We’re all going on a Summer Holiday to the Disney Parks -WISH July Lifestyle/Challenge

I don't know what I do. Sometimes it feels like things never slow down. I would have to say watching TV. I love my tv and it totally relaxes me. Also to just get away I think it would be my mom's. I also talk to her every day on my way home from work. It decompresses me from the day before I get home and then I can also vent about my sister and dad. Also if I have a really bad day just walking with around the neighborhood or on a treadmill.

I am not sure who I am most like but I would love to be like Belle. I hate to read but I really want to love it. My eye issue makes reading harder for me when I am reading for a long period of time. I get very tired after reading just a few pages and sometimes I get headaches. I have though in the past few years found books I really love. They are usually about history and real life events.
QOTD: The two special places to take a break that come to mind first are driving out to my favorite yarn store, which is 45 minutes away tucked in to a little rural town that sits at the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. When I go I go early in the day, so the drive is calm even though I'm on a major freeway for most of the way. Then after getting off the freeway its a nice winding drive thru the country side. The second one is where I go when I want beach time: its three and a half hours away and the first hour is also major freeway driving, but then when you turn off its undulating curving driving thru rural towns and forest lands. Then of course at the end of the drive is the beach. I think both of these came to mind because of the calm, curvy roads that I just mentioned in my response to 4Mickeys.
This sounds very relaxing, I always find driving is great for clearing my head.

Bonus: I am Merida and I'all be shooting for my own hand!
I love Merida!! I feel like she is the most underrated princess and her meet and greet was one of the best I've ever had.

I don't know what I do. Sometimes it feels like things never slow down. I would have to say watching TV. I love my tv and it totally relaxes me. Also to just get away I think it would be my mom's. I also talk to her every day on my way home from work. It decompresses me from the day before I get home and then I can also vent about my sister and dad. Also if I have a really bad day just walking with around the neighborhood or on a treadmill.

I think it's awesome you have a way to decompress before getting home, I'm sure that makes it easier to focus on your family.

My answer would be running for everyday stress. It gives me a chance to think without the kids asking for something. I also try to have a get away with DH every couple of months so really anywhere with him is where I like to take a break from life.

As far as Disney characters the magic book told me I was Lilo. I'm not sure why? Maybe because I like to do things my own way even when it makes me look odd to others?
What do you do to take a break from life? Do you have a special place you go? Do you have a special person you talk to?

Bonus: What Disney character do you think you are? Who would you want to be?

I go off by myself sometimes taking my laptop or phone other times not. Usually I spend time at a nice sit down dining place. I also like to do drives in the countryside but with driving an older truck that does not get that great of gas milage I have had to curtail that activity. Not to mention the AC is broke so right now it is hot in there. I like to talk to a fellow 4H leader and friend to bounce things off of and a friend from church when her health issues allow.

I ended up taking a quiz that was shared on FB and according to that I am 60% Belle and 40% Cinderella. What it said is You're sweet, tender and compassionate and strive to serve humanity and to give to others by sharing money, knowledge and experience, or creative and artistic ability.
You're idealistic, highly imaginative, intuitive, and spiritual. You seek after spiritual truth and often find it. You tend to be visionary and often inspire others. If you fail to develop your potential, you may become a dreamer, or misuse your power.

I think the Belle part is accurate because I am a bookworm.

I got 18 minutes in yesterday and 15 minutes today while I worked on mowing the lawn which has grass that is way too tall and is hard to push the mower through. I was going to do more but ran out of light as I waited until after 9 when it finally cooled down. Plan is to try and get out about 6 in the morning when it will be cool before it heat up about 8 in the morning.
From Oprah's book

some of the text from Oprah's cookbook - some quotes from one of intro chapter
"When you know better, you will do better" "Ok, if anyone knows better when it comes to dieting, it's me. So how do you explain my endless struggles with weight? Why is it that with all my experience and information, I haven't done better?" "Well, my dear, when you are truly ready to know, you will." "it's one thing to be able to recite the rules of dieting, and quiet another to fully internalize and know the truth of maintaining healthy weight."

Made 2 recipes of her book, and I really enjoyed both. Even more so - both hit with my family. I am thinking of joining local weight watchers group. I feel I can lose some more weight as a secondary goal, but more so I feel I will enjoy being part of a group and attending weekly.
I actually got an order on Tuesday for my business my first one and it was completely random.

That's great

:hug: I don't know what you're going through yet but I admire you for how you are handling it. When I moved out of my parents house and across the country they didn't deal with it well. They took it personal but I just wanted to be on my own and explore. It really strained our relationship and there were years where we didn't talk.

Thanks - I didn't go to university when I was younger - but I moved away for work when I was 22 for a few years - and I understand that feeling of wanting to find yourself out in the world. I'm sorry your parents took it so personally and there have been things in our family over the years where there has been some non-speaking between members - but not between my parents and I we have always been pretty close - I am just trying to make sure I can do all I can to hold my little family together but realise that sometimes that means they live further away from us for a time - I won't be thrilled with it but I get it and will do everything to maintain our relationship.

Sometimes in life you need to take a break, just like you would at a Disney Park on a hot day. What do you do to take a break from life? Do you have a special place you go? Do you have a special person you talk to?

I am a TV/movie watcher for a break also. I also love a getaway near water - even though I live very close to it and drive past the water most days lol. This year in each school break a good friend and I have been having a lunch catch up and it is so nice just the 2 of us chattering away about what is going on for us.

Bonus: What Disney character do you think you are? Who would you want to be?

I feel like I relate to Rapunzel in Tangled (love that movie) I can be fearless when I need to be, love to have adventures but have spent a period of time in my life somewhat isolated but feel that I am breaking out of that 'tower' - I just need to find my 'Flynn Rider'. Oh and whilst my hair is shorter these days when I was younger I loved having long, long hair haha

Mike's blood tests came back totally normal for a guy of his age - even his thyroid. Hurrah for that!

That is great news

The two special places to take a break that come to mind first are driving out to my favorite yarn store, which is 45 minutes away tucked in to a little rural town that sits at the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. When I go I go early in the day, so the drive is calm even though I'm on a major freeway for most of the way. Then after getting off the freeway its a nice winding drive thru the country side. The second one is where I go when I want beach time: its three and a half hours away and the first hour is also major freeway driving, but then when you turn off its undulating curving driving thru rural towns and forest lands. Then of course at the end of the drive is the beach. I think both of these came to mind because of the calm, curvy roads that I just mentioned in my response to 4Mickeys.

This sounds amazing!

some of the text from Oprah's cookbook - some quotes from one of intro chapter
"When you know better, you will do better" "Ok, if anyone knows better when it comes to dieting, it's me. So how do you explain my endless struggles with weight? Why is it that with all my experience and information, I haven't done better?" "Well, my dear, when you are truly ready to know, you will." "it's one thing to be able to recite the rules of dieting, and quiet another to fully internalize and know the truth of maintaining healthy weight."

I hear you ... I know better about quite a few things .... the doing is not always easy.

Made 2 recipes of her book, and I really enjoyed both. Even more so - both hit with my family. I am thinking of joining local weight watchers group. I feel I can lose some more weight as a secondary goal, but more so I feel I will enjoy being part of a group and attending weekly.

Yippee it is so good when the family enjoys a healthy new meal that you can add to the meal plans. Good luck with WW if you join it will be a good connection with others on the same journey but in person.
Reporting in: I am at 31.50% - I have been completely on track with home made meals for 6 days straight .... no takeout at all :cool1:

It has taken more effort a little - but I just need to get a little more organised - today I need to make a new batch of soups to go in the freezer and prep for the week. Yesterday I had a smallish pork shoulder still in the fridge so I threw it in the slow cooker in the morning for pulled pork rolls for lunch - grabbed some fresh rolls from the bakery on the way home from hockey and lunch was done - pork, rolls and other ingredients probably came to about $13 - so that was a $31 saving compared with a McDonalds run on the way home from hockey - which previously happened pretty often and it was sooo yummy.
Usually I spend time at a nice sit down dining place.

I can't even tell you the last time I was in a sit down restaurant because it is stressful to take the kids but I love the idea of going there to get a break by yourself.

"When you know better, you will do better" "Ok, if anyone knows better when it comes to dieting, it's me. So how do you explain my endless struggles with weight? Why is it that with all my experience and information, I haven't done better?" "Well, my dear, when you are truly ready to know, you will." "it's one thing to be able to recite the rules of dieting, and quiet another to fully internalize and know the truth of maintaining healthy weight."
I'm pretty sure I have a similar conversation with myself all the time! It is so easy to know what to do but so hard to actually do it.

I feel like I relate to Rapunzel in Tangled (love that movie) I can be fearless when I need to be, love to have adventures but have spent a period of time in my life somewhat isolated but feel that I am breaking out of that 'tower' - I just need to find my 'Flynn Rider'. Oh and whilst my hair is shorter these days when I was younger I loved having long, long hair haha
Rapunzel is another great princess! I'm sure you will find your Flynn Rider one day and live happily ever after :D

Reporting in: I am at 31.50% - I have been completely on track with home made meals for 6 days straight .... no takeout at all :cool1:

Woohoo!! I admire your willpower, keep up the great work!

For this weekend let's have some fun.

While at Disneyland there are many wonderful snacks to choose from.

Everything from



star wars churro.jpg

When you reach for a snack do you tend to go salty or sweet?
Bonus: What is your favorite Disney snack?
Since changing my diet I always go salty now. Probably too much salty actually. I still definitely crave sweet but I have been pretty good with the willpower lately. My favorite Disney snack would be either the marshmallows or rice crispy treats dipped in chocolate :mickeybar

So far this weekend has proved to be a busy one. I did a 5k this morning with DH down in St. Augustine. It's America's oldest city and it has a beautiful downtown area on the water. Then we ran errands while we didn't have the kids and then I painted our bedroom. Now I am off to clean the house, DD5 is turning 6 on Monday and some of her friends are coming over.
For this weekend let's have some fun.

While at Disneyland there are many wonderful snacks to choose from.

Everything from

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When you reach for a snack do you tend to go salty or sweet?
Bonus: What is your favorite Disney snack?

Both! But honestly I reach out for fruit when I want snack that is sweet unless I am on vacation or something or salty not as healthy treats. Some are somewhat healthy but most often than not I am not hungry when snacking and even healthy snacks add up. Some aren't!
When you reach for a snack do you tend to go salty or sweet?
Bonus: What is your favorite Disney snack?

I love it when I can find something that is both sweet and salty which might explain why I love a sea salt chocolate from the health food store. This has to be my favorite https://www.chocolove.com/almonds-and-sea-salt-in-dark-chocolate.html?___store=default
It is so good I can have one little piece and then hide it ( so 9 year old doesn't steal it. The premium chocolate is mama's little girl gets the stuff available at the checkout lane) so I don't eat a whole lot at a time.

Got 10 minutes in today ( Saturday)
I went to the weight watchers meeting yesterday

Things I liked
The discussion was on bbqs, and there were few good suggestions like grilling pineapple and melon and making mint dressing for it
They assigned me the point system, which allows 30 points per day plus 35 for the week. Fresh fruit is 0, but fruit in juice smoothies have count - so I probably will eat my fruit and not drink it which is good. Another thing is I had Starbucks iced tea lemonade before the meeting. In calorie only sense, it has only 158 caloires but as it has nothing but sugar it has massive 9 points! Compared to almonds - 170 calories worth at 5 points. Starbucks drink provide no nutrition or satiety. While most of what I eat is fairly healthy if I splash out on 9 points item I prefer glass of good sparkling wine and not iced tea lemonade! So it makes me rethink my not so good choices.
You can have unlimited fruit and veggies, meaning it is not likely you will be walking around starving

Calorie wise I end up about 1830 and 32 points, which is very much in line with slow weight loss
The scale is down 3 lbs this week, meaning that the vacation water gain is going finally. Last week I only managed to eat within my calories 1 day, and yesterday. Yesterday was the only day I had little deficit, so having to think about points made me refocus little

The leader was chatty and easy to listen to, but she is only substitute there will be different next week

What I didn't like
She was pushing some very low cal but heavily processed products like salad dressings (not ww, other brands) but not too much and I kind of knew this will be the case so I didn't pay too much attention to it.
When she weight me she said - now lets see the bad news before I stepped on the scale! Lol, I am healthy female, bmi 22 - does she really need to say this! Obviously I have some concerns if I turned up there I have some concerns but it's hardly bad news. There isn't need to play on people insecurities or dramatize it in my opinion. She was larger than me :). Maybe it's just a habit she have

Will I continue doing it
Smart points count - yes for awhile, as long as I feel I am learning things as I did yesterday.
Weekly meeting - yes, I should be able to reach my goal in about 6 weeks to 10 weeks. I believe once you stay at your goal the meetings are free, and it will keep me motivated. I enjoyed the discussion too.

Calorie counting is easier for me, but this is different angle and I am looking forward getting to know little more about it. The fact that is not as automatic makes me pay little more attention which feels good right now
When you reach for a snack do you tend to go salty or sweet?
Bonus: What is your favorite Disney snack?

My sweet tooth usually dominates. Hmmm the favourite snack from our trip for me was probably a chocolate twist pastry from just near the Royale Theatre.

When she weight me she said - now lets see the bad news before I stepped on the scale! Lol, I am healthy female, bmi 22 - does she really need to say this! Obviously I have some concerns if I turned up there I have some concerns but it's hardly bad news. There isn't need to play on people insecurities or dramatize it in my opinion. She was larger than me :). Maybe it's just a habit she have

I'm with you that language needs to be changed up! It is good though that you feel you are getting a bit of a new perspective on your food choices :-)


I think I need new scales - I weighed Friday morning and again just now - a Kilo increase difference - and there really wasn't anything in my weekend to account for that - in fact it was a really good weekend food wise and I did a lot of yard work yesterday- and my muscles are telling me this morning that I definitely was active. These scales have regularly been fluctuating with different weights even if I hop on and off, on and off. So I don't need them to make me feel worse than I already do - so a new trusty (hopefully) scale coming up shortly.
I got 20 minutes of exercise in for today. Going through the dates to add up my time for this weeks report and realize I forgot to put down the 18 minutes for Thursday.

Totals from last week 9th-15th 98 minutes so 24.5 % on that goal ( I am still going to track this even though my official goal has changed to exercising at least 10 minutes every day. I will also do an average of the 2 percentages for an over all)

Exercising every day 100%

Average of the 2 is 62.25%

Reporting in with 62.25% so far for the month
Try to change the scale @4Mickeys but I am 2kg less than 2 days ago, and I have created deficit for about .1 kg or 0.25lbs loss :). Fluctuations are normal I think but it may be the case there is issue with the scale too

Another good day yesterday. We don't have the app in Ireland or at least I don't know how to get it so I still add up things on mfp. Both days using the ww points and little of the weeklies plus a lot of veggies and fruit leaves me with about 350 calories deficit which is very good in my opinion. In order to get the points I need to have calories, g of saturated fat, g of sugar and protein! Without an app this would just not work for me long term. I will try to keep at it for awhile thought.

Started my new workout program yesterday. I enjoyed the tiny workout! Looking forward for next one. Had brunch with friends out and I asked if they can make me the omelette with egg whites only as there was nothing remotely light on the menu! It wasn't an issue at all

Lets have a great week, should we?
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Hello everyone!! I missed you all! I am back from Japan and Shanghai and had an amazing time!! There will be a trip report if anyone is interested, but it will be a couple of days until that starts.

However, the healthy lifestyle restarts today!! I stepped on the scale, but am not sure how accurate it is yet as I felt horribly bloated from the long flight yesterday (11 hours, flew over Siberia, really interesting to see the vast expanse of nothing but tundra!). But today the scale showed a gain of 0.5 kg. Which would be amazing and the first vacation that I managed to get through without gaining substantially. However, I can't claim that it would be because I ate so little. Well, I think I did ok with the eating because it was baking hot and that diminished my appetite, but we also moved like crazy. We walked over 300.000 steps in the course of 17 days, that is an average of nearly 18.000 steps every day. I brought my running gear, but just never had any energy to go for a run on top of all that walking!

Need to read the previous pages to get caught up on all the chatter, but am very grateful to @4Mickeys and @MommaoffherRocker for hosting July!!
I think my issue is that there isn't a database with products

For example breakfast was
5 egg whites
feta cheese 20g
Parmesan cheese 5g

I know veggies are 0 points
But are people suppose to search each item, do the maths, figure out the calories, grams of saturated fat, sugar and protein and than plug it in to the calculator? It takes me about 30 seconds on MFP. It's a lot more effort to do it.
Or is there different way?
Happy Birthday Disneyland!!!!

:bday: Today is Disneyland's 62nd birthday :bday:


Celebrations can be hard when you're trying to live healthy.
So when it's time for you to celebrate do you stick to your healthy lifestyle or do you give yourself a free pass?

Bonus: What would be your perfect birthday?



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