There's Always Too Much Sauce - A July 2022 TR *Updated 3/23

Alex and I will tell anyone that Disney is special to us, because of each other. We’re each other’s original park buddy, had we not gone in 2010 there would not have been a 2013,’14,’15, etc to remember.

We missed touring the parks together.

In 2019, the two of us were able to get a miraculous 2 nights alone before we flew out to visit his SIL:
So happy that you two had such fun together!
t seemed too good to be true.

But here I was, waking up on the 18th, watching the kids’ suitcases getting loaded up in my mom’s vehicle, listening to the kids talk about Nana making them pancakes at her house and taking them the zoo.

No tears were shed by my little ones. They were too excited to be spending more days with their Nana. And their Aunt Carly.
Yay for great family! :)
It was also during lunch that Alex and I received our room ready notification.
Sweet location!
As if this trip wasn’t special enough, the two of us decided to try two new things this trip. The first was do a split stay. The second was stay at the Wilderness Lodge.

We’d never set eyes upon the resort before, so it was going to be completely new to us.

And oh my.

Wilderness Lodge did not disappoint.

I get it now.
I knew you would love it!
I get the cult following.
Welcome to the family! :rotfl: :rotfl:
I was worried the room design would feel a little too rustic and forest for my tastes, but it turned out to be lovely. Lots of greens and browns without going overboard.
It's beautiful.:goodvibes
Alex walked up to all the CMs still hanging around and told them what an awesome job they were doing. He told one of them to tell the person involved (who wasn’t there anymore) to let them know they didn’t deserve that kind of treatment. And to net let a bad guest ruin their entire day. We appreciated their hard work, and then we went on and left Cast Compliments for all of them.
Now that is what good people do. Kudos to you and Alex for making a very difficult situation better.
KS only had a twenty minute wait, so Alex and I hopped in line and joined a safari.
What a perfect ending to your Disney vacation! After traveling with your group, nice to have this time with your DH to look forward to. Wilderness Lodge will always be my favorite resort. We started staying there when our DS's were young. I could be wrong but I think it was the first resort that had rooms with bunk beds. That's was part of the draw for me. Looks like you got a good room with a very nice view. The situation at AK - how sad people can act so horribly. I'm sure the CM's really appreciated your support. The safari was a good distraction. Anxious to hear about the rest of your day!
Grandmas are going to do what grandmas want to do. And the answer "I'll just ship it" also seems to be pretty standard (my mom says the same thing.) So, let the kids get spoiled while you enjoy some alone adult time. Sounds like a win win to me.
We missed touring the parks together.
The very first time DH went to DW is was just the 2 of us. My mom was watching the kids. We have really enjoyed going with our kids and now grandkids, but DH really likes it when it's just the 2 of us.

Fortunately, Alex and I are blessed with amazing families.
Yes you are!

“Mom, did you buy the kids a toy?”
That's what grandparents do.

Wilderness Lodge did not disappoint.
I'm so looking forward to our first stay.

The way to elevators were past the Territory Lounge, down a walkway, around a corner, past the Roaring Fork Quick Service restaurant, and at the end of the hall.

Noted, thanks for the information.

Our view from the balcony was amazing:

But I had a library book due that day, and I wanted to finish it. So, Alex and I hung around the room and read for a few hours.
Did you use an app to get your book? I use Libby and love it.

Animal Kingdom is not the park to have to get through quick! That hill going up to the Tree of Life was brutal, especially in the July heat.
Yes it is especially when you're pushing a wheelchair.

Alex walked up to all the CMs still hanging around and told them what an awesome job they were doing. He told one of them to tell the person involved (who wasn’t there anymore) to let them know they didn’t deserve that kind of treatment. And to net let a bad guest ruin their entire day. We appreciated their hard work, and then we went on and left Cast Compliments for all of them.
Thank you for doing this. CMs get treated so bad by some guests.
How fantastic that you and Alex got to stay for a few days by yourself! I think it was a win for everyone - alone time for the two of you and grandma-spoiling for your kids. Case in point…

“I’ll ship a box if necessary.”
:rotfl: Ah, grandparents. Isn’t that the truth? :laughing:

As for your resort, the Wilderness Lodge is GREAT! I stayed there for two nights in 2016 and it was wonderful. The layout is similar-ish to the AKL (although I love the AKL a bit more), but I agree that finding your room is VERY confusing. I never would’ve found ours without the nifty map from the front desk person. :rolleyes:

Yikes to that situation at FotLK! It can be tough to contain your emotions at Disney between the heat and exhaustion, but that’s no excuse for losing your cool with an innocent CM. Kudos to Alex for his kind words.

And the rhinos were *ahem* enjoying each other’s company.
Ah, nature. :lmao:
So happy that you two had such fun together!

I'm so grateful Alex and I were able to have that time together.

Sweet location!

On my April trip, I was about three rooms down from this one, so I think this is the area they block off for the military discounted rates. :confused3

Welcome to the family!

My mother the other day mentioned to me, "You know, I really liked that Wilderness Lodge hotel. I'd love to take your father there." So I think it's safe to say I converted her, as well. :rotfl:
After traveling with your group, nice to have this time with your DH to look forward to.

Without a doubt. I think that's part of the reason why Alex and I were fine hanging around the resort, reading. Some peace and quiet was welcome!

I could be wrong but I think it was the first resort that had rooms with bunk beds. That's was part of the draw for me.

That sounds right, and I can definitely see the draw. Bunk beds are really convenient when traveling with kids!

Such a grandparent thing to say! Love it.

I try to cut the grandparents some slack, since they didn't get to see the kids very often. But man did they buy them a lot of stuffies that summer... :rolleyes: :rotfl:

Glad you liked Wilderness Lodge! It is beautiful!!!!

I can't believe I waited so long to visit the resort!
Grandmas are going to do what grandmas want to do. And the answer "I'll just ship it" also seems to be pretty standard (my mom says the same thing.) So, let the kids get spoiled while you enjoy some alone adult time. Sounds like a win win to me.

Definitely! I love that the kids have such a great relationship with their grandparents; I just wish it came with less stuffies. :laughing: :rotfl2:
We have really enjoyed going with our kids and now grandkids, but DH really likes it when it's just the 2 of us.

It's a different dynamic when it's just you and your spouse. Actually, I'm not sure Alex would ever go on a trip if I weren't there. Me, however...I'll go with anyone and everyone who wants to tag along. :rotfl2:

I'm so looking forward to our first stay.

I'm so excited for you!

Did you use an app to get your book? I use Libby and love it.

I use Libby, as well. I try to read physical books and end up dropping them on my face as I doze off, so I'm a big ereader person.

Yes it is especially when you're pushing a wheelchair.

I thought of you when I was remembering that jog to the back of the park!
How fantastic that you and Alex got to stay for a few days by yourself!

It was so special, getting to spend some time at Disney with just Alex. Especially since we'd been overseas for 6 years and hadn't had many opportunities like that.

I stayed there for two nights in 2016 and it was wonderful. The layout is similar-ish to the AKL (although I love the AKL a bit more)

AKL used to be my favorite resort, but WL's proximity wins out. Plus, the laziness in me likes that Roaring Forks is closer than the Mara is. :rotfl:
Just wait until your Poly stay, though. That resort is pretty magical.::yes::
Actually, I'm not sure Alex would ever go on a trip if I weren't there. Me, however...I'll go with anyone and everyone who wants to tag along. :rotfl2:

This is me too!!!!

I use Libby, as well. I try to read physical books and end up dropping them on my face as I doze off, so I'm a big ereader person.

I'm part of a book club so we pass physical books around. I'm real big into the free Amazon Prime books and deals for my Kindle. I also try to rent whatever book we're reading for club from Libby. I find myself taking turns, read an ebook then read a physical book.

I thought of you when I was remembering that jog to the back of the park!

Yes, it can always be worse.
Wilderness a lodge looks beautiful. Great view from your room and how brilliant is it to get some time just the two of you! Well deserved!
That poor cast member at FotLK deserved a medal for keeping calm and steadfast and it was lovely of Alex to speak up and compliment them on their hard work. People can be horrible sometimes and there’s really no excuse for that sort of behaviour.
I’m glad the safari provided some welcome relief and amusement. Don’t you just love kids and their endless questions in crowded places where the audience is hanging in every word 😂. Proves Disney parks really can be educational 😂😂

Your mum’s “I’ll ship a box” comment has to be my all time favourite! Some Irish grandparents may have had to buy an extra case to travel home because of all the “wee gifts” they and two proud uncles bought for certain small people at home:rotfl::rotfl:
I also try to rent whatever book we're reading for club from Libby. I find myself taking turns, read an ebook then read a physical book.

That's a good system. I have all my favorite novels in physical form (*ahem* Outlander :rotfl:) , and over the past few years I've been trying to go through them a re-read them all. Maybe breaking it up like you do would help.

If you read on a physical Kindle, you can just put on Airplane Mode until you’re finished :rolleyes1

Unfortunately, I use Kobo and epub formats! I used to have a Nook and that tricked worked. I LOVED it. But with Kobo they got savvy and fixed that bug.
People can be horrible sometimes and there’s really no excuse for that sort of behaviour.

I feel like you can see the worst of humanity at Disney sometimes! It's sad.

Don’t you just love kids and their endless questions in crowded places where the audience is hanging in every word

Oh my gosh. Your comment reminded me of how oblivious kids can be at times.
So, a lot of people in my neighborhood decorate for Halloween. And there's one house that Evie really loves, and I told her the next time we took a walk I'd take a picture so we could show her aunt. Well, when we went on the walk the owner of the house was outside messing around, so I decided to wait until another night so as not to appear weird. But Evie very loudly goes, "Mom, didn't you want to take pictures of this guy's house? MOM? Didn't you?! Hi, can my mom take pictures of your decorations???"
:sad2: :rotfl:

Some Irish grandparents may have had to buy an extra case to travel home because of all the “wee gifts” they and two proud uncles bought for certain small people at home

:rotfl2: I had no idea this happened, but I can't say I'm surprised. :laughing: I'm sure the kids loved everything, and I bet you all had a blast finding things for them.
Evie very loudly goes, "Mom, didn't you want to take pictures of this guy's house? MOM? Didn't you?! Hi, can my mom take pictures of your decorations???"
:rotfl: :rotfl::rotfl:
:rotfl2: I had no idea this happened, but I can't say I'm surprised. :laughing: I'm sure the kids loved everything, and I bet you all had a blast finding things for them.
Guilty as charged:rotfl:
I blame my husband 😂. It all started in Mexico- I mean what like girl wouldn’t want a Donald Duck cuddly toy in his Mexican costume. Then well you can’t buy one kid a cuddly toy and not the other so a Goofy for Lucas was next. Then the uncles got in on the act- they are also a godfather to one of the kids each.- so that means you have to really push the boat out when it comes to present buying. Youngest son is Sophia’s godfather and he picked up a Minnie denim jacket and a Princess T-shirt for her. Eldest boy went all out on Toy Story and Star Wars T-shirts for Lucas. Well there was no way this Goey ( Lucas named me Goey and it has stayed Goey 😂) was being left out of this little shopping extravaganza so every time I saw a wee trinket ( and let’s face it Disney is very good at making sure we all see plenty of trinkets) I thought they like I bought it. Can you tell we spent a lot of time in air conditioned shops. A collection of colouring books and Rice Krispies treats/ Mickey cheeses crackers/Goofy’s candy etc somehow made its way back to the room with us each day. Then our friends were there at the same time and they bought the kids toys and tops but the absolute best bit of it all was I had been eyeing up this Disney suitcase in the hotel shop. I’m sure you all know the one- lots of brightly coloured Mickeys on a black background - well my “ lets fade into the background “ shy boys were like “no way” but I was “party:absolutely yes! all the wasyyyyy:rainbow:” And that’s the case I bought to bring it all home :rotfl2:
It makes me smile when I see it. Worth every penny and then some.

The grandkids thought Christmas had arrived early when we got home and loved everything to everyone’s delight. I reckon the Disney shareholders were pretty pleased too with what we’d spent 😱🤣🤣🤣

ETA in a nothing to do with WDW bit of news I am going to be speaking to an old school friend later today for the first time in 39 years and she lives in Texas! No idea where or for long but can’t wait to catch up. Found each other on a FB group I joined for our school year last weekend
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I'm so grateful Alex and I were able to have that time together.
That's awesome. :goodvibes
My mother the other day mentioned to me, "You know, I really liked that Wilderness Lodge hotel. I'd love to take your father there." So I think it's safe to say I converted her, as well. :rotfl:
Another Wilderness Lodge groupie!
Finally popping back in to catch up. (Life has been bonkers!!)

Universal sounds like so much fun. I can't imagine navigating it with that many people, though. That's *a lot* to manage. And, I can't believe the wand paint was melting! You'd think they would make those to withstand FL summer.

How exciting to have a real chunk of couples time in WDW. And Wilderness Lodge looks like a gorgeous place to start it.
You are so my spirit animal! I always am finishing a book... LOL
I LOVE that you got time alone with hubby, as you know, Z and I love our couples trips, too!
Too funny that your mom got them toys so quickly. Love it!
YIKES about that rude guest- I wonder if they were the same people at MK! Eeek!


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