Welcome to the CAROUSEL of PROGRESS challenge for December 2015!!


DIS Veteran
Oct 21, 2003
It's time to step off the weight loss/weight gain Carousel and make some Progress!!


“Man has a dream and that's the start
He follows his dream with mind and heart
And when it becomes a reality
It's a dream come true for you …..”

Have you had a dream about success on your journey to become healthier? Have you been trying to follow that dream with your mind and heart? Is it coming closer to becoming a reality?? Or do you feel like you've been going “round and round without going anywhere”? Well, get ready to make some PROGRESS!!

This month we will talk about HOLIDAYS, HISTORY (Disney history specifically), and HEALTH!
Every day I will post a tidbit about Disney history or a Disney trivia fact or a holiday nugget...plus a (somewhat related) QOTD!

Your participation level is up to you! If you've got the time, feel free to answer each and every QOTD and participate in the chatter! Less time? Pop on when you can to ask questions, share NSVs, etc!


Just a quick reminder about how things work with our monthly WISH challenges.

Your goal is UP TO YOU! Whether you pick a goal of miles walked, pounds lost, percentage lost or days tracked.... however you choose to measure your success, that is up to you. Just pick a goal, make a PLAN to reach that goal, share that information with us and then report your weekly progress (as a percentage) toward that goal.

12/1 (Starting numbers/goals)

Results will be reported in percentages here but no specific numbers (pounds or miles or whatever) will be reported unless you choose to do so.

1 – 10%

11 – 20%

21 – 30%

31 – 40%

41 – 50%

51 – 60%

61 – 70%

71 – 80%

81 – 90%

91 – 99%

100 %

I will accept progress results every Friday-Sunday and PLAN to have the results updated by Monday evenings. Keep in mind that this is a HOLIDAY month and Christmas falls on a Friday, as does New Year's Eve.... it is up to YOU if you decide to report in that Friday or want to report in a day earlier/later than usual....................P
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I hope that this format will encourage some great discussions about weight loss, maintaining, diet, exercise and healthy living! But as always, feel free to participate as much or as little as you would like.... but remember, the more you put in, the more you'll get out.

Welcome to returning friends, newbies, and anyone/everyone who would like to chat about weight loss, weight maintenance, exercise, and anything related! No rules here EXCEPT to be kind and supportive of each other! No negative energy allowed!

We talk about calories, Weight Watchers, low-carb, SparkPeople, MFP, Fitbits, Jawbones, marathon training, walking, recipes, vitamins, meal planning, smoothies, juicing, motivation, YOU NAME IT!! No positive/healthy talk is off limits!

Please consider inviting a friend (either a RL friend or a Disboard friend) to join us. They don't have to LOVE Disney like we do (but it helps). They only need to want to make healthier lifestyle choices!...............P

Lady Marie

Future hosts:

January 2015: ThistleMae (THANK YOU!!)

February 2015: PICTURE YOUR NAME HERE....

March 2015: ….. OR HERE!!

April 2015: ??

May – December 2015: ??

WISH INSTAGRAM user names:

flvy - flyawaymari

Lady Marie - p.ryan55

JacknSally - mnsmith89 and MSLP_901

DisPup75 - maggielee75

dsnyfn1022 - paigevader

courtneybeth - courtneybeth83

pjlla - wearemom22

LindseyJo22 - snarkypirate

SarahDisney- slkworks
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great big beautiful.jpg

TOMORROW... a word filled with such PROMISE..... tomorrow is going to be BIG, BRIGHT, and BEAUTIFUL!! Are you ready for it? Are you ready to join us for a great month of health, weight loss, exercise, chatter, friendship, Disney, and support? Then plan to save a seat RIGHT NOW!!

The first Disney history tidbit and QOTD will be here BRIGHT AND EARLY tomorrow morning! ........................P
Count me in:). I love Carousel of Progress! And despite Christmas, I don't have a lot of high calorie events this month, so I am hopeful to see some progress. Going to think about my goal a bit more and get back to you tomorrow!

Thanks for hosting @pjlla!
I've been really curious about this thread for a while. I'm going to give my goals some serious thought and consider jumping in.
What an awesome theme @pjlla - count me in to participate. I'll get hubs to take a picture of me in front of the COP when we're there in 18 days. :woohoo:

WOOHOO on a Disney trip!!

Count me in:). I love Carousel of Progress! And despite Christmas, I don't have a lot of high calorie events this month, so I am hopeful to see some progress. Going to think about my goal a bit more and get back to you tomorrow!

Thanks for hosting @pjlla!

Glad you can see a POSITIVE month ahead! Glad you are joining us!!

I've been really curious about this thread for a while. I'm going to give my goals some serious thought and consider jumping in.

WELCOME!! So happy to have you here with us!!


Morning all and HAPPY DECEMBER! Phew.....2015 absolutely FLEW BY, didn't it??!!

BTW, if you Instagram and you want to be included in our list of WISH challenge participants on Instagram, let me know! I'll be bringing the list I started last month over here and keeping it up to date!

Up next.... your very first tidbit and QOTD for December!..............P
December 1,1965:

The first issue of the DISNEY NEWS is published. Just 16 pages long, it features a cover of Walt Disney surrounded by several costumed characters in front of Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty Castle. A free benefit for members of the Magic Kingdom Club, there will later be a cover price (and the publication will change its name to the Disney Magazine in March 1994).


Just like the “DISNEY NEWS” introduced people to Disney, we want you to introduce yourself! If you have been a part of these challenges for a long time, feel free to tell us something about yourself that we don't already know! A funny fact, bit of history, whatever you would like! Just help us get to know YOU a little better!

And BTW, it is also National “Eat a Red Apple” Day! So go ahead.... grab a healthy, delicious apple for your snack today! Tell us when you ate it and what type it was!! Share a picture if you want! ......................P
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I like the idea of this thread, and I just happened to run across it while I was perusing the boards. So I'm going to jump in and participate. :) We'll see how much I actually end up posting, but I'm going to follow along and "lurk", at the very least. ;)

As for introducing myself... I go by my nickname "Shada" when I'm online, and I'm a big fan of a lot of geeky things. Disney ranks up there as one of my "true loves" in life, and Star Wars runs right along with it. I also enjoy Sherlock, Doctor Who, Firefly, Indiana Jones...the list of geekiness goes on. I love to sew, and I when I have time, I like to make costumes from different movies and tv shows.
Pam, what a wonderful theme!! I am so impressed with all the creativity all of you hostesses lately put into these threads!!

I am very much hoping for a beautiful tomorrow since my yesterday was far from beautiful. November was a bad month for me!! I ended it weighing more than at the start of the month. :sad2:

But onto introductions:

I am Magdalene, 44 years old, I am German and am living in Germany (hence sometimes posting in the middle of the night for those who are in the USA). My boyfriend is American and lives mostly in the USA. I never expected to end up in a trans-continental long distance relationship, but so far it works really well. He will be here for Christmas and most of the winter, which will be lovely, but will bring all kind of different challenges with regard to weight loss. I am a lawyer and work in the state legal system here in Germany. I love my job, but sometimes it tends to be rather stressful. And I am an emotional eater, so stress is always bad for me.

As most here I am a huge Disney fan. Besides these weight loss threads here on the DIS, I am a regular on the trip report boards and on the DCL board. I love reading and writing trip reports and the communitiy of the DIS.

Fun Fact: I love listening to a British radio soap opera called "The Archers". It plays on BBC Radio 4 and thanks to modern technology I can now get it as a podcast. My love for this started through a room mate (who became a good friend) when I spent one year at university in London in 1997/98. And for many years the friend would tape it on cassette every week (for himself to listen to it whenever he wanted) and then sent it to me to listen to. I am amazed that some of the kids that I remember being born when I started to listen are now starting to go off to college!!

I am currently hovering a tiny bit above a healthy weight range and have been in this area for a number of years now. But I really want to get a bit further down into that healthy range (I am aiming at a BMI of around 22-23). After having been a slightly overweight kid and teenager, I managed to get down to that range during my college years, but then when work life started, the kilos came back on. And I just really really want to get down there! I have a really cute suede leather mini skirt that I want to be able to wear again (now most likely only with some leggins as my legs are not 25 anymore...).

My weight loss plan is simple: I use my fitbit to motivate me to stay active and burn calories and I also use the fitbit app to track my food. I am aiming at a daily deficit of 750 calories. I was really succesful with that method during September and October and even the first half of November. But then there were a lot of social events, a nasty bronchitis and ugly weather and suddenly I was starting to fall of the bandwaggon. I am glad that the new months is a good incentive to start fresh! I need that to reset my mind. I am also finally feeling better today, so hopefully I will soon be back out there running! In November my goal was to make it the month with the most kilometers run, but then the last week with the bronchitis made me miss that goal. So, now I have December to try to acchieve this!

ETA: I forgot to mention my goal for the month. I think with Christmas going on and my boyfriend being here, I will be happy if I can end the month 3 pounds lighter than I started it!
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I'm in and thank you for hosting @pjlla !

My name is Paige. I'm 23 and have been on the WISH boards for a few months now. I'm starting off this month 30 pounds down for my overall weight loss which makes me so very happy! I'm trying to keep this in mind as I struggle to get back on track for December because I feel like I'm back at the beginning but that's not true. I'm going to be leaving for Disney tomorrow morning, bright and early :) I'm so excited for this trip I have barely slept the last two days.

Something you may not know: I work at a bank but I'm an aspiring fiction writer. I have an agent and a book that I've written and am working on another one right now. The first book is a young adult novel but the second is a historical women's fiction. I hope to some day be a full time writer and make a living off of it!

For the month:

GOAL - My goal for the month is to lose 2 pounds. It's a very low goal but between Disney and Christmas that may be all that's achievable. That would put me at my pre-thanksgiving weight for the end of the year which would be a great place to be. So 2 pounds!
PLAN - When in Disney I plan to make smarter food choices. I will still indulge in treats and won't feel restricted but I don't need a burger, fries, and a dessert for every meal. For Christmas, I plan to not make treats to keep around the house! The leftovers are my downfall. I currently have one thing left that I made for DH that I've eaten every night since I made them. I will track with WW and I will continue to run and do my workout videos.
OBSTACLES - Disney, Christmas, NYE. Christmas Eve we go out to to a nice dinner and I'll have 3 Christmas celebrations for the year. NYE we always have chili dogs and nachos and other mounds of unhealthy food.

It's going to be a rough month but I look forward to hanging out with all of you and seeing what kind of progress we can make!
Count me in again. I'm shooting for 7 pounds this month. I doubt I will be able to get there with a Disney trip (5 days away :banana:) and Christmas celebrations but I'm going to give it a shot.

A little something you guys don't know is this: my oldest child-DS13-has been to Disney 10 times and has never ridden Carousel of Progress!
I like the idea of this thread, and I just happened to run across it while I was perusing the boards. So I'm going to jump in and participate. :) We'll see how much I actually end up posting, but I'm going to follow along and "lurk", at the very least. ;)

As for introducing myself... I go by my nickname "Shada" when I'm online, and I'm a big fan of a lot of geeky things. Disney ranks up there as one of my "true loves" in life, and Star Wars runs right along with it. I also enjoy Sherlock, Doctor Who, Firefly, Indiana Jones...the list of geekiness goes on. I love to sew, and I when I have time, I like to make costumes from different movies and tv shows.

So glad to have you!! Welcome to our group!! If you were a teenager I'd try to set you up with my DS! Everything you listed is what he loves... SW, Dr. Who, Sherlock... and he does love a good cosplay costume (not sure if that is even the right terminology!). For the past few Halloweens he has been.... some Bolyn from Last Airbender, Dr. Who (two years in a row I believe), Thor (this year).... and before that he was Indiana Jones, Luke Skywalker, and a Death Eater (from HP). I don't love to sew, but he loves a good costume so I go to work!

Don't feel badly about lurking.... sometimes that is what works best with our schedules.... but take it from me... the more you participate the more successful you will be!

Pam, what a wonderful theme!! I am so impressed with all the creativity all of you hostesses lately put into these threads!!

I'll pass the praise along to DD.... I was struggling to come up with a theme and she tossed out the idea of COP and I was hooked!!

I am very much hoping for a beautiful tomorrow since my yesterday was far from beautiful. November was a bad month for me!! I ended it weighing more than at the start of the month. :sad2:

As long as you are aware and still trying to make progress, you are ahead of the game!!

But onto introductions:

I am Magdalene, 44 years old, I am German and am living in Germany (hence sometimes posting in the middle of the night for those who are in the USA). My boyfriend is American and lives mostly in the USA. I never expected to end up in a trans-continental long distance relationship, but so far it works really well. He will be here for Christmas and most of the winter, which will be lovely, but will bring all kind of different challenges with regard to weight loss. I am a lawyer and work in the state legal system here in Germany. I love my job, but sometimes it tends to be rather stressful. And I am an emotional eater, so stress is always bad for me.

As most here I am a huge Disney fan. Besides these weight loss threads here on the DIS, I am a regular on the trip report boards and on the DCL board. I love reading and writing trip reports and the communitiy of the DIS.

So glad you get to spend significant time with your beau this winter!!

Fun Fact: I love listening to a British radio soap opera called "The Archers". It plays on BBC Radio 4 and thanks to modern technology I can now get it as a podcast. My love for this started through a room mate (who became a good friend) when I spent one year at university in London in 1997/98. And for many years the friend would tape it on cassette every week (for himself to listen to it whenever he wanted) and then sent it to me to listen to. I am amazed that some of the kids that I remember being born when I started to listen are now starting to go off to college!!

That sounds like me with one of the U.S. television soap operas back in the 1980's and 1990s! I started watching one of them in about 7th grade and didn't really quit watching until I was nearly 30! YIKES!

I am currently hovering a tiny bit above a healthy weight range and have been in this area for a number of years now. But I really want to get a bit further down into that healthy range (I am aiming at a BMI of around 22-23). After having been a slightly overweight kid and teenager, I managed to get down to that range during my college years, but then when work life started, the kilos came back on. And I just really really want to get down there! I have a really cute suede leather mini skirt that I want to be able to wear again (now most likely only with some leggins as my legs are not 25 anymore...).

My weight loss plan is simple: I use my fitbit to motivate me to stay active and burn calories and I also use the fitbit app to track my food. I am aiming at a daily deficit of 750 calories. I was really succesful with that method during September and October and even the first half of November. But then there were a lot of social events, a nasty bronchitis and ugly weather and suddenly I was starting to fall of the bandwaggon. I am glad that the new months is a good incentive to start fresh! I need that to reset my mind. I am also finally feeling better today, so hopefully I will soon be back out there running! In November my goal was to make it the month with the most kilometers run, but then the last week with the bronchitis made me miss that goal. So, now I have December to try to acchieve this!

ETA: I forgot to mention my goal for the month. I think with Christmas going on and my boyfriend being here, I will be happy if I can end the month 3 pounds lighter than I started it!

Glad you are feeling better and SUPER glad that December will give us ALL a fresh start!!:thumbsup2

I'm in and thank you for hosting @pjlla !

My name is Paige. I'm 23 and have been on the WISH boards for a few months now. I'm starting off this month 30 pounds down for my overall weight loss which makes me so very happy! I'm trying to keep this in mind as I struggle to get back on track for December because I feel like I'm back at the beginning but that's not true. I'm going to be leaving for Disney tomorrow morning, bright and early :) I'm so excited for this trip I have barely slept the last two days.

Hope your trip is MAGICAL!!!!

Something you may not know: I work at a bank but I'm an aspiring fiction writer. I have an agent and a book that I've written and am working on another one right now. The first book is a young adult novel but the second is a historical women's fiction. I hope to some day be a full time writer and make a living off of it!

My niece's husband has recently published his first (maybe his second) young adult book.... are you familiar with the recent book "The Looney Experiment" by Luke Reynolds??

BTW, I LOOOOOVVEEE historic fiction! Cannot wait until I can buy your book~!!

For the month:

GOAL - My goal for the month is to lose 2 pounds. It's a very low goal but between Disney and Christmas that may be all that's achievable. That would put me at my pre-thanksgiving weight for the end of the year which would be a great place to be. So 2 pounds!
PLAN - When in Disney I plan to make smarter food choices. I will still indulge in treats and won't feel restricted but I don't need a burger, fries, and a dessert for every meal. For Christmas, I plan to not make treats to keep around the house! The leftovers are my downfall. I currently have one thing left that I made for DH that I've eaten every night since I made them. I will track with WW and I will continue to run and do my workout videos.
OBSTACLES - Disney, Christmas, NYE. Christmas Eve we go out to to a nice dinner and I'll have 3 Christmas celebrations for the year. NYE we always have chili dogs and nachos and other mounds of unhealthy food.

It's going to be a rough month but I look forward to hanging out with all of you and seeing what kind of progress we can make!

Great PRACTICAL goal for December!

Count me in again. I'm shooting for 7 pounds this month. I doubt I will be able to get there with a Disney trip (5 days away :banana:) and Christmas celebrations but I'm going to give it a shot.

A little something you guys don't know is this: my oldest child-DS13-has been to Disney 10 times and has never ridden Carousel of Progress!

Wowza... another Disney trip! I guess I will have to keep living vicariously through you all.... because my next Disney trip is probably faaarrr away on the horizon!

You MUST right that wrong....no COP? Not once?? Not ever? But it is a classic!! You are SIGNIFICANTLY neglecting his Disney education by not allowing him the relaxing, refreshing NAP TIME that IS Carousel of Progress!!:rotfl2: JK.... I really do like COP.... it is a must do, at least once, every trip! If for no other reason than it is a CLASSIC! .................P
So glad to have you!! Welcome to our group!! If you were a teenager I'd try to set you up with my DS! Everything you listed is what he loves... SW, Dr. Who, Sherlock... and he does love a good cosplay costume (not sure if that is even the right terminology!). For the past few Halloweens he has been.... some Bolyn from Last Airbender, Dr. Who (two years in a row I believe), Thor (this year).... and before that he was Indiana Jones, Luke Skywalker, and a Death Eater (from HP). I don't love to sew, but he loves a good costume so I go to work!

Don't feel badly about lurking.... sometimes that is what works best with our schedules.... but take it from me... the more you participate the more successful you will be!

lol I guess I should have listed out my age when I posted that. I'll be celebrating my 33rd bday at the end of the month (29th). But tell your son he has awesome tastes! (And you're totally right - "cosplay" is the appropriate term. :) It's becoming so mainstream now; it's so crazy that being a nerd has become cool!) I would love to see these costumes that you both have created together! They sound epic!

I'll do my best to participate. I guess I should have stated some goals like the other good folks above me!

Goal: Continue with prep-training and start the real training schedule on December 16th for my first ever runDisney event (and my first 10K in the history of ever).

I've never been a runner, but I've always wanted to do one of these events. I've been pushing myself the last couple of years to get healthier and feel better, so here we go!

Goal Measures:
1. Complete 3 days at the community center gym/track each week.
2. Track times and progress of each training session.

Hopefully celebrate my legs not falling off by the end of the month. ;)
Hi everyone!

This is my second full challenge here on the WISH boards. I'm a 25 year old part-time instructor at a university, but I'm holding out for a full-time (or even part-time) librarian position someday. After all, that's what I actually got a degree in! My husband is a physics professor, so I follow him wherever he gets a position. We got married this July (yay!) and thankfully he and his family are crazy Disney people - I think I became even more Disney crazy after we met :P

In terms of hobbies, I love knitting, reading these forums, and reading actual books when I have the time and am not trying to frantically keep up with what I'm teaching :) I'm on instagram as snarkypirate if you want to follow me - it's primarily knitting pictures, but I also sometimes post about my workouts and some Disney stuff too.

I've been relatively successful in calorie counting with the Loseit app in the past few months to lose about 6 lb. It's not much, but I don't like to feel deprived, so I tend to go for a very moderate approach to weight loss. Plus, I have a husband who loves to eat and is not overly interested in changing his habits at the moment. So I cook what we like, but try to eat more reasonable portions (and more veggies, etc.).

December is going to be a heck of a crazy month for me. We end school this week, at least the teaching part. I'll have a ton of grading to do, and then we leave for Disney for a short stay the 14th! And with that, the rest of the month will basically be traveling between relatives to see everyone. My family is in Arkansas and his is in South Carolina, so we'll be doing a lot of driving. Plus, we're bringing our cat along for the ride, so we'll probably be eating more fast food on our driving days than usual. And then I'll be in other people's houses where I can't control the food as much.

Whew, I'm a little long-winded - long story short, my very small goal is to maintain for the month of December. With a Disney trip, even a short one, plus all the traveling I think that is a good plan. I'm still going to try to do as well as I can, but any loss will just be a bonus. So I'll be looking for a 144.4 on the scale at the end of December (yay for a mystery .4 lb loss between yesterday and today :P)
:wave2: Hello everyone, I'm Courtney Beth. :wave2: I'm 32 and live about 15 minutes from Disneyland. Hubs and I are Premier passholders! We're at Disneyland about 1-2 times per week and Disney World about 1-2 times per year. (This may change depending on Star Wars Land construction - stay tuned!)

To date I have lost 60 pounds and only have 5 pounds left until I reach my goal.:woohoo: My inspiration for losing weight came from seeing pictures of myself at a family member's wedding and shocked at who that woman was in the photo. Clearly I didn't see her in the mirror and couldn't fathom just how I got that heavy. :eek: I decided around mid-February of this year that I was going to take it seriously and start dropping the weight so that I would look fabulous in my MBA graduation photos. I conclude my studies on December 15th (TWO WEEKS OMG!) but don't get to officially walk the ceremony until May... end goal: I want to wear a fabulous designer dress at my graduation dinner at the Disneyland Hotel's Steakhouse 55 restaurant.

Something You May Not Know: My first job out of college was working for ABC News' Primetime/20-20 programs in New York City. I got to help produce John Stossel's "Gimmie a Break" segments.

For the Month of December:
Goal: Lose 3 pounds. I'm heading to WDW December 18-23rd for our annual December trip. I am realistic about weight loss and let me tell you -- most people go home with a 3-5 pound souvenir! I just want to be at 152 by December 31.

Plan: I'm going to stay on target for my WW points before and after my trip. I'm going to log my WW points while at Disney World but not worry too much about it.

Obstacles: Disney World. I already know I'm having the Croque Glace ice cream treat the first day at EPCOT and the Be Our Guest strawberry cupcake. I'm so screwed. :laughing:
BTW, my Macoun is available for viewing on Instagram if you are interested! :) #eataredappleday .............P
Hi everyone!

This is my second full challenge here on the WISH boards. I'm a 25 year old part-time instructor at a university, but I'm holding out for a full-time (or even part-time) librarian position someday. After all, that's what I actually got a degree in! My husband is a physics professor, so I follow him wherever he gets a position. We got married this July (yay!) and thankfully he and his family are crazy Disney people - I think I became even more Disney crazy after we met :P

In terms of hobbies, I love knitting, reading these forums, and reading actual books when I have the time and am not trying to frantically keep up with what I'm teaching :) I'm on instagram as snarkypirate if you want to follow me - it's primarily knitting pictures, but I also sometimes post about my workouts and some Disney stuff too.

I'll add you to the Instagram list if you aren't there already!

I've been relatively successful in calorie counting with the Loseit app in the past few months to lose about 6 lb. It's not much, but I don't like to feel deprived, so I tend to go for a very moderate approach to weight loss. Plus, I have a husband who loves to eat and is not overly interested in changing his habits at the moment. So I cook what we like, but try to eat more reasonable portions (and more veggies, etc.).

December is going to be a heck of a crazy month for me. We end school this week, at least the teaching part. I'll have a ton of grading to do, and then we leave for Disney for a short stay the 14th! And with that, the rest of the month will basically be traveling between relatives to see everyone. My family is in Arkansas and his is in South Carolina, so we'll be doing a lot of driving. Plus, we're bringing our cat along for the ride, so we'll probably be eating more fast food on our driving days than usual. And then I'll be in other people's houses where I can't control the food as much.

Whew, I'm a little long-winded - long story short, my very small goal is to maintain for the month of December. With a Disney trip, even a short one, plus all the traveling I think that is a good plan. I'm still going to try to do as well as I can, but any loss will just be a bonus. So I'll be looking for a 144.4 on the scale at the end of December (yay for a mystery .4 lb loss between yesterday and today :P)

Wow.... I'm impressed that your kitty can handle all of that riding! The last 4 cats I have the pleasure of housing have all been car sick to varying degrees .... some within minutes, others it took a bit longer.

I hear you on MAINTAINING during the holidays.... and I would be right there with you if I had ended November where I really wanted... grrr....:headache:

:wave2: Hello everyone, I'm Courtney Beth. :wave2: I'm 32 and live about 15 minutes from Disneyland. Hubs and I are Premier passholders! We're at Disneyland about 1-2 times per week and Disney World about 1-2 times per year. (This may change depending on Star Wars Land construction - stay tuned!)

To date I have lost 60 pounds and only have 5 pounds left until I reach my goal.:woohoo: My inspiration for losing weight came from seeing pictures of myself at a family member's wedding and shocked at who that woman was in the photo. Clearly I didn't see her in the mirror and couldn't fathom just how I got that heavy. :eek: I decided around mid-February of this year that I was going to take it seriously and start dropping the weight so that I would look fabulous in my MBA graduation photos. I conclude my studies on December 15th (TWO WEEKS OMG!) but don't get to officially walk the ceremony until May... end goal: I want to wear a fabulous designer dress at my graduation dinner at the Disneyland Hotel's Steakhouse 55 restaurant.

Something You May Not Know: My first job out of college was working for ABC News' Primetime/20-20 programs in New York City. I got to help produce John Stossel's "Gimmie a Break" segments.

For the Month of December:
Goal: Lose 3 pounds. I'm heading to WDW December 18-23rd for our annual December trip. I am realistic about weight loss and let me tell you -- most people go home with a 3-5 pound souvenir! I just want to be at 152 by December 31.

Plan: I'm going to stay on target for my WW points before and after my trip. I'm going to log my WW points while at Disney World but not worry too much about it.

Obstacles: Disney World. I already know I'm having the Croque Glace ice cream treat the first day at EPCOT and the Be Our Guest strawberry cupcake. I'm so screwed. :laughing:

SO fun to find out new things about my friends here! And TWO WEEKS until the MBA is complete.... YOWZA!!:worship:


Hey all! Cold and miserably and rainy during my recess duty.... thank GOODNESS I had a warm lunch to eat (but of course, I burned my mouth on it, dang it).

I'll try to stay caught up here today (since I have time between classes) but of course, it is TUESDAY which means DOUBLE JOB day and chances are with this cold I am fighting (did I mention I had almost totally no voice most of the weekend???) I will be ready to crash when I get home from WW tonight.... so no late night chatter from me!

Have I mentioned that DD comes home in.... 4 days.... yup just FOUR DAYS!! I am so excited to have all of my loved ones together and safe for the holidays! I couldn't ask for a better gift! BBL to chat................P


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