What were you drinking? ..and other responses to my plan to do Dopey 2018 (Comments Welcome)

Solid runs this week!
Thank you
Well, I'd say she's all over the map with these race times!
Kind of sums her up quite nicely!

Thank you so much for the pacing chart and the advice. I've pencilled in the goal races 12th Aug (5K) and 9th Oct (10k). I'm going to sit down with her and talk through the plan after her last exam.
Week 19: 19-25 June

Tues: 4 miles Easy B (10:60)
Weds: 4 miles Easy A (12:36)
Thurs: 2 miles Easy A (12:43) with DD

Thurs: 2 miles Easy
Sat: 2 miles Easy

This week I ran three days back-to-back as I was away from Fri- Sun. I was going to try and squeeze another run in Fri but didn't have time after packing and fixing my equipment. I did not perform well over the weekend except I managed to hold my own in the head-to-head against a much better opponent (held on for a tie but went out after a one arrow shoot off). Some people walked off the field because of the weather conditions so I can at least say I didn't quit. I made a lot of training notes when I got back.

As I didn't get a long run in I went out Mon lunchtime and did 8 miles. At this point I am feeling very fatigued with quite a lot of muscle ache (not just from running though) and a little bit dispirited.

It's for times like these that I keep a short training diary with a section on my best achievements to help me ride out the low points. Archery wise, I got my Bowmen class in my first weekend comp this year and I already have three good scores for my GB ranking (better than last year). I just need to hold my own this weekend to stay in the County team. Running wise: Since 14th February I have run 289 km (179 miles) and I had a really positive HM in March. The Supersprint Tri end of May was also a high point. According to my Garmin my VO2 max has gone from 37 to 41 and my lactate threshold 6:20m/km to 5:53m/km.
Week 20: 26 Jun - 2 July
Me: Mon 8 miles
Rest of the week: Nada

DD: Sat: 2 miles Easy

Well I now know why I felt so fatigued. I was proper poorly on Wednesday though thankfully it didn't last too long. I decided to take the rest of the week off as I felt a bit washed out. I'm looking forward to getting back on it this week and DD has now finished school and is starting her regular training this week. She's really looking forward to what will be her fourth WDW trip and first HM.

So my plan this week is to take it fairly easy all week with 4 easy runs between 2 and 5 miles up to about 15-17 miles. I know that's a bit vague but I'm playing it by ear.
Sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well. I should be better sometimes about playing things by ear!
Sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well.
Thanks. Luckily I seem to have got over it pretty quickly.

I should be better sometimes about playing things by ear!
I know what you mean, you don't want to be a wimp but you don't want to put your training back by pushing yourself too far. I was told to stick to the 'neck down' rule,if you are ill and it effects anywhere below the neck don't run.
Week 21: 3rd- 9th July
Mon 5 miles Easy (11:35)
Tues 3 miles at DDs recovery pace (13:33)
Thurs 4 miles Easy (11:32)
Sat 5k parkrun (3 miles) 2K at DD's Long pace 12:04; 3k at tempo 10:28
Total: 14 miles, 2hr 50 mins (DD 4.5 miles)

I've also booked some dining reservations during the WDW marathon weekend, most of which are based on whether they offer a decent vegetarian option.
Thurs 4th Early Lunch Skipper Canteen, dinner -quick service meal at our hotel
Fri 5th Early Lunch Be Our Guest, dinner -quick service meal at at our hotel
Sat 6th Lunch -Kringla Bakeri (extra carb loading!!), Dinner -The Wave
Sun 7th Quick service at Epcot probably Electric Umbrella for a Naanwich, Dinner -Boma
We will probably blow the rest of our dining plan on Chef Mickey /Crystal Palace Buffet, Tiffins or Cali Grill the week after as I'm guessing it will be much quieter.

DH booked everything and it sounds like we got a good deal on the dining package. We also get Memory Maker and 14 day park tickets.
I debated about trying out Skipper Canteen, but opted for some other choices instead. I think it sounds pretty good though!
Week 23 (25 weeks to go): 10th - 16th July
Mon: 4 miles -2 miles @ 11:14 LR; 2 miles @ 10:50 (-20s off Tempo); DD - 2 miles @ 11:14; DH - 2 miles (r/w)
Tues: 5 miles @ 11:27 (+ 10s EB)
Thurs: 4.1 miles @ 11:32 (+ 5s EB); DD - 2 miles @ 12:20; DH - 2 miles (r/w)
Fri: 3.2 miles @ 11:45 (-8s EB)
Sat: DD - 2 miles @ 12:00

Total: Me - 16.3 miles, 3hrs 9 mins; DD - 6 miles + 2.5 cycling; DH - ~4 miles plus 10 miles cycling

Last week I was still a bit off plan as I had to work around a busy weekend and my family. My intention was to increase my weekly mileage (+2 miles) and keep it easy.

On Monday we all went out and ran around a nice short trail in the woods. I did one lap with DD at an easy pace whilst DH walked our dog. DH then handed over the dog walking to DD, and DH then ran/walked (60s/45s) one lap whilst I ran one lap just under tempo pace. This massively confused the dog but we are going to seek out some more interesting places to run together over the summer.

DD and DH joined me on Thursday and we all set off to run up a cycle track and back only I went a bit further along and then on a bit of a detour on the way back to my house. We are all in completely different places in terms of our running but its great to be sharing this experience as a family.

It was a bit of a shock when I weighed myself this morning as I've lost ~4kg in one month! I hadn't set out to lose weight so this is a nice bonus.

This week, things are up in the air again as we are about to go on holiday. I'm going to take my running kit and play it by ear to see if I can still meet my broader running goals whilst I'm away.
@DopeyBadger is was going to ask you about your max LR comment on the running thread and maybe to ask you to look over my plan at some point. I didn't want to waste your time at this stage as I'm having to wing it from week to week. There's not much variation in my pace at the moment as I'm focussed on building up mileage slowly at an easy pace. I didn't want to introduce any speedwork or intervals until I was sure I was strong enough.

This week, things are up in the air again as we are about to go on holiday. I'm going to take my running kit and play it by ear to see if I can still meet my broader running goals whilst I'm away.
@DopeyBadger is was going to ask you about your max LR comment on the running thread and maybe to ask you to look over my plan at some point. I didn't want to waste your time at this stage as I'm having to wing it from week to week. There's not much variation in my pace at the moment as I'm focussed on building up mileage slowly at an easy pace. I didn't want to introduce any speedwork or intervals until I was sure I was strong enough.

Just let me know when you're looking for some input. I think it's wise to increase the mileage with mostly easy running. Just make sure to include a couple weeks where you actually do less running than the week prior. This will help induce bone recovery. This usually occurs with 3 building/increasing/maintaining weeks and then 1 drop back week of 10-20% less mileage than the week prior.
Just let me know when you're looking for some input. I think it's wise to increase the mileage with mostly easy running. Just make sure to include a couple weeks where you actually do less running than the week prior. This will help induce bone recovery. This usually occurs with 3 building/increasing/maintaining weeks and then 1 drop back week of 10-20% less mileage than the week prior.

Ah, yes good catch as I have been prone to shin splint type niggles. I'm due a drop back next week. I've gone from 14.4 to 16.3 and looking at 16-17 this week, so I'll aim for 13-14 next week though as the place we are going to is quite hilly I may stick with some long hikes instead.
You advised a speed test for DD mid August with a review of her pacing afterwards. Maybe that is also a good time for me to revise my plan though that's only 7 weeks out from my target HM.
Well done on your training week and congrats on the weight loss. It's so nice when it drops off and you aren't even really working at it!
A bit behind on my training log so here is the week before:

Week 24- 24 weeks to go: 17th - 23rd July

Mon: 6.5 miles LR @ 11:14 ( -2s LR pace)
Tues: 2 miles Rec@ 13:15 ( + 6 sec Rec) with DD
Thurs: 4 miles @ 15:48 - 5 min walk then run 60s/walk 45s with DH
Sat: 3.1 miles/Parkrun @ 10:34 (+ 6 sec tempo) with DD
Sun: 6 mile hike - coastal path
Total: Me - 15.3 miles, 3hrs 11 mins; DD - 5.1 miles ; DH - 4 miles + cycling

I did a couple of short runs with DD and DH mid week. DH and I practised our 10k run/walk tactic which seemed to go ok. We managed to stay under the 16min/mile cut off including WU.
I didn't feel great after the Parkrun and I'm not really sure why I ran at a tempo pace. We were not at our usual parkrun so maybe I just misjudged it because of that.
We squeezed the parkrun in just before setting off on holiday. You can walk the Welsh entire coast line though we only managed about 12 miles of it. Though we had good weather most days it did get quite windy at times.

Week 25-23 weeks to go: 24th - 30th July
Mon: 2.6 miles Easy @ 11:56 (run on the beach)
Tues: ~8 miles hiking Skomer island
Weds: ~ 2 miles hiking low tide coastal path (cut short by high winds)
Thurs: ~4 miles hiking on coastal path (cut short by high winds)

Sat: 3.1 miles/Parkrun @ 9:35 (10k speed- oops!)
Planned sunday 6 miles easy

Total: Me - 5.7 miles (+ 6?) , 1hrs 1 mins

Skomer Island:

DD and I were very lucky to get to visit Skomer as there were few places left on the boat (visitor numbers are limited). You are dropped off and picked up 5 hours later and the island is about 4 miles long though some areas you are not allowed access to. The island is famous for its colony of puffins and though there were hundreds of puffins in the sea I managed not to get a single decent photo!
IMG_2798 - Copy.JPG

Picklewick- Coastal path low tide

IMG_2827 - Copy.JPG

Today I went to our usual parkrun and I met my friend. This is usually bad as I then end up running too fast as she's chasing a sub-30min 5k. I must admit it did feel quite nice just opening up the throttle and speeding off. I felt like there was more in the tank if I was inclined to go faster and chase a new PB.

Holiday over, I've now got my running plan open and I'm trying to work out my strategy going forward. I'm having doubts about the galloway plan as it seems a bit lopsided to me.
@DopeyBadger do you have the time to advise?
It's been a while since I updated my training schedule. Unfortunately it's been a bit up and down.

Week 26- 22 weeks to go: 31st July - 6th August

Mon: 3.1 miles Easy
Weds: DD & DH 2.5 miles run/walk
Fri: 3.1 miles - Run for Beer 5k with DD & DH
Sat: 15 miles cycling

Sun: 4.3 miles (DH cycling)

Total: Me - 10.5 miles (1hr 56) + 15 miles cycling (1hr 24); DD - 5.6 miles ; DH - 5.6 miles + 15 miles cycling

After the Run for Beer I felt ok but had that niggling feeling in my calf which has become a bit too familiar. I decided to cross train instead and did a decent stint on my bike.
The next week I was due to start my brand new training program courtesy of @DopeyBadger but it didn't quite work out that way.
Week 27- 21 weeks to go: 7- 13th August (start of Dopey Badger plan)

Tues: 4 miles Easy B @11:46 + 1 miles home; DH cycling
Thurs: <skipped /walked the dog> DH 2.8 miles
Sat: 16 miles cycling (DH/DD 7 miles)
Sun: 6 miles cucling with DD; a tentative 2.2 miles @ 15:48 - 5 min walk then run 60s/walk 45s with DD

Total: Me - 7.2 miles (1hr 33) + 22 miles cycling (2hr 23); DD - 2.5 miles + 13 miles bike ; DH - 5 miles + 18 miles cycling

The first session was fine, no problems but it was the next day that I really felt the pain in my calf. I ditched the hard workout and went out walking instead. Sat/Sun I decided to hit the bike again and it did feel like my calf was loosening up a bit. As I had warmed up on the bike, Sunday lunch time I went out for a tentative run with DH who is still jeffing his way through his running plan. I decided to jeff along.
As I was running slowly I thought about my running style. I think the problem is not actually my calf but probably weak knees which I think fall inwards when I run and above that weak hips. I need to fit in some exercises to help strengthen these areas up. If I can't ride it out I'll just have to modify my plans a bit. I've already decided to postpone the Millie's virtual HM until as late as possible and to overlap it with the 401 challenge just to make it a bit easier in the next few weeks.
So far this week I have done both the Tue and Thurs session as planned though today I was under my target paces. I think I may skip Sat and ride my bike instead but make sure I get my long run in this week.

On the plus side, DD and I have been discussing more important things such as our costumes (DH has said he is not wearing a costume for the 10k under any circumstances, boo). DD and I will probably wear something matching for when she does the HM.
I've not been very good updating my journal. It's been a pretty typical summer with just too much to fit in. I've been trying to squeeze in sensible amounts of running in with the hope that I am getting better rather than staying still (or worse, losing fitness). I have deliberately held back the virtual HM as I've had a bit of a niggle and to get the August Bank Holiday shooting competitions out the way (County qualifiers). Next week is my final go at getting some points for a GB ranking and the week after is the Intercounties Competition. Then I should be free to focus on running, the first aim being to get an improved HM POT.

Week 28- 21 weeks to go: 14-20th August
Tues: 4 miles Easy with Strides
Thurs: 2 mile WU + 2 mile HM tempo + 2 mile easy
Sat: X-trained - 13 miles cycling (scoping out virtual HM route)
Sun: 3.1 LR pace
Total: Me - 13.1 miles (2hr 40) + 13 miles cycling (1hr 14);

Week 29- 20 weeks to go: 21st -27th August
Mon: 4.5 miles Easy with Strides
Thurs: 2 mile WU + 2 mile HM tempo + 2 mile easy
Sun: All day competition
Total: Me - 10.7 miles (2hr 4)

Week 30- 19 weeks to go: 28th August to 3rd Sept
Mon: All day competition
Tues: Millies Virtual HM/401 challenge part 1 13.1 miles (2hr 25m 14s ~ 11min/mile)

Thurs: 2 miles very easy
Sat: All day competition
Sun: All day competition
Total: Me - 15 miles (2hr 54)

I have tried to do some of the training as per my new @DopeyBadger training plan. I'm pretty happy with the paces. Easy seems easy enough and the LR pace seems sustainable based on the HM I've just done. I have quite enjoyed the HM Tempo runs on a Thursday. I've had more trouble keeping an even pace on the Easy days as my mind wanders and I tend go too quick. I've also found it hard on routes that undulate quite a lot. I had more success running up and down the canal path which is pretty flat. though not really long enough. Still if all goes well on the day, I still think I can get a HM POT under 2hr 20 and with everything in my favour under 2hr 15.


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