flashing all sorts of light effects. As Yondu would say "quite the light show."






You are correct Peter Quill, it was distracting us and a great effect that I didn't pick up on until I rode GotGCR the second time. After all the lights and noises of the teleportation device, the room went pitch-black for a few seconds and then we were all in a totally different room! The Disco Party Light machine above us was gone, the wall were different, in fact everything was different.

"Hi getting teleported." Toni said.


Things were getting serious however. The core thing-a-ma-jiggy/MacGuffin that powers all this cool technology was gone; stolen!



This Very Big Baddie stole it!


And for some unknown reason he hasn't liked Epcotonians/Earthlings since we first showed up on the planet.


Calling the Guardians of the Galaxy!


Rocket came up with a plan to save the planet as long as we helped! We had to follow the bad guy through this closing portal...


With mission orders we were marched to our ship.

The entire queue line and pre-show was top notch.


Before climbing aboard I asked the CM if I was allowed to photograph during the ride. She said yes but wanted me to make sure my camera strap was over my neck. I thought about it but decided to put my Sony down and just enjoy the ride.


So how was it? AMAZING, UNIQUE, and an ABSOLUTE THRILL like none other I experience on a "roller-coaster". Everyone in our party agreed.

The backward launch was a blast - I didn't get queasy unlike the backwards drop in EE where I always feel a little something in the stomach. The difference - Guardians is straight back while EE turns.

After the launch backwards your "car" turns around and faces a huge screen that shows the Guardians facing off against Baddy. The music is now blasting. We had "Conga" by Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine and it was perfect. The sensation you feel is very unique. As you are "flying through space" the motion and turning of the car is butter smooth and gives you a sense of weightlessness. It's hard to explain but all of us were laughing with joy, unlike EE or other coasters where it's more screaming than laughing. I never felt any motion sickness but can see why some do.

"What was the name of that song?" Sterg and Toni asked.

"Conga, you never heard it before?"

"No! It's great! Who sings it?"

At this point I'm starting to feel pretty old.

"Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine."


really, really old. I gave them a quick 80's pop music lesson as we walked out. By the way, as incredible as everything was up to the point, how do they not figure out a way not to take a long flight of steps down to the exit? Especially after being tossed around in space for a few minutes. I believe a lady recently fell down those steps and hurt herself. I highly recommend using the handrails!
Group shot after saving planet Earth! We had a great photopass CM. These photos are with my camera which she proclaimed was much nicer than her Disney issued one. :D



We split up again. My group wanted to go to Typhoon Lagoon and amazingly Team Marina did not bring bathing suits...to Florida...in the Summer.

They wanted to do more in EPCOT so off we went.


But first, we wanted to spend more time in Beach Club.


specifically at Beach & Cream! Since we were not guests of the resort, we had to walk inside to get there vs. through the outside pool entrances.




The wait for tables was too long for us so we did take-out.


and grabbed a table with a view.


We have many fond memories from staying at Beach and Yacht Club. Time at our table was spent eating ice-cream and recalling those memories.

From 2009 - getting this picture, with all three looking at me and somewhat smiling was one of the hardest photos assignments I've ever had. Back then we all had our "family" nicknames. I was know as "Big Pops", Val was "Big M",
Alex was "Big A", Sterg was actually just Sterg and Toni was "Bones".


Now is much easier but we missed Big M and Big A.

The cold ice-cream on another steamy July Florida day really hit the spot and gave us a needed boost.


We were missing Alex but we still tried to recreate the shot.



Beach Club bouquet.


another recreation attempt...



After our fun trip down memory lane it was time to head back to the resort and check on YiaYia.
More smiles. 10 years ago getting this photo would have been near impossible and would have likely started a fight!


So cute. But 17 years ago they would have happily posed like that.

We split up again. My group wanted to go to Typhoon Lagoon and amazingly Team Marina did not bring bathing suits...to Florida...in the Summer.


The cold ice-cream on another steamy July Florida day really hit the spot and gave us a needed boost.


Yum. So happy that take-out window is back open.

We were missing Alex but we still tried to recreate the shot.



Perfect! So cute!
Living with the Land is one of my absolute favorites. Have you ever been at night during the holiday season? The lights they add really take it up several notches. So fun. Glad you enjoyed Guardians. It's an incredible ride, isn't it? I was VERY nervous to ride and it's so smooth and the music so fun (fellow old-timer here) that I don't even have time to think about feeling sick. The stairs are an odd design choice. They go over one of the launch tracks but would think they might have a different alternative since some people are feeling pretty dizzy afterward - maybe like the rollers they use on Pirates or PeopleMover. Love Ratatouille too. I feel like I see something new each ride. I can't believe your sister's crew didn't bring bathing suits!! LOVE Beach Club. It's such a pretty resort and so relaxing. I adore those big chairs in the lobby.
So cute. But 17 years ago they would have happily posed like that.


Yum. So happy that take-out window is back open.

Perfect! So cute!

Yes, the different stages of your children! :D

It was quite nice sitting outside at B&C

Living with the Land is one of my absolute favorites. Have you ever been at night during the holiday season? The lights they add really take it up several notches. So fun. Glad you enjoyed Guardians. It's an incredible ride, isn't it? I was VERY nervous to ride and it's so smooth and the music so fun (fellow old-timer here) that I don't even have time to think about feeling sick. The stairs are an odd design choice. They go over one of the launch tracks but would think they might have a different alternative since some people are feeling pretty dizzy afterward - maybe like the rollers they use on Pirates or PeopleMover. Love Ratatouille too. I feel like I see something new each ride. I can't believe your sister's crew didn't bring bathing suits!! LOVE Beach Club. It's such a pretty resort and so relaxing. I adore those big chairs in the lobby.

Have NOT been to WDW during the holidays since my initial trip in 1976! GotG is incredible! As her older brother I had to harass he just a little bit about the bathing suits!
YiaYia was not a happy camper! We ran into her in the Destino Tower lobby. She shared a room in Gran Destino Tower with Courtney and Mia - a floor above us. Mia had YiaYia's room card with her when she left early in the morning with Courtney, additionally the remote for the TV was nowhere to be found. She was stuck in her room without TV or any communication and she was hungry!

"I was locked in here all morning!" She said.

"What? Why didn't you call us?"

"My cell phone died."

"Don't you have a charger?"

"It's in Marina's room."

"Why is it...oh never mind. You could have used the hotel phone."

"Christo, I don't know your numbers!"

The curse of modern technology. I felt pretty bad for her but she did used to own a motel and could have just went to the front desk but she didn't.

I told her we were going to go to the water park and she should come with us. We'd get something to eat first then go and we would find a spot for her to sit by the water and relax. She agreed.

While we were changed into our swimsuits YiaYia was changing her mind. She was convinced to go with Team Marina instead as they made reservations somewhere in Hollywood Studios for a late lunch.


I was a bit frustrated. I think she would have enjoyed Typhoon Lagoon better.

Sterg drove us there and it's started to rain like crazy but just as we parked the sun came out and the park had emptied out. Great timing!


We've been a fan of Typhoon Lagoon since our first time there in 2007. In 2000 (pre-Toni) we went to Blizzard Beach and I experienced the most terrifying ride in WDW - Summit Plummet. I just enjoy the tropical theme of TL more so.





After finding seats we drove right into the wave pool. Plenty of memories here including the time some lady slammed into Toni. This time a large fellow riding a wave came barreling down on me and nearly knocked me into Timbuktu. Luckily he saw me and braced the collision then preceded to tell me a half dozen times that if he didn't he would have likely killed me. Ha,ha, yeah thanks buddy.


I left my camera at the resort and only took a few photos with my phone.


We went on all the slides and experienced little wait times. While not as terrifying as Summit Plummet, Humunga Kowabunga was thrilling enough! Sterg and I had to give one kid the evil squinty eye look as he was gawking at Toni a bit too long but other than that it was a ton of water fun in the sun!


On the way out a CM had drawn Mickey on the cement...something I always love!


After another quick change at Destino Tower we were on our way back to EPCOT!
I love TL, although we haven't been back in years. I love the tropical music and scenery. That wave pool is crazy though! When I went, my mom and I stood up to our knees near a wall and that was enough for us.
I love TL, although we haven't been back in years. I love the tropical music and scenery. That wave pool is crazy though! When I went, my mom and I stood up to our knees near a wall and that was enough for us.

Agree with everything. You really have to be careful in the Wave Pool; too many people are riding the big wave in vs. jumping straight up (which is what I love to do) or just dropping straight down. I'm surprised the life guards continue to allow that.
making our way back through World Showcase.


We didn't have reservations but that was not a problem.


quick phone camera tip - make sure you lens is clean before taking a photo - preferably carry along a lens cloth and fog the lens with your breath before wiping. It will eliminate the "hazing" look you get around light source like in Toni's photo above. Oh, and try not to chop off half your subject's head!

Here is a shot with my "clean lens" Pixel 6.


and a shot with the Sony A7rii plus 14mm lens.


We've become fans of Spice Road. The menu has changed as the entrees are now gone and it's all "small plates" but that was fine with us. Moroccan food, is very similar to Greek food with a few different spices and seasonings but Spice Road does it well! The service was great again and I enjoyed my Casa Beer again.



Toni wanted me to take some shots of her for her Social Media pics.

"Dad, just keep taking pictures."

This was not my first time being asked to perform this technique. I would shoot away and she would move into different poses.

Here are a few out of the thousands I took.




Then with Mr Hollywood.



"Hi taking a million pictures." I said.




Toni did a good job of photographing the food.




Clean that lens!


It was yummy!
I've loved seeing your pictures on other photo threads for years - so great to see you doing trip reports!

I absolutely love the photo recreations of your family over the years in the same spots, such a neat idea!


It was all topped off by one of our favorite sayings in all of Walt Disney World...

Buh Bye! Which we repeated about 20 times after the ride.

I say this ALL. THE. TIME. Probably almost every day of my life. :laughing: buh byyye!


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