The Running Thread - 2016

QOTD: After some time off from running, how do you get yourself back into the routine of getting your runs in?

ATTQOTD: I find myself in this situation right now. I am not sure if I am just wore out from everything and just being lazy, but I am struggling with getting back into it. I do know that its just a matter of getting back into a routine to get myself back to normal running. It's all mental at this point, and I need to just get out there and do it. The hour to 1.5 hour to drive with the increased traffic around town is not helping my motivation these day either.
QOTD: After some time off from running, how do you get yourself back into the routine of getting your runs in?

ATTQOTD: I find myself in this situation right now. I am not sure if I am just wore out from everything and just being lazy, but I am struggling with getting back into it. I do know that its just a matter of getting back into a routine to get myself back to normal running. It's all mental at this point, and I need to just get out there and do it. The hour to 1.5 hour to drive with the increased traffic around town is not helping my motivation these day either.

For me it's about taking little steps. Making sure that I take the steps to get out the door. For me that means setting stuff up the night before so that I can get to bed in time so that, I'll wake up early enough to get out the door.

In terms of making myself do that it helps me to have accountability and or a goal. So if I'm trying to get back to running I either make a time to meet someone to run, or sign up for a goal race. Either of those things usually give me the impetus to get out and run.
QOTD: After some time off from running, how do you get yourself back into the routine of getting your runs in?

Count me in with those that like to have a race on the horizon to help with motivation. The downside is that having those races on the horizon provide a lot more stress and incentive to return too early from injury.
QOTD: After some time off from running, how do you get yourself back into the routine of getting your runs in?
ATTQOTD: I change my routine for the first week back into running (after the heat of the summer curtails regular outside runs) - my wife gets up at zero dark thirty for work, so I get up with her to run, which means that I focus on getting to bed nice and early that first week back. It actually has a good impact on me for the rest of the day (early to bed and early to rise and all that), but unfortunately it's mighty tough to get in the habit of going to bed early every night.
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QOTD: After some time off from running, how do you get yourself back into the routine of getting your runs in?

I second what @FFigawi said - I sign up for something, even something small like a local Margarita Social Run. Failing that, I buy some new attire (which is probably totally a girl thing, but hey ...) - the opportunity to wear a new outfit helps.
I agree with signing up for a race but sometimes that doesn't motivate me enough for daily runs, especially if it's really hot or really cold. But if I'm struggling to get back into the game, I'll try to make something fun about that particular training run as extra incentive. That's often meeting up with friends to run. Or going to a new location to explore a new running trail. I've driven downtown just to run by the monuments for a fun change of scenery. Or to the river to run by the water with pretty scenery. Or I'll save some music I really like and only let myself listen to it when I'm running. When I'm struggling to even get out there, I tell myself in advance that I'm not going to worry about pace, walk extra if I need to, etc. so that I know this is going to be more of an enjoyable experience and less something I'm dreading. I save the pushing myself for once I'm already in a routine and going smoothly.
ATTQOTD: I agree with having a goal to work toward. Maybe focus on the Houston Marathon. Not sure what program you are using, but if its an 18 week program that means you'll be starting the cycle on or around September 12th. Maybe spend the next couple of weeks getting yourself ready to be in marathon training mode.

Also, you've been through a ton of stress over the past couple of weeks. For me, stress will absolutely drain me of energy and desire to do much of anything. Hopefully as things return to normal for you, you'll get your mojo back. Also, the weather will start cooling down over the next couple of months making those longer runs more tolerable.
QOTD: After some time off from running, how do you get yourself back into the routine of getting your runs in?

In general, I have done the same as others: either set up runs with friends or registered for a race in the not too distant future. One other thing I sometimes do is create a reward. For example, I can only get Starbucks (or whatever your pleasure is) on days that I run.
I sign up for something. I find the reality of having to train for a race is incentive enough to get my lazy a$$ out of bed. If there's nothing on the calendar, I'm not quite as motivated.
Same here - sign up for a race and tell people about it. Ego kicks in and forces me out the door.
ATTQOTD: I've only ever taken time off from running to rehab an injury, in which case I swapped some other form of exercise for the running. I can't say I've ever had to get back into a routine, because I never take a break from the routine, if that makes sense.
ATTQOTD: I am trying to find a fall race now to keep me motivated:) I have nothing official on the horizon, and would like to work toward something. The busy fall season is coming and having a race will help keep me focused. I also am feeling a touch discouraged by my lack of fitness post injury, but I know if I keep at it, that will come back. I'm leaning toward the 10k I used for POT last year, because I loved the course. It is my 10k PR and I think I could have done better even than I did. I made myself start slow, because I always go out too fast. But, my first mile was even slower than intended. I'd like to try to beat it, but since I am coming back from a tough injury, I am thinking mid October may be too soon. I may have to settle for my Thanksgiving 10k fave instead. I will decide in a few more weeks. Luckily neither ever sells out and I've registered for both day of in the past. Both are relatively cheap, $30 and $25, so I could do both and make only the second one a truly hard effort.
This is such a foreign concept to me. After months of 60-80 mile weeks and a full day of racing, I couldn't wait to take a break from training after my last big event. My body needed it, and my mind needed it more.
My average right now is hovering right around 50 miles and I periodically just wake up and really don't want to run. I'm slow enough that just the time commitment to run 80 miles a week would make me want to take a break, and that doesn't even factor in fatigue and other issues.
ATTQOTD: Luckily only pregnancy/C section recovery has taken me out of running for more than a few days consecutively (no major injuries yet, knock on wood!). But, I do go through times of feeling less motivated to get out of the door. During those times, I try a myriad of things: bribing myself with a reward if I do my week of running, finding some new good music or books to listen to while I run, signing up for a cool sounding race, or just reevaluating my thinking and reminding myself why I like to run. Sometimes even trying those things don't work and I just have to force myself to get out and hope my running mojo comes back in time.
Not sure if any of yall are headed to WDW in the coming days, but keep an eye on the tropics as invest 99L tries to get its act together. The models are all over the place with this one, but at one point yesterday it had Louisiana as a target, which is the absolute last thing we need. Piles of house debris on the side of the road and 70+ mph winds would be very bad, not to mention, some places are still holding water... Back to the point though, if you are planning on traveling along the gulf coast on your way to WDW keep an eye out for potential impacts.
QOTD: After some time off from running, how do you get yourself back into the routine of getting your runs in?
Well I usually have a goal in front of me that helps. I'll usually start out slow and build myself up. Maybe two miles at a slower pace just to get back into it.

Side note: I'm officially moved into college so that took priority over running today.
QOTD: After some time off from running, how do you get yourself back into the routine of getting your runs in.

Like a few people have said signing up to a race usually does the trick, however it recent weeks at work (we have a small post work running group) we have found ourselves stalling quite a bit so have signed up to a team challenge half marathon! We're running against other companies at a local race in October and that has made us all pull our socks up a bit!

Personally I feel like I need a new challenge but can't think of what to do. My biggest competitor is myself.


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