This (DISNEY)land Was Made For You and Me - July 2016 Weight Loss and Lifestyle Change Challenge


Boston Runnah - 2018
Jul 8, 2014

Greetings friends! This month is a celebration of fireworks, pixie dust, and challenging yourself to find a better you. But it'll also include some fun because we're going to take a virtual tour through the Happiest Place on Earth: DISNEYLAND.


Hello Tiny Castle. You may be small, but you're beautiful!
On July 17th, Disneyland will turn 61 years old! She's nearing senior citizen status by some standards - but doesn't look a day over 25! Sure she's had some work done over the years to maintain her good looks - but over all... I think she looks pretty darn beautiful today.

And the good news? You, too, can look as beautiful as Disneyland at the end of the month if you sign up for the challenge.

My name is @courtneybeth and I am your personal "Disneyland Plaid" for the duration of the month. I will be your personal tour guide, cheerleader, and motivator.


Welcome to Your Home for the Next 31 Days.
As the great Walt Disney once said: "Disneyland is YOUR land".

It is time for you to take this "source of joy and inspiration" and make a healthy change.

Everyone is welcome to participate - so whether this is your first month, tenth month, or hundredth month... jump in and get moving with your goal. You can join us at any time and begin the first step of your journey to a better you! We're a positive bubble of pixie dust - all encouragement and no drama.

It's up to YOU to set your goal for the month. You can check in as little or as much as you'd like. All I need from you is a progress report before the Monday of a new week. I, as your Plaid, will post your percentage progress report so you can see how you're ranking with the rest of the group.

The more you put into this - the more you will get out of it.

We will also have daily discussion topics to build a sense of community. You can chat about Weight Watchers, My Fitness Pal, Disney, Recipes, Walking, Disney, Running, Coaching Moments, and uh... Disney!

If this sounds fun - then this is the place for you. Nothing is off limits.

It is time for you to put on your best Disney shirt, Mouse Ears, and get your butt in gear.
The Virtual Disneyland Tour for July begins... NOW!
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This month we are CHALLENGING ourselves to make real PROGRESS on this journey to be slimmer and healthier. Participating is EASY! All you need to do is decide on your goal (5 pounds off, maintenance mode, 10K steps a day, etc) and devise a PLAN to reach that goal.

Share your progress with us along the way and watch the color of your name change throughout the month!


1% -10%
11% - 20%
21% - 30%
31% - 40%
41% - 50%
51% - 60%
61% - 70%
71% - 80%
81% - 90%
91% - 99%

100% OR MORE!

It will be up to YOU to decide on your goal, your plan, and to report your progress either here on the thread or through a private message every weekend - I'll accept progress reports anytime Friday through Sunday, but will try to update the list of participants every Monday morning.

If you have multiple goals for the month (example: "I plan to walk 30 minutes a day AND I plan to drink 64oz of water a day") please EITHER pick one goal to use for your progress reports OR average them both together when giving your report. It's just much easier for tracking this way. If you only use one of your goals for progress reports, that doesn't mean we don't want to hear how you're doing on your other goals!

NOTE: I am posting from about 20 minutes south of Disneyland - so daily posts / updates will be posted around 9-10am PST.
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Now is the time to join in on the challenge and become a "Cast Member"!

Here is the official list of our WISH "Cast Members" for this month's challenge:

@4Mickeys || MFP: 4Mickeys
@courtneybeth || Instagram: courtneybeth83 || MFP: courtney_beth
@Dr Gunnie || Instagram: jholman34
@Lady Marie || Instragram: p.ryan55
@mamattorney || MFP wagnerpe123
@piglet1979 || MFP: stephanier32
@rascooby || MFP: readyfordis
@SarahDisney || Instagram: slkworks || MFP: SarahLovesTink
@verleniahall || WWC: disgirl1987

Future Disneyland Plaids - Is Your Name Here?
August: @JacknSally
September: @4Mickeys
October: @Lady Marie
November - December: ??????
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Hi everyone -- welcome to this month's challenge thread.

We will begin on JULY 1 - with the first topic posted at around 9am PST. This topic will talk about your goals for the month and your plan to get there-- so please hold off on this part of the discussion until I officially post the question.

In the mean time, claim your spot and introduce yourselves. Feel free to leave your MFP and Instagram names if you'd like to be included in our list so we can support each other on those platforms as well.

And it wouldn't be Disneyland without treats! And the best types are those without calories - so enjoy this virtual Disneyland churro while you write your introduction post.


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ME! I'M IN! PICK ME! I'm pumped about this month's challenge. I'm going to try really, really hard to be more active this month, both in the thread and in real life.

Also, super cute photo of you in the opening post. I like your shirt! :teeth:
Ahh! I was planning to sit this month out (for personal reasons), but I can't miss a Disneyland theme! I'll probably be lurking more than participating, but count me in!
Instagram: slkworks
MFP: SarahLovesTink

Also, I love that you're wearing the #ThanksShanghai shirt in that picture :)
I'm in for July as well! Insta: p.ryan55

I'll also volunteer to be a plaid for October. By that time I will have been around here for a year, and should maybe possibly know what I'm doing haha!
To those who have signed up: I have you added to the list. We are starting in about 24 hours from now.

I've also decided to sweeten the deal this month:

If you can meet 100% of your goal at the end of the month, I will personally mail you a map of Disneyland and a Disney trading pin.

I'm heading to Disneyland tonight to start getting some pictures of me in places where we will travel on our virtual trip - so it'll really be like you're having a walking tour of the park :)
I'm in!

Instagram is jholman34 - real name is Josh

I'll be back later with the official introduction and all, but I'm a little short on time trying to get everything packed before we leave for the weekend.

Since I won't be able to do an official July weigh-in, I'm going to go with today's weight of 229 lbs. My goal this month is to lose 10 and be 219 before we leave for the beach on July 29th.

It could be a big month for me because I could hit the 100 lbs lost mark - I started back on January 6th at 320 lbs. Fingers crossed!
I am here!!

@courtneybeth you tempt me to make my goal this month a not weight based one as I seem to always miss my goal on weight based goals... But then, that would be lucky for you as international postage is totally crazy as my BF and I have found out! :goodvibes I love the theme and am looking forward to see Disneyland through your eyes!

@JacknSally You were just mentioned on the main DISUnplugged podcast! How nice of you to make these great shirts for the whole team! I hope being mentioned on the show does give your shop the boost that it definitely has earned!!

@Lady Marie that's great that you are signing up for coaching October!!
I am in. MFP = stephanier32. is it sad that I have to look in the app for my name?

I have been debating on my goal for this month. I am thinking of either the being to lose 4 pounds, Logging in MFP, or 10,000 steps a day. I have also thought about not drinking pop and drinking more water. The easy way out would be to log in MFP so I don't think I will do that. I will come back later today or in the morning with what I decide.

I am so excited to have a virtual tour of Disneyland. I think I have finally talked my husband into going. It will still be a few years because I want to do a Disney Cruise first before the kids get to old.

ok so for my introduction, My name is Stephanie. I have been married for almost 12 years and have 2 kids. My daughter is almost 9 and my son is 10. They seem to keep my very busy and I don't get a lot of me time. We have started a new venture with my daughter that is taking up a lot of my time. She has just started vision therapy and physical therapy. A lot of home exercises and 3 days a week we are in the office. This is leaving me with very little time to work out.

I have lost 10 pounds since January, most if not all since April when I joined this group. I am looking to lose 10 more pounds to be at the weight I was when I got pregnant with my daughter. This past month was rough for me. We went to Disney (not the rough part) at the beginning of the month and I came home sick. I should have used the hand sanitizer a little bit more :). I have also had a few medically issues that seem to be finally getting under control.

I am working on trying to get to the rec a little bit more. I have been since May. I am hoping with baseball ending early July that will give me a little bit of extra time. I might need to switch things up and just do it at home. I am horrible with working out at home. As soon as I sit down I am done for the day. I need to make myself accountable to get it done and not be lazy.
Courtney you tempt me since in 2 years dh and I are taking our sons and their wives (that is still funny to say) to celebrate our 40th anniversary. I too was going to sit out this month but I think I need it more than ever since in 6 weeks our oldest son is getting married with the younger one coming up next April.

I need to think of some attainable goals.

Be back tomorrow.
Wow guys - this month looks to be a busy day at Disneyland. But the good news is that we don't have to worry about overcrowding on our tour --- so please, sign up and join us if you haven't already. Seems like the map and pin are luring some people back into the mix. Yeah!


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