The THYROID Thread

My SIL is at Emory. If it would be helpful I could get a few names for you to research. No worries if this does not work for you. Thanks for the welcome, it is a nice friendly thread.
Yes I would if it is not asking too much of you

Don't go out of your way as I'm able to wait since I will be getting some meds early June
Thank you
With some new leads, I can google and check them out
Yes I would if it is not asking too much of you

Don't go out of your way as I'm able to wait since I will be getting some meds early June
Thank you
With some new leads, I can google and check them out

No problem, I will ask her and post back here.
baler - welcome and so nice of you to help macraven out

squeegee - I hope you got a good report. Wishing you all the best

This thread is quiet.

Well my ds and his gf had a good trip he said. They did so much, not like dh and I who were like two old snails.

The weather was so so. We got beyond soaked the first day, actually night. Twice we were just about to go swimming and they closed the pool due to the incoming storms and thunder. We didnt even see Wishes. I did walk alot. Dh pushed me about half the time when I was tired or not breathing well.

I wanted to try Skippers Canteen but we didnt make it, oh well. The food was ok. Liked the new Trattoria al Forno. The topiaries were really nice. Our room at the Swan had a nice view and balcony. At the Yacht Club our room was of a bunch of tree leaves and branches and the parking lot and disney busses were n the other side, so unromantic. I know dh said it was our anniv. when he booked the room. The Yacht Club rooms need some serious rehab which is scheduled I think. The Swan is always now my favorite hotel. Good for our budget and nice view, service, location etc. The deluxe hotels even with a discount are getting to be so overpriced and not a good value at all. We did get to swim in Storm Along Bay twice. So much fun.

People were asking us where the friendship boats go and how much they cost, lol, dont you just love newbies.

We went through 30 bottles of water and 4 powerades, boy was it hot!! So much humidity.

I will try and do a dining report.

Most annoying things - telling them I am not taking the wheelchair into the rest. but then they try seating us at some table in Neverland. sigh. A few times dh told them to seat us closer etc. One annoying server who couldnt get the hint that we just didnt feel like chit chatting with him. Delayed flight going home and the tsa in Orlando not waiting for me to get out of the wheelchair so they decide to do a pat down in the wheelchair. I am crying and telling the lady not to touch me etc. the pain just shoots through me up my neck and spine to my head etc. She says I can take you to a private room. I say let me walk through the metal detector. She says no you are on the other side and I cant take you back there, um she was the one who took me there in the first place and was bossing dh around. I told her whatever you have to do then just get it over with and do it right here in public where everyone can see it. I wanted witnesses in case I turned into one of those horror stories I have heard about. She only patted me down in the wheelchair after she got her male supervisor who stood next to her the whole time. and wouldnt let dh near me.

Oh and to add to it, the night before I was bending over in the wheelchair to put up the foot rest and I heard/felt something pop by my left rib. Of course I am crying in pain, cant do anything. Ds said he thought I must have pulled the muscle. Took tons of tylenol, not helping. still being careful not to bend etc. So not fun and now that I am home and dont want to go to the dr. either, but if it gets worse. I hope I havent pulled the stitches etc. that are part of my stomach mesh because it is a huge thing, like a basketball size the surgeon had said and its anchored in certain places, hope this is not one of them. I also had some surgery by one of those ribs anyway and am missing some cartilage so maybe that just aggravates the situation. Also one night I had some serious gastro issues. Ugh. this is to be expected I guess since she took my one med away. No ppi means trouble at times.

Ds2 got to have an interview where dh works, so we will see if anything becomes of it.

Well check in when you can. Hope everyone is doing well.
LMP, hope things are improving and I enjoyed the trip summary. I don't think I can go back in the summer anymore (although you went in May which is most favorite time). I can't tolerate the humidity well either.

This thread has been quiet and I take that as a sign that we are all doing well. I have not posted much because I've been really busy at work and in a training class all this week. I usually pop into The Dis during some breaks at work but I haven't had any. Thank goodness the LONG weekend is here.

My DD (24) officially moved out last weekend. She is renting a room (very, very tiny) in a very tiny house in DC. She's very happy so far and has an 8 minute drive to work now. We shall see how she does with her finances, though. I don't believe she really makes enough to move out, but I understand that she needs to do this. I'm still paying her car insurance and cell phone. Fortunately, she has a 3 month lease and then it's month-to-month after that so if it gets too hard, she can get out of it fairly quickly.

My DS just finished his second week of summer school (college) plus working at Chick Fil A. He will be home for one day this weekend (gotta love Chick Fil A for closing every Sunday), and then for the whole weekend next weekend as he is in a wedding. It will be nice to see him a little more.

Other than that, I have passed most of my major health tests with no issues. Next up is my neck ultrasound on 6/15 and then I will be "free" for about 2 months (oh I do need a colonoscopy but I am in denial on that).

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Thanks to all for this informative thread. The information here has helped me with DW's thyroid issues and mine since my right lobe was removed 3 years ago due to a parathyroid tumor and large goiter. I just had a biopsy on lump in left side last Friday and will find out in a couple of days if the dosage of my recently refilled Synthroid script will be enough or if it will need to be increased. :(

Be well all.
Thanks to all for this informative thread. The information here has helped me with DW's thyroid issues and mine since my right lobe was removed 3 years ago due to a parathyroid tumor and large goiter. I just had a biopsy on lump in left side last Friday and will find out in a couple of days if the dosage of my recently refilled Synthroid script will be enough or if it will need to be increased. :(

Be well all.

crossing my fingers that the results are normal....
I have a general question about the parathyroid glands

Have many of you here had any issues with it ?

My thyroid is ok but some issue may be about my parathyroid
Just don't know much about it
macraven - I know there used to be a sweet poster here on this thread who lost I know at least 1 parathyroid during her thy cancer surgery, maybe it was even more than 1, I cant remember. Her name was Jenn and she lived in NY and she has DVC at AKL. She always goes in July. She hasnt been on the boards in a few years I think.

I know surgeons try to take great care and not damage them during surgery.

If I remember she had to take calcitrol, had trouble with tingling in her arms and other issues. I think she said her surgeon did try to reimplant them during the surgery but it didnt work.

I would also think an endo might want to do a dexa scan to see if the bones are affected depending on the patient age too.

And wishing you all the best with your upcoming endo visit.

I thought I was done with drs. but I forgot the endo wants me to redo the neck ultrasound this month to check on that lovely swollen lymph node on the R side.
Oh well, sometime this month I will do it, another day, another lymph node, lol!
Thank you LMP !
I flew from Atlanta to up north to see my endo
I have had my labs done down here and the results sent to my endo
Past 3 labs have my calcium too high.
Due to the labs, I had to see her in person
Today I had the bone density scans done and she wanted the wrists done also
Won't get the results until Tuesday but I'll be bAck home by then

I was hoping someone on here has been through the parathyroid issue

I'm hopeful that the bone density test turns out normal
If that is the case then I stop the bp meds as endo feels it is the other reason for high calcium level in my blood

In the meantime I will not be losing any sleep over this as nothing is concrete until the bone density scan comes back

I lost one of my parathyroids during surgery. The other three obviously function nicely and I haven't had issues for years. My friend had thyroid surgery and it took her parathyroids about 6 months to recover. She had tingling for awhile especially during exercise.

Your calcium is too high though, which indicates not a failure of the parathyroid gland but something else. You may have a small, benign parathyroid tumor (99% they are benign) causing overproduction of calcium. I actually know three people who have had that. Generally it calls for removal.
Yea my calcium is at 10.6
Will know bone density results on Tuesday which endo will decide about the outcome
My endo said if bone density is ok then I stop my bp med as she said it can cause high calcium levels
Then wait and do labs again to make a decision if calcium is still rising
If so then next doc will be the surgeon

I'm wishfully hoping bone density test will be normal and I will wake up next week with a calcium level of 8.3
I'm tired of surgeries...

Thank you for sharing
I know nothing about parathyroid glands other that what I googled until I asked here
macraven - sorry you are dealing with this

Just curious about the bp meds. I am taking lisinopril and tekturna.
oops I forgot to say totally not thyroid related that I did my dining review. No pictures though.
macraven - sorry you are dealing with this

Just curious about the bp meds. I am taking lisinopril and tekturna.
My bp is diazide in the generic form which is (sp) triamentrine.
A portion of it effects the calcium levels in the body or so my endo told me
If scans show more bone loss first step is to stop present bp med and try a different one
Then if after 6 months on a new bp med calcium level still high then it would be surgery
That is the plan my endo has written up

The last 18 months my calcium level has rose from 10 to what it is now
Bone pain in the hip has really increased over the past two years

LMP, my dad was on lisinopril for ten years and it worked fine for him after his bypass surgery
I always had a problem with my bp. Its probably genetic since my whole family is dead from heart issues at a very young age.
The bad problems started after the thyroidectomy, my bp went sky high. They said it was due to the thyroid loss which helps control bp.

They had a problem giving me something because I am allergic to so many meds and had a bad reaction to one bp med before and the one they gave me next caused another bad reaction, so my endo had to go and consult with one of the cardiac drs. and they came up with the tekturna (aliskiren) and so far its o.k. Not the greatest number at times, but I have a feeling that is probably cardiac stuff I dont want to know about.
Just a drop in to say that the thyroid biopsy came back (-) so another year and another scan.

I had a parathyroid tumor 3 years ago with calcium shooting up and causing me grief. Turns out that I also had a goiter with the right side so both came out.


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