Up Where They Walk, Up Where They Run: Going the Distance with Disney & My Dissertation (comments welcome!)

WDW Marathon Weekend 2023 Trip Report

Wednesday, January 4

I woke up early to go to the expo. I had to take a Lyft because I am Platinum Club runDisney and our expo time was earlier than bus transportation started.

When I arrived there were two lines outside— one for platinum, one for gold. I quickly found @The Expert but we were split up because of our last names. They checked us in while standing in line and gave us a wristband denoting our status. I don’t think I had to show my CrD ID card even though they said we needed to bring it. I did have to show my official photo ID though. Eventually I headed upstairs to bib pick up where they had all of our registrations in one CrD bag that also came with a CrD luggage tag.

I checked to make sure I had all of my bibs but I should have checked my bag closer. I had two problems: the first was that my 10k corral did not reflect my CrD status. I assume this was because I registered for the 10k through a charity (and they sent me my registration link at basically the last possible minute a few weeks ago even though I met the fundraising criteria for the link in October). Later I went back to the CrD “lounge” about this but they told me I needed to go to Runner Relations in the normal bib pick up building. Thankfully security let me bypass that line to go directly to RR. I was told there that because I registered through a charity my CrD status didn’t matter, which doesn’t make sense to me since the way CrD works is your registration benefits and your race benefits are not for the same set of races. But they fixed it for me anyway. It would be good to know, though, that if a person registered for Dopey or something through a charity but also had platinum CrD for a season that they might not get the corral benefit. rD needs to make that more explicit or reconsider that policy IMO.
Anyway, the other problem was that they did not include my 10k shirt which I did not discover until later and was unable to return to the expo because of COVID. My friend went back on Saturday and told them my sob story and they gave her my shirt no problem.
Anyway, lesson learned to check everything right away— bibs, corrals, shirts.
The “lounge” area also had cookies which were not vegan but I took one anyway to give to my friend. I didn’t see drinks although I thought they were supposed to have them.

Then I went downstairs to enter the merch area. My merch experience was very good. I got everything I wanted, and it was not stressful. My only complaint is the characters wouldn’t be out until later so CrD missed out on that.

Next I went to the general expo building which was also generally a chill experience because I got there right as it opened. I got my Advent Health stickers and picked up some misc items— a small BodyGlide to keep in my shorts, unicorn compression socks, a sparkle visor. The people at the booth that sold the reusable heating pads were aggressive and unpleasant but that was my only complaint.

After I sat outside for awhile, met my friend, fixed the bib situation, etc. I was glad my expo experience was not stressful since that was one reason I got CrD. In 2022 I almost had an anxiety attack at the expo and that was avoided this year.

I boarded a bus back to POFQ and the driver didn’t know what he was doing. He completed passed POFQ and just went to POR. I had to tell him to to back and then he made me enter the POFQ address on his phone… well, I was glad I got my bus drama out of the way early in the week.

After I went and got some beignets and ate them by the pool and read. That evening I walked to POR for my dining reservation at Boatwright’s. The vegan red beans were okay but the dessert— a cobbler— was delicious.

I headed back to my room and was in bed by 9 pm I think!
It was so nice to see you! I'm only sorry it was for such a short time.

I was told there that because I registered through a charity my CrD status didn’t matter, which doesn’t make sense to me since the way CrD works is your registration benefits and your race benefits are not for the same set of races. But they fixed it for me anyway. It would be good to know, though, that if a person registered for Dopey or something through a charity but also had platinum CrD for a season that they might not get the corral benefit. rD needs to make that more explicit or reconsider that policy IMO.

You're right -- why would it matter how you registered? If the race falls in your membership year, you get the benefits. ALL the benefits. I'm guessing there is something on the back end that is supposed to happen automatically and didn't because of the late registration, but they should be able to fix this for you without having to deal with RR.

The “lounge” area also had cookies which were not vegan but I took one anyway to give to my friend. I didn’t see drinks although I thought they were supposed to have them.

I noticed this too. Since I ended up coming direct from the airport, I was hoping to pick up a bottle of water at least. And also hoped they'd have the stroopwaffles they had at W&D so I didn't have to buy them at the expo, but the cookies were it. (They were really good cookies though!)

My only complaint is the characters wouldn’t be out until later so CrD missed out on that.

Yeah, I get that they are trying to match the crowd level but there are enough people there for Club access to justify characters, imho. Buses are a bit more complicated, but maybe they could offer a discounted Lyft or Minnie Van ride. I realize implementation of the club benefits is still somewhat new, but these are details that Disney is usually on top of. No characters and no transportation for those paying a premium for this access is bad show, imho.
Expo Pictures

(Image description: Selfie of me waiting for Lyft on a bench. Including because I’m holding my new Mousercize Loungefly. Which I am obsessed with.)

(Image description: Club runDisney cookie. It is a cookie with white frosting and the CrD logo. I was told it was yummy.)

(Image description: Me posing with a MW backdrop.)

(Image description: Me posing with the 3.1 numbers.)

(Image description: Me posing with the 6.2 numbers.)

I interrupt this photo journal to tell you I also took a pic with the 26.2 but never again. I now have 2 pictures with those numbers and one DNF and one DNS. They haunt me.

(Image description: My merch haul. I got a generic rD shirt that I had been wanting since I saw it for W&D, a MW tank, a MW finisher tee, a variety of pins, a magnet, and the generic water bottle. I returned some of these things— or rather, my mom did— after the COVID test. Someone had asked me if I thought buying the finisher shirt was bad luck and I still say no— last year I didn’t buy it and still DNFd.)

(Image description: The real expo treasure… the AdventHealth race weekend sticker sheet.)

(Image description: Selfie of me in front of the marathon medal art display. I look so very happy. And now this picture makes me so very sad.)
WDW Marathon Weekend 2023 Trip Report

Thursday, January 5 (5K + DAK)

This was my first Disney 5K, and I loved it! I set my alarm for around 2 AM and I think woke up naturally a few minutes before, if I remember correctly. I'm sure I was tired, but I was feeling excited so it did not hit me. I was by myself most nights this trip, so it was nice to be able to get ready and do whatever I needed without feeling like I was bothering anyone.

My costume for the 5K was a Meg/fitness "Mousercise" mash up. I put on my costume and decided to safety pin the belt to the dress so it would stay where I wanted it. I had also brought fabric tape from my wedding that I found while packing, with hopes to use it for two things: a. my costume was one-shoulder and I hated the look of a bra strap, so I took one of the straps off my SheFit bra and just kind of folded and tucked it in the back. I wanted to use the tape on that side of the bra. I also planned to use the tape on my shorts-- I had posted in the costume thread that I discovered my LuluLemon shorts are AWFUL and ride up terribly. @The Expert had recommended a pair of Brooks shorts, which I found for like $15 and liked well-enough but the color didn't end up quite working. Since my fabric tape was so old, it didn't work at all. Luckily, my dress was tight enough that the bra was not really a problem, and I planned to walk the 5K anyway so the shorts were more manageable. Another costume -snafu- was I realized that my leg warmers basically fell down to my ankles immediately. I just pretended that was the look I was going for. Overall, after all my costume dilemmas I did like how this one turned out. I do wish in retrospect I had been able to Meg-ify my hair because that's such an iconic part of her look.

I headed to the bus stop, where I met my real-life next-door neighbors who were also staying at POFQ. We have a sort of ritual of taking the first bus and then relaxing by the EPCOT entrance for a little bit so we can use that real bathroom before heading in. When walking in, I tried to get a photo with Spaceship Earth but a CM was yelling at people to keep moving for some reason. There was a CM closer to the bathroom who was letting people take pictures.

I ate my food (I forget what I had... probably a protein bar and banana), used the real bathroom, and headed in to the meet up with a pit stop at the food section to get a water bottle (side note: I asked the CM if they sold water and he told me "no" which was apparently a sarcastic joke that went over my head at 3:30 AM)! It was great to see @The Expert and @NYC_MW again, as well as to meet people like @Herding_Cats, @Livelovedance, @Z-Knight, @HangWithMerida, and whomever else whose dis names I missed (we need nametags). I love this community here, and it was cool to meet people in person. I was jamming to the 90s music and feeling happy. Eventually, we all made our way toward the corrals where I met up with my friends-- C, who I talked about in an earlier post, and her husband (C2) and friend (J). We all planned to walk the 5K together as C and C2 were doing Dopey and J has a knee injury. They were all dressed as the Sanderson Sisters in a great group costume. I was fine with walking, and we had a great time!

Afterward, we got our medals (which I love), and then went our separate ways. The bus line for POFQ was pretty long. I forget how long I waited. I have a little foldable bag but had forgotten to bring it, so it was hard carrying my snack box, Powerade, water bottle, and two bananas (pro tip: grab one for the next morning). I liked that the 5K helped me realize these little things so I could problem solve for the longer races. It was good practice, which is what I wanted out of it (and the Pluto medal).

EPCOT jump.jpg
(Image description: Me jumping in front of World Showcase. I match it with my purple dress and yellow bib.)
5k Finish.jpg

(Image description: The 5K finish line. I love Pluto.)

(Image description: Me posing with my friends, the Sanderson sisters, in front of one of the EPCOT walls.)
Rad medal.jpg
(Image description: Selfie of me with my medal and a little sign that says "RAD" (which is one of my favorite words-- they had these little photo props at POFQ when we got off the bus). You can see the glitter on my cheeks which was fun and will become a race day tradition, I think.)
When walking in, I tried to get a photo with Spaceship Earth but a CM was yelling at people to keep moving for some reason. There was a CM closer to the bathroom who was letting people take pictures.
Yes! That CM seemed kinda cranky (I don't blame him, it's an early hour to be at work) but everybody also seemed to be ignoring him and I never heard anybody else say "no pictures" any other day.
will someone tell me what to do about MW and DLHW registration because I am CONFUSED lol ugh (not like about the process but what I should sign up for)
will someone tell me what to do about MW and DLHW registration because I am CONFUSED lol ugh (not like about the process but what I should sign up for)
I have never run at DL but people seem to like it better. Everything is close so you don’t have to wake up near as early for bussing plus the time zone change works in your favor.

Who knows what the course will be but I can almost guarantee that it won’t feature “boring highway miles” just because that much open land does not exist.

I also just like DL better even though I’ve been to wdw more. It has a more chill, less hectic vibe.

If I was in the position to choose, I would try for DL and use MW as my backup.

But, you should totally come to MW because I plan to be there! 😝
I think the biggest factor should be your work/school schedule. I always underestimate how much it sucks to travel for a race and have to travel back, like, a day or two before classes start. I mean, I do it anyway, but be honest with yourself, with DL being a week later, how that is going to fit in your schedule and/or interrupt the start of your semester, if that's an issue. This is what I'm struggling with right now, especially as an East Coaster, it's a big flight right after a half marathon (and what if I run the DW marathon the week before?!?) and then potentially back to the very steep ramp up to work the next day. That's my schedule for Spring 2024 but I'll bet yours is similar.
Yeah I'd mirror @SheHulk and say do it based on your personal and work schedules. DL seems to have more crowd support but less in-park time. The highway miles are replaced by Anaheim boulevard miles. You win some, you lose some ;)

I won't be the enabler and say do it both, it seems a bit rough on someone's body to do both back-to-back, unless that someone is a high-level athlete. But maybe you're used to it with your cycling trips and your tri training.
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I have never run at DL but people seem to like it better. Everything is close so you don’t have to wake up near as early for bussing plus the time zone change works in your favor.

Who knows what the course will be but I can almost guarantee that it won’t feature “boring highway miles” just because that much open land does not exist.

I also just like DL better even though I’ve been to wdw more. It has a more chill, less hectic vibe.

If I was in the position to choose, I would try for DL and use MW as my backup.

But, you should totally come to MW because I plan to be there! 😝
I only did the last Tink which was in 2017. There was drama as Disneyland decided to not give park tickets to some of the groups that used to always come as the Red hat lady society and bands and I can't remember who else, so they didn't show. I think the first few miles or so were in the park, but once you leave the parks/land owned by disneyland I don't think there are characters out or photopass people. It felt a little more supported than your usual half, but also just like a half run in a city that was "pro" runners. It was very nice to walk to the start, but on the small sample size of one run in Disneyland and two weekends in WDW, I had more fun on the courses in WDW.
I also did Tink 2017 and the Half was underwhelming. But the 10K was SO GOOD! Almost all park time and you hit every nook and cranny of both parks. HIGHLY recommend doing the 10K even if it's the only thing you do.
I love how y'all give me answers with absolutely no context-- you're the best group haha.

But, you should totally come to MW because I plan to be there! 😝
So, I should have said this-- I am definitely doing the marathon because of what happened this year with COVID. I need redemption! The problem is I also told my running friend who lives in California that I would do a DL race with her when they came back... and she is very excited about this. So, the question is... do I do what I had planned this year, which was 5K, 10K, and marathon (which I like because I get a day of rest before the marathon)? My ultimate goal will be finishing the marathon. Or will FOMO hit, especially if I am also going to DL, and should I just do Dopey? (see further considerations about DL below)

(Another consideration is that I will basically get guaranteed registration because of CrD, but only for two events max-- so if I don't do Dopey, I could potentially not get the 5K or 10K.)
HIGHLY recommend doing the 10K even if it's the only thing you do.
So, I am like maybe I will just do the 10K with her. But if I'm also doing the marathon shouldn't I do the half to get the special challenge medal since I would be traveling anyway!?
I think the biggest factor should be your work/school schedule.
Technically, this does work with my work/school schedule. Both race weekends are over winter break-- I start teaching the Monday after the half marathon. Which does make getting home that Sunday a little stressful-- I'll have to hope for an afternoon flight and basically get ready to leave right after the race (unless I don't teach on Mondays next spring, which is possible).
unless that someone is a high-level athlete
You don't think that's me with my 15 minute mile? :p
It was very nice to walk to the start,
Ugh, yes. Just these logistics make it so compelling!
Because i absolutely have no dog in this fight, nor do you have to consider my opinion, but i will give it to you for a point of reference. I am going by what i think is most important to you (without being you at all and only knowing you from this board :)). You should do the marathon at MW 2024 for redemption. Done. If I were you it would be a must. The second is you committed to your friend to run the first DL race so that means you need to go for that weekend as well. Since you are running the Marathon and you will be at the DL race, then you need to do the half and get the special C2C medal.

Based on doing those two races, i would not do any 5ks or 10ks. If you really want to do one more race, i would suggest the 10k at either WDW or DL. Leaving you with 3 races. I know you might have FOMO, however since i have the chance to tell you what i think that is it. You can completely ignore and do something else, but its a data point with no relevance :).
So, I am like maybe I will just do the 10K with her. But if I'm also doing the marathon shouldn't I do the half to get the special challenge medal since I would be traveling anyway!?

I'm in the same place. I was considering just doing the 10K at DL since I already have the old C2C. BUT I am planning the Half at MW anyway, so I think I'll just do the DL challenge and maximize bling.
If you’re going to be doing the Marathon, I would say that you really should do the half (or challenge, if your friend only wants to run a 10K) in DL for the special medal, since you’re going and running no matter what. Maybe hold off on deciding on other MW races until you see who’s on the medals.


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