Transport Wheelchair


DIS Veteran
Oct 19, 2014
We are looking to purchase a transport wheelchair (I think that this is what they are called) for my 80+ year old dad. He is a great walker, but we are going in August and I want to have one for him due to the heat and excessive walking. We want to use it in the parks, but fold it up when we get to the buses - he can get in the bus wait line with everyone else and get off / on bus on his own. Since we will be collapsing it and carrying it on the Disney buses, we are looking for something lightweight and easy to carry. Any suggestions? I am looking on Amazon but really don't know where to start. Also, is this looked at as ok to do? As I said, he is a capable walker but definitely slowing down - he's afraid of holding everyone back in the parks and we thought this might be a good solution, especially with the heat. My DD's and I are all adults and more than capable to push his chair and carry it on/off buses. TIA
As he is a good walker I would personally rent an ECV in park and use that walking for getting to/from transportation. The ECV saves him and the rest of the party some effort in the park and likely everyone has more fun. The wheelchair is going to be a pain if you aren't used to it and folding anything and getting it on the bus is a nightmare with the ever present giant double stroller crews.
A transport wheelchair is a bad idea unless you are using it solely inside on hard, solid, flat surfaces. The parks are far from flat, both in terms of textured surfaces and in terms of elevation changes. The first issue will make a rough ride for the passenger. The latter makes it more difficult to push the chair, which impacts the "pusher."

I also recommend bringing gloves, but breaking them in prior to beginning to push.
Those transfer chairs have a sling bottom and are generally very uncomfortable to sit in all day. There are some solid seat foldable chairs but they tend to be more expensive. Maybe co spider just renting an ecv to use the whole trip? Otherwise, if you do go with the manual wc option, I’d buy a cushion specifically for a wc, whether it’s foam or something more.
When my DH just started having issues, we rented a wheelchair and folded it and pushed it on buses just like you said.

I have no experience, but my understanding is transport chairs are for short distances. The smaller wheels may made it harder to push all day.

Although my DH now uses an EVC at Disney.for several trips he used a wheelchair . I pushed him about 75% of the time. I didn’t think it was horrible. Except the one trip while wearing a mask was no fun.

I second getting gloves. I used padded bike gloves from Amazon.
We are looking to purchase a transport wheelchair (I think that this is what they are called) for my 80+ year old dad. He is a great walker, but we are going in August and I want to have one for him due to the heat and excessive walking. We want to use it in the parks, but fold it up when we get to the buses - he can get in the bus wait line with everyone else and get off / on bus on his own. Since we will be collapsing it and carrying it on the Disney buses, we are looking for something lightweight and easy to carry. Any suggestions? I am looking on Amazon but really don't know where to start. Also, is this looked at as ok to do? As I said, he is a capable walker but definitely slowing down - he's afraid of holding everyone back in the parks and we thought this might be a good solution, especially with the heat. My DD's and I are all adults and more than capable to push his chair and carry it on/off buses. TIA
With a transport chair look closely at the wheels if small it is made for indoor movement not outdoors like at Disney. I would recommend looking for a regular folding wheelchair not a transport chair
Concurring with others that a transport chair is not a good idea. I used one I picked up second hand for about a year before I purchased my current electric chair, and it was extremely uncomfortable- and I imagine for an older adult it would be even more uncomfortable. It’s very bumpy; my feet would tingle due to the vibrations. A lightweight wheelchair would likely be the best option as it’s somewhat easier to push. A standard wheelchair would work too if the pusher has the stamina and strength required. The Salvation Army in my area frequently has wheelchairs of varied types that are in good condition. You may want to try thrifting one to save hundreds of dollars. An ECV could be considered as another poster suggested, but that would require your father to be comfortable driving in a crowded place where people walk right in front of you. Some people get very anxious/stressed by this and so being pushed is a better option for some. If he wants to consider an ECV it may be a good idea to rent a three wheel one locally for a day and go somewhere crowded to see how he does.
A lot of people are recommending renting a scooter and honestly I think it's a bad idea. At least think it through and talk to him first. If your dad is used to independence, used to walking, and you only need something just in case the heat gets to him or the distance is too much? An ECV is a bad idea for that situation.

A wheelchair can just be pushed when nobody is sitting in it, even used as a walker for extra support. But if you rent a scooter and you want to bring it to the park just in case, he now is forced to drive it all day including on the bus, even if he feels fine and doesn't want or need it. He will probably feel embarrassed and upset and resentful. It's a really common feeling when an older person gets pushed by well-meaning family into using a mobility device they feel they don't need. And he may not be comfortable driving it to begin with.

You can rent per day at the park but the number of scooters is limited so there may not be one available when you arrive. And again once you rent it, he has to use it all day. Unless you're OK paying $60 or more to use it for an hour or two and then return it. That is an option, just a terrible one.
I agree with others to skip the transport chair. My mom uses a ECV at WDW, but we do have a wheelchair for Disneyland (locals who go a lot) or other places with a lot of walking. Ours is a few years old and is pretty light - I am 5'2" and have no issues throwing it into the trunk of my car. This is very similar to the one that we have. It is definitely the same brand.,aps,234&sr=8-3-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1

We are very happy with it. I have used it for both my parents at one time or another, and it is still easy to push even though my Dad weighs a lot more than my mom. Last year, my Dad went to WDW with us last minute and since he has poor vision, he used the wheelchair for the things he went out and did with us. I folded and carried it onto the bus a couple times with no issues.

Edited to add - we do have a cushion for my Mom for the wheelchair, but my Dad does not think he needs the cushion. So I would consider a cushion too.
@KPeterso Thanks so much for the link. I will look into this chair. My dad is about 150 lbs, so not very heavy at all. I will definitely look into a cushion for him.

@chaoslobster Your reply hits home for us. He is very independent and it was a bit of a challenge getting him to agree to bringing in a wheelchair at all. I think that if I get a wheelchair (not a transport chair as I originally planned) with a cushion, we will be ok. Some days he will use the chair and other days he might walk (especially in the mornings). It is partially for the walking and partially for the heat. My DD's are in their early 20's so they can definitely help with chair.

Thanks everyone!
We are looking to purchase a transport wheelchair (I think that this is what they are called) for my 80+ year old dad. He is a great walker, but we are going in August and I want to have one for him due to the heat and excessive walking. We want to use it in the parks, but fold it up when we get to the buses - he can get in the bus wait line with everyone else and get off / on bus on his own. Since we will be collapsing it and carrying it on the Disney buses, we are looking for something lightweight and easy to carry. Any suggestions? I am looking on Amazon but really don't know where to start. Also, is this looked at as ok to do? As I said, he is a capable walker but definitely slowing down - he's afraid of holding everyone back in the parks and we thought this might be a good solution, especially with the heat. My DD's and I are all adults and more than capable to push his chair and carry it on/off buses. TIA
I just bought one last week on Amazon. It's pretty much the same as the transport chairs I have been renting from Orlando Medical Rentals. With the money I've spent renting them I could have bought 4 or 5 already. It's very lightweight the back folds down and it fits behind the drivers seat of my car (Kia Telluride) which was the most important thing as I wouldn't have room in the trunk area for it. It was about $150. I rented what Scooterbug called a transport chair last month and it was VERY heavy and big and also did not have hand brakes which I didn't like. It took me and my older daughter to lift it in and out of my car. It was definitely more wheelchair than transport chair. The seat, back and armrests are a woven material as opposed to vinyl so I ordered velcro covers that wrap around the arm rests in a mickey print so I can wash them if (when) they get yucky. This is primarily for my ten ASD kid who will still fit in the Liberty special needs stroller but it's very big and too unwieldy for me now and this is good for her when she needs a space to put her hood up (yes even when it's 100 degrees) and hide from the world plus it helps me when waiting for fireworks because I can't sit in one position on the ground for extended periods anymore. Edited to add: we have rented a transport chair many times for the parks an have had no issues but it is for my teen and she is not sitting in it all day. She goes in and out but she's never complained and we've never had an issue with it mechanically there.
I have the

Medline Lightweight Foldable Transport Wheelchair with Handbrakes and 12" Wheels, Blue Frame

found at Walmart. Apparently I can’t include a link or the post gets denied.

I can’t use an ECV or push myself so we’ve been taking transport chairs to Disney for years. The back wheels are larger on this one so it does handle better than previous versions I had. I never sit in it constantly so I can’t speak to comfort for that. I push it and walk short distances plus I’m getting out to ride rides so I don’t stiffen up and the seat is just fine for what I’m using it for. The material does get hot if a cast member parks it in the sun.
I’m about 140 lbs and outside of a marathon run from the front to back of Epcot in August it’s not difficult to push me. If we’re shopping sometimes I’ll use my feet to propel myself around the store and sometimes I fold it and use it like a walker.
The transport chairs with the small wheels will be really hard to push all day at Disney. Last time I took my folks, my dad was in his transport chair and it was much harder to push than my mom's rental chair with big wheels (a park rental chair). I was suprised how hard it was and he only weighed about 130.
The transport chairs with the small wheels will be really hard to push all day at Disney. Last time I took my folks, my dad was in his transport chair and it was much harder to push than my mom's rental chair with big wheels (a park rental chair). I was suprised how hard it was and he only weighed about 130.
Those small wheels are a pain anywhere outside


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