Welcome to WISH-topia! March 2017 WISH Lifestyle/Weight Challenge

Went on my walk/jog again yesterday. I went a little further and my time was a little faster, so I was happy with that. Today is a rest day . . . yeah! :tongue: Doing well on my water intake each day. Did I have a third goal? Hmmm . . . :o I've had a day or two that I only had one soda, but also had a day or two of having more than one (just two, but really, that's still two more than I should! I know I really shouldn't even have one soda every day).

Two things I like about myself:
1. I am very organized. Most of the time anyway. I seem to be having days lately where I have lost my mind and can't find it anywhere! Sure hope this isn't going to become a regular occurrence!
2. I think I'm a good mom. I am raising three pretty amazing kids who are smart, kind, empathetic, loving, funny, and athletic. I like to believe my husband and my parenting has helped shape them into the amazing little people that they are.

My Tribe that supports me:
1. My husband is always on my side and supports and encourages me.
2. My mom is the same.

My Wahoo Wednesday:
Non-health related, but my mom flew back home from Seattle today. She's only been gone a week, but any time she leaves, it is a good reminder of how much she has become a part of our daily lives! So we celebrated her return by having her to the house for dinner, then she and I ran errands and chatted while taking the kids around to their various activities!

What makes me feel snazzy:
I feel really good about myself after a really good workout. I feel like strutting around with confidence, even if I can hardly walk! In truth, I don't think I present any differently to the people around me, but I feel good on the inside! Until I try to race down the steps and almost fall over because my legs are so wobbly after that really good workout. Then I'm not feeling so confident! Lol! Not that this has ever happened to me or anything . . . but if it did . . . I'm sure that's how I'd feel . . . :)
I always feel snazzy the days I actually do my hair and make-up. I normally just let my hair dry on its own so it get frizzy and them i get annoyed by it and pull it up. Make-up only happens on days that I have somewhere important to go or if i am seeing my mom.


Well my woohoo from yesterday is no longer a woohoo. My daughter woke this morning with her cheek and mouth hurt more then yesterday. Her cheek is swollen and my husband thinks it is drooping some. I have called the doctor and she is being seen this afternoon. I am thinking she hit her face harder then we originally thought and and she either broke the cheek bone or hurt the muscle. Or she might be getting an infection. My mom anxiety has really kicked in today. I wish i didn't have this meeting this afternoon that I really need to be at or i would have gotten her in sooner. I know my boss would understand it i missed the meeting but I feel I just need to be their for it. The meeting is only going to be 15 to 30 minutes and i can take off as soon as we are done. I just really wish there was more I could do to help my daughter.
QOTD: What makes me feel snazzy? A good hair cut and color for sure. I'm all about my hair, I think it might be because of all the Leo in my astrological chart (the lion's mane). I've been growing it back out and have been doing pretty well with just going with it instead of agonizing over the messy awkwardness... it's actually back to being the same length as in my avatar, after having been super, super short. I am so excited I was able to get in for a cut and color tomorrow after work, because I surely do need a clean up.

What else makes me feel snazzy... doing the things I told myself I would do. It gives me such a feeling of peace and lightness to not have a long list of neglected to do's hanging over me. Last evening was particularly productive: as I moved around the house I think I touched every surface, dusting, wiping, rearranging. As far as party prep goes all that is left is mopping/vacuuming the floors, taking some kitchen stuff downstairs, scrubbing the bathroom. I'm also going to have plenty of time to clean up outside and to organize the craft room, so I can actually do some sewing here soon. Well done me.

In addition to getting excited about Texas in April, the time is coming to finish planning out my June trip to the crafting retreat. I think I might fly in/out of Boston, spend a couple days there and then drive out to where the retreat is, I think it's a couple hours away. Time to do some investigation.

Happy Thursday all!
Friday Fun! - March 24

"Zootopia, where predators and prey live in harmony and sing Kumbaya!"


Nick says this sarcastically of course....

But Zootopia is a still a huge melting pot of all species of creatures!

What is your favorite/spirit animal?

What about pets? Do you have any fur babies? Tell us about them!
Bonus points for cute pet pictures!
I think I am getting back into the right mood again. Went for a morning run again today (Yes, second time this week!! And I am not good at getting up early for running, so this is a huge success!). And so far tracked everything today and tracked everything yesterday and stayed within my limit.

And in non weightloss related matters: I am excited about buying a new iphone today! My old one (I still had an iphone 5, not even a 5s) finally became too annoying when the switch off button stopped working about 50% of the time when I want to use it. And after a long decision period, I decided to get an iphone SE. Same size as my old one, but new technology. Today they start selling models with more storage and that seems like a good thing to me! So, now I need to decide which color I want: gold, silver, pink or grey? Any opinions?

My animal are dolphins. I just love them. So graceful and intelligent!! Not good for pets and I don't have a pet. But everytime I see a cute puppy, I start thinking about one...
QOTD: I currently have couple Spirit Animals. I collect ceramic Deer figurines and get so excited when I see a Deer in the "wild": they represent moving/changing directions with grace, and intuition. The other one that has been popping up in my thoughts/dreams is the Fox, which represents increased awareness, solving problems, taking action and making quick moves. So I guess together I'm being guided to use my intuition when solving problems, and to move quickly and gracefully. Hmmmm... great reminder.

I have two cats: Mike and Whitehall, both rescue kitties. Mike is 16 years old, and a black oriental of some sort, I think Burmese. Whitehall, aka The Kid, is 4 and a mix of Ragdoll and Fuzzy Little Stinker. They get along great and bring a lot of love and enjoyment in to my life. I was going to post a picture of both of them, but found this one of Whitehall that is one of my favorites, so here you go:


Yesterday I thought to read up on thyroid issues, to refresh my memory, and boy did it. In addition to the low energy and weight gain, my moodiness is also a symptom as well as the dry skin and hair and the restless sleeping. Reading this was kind of like winning the lottery. Today is consecutive day five of double doses and I feel like I'm getting a little bit better each day. Yesterday there were a couple times where I was in what I call "power saver mode", kind of disengaged and mentally resting, and realized I was feeling content if not actually happy.

I actually had an OK eating day yesterday as well... not great but not horrible either, no fists full of candy so that's a good thing. But for some reason my ankles swelled up... this is usually because of egg/chicken consumption, but I haven't had either for several days so I'm not certain what triggered it. They are back to normal this morning, and will hopefully stay that way.

Last evening I had a pedicure appointment, so all that got done was some grocery shopping which included getting some flowers, so now there are bright yellow tulips and daffodils in the house. Today I'm getting my brows done at lunchtime and then my hair cut/color after work... it feels great to be getting these self maintenance things taken care of.

Tomorrow is the big party, everyone is going to be there so 11.5 people in my tiny little house (the .5 is my Nephew's 2 months old baby). It feels like a replacement for Christmas, which really stunk this year what with people not being around and SIL's illness, so I'm going all out. Still feeling like I'm right on track for getting ready, a few more things tonight and some more grocery shopping tomorrow morning, then it's putting sandwiches together. Even remembered to get a baby gift for the Nugget.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Hmmm.......My spirit animal???????? I have no clue. I really like Giraffes and Elephants and Horses. I have still been watching for April the Giraffe to have her baby just not as often now.

We do not have any animals except for a carnival gold fish that will not die. We came home in October with like 12 and 1 is left. I hate fish and I will not take care of them. The are disgusting so it is all up to the kids and my husband.

I would love to have a horse but funds and time do not permit me to have one. My mom does have one though but she boards it so I don't get to see it often. I miss the time when I was younger and my grandparents lived on the farm. It was more of a working farm when my mom was younger. They had cows and all sorts of other animals and they grew hay as well. By the time we all came along it was only horses and dogs. I do remember them bailing hay one year but I was really little. I used to help my grandfather clean the stalls. I had my own little wheel barrel and everything. This stopped when I got older and thought dirt was gross. This changed again when my grandfather had to go to an assisted living home this summer and I would take my kids to his barn and help her take care of my grandfathers last horse. The horse was really old and has since passed away.
What make me feel snazzy? When I do my nails with Jamberrys. Also new clothes.

What is your favorite/spirit animal?
My favorite is a camel. I even have a camel tattoo!

What about pets? Do you have any fur babies? Tell us about them! Bonus points for cute pet pictures!
I have a dog, a cat and a non fur baby which is a snake. Our dog is Daisy, we rescued her 7 years ago. She is a pitbull and is the sweetest dog ever! The kids climb all over her and she doesn't even bat an eyelash. I always get so mad at people who paint them in a bad light. Most dogs that are labelled pit bulls aren't. (ok stepping off my soap box now) Our cat is Alley cat. We rescued her 4 years ago and she likes to be around us but doesn't really like to be held. The snake was a Christmas present for DS10 3 years ago. He is fine as long as he stays in the cage LOL. I found a funny picture of Daisy and Alley together when we first got Alley.

What is your favorite/spirit animal?

My favorite/spirit animal would probably be a cat. I love cats and had a couple when I was younger but my husband and daughter are both severely allergic so no more cats for me.

Do you have any fur babies?

This is our dog, Crackerjack. He's not allowed on the beds but is allowed on the couches. My daughter snuck this photo while I was asleep on the couch and posted it on my facebook account; it just makes me smile.

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Don't mind me -- just gushing over all the cute animals!

I think I am getting back into the right mood again. Went for a morning run again today (Yes, second time this week!! And I am not good at getting up early for running, so this is a huge success!). And so far tracked everything today and tracked everything yesterday and stayed within my limit.

Yay for your positive momentum!

QOTD: I currently have couple Spirit Animals. I collect ceramic Deer figurines and get so excited when I see a Deer in the "wild": they represent moving/changing directions with grace, and intuition. The other one that has been popping up in my thoughts/dreams is the Fox, which represents increased awareness, solving problems, taking action and making quick moves. So I guess together I'm being guided to use my intuition when solving problems, and to move quickly and gracefully. Hmmmm... great reminder.

I have two cats: Mike and Whitehall, both rescue kitties. Mike is 16 years old, and a black oriental of some sort, I think Burmese. Whitehall, aka The Kid, is 4 and a mix of Ragdoll and Fuzzy Little Stinker. They get along great and bring a lot of love and enjoyment in to my life. I was going to post a picture of both of them, but found this one of Whitehall that is one of my favorites, so here you go:


That's so neat about your spirit animals! And I can't even handle the cuteness of those foot tufts!!!!!!!!! :love:

Tomorrow is the big party, everyone is going to be there so 11.5 people in my tiny little house (the .5 is my Nephew's 2 months old baby). It feels like a replacement for Christmas, which really stunk this year what with people not being around and SIL's illness, so I'm going all out. Still feeling like I'm right on track for getting ready, a few more things tonight and some more grocery shopping tomorrow morning, then it's putting sandwiches together. Even remembered to get a baby gift for the Nugget.

How exciting! Have fun!!!

I miss the time when I was younger and my grandparents lived on the farm. It was more of a working farm when my mom was younger. They had cows and all sorts of other animals and they grew hay as well. By the time we all came along it was only horses and dogs.

That's cool! - And wonderful that you have some of those memories as well. :)

My favorite is a camel.

"Watch out -- they spit!"

I found a funny picture of Daisy and Alley together when we first got Alley.


What cutiessss!!!!

My favorite/spirit animal would probably be a cat. I love cats and had a couple when I was younger but my husband and daughter are both severely allergic so no more cats for me.

This is our dog, Crackerjack. He's not allowed on the beds but is allowed on the couches. My daughter snuck this photo while I was asleep on the couch and posted it on my facebook account; it just makes me smile.

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Awwwww! Sweet!
Yesterday QOTD: Snazzy? I'm definitely a hair and make up girl. Getting a keratin on my hair changed my life-- My hair looks good without much fussing at all-- I love it! Also, bright happy clothes put a spring in my step too!

Today's QOTD: Any and everything in the cat family! :cat: Also, I identify with their sleeping patterns on a deeply personal level.... :rotfl:

So my princess is Tzitza (sounds like pizza with an s sound instead of a p - my silly phonetic take on the Hungarian word for kitty - "cica"). I've had her for about 5.5 years. She is a hot mess, love bug, that loves to lay on her back... strange cat.


Then the little one that lived behind the store, the DH fell in love with, that's now living in our house.... LOL I'm not settled on a name 100%. Still feeling out her personality. I'm torn between Skimble (like Skimbleshanks the railway cat from Cats the musical bc she was from the tracks behind the store) or Erzsi (follow me here: As in Erzsebet Bathory, one of the inspirations for Dracula, because when she looks up you can see her white teeth hanging out like fangs) Haha! She also likes to stick her tongue out like this all the time :-)

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Got 15 minutes of walking in for Thursday and 10 for Friday.
Had a lovely date with DH this afternoon. We went and saw Beauty and the Beast Live Action (Loved it) and than had an early dinner at Red Lobster while my wonderful Mom in law kept our girls. The last time we went to a movie was back in July 2008. Other than the seats got a bit uncomfortable since spilled over and had one leg against the arm rest support. We sat in the handicapped section. There were only about 7-9 people in the entire theater. When we got our tickets our seller asked us you know that this time is in 3D and I was all that's why we picked this one. One of the previews did not look good on the coloring so I am guessing it is one that is better to see in imax-not that it is one on the list we want to see.
Tomorrow I have to be up at 6:30 am so that we can be across town at 8 am in order to pick up 4-H fruit and get it delivered.

Question of the Weekend - March 25&26


Well before she opened it, "Carrots for one" actually seemed like a good choice!

Let's talk about snacks!

What are some of your go-to good choice snacks?

I am claiming 40 minutes of walking for Saturday the 25th though it is more in likely a bit on the low side. 25 minutes were doing laps on my deck while seeing if they took a neighbor about a 1/4 mile to us by ambulance to the hospital ( it look like they did) and than walking in my house. The rest was walking in one of our big multi use buildings on the fairgrounds to get fruit pick up done and walking around walmart to get some shopping done. Total minutes to date 487.
Now since I did not fall asleep until after 3 am for Friday night and while my alarm was set for 6:30 am woke up at 5:45 am ( one of the hazards of drinking a lot of water and I am no where near drinking 1 oz for every 2 lbs of weight) though I did get about a 2 hour nap between getting home from delivering fruit ( only one person left and theirs will go to their employment on Monday) and having to leave to take 12 year old to sewing. Got a lot done as she was the only one who showed up-she should be able to finish up her quilted wall hanging this coming Wednesday and even start on a pair of shorts and possibly a top. She has to complete 4-5 projects by September and has one completely done, 1 that she is working on which is a collection of t-shirt pillows with different sayings that are all from various special memories ( nice thing with this one is she can take just how ever many she has done for her fair exhibit). I am going to head to bed and will try and get the QOTD I have not gotten to yet sometime tomorrow.
Checking in! I lost 0.5 pounds this week which makes 3 for the month. I'm happy with this progress in spite of how terrible the stats look. So this puts me at 33% for the month. I'm happy with my slow and steady progress. I didn't think I'd be happy about losing weight slowly like this but I'm in a good place.

Question of the Weekend - March 25&26

Well before she opened it, "Carrots for one" actually seemed like a good choice!

Let's talk about snacks!

What are some of your go-to good choice snacks?

Better late than never here.....

favorite go-to snacks would be apples, bananas, Baby-bel light cheese, WW cheese sticks, carrots/celery with hummus, and the occasional WW mini-bar. I try to stick with fruit, veggies, and protein snacks during the day and usually save the sweet snacks for the end of the day.


Hey all! It seems like things have been pretty quiet here lately! Hope everyone is a-okay! I LOVE the pet pictures! I'm definitely a CAT girl, in all ways.... spirit animal, pets, etc. We are also currently "baby-sitting" DD's salt water tank which contains one clownfish and a hermit crab.... nothing I would get on my own but I don't mind caring for them.

We had a two hour school delay this morning because of freezing rain and ice, so I am showered with hair and make-up done, but not dressed yet. Definitely dressing for warmth and comfort today with this raw weather happening. If SPRING doesn't happen around here soon, I may go a little bonkers!! Calendar reads spring, but Mother Nature definitely isn't showing it.

What's everyone enjoying for breakfast today? Since I had extra time I made a WONDERFUL avocado toast topped with an egg, and bowl of banana/strawberry fruit salad.... MMMMMM! Dinner rut is a thing these days though! Need to look around for some new ideas/recipes this week. I think that the problem is that my BRAIN is ready for salad season, but the weather is still soup/stew season.

Time to get dressed and move on with my day. Hoping you ALL have a wonderful MAGICAL MONDAY!!..............P
We had a two hour school delay this morning because of freezing rain and ice, so I am showered with hair and make-up done, but not dressed yet. Definitely dressing for warmth and comfort today with this raw weather happening. If SPRING doesn't happen around here soon, I may go a little bonkers!! Calendar reads spring, but Mother Nature definitely isn't showing it.

Hope spring arrives in full force soon for you! We have a sunny and warm week ahead of us, might go up to the low 70s even!!! We had lunch outside sitting in the sun and it was sooooo good!

This weekend has been very active and I had a nice 5km run in the sun on Sunday. It felt so great to be out again. The scale is also moving downwards slightly. I am currently trying to stick with a 500kcal deficit and I think that for me that is a good thing. I guess I am better at losing weight slowly. I still need to work on saying no to candy. I just end up wasting too many calories on the not so healthy stuff. I really don't understand why I have so much trouble with sticking to my good intentions. It is actually something that goes with all other aspects in my life and I am wondering how I could work on that in general.

My favourite snacks are apples, carrots, hard boiled eggs and @pjlla's microwave popcorn without any added fat.


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