Travels With Teens: Take Two “I Can Organize This Trip in My Sleep!”BC Dee in DC Roti & Fini p. 40

Woohoo back in the Number 1 spot!! :thumbsup2

Have never heard of shake shack by the way but hey no one else guessed it either so I'm probably not alone in that one lol

Great that you got to meet Missy and Franklin and yeah wow on Franklin's photos:worship:
Great update. I'm cooking dinner so will be back later with guesses but just wanted to say "save the liver" might be from Thanksgiving dinner cookery show with Julia and she wanted to make gravy with the giblets?? No idea really but worth a shot cos I might be a wee teeny tiny bit competitive:rolleyes1sometimes:rolleyes1ever so slightly :rotfl2:

Congrats!!! I could not believe when I read your answers. Nicely done!

I was so excited that Missy and Franklin took the time to meet with us. They were as nice and interesting in person as they both are online.


Okie doke back and ready to place my bets ( hmm I mean guesses) :)
1) 22374 steps
2) $5-$10 less for breakfast
3) Bill of Rights
4) Martin Luther King Memorial
Crossing all fingers and toes that I'm even remotely close (for the next 10 seconds at any rate):thumbsup2



You've done a lot on your DC trip! That's so cool you got to meet Missy and Franklin!

I totally agree on both points!


Looks like a fun time at the history museum. I think that would really be a cool place to go and see all of the artifacts.

I have heard of shakeshack but we don't have any in wisconsin so that place didn't come to mind.

The American History Museum (and really, all the Smithsonians) are incredible. The boys were certainly able to saturate themselves in military memorabilia.

There are no Shake Shakes near where we live either.


Oh no I lost my first place spot! lookalike i better have a good round to regain my lead

Step count: I am going to say 24,500

$10-15 less

Declaration of Independence

Robert Kennedy memorial?

Got 'em!

Lol. That's where the kids and I had dinner one night on our recent trip!

Did you like it? What did you have? It seems like the chicken sandwiches were better than the burger I had.

And, I have that color KitchenAid mixer! But not the same model - ours doesn't have the wings at the base, I don't think. (I'm guessing the screws for the bowl are for the exhibit, because otherwise how would you wash in it normal use???)

Save the liver sounds like something Julia Child would say - because you would save it for making something else. (Foie gras, maybe?) Somehow, I doubt she meant to *not* drink the wine, and thereby save your own liver!

That is a really cool color! My KitchenAid is a boring white. There are some really fancy ones, every so often Ree Drummond has a lottery giveaway of colorful and sometimes flower-patterned mixers (because she loves ya) on her Pioneer Woman Facebook page.

I believe you are correct- Julia Child appeared to enjoy a bit of wine on occasion!


I forgot to answer the last round of questions. :( Oh well, I never would have guessed Shake Shack. I would have picked something that served appetizers. :)

I didn't notice you hadn't answered until after I posted my updated and checked everyone's answers. Sorry about that! I would have given you a heads up.


1. step count 18.453
2. I hope breakfast was $15 to $20 less, since you had a pretty nice dinner that night. :)
3. Bill of Rights
4. International Spy Museum
5. when cooking a whole chicken, save the liver and gizzards for use in stews and sauces

Answers noted.

My guess list:

Step Count for Day 2, Tuesday (see above)


The next day, Wednesday, we have a docent-guided tour of the National Archives at 9:30 am. After lunch, we will go to the Stephen Udvar-Hazy Air & Space Museum, which is near Dulles Airport. This will take up most of our afternoon. Then we will tour the monuments at night.

We have breakfast at the hotel dining room. Our breakfast check (including tax, not including gratuity) was less than the bill we had from our fabulous dinner on our arrival night. How much less? $5-$10 less, $10-$15 less, $15-$20 less? (5 points)

$15-$20 Less

Which of the 3 Charters of Freedom does our guide almost forget to show us? Declaration of Independence, US Constitution or Bill of Rights? (5 points)

Bill of Rights

What site do we visit after the Archives and before lunch? (10 points)

US Navy Memorial

And don't forget to "Save the Liver!"

Dan Aykroyd SNL Sketch where he played Julia Child. He goes on and on about saving the liver.

Or you can save the liver and fry it up with some onions for a little snack; or if you have a number of livers, you can make a lovely liver pate, or a delicious liverwurst which you can spread on a cracker - a Ritz cracker, a Saltine.. or rye bread, or pumpernickel bread.. or if you're celebrating the Jewish holidays, you can make a chopped liver and shape it into the bust of a friend.. if someone's getting married or bar-mitzvahed. Or, if you have a little cat or a dog, they love liver. Save the liver! Don't throw it away! I hope I've made my point. Don't throw the liver away.

Sounds like a good time at the Museum of American History!

Also, I don't know how I didn't guess Shake Shack. They just opened a Shake Shack at my mall (okay, it was like 3 months ago), so it's always on my mind. That was a major fail on my part.

Another amazing museum.

Oh, no! Sounds like you were the closest to possibly guessing it.



$15-$20 less

US Constitution

Hmm ... looking at a map, it looks like Newseum is near there, so I'll go with that.

Guesses noted.


I feel like this is before my time.

I'm afraid this is true.

One of the few times when age has its privileges.

Sounds like a good day! I am almost afraid to visit D.C. with Alex, because he, like your boys, would spend the entire time in the military history portion of the museum. Boys...

How great that you got to eat dinner with Missy and Franklin! It's always fun to have a DISmeet while at Disney, but I think it's even cooler when you get the opportunity outside of Orlando. Just goes to show the boards create genuine friendships.

They gave me a pass when we were in Oahu and they went to the Army Museum. They left me behind at the hotel to chill out.

But the boys were taking one for the team later that night with dinner with my friends- they do not love socializing.

I am so thankful for the wonderful people who have come into my life through these boards. True friends that I am sometimes lucky to meet in person and many I have not met yet.

And don't forget to "Save the Liver!"

I loved the guesses here and the recipe tips! And the correct assumption that Julia Child was not observing "saving the liver" by abstaining from alcohol.


My family certainly practices saving the liver whenever we cook a turkey. My dad always cooked it up and we would have the giblets as an appetizer. Once we were at my Aunt Jeanne's house for Thanksgiving and we started picking at the giblets she was boiling as her dog was growling at us. "Those are for her" we were told.

Mark and I have been hosting Thanksgiving dinner for our family for at least 20 years. We love cooking up the liver with either sherry or Marsala wine. I always think I should buy more liver to cook up because there is never enough. Even fussy Nate has stared eating it when we cook it up.


Dan Aykroyd SNL Sketch where he played Julia Child. He goes on and on about saving the liver.

Bookgirl has hit it right on the head.

One of the funniest Saturday Night Live sketches that I remember from my youth was Dan Akroyd's spot-on parody of Julia Child's cooking show.

I'll try to post a link here- watch if you have the stomach for it- it is a bit gross and graphic. But hilarious!

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Boohoo. It will only stream the comedy clip if I'm in the United States which clearly I'm not :sad:
Wonder if this is a good enough excuse for a visit?:confused3:rotfl2:
Did you like it? What did you have? It seems like the chicken sandwiches were better than the burger I had.

I actually can't remember what we had! I think ds and I each had some sort of burger, dd had something else (since she doesn't like burgers), and everyone had some sort of shake. Beyond that, I really don't remember!

That is a really cool color! My KitchenAid is a boring white. There are some really fancy ones, every so often Ree Drummond has a lottery giveaway of colorful and sometimes flower-patterned mixers (because she loves ya) on her Pioneer Woman Facebook page.

Ours was a wedding gift that we were very happy to get! It stays out on the counter, because it is too pretty to keep stored away. Flower patterned might be a bit much for me - I think I'll stay with the blue.

I believe you are correct- Julia Child appeared to enjoy a bit of wine on occasion!


Yeah - I remember that from Julia + Julia! I watched a tiny bit of Julia Child back when I was, well, a child, but I don't remember much of it.
That's so cool that you got to meet Missy and Franklin! Shake Shack came to Chicago about a year or so ago. We went there once and all I could eat was a chicken sandwich. The calories of all menu items were posted and guilt set in. I know it's a good thing to inform people, but when I'm at a place like that, I don't want to know how many calories I'm consuming! It didn't bother my husband a bit as he had a burger, fries and shake.

I'll guess 22,163 steps, $10-15 less, US Constitution and the Navy Memorial.
Annie170 I'm like you when it comes to eating out. I really don't want to know how calorific it is :sad: Though I do tend to eat it all anyway and think I shouldn't have lol:rotfl2::thumbsup2
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Ours was a wedding gift that we were very happy to get! It stays out on the counter, because it is too pretty to keep stored away. Flower patterned might be a bit much for me - I think I'll stay with the blue.

Great counter accessory.

I actually can't remember what we had! I think ds and I each had some sort of burger, dd had something else (since she doesn't like burgers), and everyone had some sort of shake. Beyond that, I really don't remember!

Our meal was not that memorable but the company was awesome!

Yeah - I remember that from Julia + Julia! I watched a tiny bit of Julia Child back when I was, well, a child, but I don't remember much of it.

I haven't seen that movie yet, but I'm sure I would like it.


That's so cool that you got to meet Missy and Franklin! Shake Shack came to Chicago about a year or so ago. We went there once and all I could eat was a chicken sandwich. The calories of all menu items were posted and guilt set in. I know it's a good thing to inform people, but when I'm at a place like that, I don't want to know how many calories I'm consuming! It didn't bother my husband a bit as he had a burger, fries and shake.

I'll guess 22,163 steps, $10-15 less, US Constitution and the Navy Memorial.

Meeting them was definitely one of the highlights of my trip!

I missed the calorie posting, thankfully.

I'm not a huge fan of shakes, I had a taste of the ones the boys got, but I preferred something refreshing.


Annie170 I'm like you when it comes to eating out. I really don't want to know how calorific it is :sad: Though I do tend to eat it all anyway and think I shouldn't have lol:rotfl2::thumbsup2

I try to get lighter entrees most of the time. So I can indulge in dessert!


Found it :thumbsup2
Very, very funny:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:
I just thought Bookgirl was being really clever and witty with hter reply :goodvibes:thumbsup2

I'm so glad you found it! I suspect that the two of us have very similar senses of humour!

Found it :thumbsup2
Very, very funny:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:
I just thought Bookgirl was being really clever and witty with hter reply :goodvibes:thumbsup2

I'm only THAT funny in my own mind. hahaha....I remembered the sketch but had to google the dialog. Seems like there may have been another one as well where 'Julia' drinks a whole bottle of wine or cognac and proceeds to start throwing stuff willy nilly.
I'm only THAT funny in my own mind. hahaha....I remembered the sketch but had to google the dialog. Seems like there may have been another one as well where 'Julia' drinks a whole bottle of wine or cognac and proceeds to start throwing stuff willy nilly.

However you came up with it, nicely done!

I believe I saw the sketch when it originally aired, and I can't count the number of times the high-pitched phrase "Save the liver!" has come out of my mouth.

We the People

For starters, our step count for the previous day, Tuesday, was 26,978!!!


This morning, the first thing we had scheduled was a docent-guided tour of the National Archives at 9:45 (meet at 9:30). This is practically the middle of the day for us!

We, most of us anyway, decided we wanted a big, leisurely breakfast in the hotel dining room. Nate didn’t like this idea. I’m not sure what it was he wanted to do, probably get something at the food court. He was totally pissy as we sat for breakfast. We were not all that sympathetic since you can basically get anything you want at the buffet, but it was well into the meal before he was out of his foul mood and bearable to be with.

Truth be told, I’M the one who should have been annoyed. The breakfast was $26 per person!!! YIKES! The place was packed, too, but I’m sure all the business people who were there were not paying the full price we did or their companies were picking up the tab.

The buffet did include some delicious fresh fruit and an omelet station which included a special of the day, a crab and Boursin choice. Since we were spending so much for this meal, Mark got this but I tried some and thought it was a bit sweet and rich for breakfast. Mine was spinach, mushroom, bacon, tomato and probably feta.

Overall, the meal was great, with some interesting selections. I didn’t take pictures of the buffet station because I didn’t feel comfortable and I was stewing over my son’s attitude and the price of the meal.



Total cost, prior to tip, was $114.40.

Our dinner on Monday night was $128.70, pre-tip. A difference of $14.30. That just seems wrong!

After finishing, we walked off our breakfast on the 6 block journey to the Archives. We passed by the nearby Navy Memorial. Although this was not the landmark we visited after the archives, I’ll give 5 points to bookgirl and annie170 for mentioning it!


Archives building





  • The Declaration announced to the world on July 4, 1776, that thirteen British colonies in North America were leaving Great Britain to form a separate nation, called the United States of America. In justifying the revolution, the Declaration asserted a universal truth about human rights.

  • The Constitution, drafted in 1787 after a hard-won victory in the War for Independence, codified the spirit of the Revolution into an ingenious practical scheme of government to promote the welfare of all its citizens.
The Bill of Rights, added to the Constitution in 1791 as the first ten amendments, explicitly protected freedom of speech, of the press, of religion, and of assembly, among many other rights.

Since we were in the rotunda before the archives opened, we had private viewings of the documents. There were 3 groups of about 15 people each. Our group consisted of two other families. One of them had a really annoying young kid who was asking really lame questions throughout the tour and the adults in the group edged out my boys during the viewings. I think we looked at the Constitution first. Then we spent a lot of time at the Declaration of Independence. We stepped back, and our docent told us all about the famous murals in the rotunda and their significance. And then she said it was time to move on.


I asked “Are we going to see the Bill of Rights?” She was a little embarrassed as she said she forgot.

We went over and that was just about the time the general public line started to be let in.

Despite that minor glitch, it was really great to tour the museum with a docent, because she pointed out things we would have missed and told us stories about the exhibits and artifacts we saw.

No pictures are allowed in the archives, so I can’t show you the Magna Carta (1297), the Watergate tape recorder or the Emancipation Proclamation. There was an interactive game where you identify a patented product (like a pencil) from the description. There was a display of poignant and funny “Letters to FDR“ – one piece of correspondence that the docent shared with us was from a young child asking FDR to organize the draft for the service alphabetically. Her last name began with Z.

Photographic evidence really helps me remember the things we see on vacation and sadly I am having trouble recalling everything we saw. Sadder still, I went to the internet to see descriptions of the exhibits at the archives and found pictures and descriptions of the current exhibits- From June to the end of August. Current displays are a copy of the legislation for the National Park Service (100 years ago this summer) and the patent for a Coca-Cola bottle. I wish it had occurred to me to look sooner! What an incredible job and fascinating resources the curators of the Archives have!

There was more to see and the docent was continuing to take her group to displays, but a couple of times during the tour, she excused people if they had other places to go. After about 45 minutes, we left to try to squeeze in one more landmark before lunch and our afternoon at the Air & Space annex.

We walked a couple of blocks – here.


Nobody guessed Ford’s Theatre, I guess because you all believed my misdirection and whining that we didn’t have time in our schedule for this.

This is the line for people entering into the Peterson House across the street from the theatre. This is where Lincoln was brought after he was shot and where he died the morning of April 15, 1865. The house was closed for refurbishment last time we visited DC, so we really wanted to go in this time.



It is very confusing when you get to the box office. Every 30 minutes throughout the day they have set tours where you see some combination of 4 parts of the Ford’s Theatre tour. Tour of the Theatre (sometimes a walk-through and sometimes guided by a park ranger), the Ford’s Theatre museum, the Petersen House where Lincoln died and a performance of the one-act play “One Destiny”. You pay the same price regardless of how many of these features are available during your ticketed time.


The two main things I wanted to see were the interior of the theatre and a walk-through of the Petersen house since that we didn’t see that last time. The woman at the ticket booth said “The museum is not on the next tour, you are going to miss 2/4 of the offerings unless you wait until later.” But we were in a time crunch, so I took the 11:30 tour.

Inside, we came into the theatre and everyone was sitting down and listening to a docent speaking about the night Lincoln was shot. We took seats in the back, waiting for him to finish up so we could walk through the theatre.



Then there was an announcement that the show “One Destiny“ was about to start.


We don’t have time to stay for a show.

So we got up from our seats and exited out the back. We still wanted to go into the Peterson House, so we crossed the street. It was between tour times, so there was no line! The guy at the door scanned our tickets and we went in to see the rooms that played important parts in the final hours of President Lincoln’s life.




The one artifact I remembered from the visit here when I was 12, and from my visit with Mark many years ago, was the bloodstained pillow on the bed.

But when we got close to the bed, the pillows were clean.


Once of the plaques explained that some of the items were on display on a museum in Chicago.

I’m really glad we had a chance to quickly see some of the important things in Ford’s Theatre, but we needed to get going. We had a busy afternoon and evening lined up.

But first lunch. Back to the food court at our resort. Again!

I can’t find any pictures of what we had (that’s weird) but I found a receipt. Two of us got meals at the Japanese place- shrimp tempura udon and a beef teriyaki meal. I think there was also a pasta meal or two ordered for lunch. We needed to be well-fueled for the rest of our day.

Our afternoon plans were to go to the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Air & Space Museum annex which is located near Dulles Airport. The two hangars are home to a huge amount of aeronautic memorabilia including the Discovery Space Shuttle and the Enola Gay, the plane used to drop the atomic bombs on Japan.

New Contest Questions:

We employed 3 methods of transportation to get to the Udvar-Hazy Center . One was walking. What were the other two? 10 points each

What souvenir did Ben get? 10 points

How many pictures from this museum? 20 points if you guess within 20 of the total.

Next Up: Udvar-Hazy Air & Space Center
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Contest Results:

Step Count for Day 2, Tuesday (see above)
Top 3: 15 points SarahDisney (24,643), 10 points rteetz (24,500), 5 points luvpoohandcompany (22,374)

We have breakfast at the hotel dining room. Our breakfast check (including tax, not including gratuity) was less than the bill we had from our fabulous dinner on our arrival night. How much less? $5-$10 less, $10-$15 less, $15-$20 less? (5 points)
5 points to rteetz, annie170

Which of the 3 Charters of Freedom does our guide almost forget to show us? Declaration of Independence, US Constitution or Bill of Rights? (5 points)
Bill of Rights
5 points luvpoohandcompany, Wood Nymph, bookgirl

What site do we visit after the Archives and before lunch? (10 points)
Ford's Theater
5 points to bookgirl and annie170 for guessing the Navy Memorial, which we saw before the archives

And don't forget to "Save the Liver!" (10 points to the first one who explains the reference, Dan Ackroyd's parody on Saturday Night Live)
10 points to bookgirl
5 points to lovepoohandcompany for looking up the link since she couldn't watch the one I posted.
5 points to SarahDisney for recognizing this was before her time.

Updated Leader Board, August 9

luvpoohandcompany: 160
rteetz: 140
SarahDisney: 125
Wood Nymph: 85
annie170: 65
bookgirl: 65
afwdwfan: 50
pas130: 20

As always, let me know if I have miscalculated your total!

With me working two jobs now, I've hardly had time for the Dis but I am now all caught up again. Ouch on the price of your breakfast! That's a lot to pay for a breakfast. Okay, so I know that there's a lot of other stuff that I wanted to comment on but I can't remember a dang thing right now other than I'm so enjoying the picture tours of the various places that you've visited.:rolleyes:
Well that's an expensive breakfast ... crazy! I think the only time I've ever done a hotel breakfast is when it's included ... otherwise it's almost always easier and cheaper for me to get my own food elsewhere.

How did the docent forget the Bill of Rights? That's crazy!

I definitely wouldn't have thought of Ford's Theater (nice misdirection there), but I'm glad you guys got a chance to do it! Even if you didn't see the bloody pillow.

We employed 3 methods of transportation to get to the Udvar-Hazy Center . One was walking. What were the other two? 10 points each

Metro and cab.

What souvenir did Ben get? 10 points

A book about military planes.

How many pictures from this museum? 20 points if you guess within 20 of the total.

215 (I think there's a decent amount to see there, and I know you like to take pictures, so I might be underestimating this by a lot).
New Contest Questions:

We employed 3 methods of transportation to get to the Udvar-Hazy Center . One was walking. What were the other two? 10 points each

Metro and Bus

What souvenir did Ben get? 10 points

Scale Model Aircraft (I probably would go for a rocket but Ben seems more like an airplane kind of kid, maybe one of the military aircraft)

How many pictures from this museum? 20 points if you guess within 20 of the total.



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