Week of Aug 7 - 2006 Half-Full Marathon Info/Training Thread

Liz is waivering. I can feel it.

5 months to add 4 miles. That's 1 mile per month. Way under 10% per week. Time for pace work.... :teacher: :teeth:
I've tried posting this three times today. Ugh!

Hi WISH Team!

I’m back! Thank you all for the support you gave to Liz and me. This place is truly the greatest!

As Liz has already said, we got to meet John Bingham! That was such fun! We spotted him walking around the grounds and made a line right to him. It was one of many highlights for sure. He is so easy to talk with and quite inspirational and supportive. His words of encouragement really did make all the difference as we were mentally and logistically preparing how we would handle the next day. It was quite hot on Sunday; we had heard that the temps were to be down a bit but that turned out to not be so. I think with the heat index it was well into the 90’s as we were making the trek. This event had some really beautiful things to see and participating with Liz and Amanda made it an extra special event for certain.

Thinking of your Mom Liz and hoping the best for her.

Everyone, I am glad to see your training posts. They are interesting to read. Thank you all for posting.

I am having a typical post event few days here. I am not very motivated at the moment.

Keep your posts coming; I will be drawing off them as I try to fit back into some sort of routine as the training schedule is getting near.

I could like to hear from some of our Missing Team mates too! What's been happening?
Liz - hope you're mum's okay, it's only 17 days till I get to England and see mine, haven't seen her since Feb so it's about time. Mind you after 10 days together we generally need six months apart!!!

Lisa: I'm writing another diet book, my second one in about three months so I'm going slightly calorie crazed. This one may not come out until 2007 though - and I've only got five more chapters left to edit today and it's over. HOORAY.

I ran for an hour of hills last night and it was tough, in fact I ran better last week when I was sick! I have been doing a lot of strength training and running over the last five days though and my legs haven't had a rest so I'm blaming that - day off today and tomorrow though so can recover ready for two hours (or maybe 2.5) this weekend to remind myself I can do it, here's hoping it doesn't rain.

Oh and Liz - again - to paraphrase a well known song from Lisa.
Liz get your entry in - yes, yes, yes, yes
Liz get your entry in - yes, yes, yes, yes

Bye now: Helen

As a procrastinator or more accuartely as a scardie cat that hasn't decided whether to register or not can you tell me what newsletter you got that stated it was 75% full?

No training tonight - my new job is requiring extra hours and had school registration for my DS following that.

My feet are hurting bad also and they need the time off to try and heel the sores on them. Hope to be back at it later in the week.

Hope everyone else is doing great!
This newsletter came today to those already registered. Here is a chunk of the newsletter:

Registration Update...Reached 75% of Capacity

The Marathon and the Half Marathon have now reached more than 75% of the registration capacity. If you have friends or family that want to be a part of the WALT DISNEY WORLD® Marathon Weekend, they need to register now. Spread the word! Don't let your friends and family miss out on the most exciting WALT DISNEY WORLD® Marathon Weekend yet! For registration information for the Marathon, Half Marathon, and Goofy's Race and a Half Challenge, visit www.disneyworldmarathon.com today!

So....does anyone know if they have increased their maximum field now that they are on separate days? What was max last year?

Well, after another late night (11:40 to bed), I dragged myself out this morning at 6. UGH! I cannot keep doing this. NOTE TO SELF: Get to sleep earlier! Did a 5 minute warmup walk and then jogged the first 1 minute of every 5 minute interval, like this
0-5 -- walk
5-6 -- jog
6-10 -- walk
10-11 -jog
11-15 - walk
15-16 - jog
16-20- walk
21-22 - jog
22-25 walk
25-26 jog
26-30 walk
30-31 jog -- I hit 1.98 miles at 31 minutes.
cool down for a couple minutes after that.

I think that was about a 15:40 pace, but more important to me was that I was able to jog 6 x 1 minute. Haven't tried this in months (since my disastrous "abort" of the couch to 4K plan.

Happy training, all!
Thanks for all the well wishes for my mom. She is home and resting. She has had over a dozen of these little strokes...ones of these days she is not going to be so lucky. That is a part of my reality that I don't like. But for now, all is well. Thanks for thinking of us.

Cam, you are rockin!!! (Imagine there is a really cool smiley here) Keep up the great work. That is awesome.

Colleen, thanks for sharing your newsletter with us! Some of us may be getting out very own copy pretty soon! :teeth:

Minnie, hope your feet feel better soon! I know just how you feel. I would be just fine if it weren't for that little toe of mine that seems to be one enite blister. Heal quickly! What kind of sox and shoes are you wearing? Think they could be causing your blisters?

Helen, enjoy your rest days! Sounds like you need them. I could use a good diet book! You will have to send me the title. I might just need an autographed copy of that book! :teeth: An author WITH dual citizenship...now where is the hoity toity smiley? Have a nice holiday with your mum!! Oh and enjoy some delish Charbonell Walker Chapagne Truffles while you are in England....they are the best. The violet candy or the rose candy, not so good....but the truffles...to DIE for!

Hi Lily! I miss you! Hope all is going well. Race photos are up btw. Race Photos
Lily's race bib number is 531 and mine 538.....yep it is true that Lily signed up for this before me! What a friend!!

Carrie, is that peer pressure I am feeling from you? Say it isn't so! I am working on getting the nerve to join in!! :goodvibes

Sunny and Lisa, that route is gorgeous....it really is! And it is flat! Now, if they would more that race to September or something like that it might be a bit more fun. But in all actuality, we were so lucky weather wise. It could have been so much hotter.....and humid!!

Well, that is all I have time for this morning. Hope to check back later in the day. Have a great day!!!!

Once again, thanks for all the support you have all given me with walking and with my mom~ It is absolutely unbeleivable to think an internet group could be as close knit as this group!! Big group hug, and with that I am off to work!!!
Liz - That would be peer pressure - EVERYONE'S doing it!

Minnie - If you were to sign up, you'd get a newsletter e-mailed to you adn you'd be cool like the rest of us! ;) (Yes, that owuld eb more peer pressure).

I've been bad this week. DH called off Monday's run do to heat. I take back all I ever said about him! Every day has been hectic, though. I'll be out tonight. I think we're up to 50 minutes. Saturday is a 7 miler. DId I mention I ran into a Curves manager Monday night getting pizza (too hot to run = too hot to cook). Can you say guilt? I really need to get back to cross training again. I can fell my arms withering away and my stomach getting bigger. :( Somehow, I'm going to have to fit that in once "real" training starts.
Just a quick note before I start working. I ran 3/walked 2 again this morning. My pace was much faster than Monday (just under 15:00), but the best thing was that I had no problem with the 3/2 interval. Hey, I can run 3 minutes at a time! Tomorrow is a rest day and then a 5K on Saturday morning. We start at 7:15 so hopefully it will not be too hot. Too bad they won't be giving out cool Penguin medals at the finish. ;)
lizdotcom99 said:
Colleen, thanks for sharing your newsletter with us! Some of us may be getting out very own copy pretty soon! :teeth: !!!

Oh Liz, that sounds so promising! We all know you can do this! Just get those blisters healed up and you will be on your way!

TXBelle, great job on thoses 3's before you know it, you will be up to 5 minutes of pure running!

Carrie, I too have to start cross training. So how do you work in cross training? I also heard of a yoga/pilates tape for runners. Has anyone tried this?

Cam, good job on your running as well. It is amazing how quickly your endurance builds.

Helen, have a good trip to see your "mum"! I am orginally from Canada and refer to my mother as "mum". I am now in North Carolina and I get razzed from my southern friends when I say mum instead of mom.

Lily, sounds you are resting up nicely. I read somewhere that after a race your body needs one day of rest for each mile you ran. That held true after I ran my first half marathon last month. My legs and toes were really sore, I actually had bruises on two toenails (one on each foot). I have a lot of room at the end of my shoes, maybe too much?? Lily, you are doing the full correct?

I did 6 miles last night, the longest run since my half and it felt great. I am getting nervous about actually starting the training plan in a few weeks.

Colleen - Before I strated going for the marathon, I'd been doing Curves. Since I started running, I really concentrate on arms and legs while there. However, when running 3 x's a week, my Curves time has really been slipping. Just Do It! Comes to mind. I still don't know how, though. I've heard pilates is good for cross training. Many people bike or swim. It's just anything but running.

Cam - Those intervals are great! I'm still struggling with the fact that my full run is not much faster than my intervals.
wtpclc said:
Cam - Those intervals are great! I'm still struggling with the fact that my full run is not much faster than my intervals.

Yes, Carrie! Ironically, I am pretty sure my walking pace was slower than ever, as I "recovered" after each 60 second "jog". :confused3 Oh, well, it will all come in time. I am not going to beat myself up over it. I still have 7 weeks, I think, until the training matrix starts. I hope to be much further along this continuum by then. :teeth:

By the way, has anyone figured out a remedy for "runner's toe"? The second toe on both of my feet now "sports" :rotfl: a black toenail, and black at the base of the nail (maybe where even the new nail growth has gone black? :confused3 Our friend who is a marathoner says his toes are always like this and that I should take pride in the fact that they are scars hard won. :love2: What a cutie! Hey, now, that is one more thing we inexperienced walkers/runners/woggers can share with more experienced athletes (besides the start line and the experience, according to our beloved penguin!) -- black toenails! :earseek:
My dad always had black toes, but I'd lean towrds needing a bigger sure. I'm no Big Dog, though.
keenercam said:
Yes, Carrie! Ironically, I am pretty sure my walking pace was slower than ever, as I "recovered" after each 60 second "jog". :confused3 Oh, well, it will all come in time. I am not going to beat myself up over it. I still have 7 weeks, I think, until the training matrix starts. I hope to be much further along this continuum by then. :teeth:

By the way, has anyone figured out a remedy for "runner's toe"? The second toe on both of my feet now "sports" :rotfl: a black toenail, and black at the base of the nail (maybe where even the new nail growth has gone black? :confused3 Our friend who is a marathoner says his toes are always like this and that I should take pride in the fact that they are scars hard won. :love2: What a cutie! Hey, now, that is one more thing we inexperienced walkers/runners/woggers can share with more experienced athletes (besides the start line and the experience, according to our beloved penguin!) -- black toenails! :earseek:

My mom got this not too long ago when she walked 12 miles (yeh, @ 69 y/o) in a pair of shoes that did not fit right. Here toes kept hitting up against the front of the sneaker. I think you need to find a shoe that is tight enough so it doesn't slide, but not too tight to cut off circulation. I'm no expert, just a suggestion. Have you been to a "real" running store that sells good sneakers (& not a place in your local mall)

BTW, my mom only wore these sneakers once & it was raining. When she switched back to her true training sneakers the problem disappeared. She walks about 5 miles every day!

Jodi :wave2:
Liz--I'm wondering if you need more space in your toe box. I am a size 10 shoe..but wear a size 11 running shoe. In the store--my toes do not touch the toe-wall at all. Plenty of room to wiggle. A little awkward at first--you shouldn't feel like you are tripping. But I'm wondering if that is your problem.

In the running store I measured ata size 7.5.....but my running shoes (which I can tell you that I need a new pair at this point) are 8.5 I do have a wide foot and I am going to get my butt to the running store to be fitted agian for shoes.....maybe I need to find something else. And of course I would LOVE for them to see my blister and the wear on my shoe to see if they can see any reason that they might be able to correct with a different shoe. The thought of falling in love with a who new pair of shoes....ahhhhhh......yes, remind me of that torrid love affain I had early on in the day s of training........ :rotfl:
Lisa loves Pooh said:
Liz--I'm wondering if you need more space in your toe box. I am a size 10 shoe..but wear a size 11 running shoe. In the store--my toes do not touch the toe-wall at all. Plenty of room to wiggle. A little awkward at first--you shouldn't feel like you are tripping. But I'm wondering if that is your problem.
Keep your fingers crossed for me...

OK, dh and I are trying to save DVC points and not go to WDW until Saturday. I really don't like arriving teh day before teh marathon and I really want to see my friends in teh half. Well, while checking out airfare, I discovered that we could save about $150 (even when adding a rental car and 1 night at ASM) by coming down teh night before. We wouldn't have to take any extra time off work and we'd get the added bonus of a non-stop flight. I'm going to pitch this to dh tonight. Wish me luck!!!!
I'm a black toe nail gal big time. I really have to keep them trimmed short. I lost 2 big toe nail on a really long hike with short boots, but I have since lost others on trail runs (one was a 25k with tons of climbs and drops, but it was free and you get chili at the end!) I think some people are more proned to it than others. I have good shoes, I have just started to wear toe nail polish so i can still look girly even when they are black!


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