The Running Thread - 2016

My monthly totals:
Running - 163 miles (up from 90 miles last month - recovery going well!)
Average HR during those runs - 138 BPM. Not bad, but still need work.
My VO2 Max is 46 - staying steady through the summer heat. I suspect that it is really higher, but the Garmin doesn't take heat/humidity into account.

I also had 20 P90X sessions in June.

BuckeyeBama, must be ripped, right? 163 miles and P90X, do you have any body fat?

Rio is in bad shape. They had body parts washing up near the volley ball court the other day. With less than 2 months to go, they are still building major transportation systems that are just getting started. The water is making people sick. they cant afford to pay their law enforcement... the problems are stacking up. With all that going on, I would imagine security is probably not where it should be either. I hope they can pull it off, but man they got some work to do.

Nice job to both of you! I don't know how yall are doing it during the summer. I ran 8 miles yesterday afternoon with cloud cover and still dropped 7lbs of water weight during the run. That's a lot of water to try to take back in and hold before the next run.

If you remember correctly there were similar stories about the Olympics in Russia a couple years ago and those turned out OK. Hopefully these will too.

I have been thinking about several of the posts today and yesterday about running, ettiquette, medals, community, etc. The problem is that many are out there for the wrong reasons. I feel that running is a journey that really has no true destination. Some races offer medals, or shirts, bumper stickers and so on, but none of those things make you a runner. They symbolize a piece of the journey, an accomplishment along the way.

I do keep my medals, I am proud of them. I bought a medal rack and hope to fill it and need another. But I am not a runner because of those medals, or for the stickers on my car.

I am a runner because I run. I want to have goals and work toward them and then I want new goals. There won't be a final destination, just another run to do. I think this is where it becomes about the self. My medals, shirts, stickers are for me. I can't be motivated by what others think of those things. That doesn't matter. Because even without any of those things if I lace up my shoes and head out the door I am a runner. And it is the running itself that has the most meaning for me.

Very well said. It isn't about anything but the running. All of the other stuff is just gravy. It may have helped us get started but it isn't what keeps most of us going.

WOW. That is ... just ... unacceptable. Princess is on my list, just because I think I want to do all of them at least once, but wow.

I found most of you on the thread for Marathon weekend 2016 and that was the first time I experienced the running community. I don't think ... in fact I know ... I wouldn't have stuck with running or have gotten into it as much as I have if it wasn't because of you all. I had a few friends that run, but we don't "talk" running. We just sign up for races together and have breakfast after the fact (lol). Reading, responding, getting advice from runners at all different phases really opened my eyes. And it has been great.

June Totals
Total Miles: 38.8
Average Pace: 14:41/mi

The number of miles is decent considering the time off I've taken do to injury. The pace is down (May was 12.37), so that really shows my injury I think. At least I know I wasn't crazy. I felt like I was slower, but didn't know why. I'm feeling pretty good, but taking it easy. I'm most sore in the morning now ... maybe that's when the Advil wears off. LOL I'm determined to wait a full 3 weeks before doing any kind of jogging/running.

The most interesting thing I found by pulling these numbers is my yearly total though. Right now it's at 273.9 miles. All of 2015 was 302.1! Now THAT is progress!!

First, great job on the improvement in the mileage YTD. Keep up the good work.

I am glad you found us and if I was even a small part in helping you than I am very happy to help. If not, I hope I will help at some point in the future.

You bring up a good point and I agree with for the most part. for rD races, unless you are in the first corral or two, it's difficult to race at a PR level simply due to the large number of people involved. I wouldn't scoff at running a Disney race, but I know unless things come up my way, these races are definitely more for the experience rather than a time.

This is rather sad and pathetic. Even walking these women could make the finish line. It's one thing to stop because of injury or illness, but to just give up at the half way point is mind numbing. Princess Weekend is probably the least event I'd like to do, but it's very likely the only other rD event I can do (outside of Marathon Weekend). However, part of me feels like I need to see these battle royals and trash talking. It also helps that I'm a male too... Or maybe that doesn't help.

I cannot stand phony people. I know it shouldn't bother me, but people like the person you referred to in your post drive me absolutely nuts! Those people are a very small percentage of people, but it's rather sad they take no pride in their activities and rather enjoy the few minutes of attention or the "Likes" and comments on FB. Truly perplexing.

Yeah, phony people bother me too. I am the same person all the time, love me or hate me. I don't change who I am for anyone. So when I see someone who never mentioned the word Disney suddenly professing to be a HUGE Disney fan, or running all these Disney races, etc... it bothers/bothered me. But I finally accepted it for what it was, a person with such low self esteem that she needs to lie to be accepted. I just need to learn to accept it this easily in all situations.

QOTD: Bike: 80.00
Run: 54.27

The numbers aren't staggering but they are both an improvement over last month. For obvious reasons I couldn't push to hard. I also had to take a week off while waiting to meet with the doctor, so overall I am happy with the results. I wanted more miles on the bike but I got a flat mid ride the other day and haven't had a chance to get a new tube.
QOTD: Its the end of the month and time to post your monthly mileage! If you swim or bike, feel free to include that information as well.

Had to get that last run in before I could post my June totals! :)

Training Report
Running Miles - 77.95
Running Time - 13:32:57
Average Running Pace - 10:21 min/mile

This was a transitional month. I finally let go of the run/walk method I was using to rehab and returned to full running. July starts my marathon training plan so the mileage will ramp up pretty quickly from here. Looking forward to seeing how my body responds to the increased mileage here through the heat of the summer.
BuckeyeBama, must be ripped, right? 163 miles and P90X, do you have any body fat?
I am 49 years old, so being ripped isn't the goal. But I'm happy with what I see when I look in the mirror, and that is all that matters in that regard, right? But I exercise for different reasons. Men in my family tend to die young, and I want to ensure that I manage the things within my control to avoid that. So I manage stress and my health every day. I try to eat right, I exercise and I get enough sleep.
This was a transitional month. I finally let go of the run/walk method I was using to rehab and returned to full running.
This happened for me in June - about half of my runs no longer include walk breaks, and my walk breaks are now limited to one minute per mile run, so I am getting there. I feel so much better when I can just run. Walk breaks are important when building strength after an injury, but for me they make the shorter runs feel longer.

I have to admit, walk breaks make long runs more fun. I will probably keep using the one minute/mile breaks on runs longer than 10 miles. I just feel like I feel stronger at the end of those runs when I take the walk breaks but, more importantly, I enjoy those runs more when I take the walk breaks. For some reason, I stay more loose and seem to enjoy everything more - the trail, the scenery, other people who I come across - everything.
Heart rate folks! I know this was recently covered, but what site or formula do you use to figure out the different zones? TIA
I calculate my own resting heart rate and max heart rate, enter them into my Garmin and let the Garmin do the rest for me.
Just noticed that I wasn't alone doing the BAA 10k on Sunday!! I wish I had known so I could've said hello!!
So run at like 6:00 in morning when it's 66 with 100% humidity or in the afternoon when it's 88 with 37% humidity?? Thoughts?
I have chosen to get up earlier this season and run with the humidity just to avoid the sun. But that means that I have to run through a lot of fog on some of my morning trail runs, which can be hairy.
As a new runner and new race runner....

Would anyone be willing to share some race etiquette with me? I'm guessing it's just general common sense stuff, how I feel like with every sport I've played there's a few "unspoken" rules that everyone needs to know or will eventually learn :)

I try my best to do the right thing, but I don't wanna be "that person" you're walking about after the race! Hahaha
As a new runner and new race runner....

Would anyone be willing to share some race etiquette with me? I'm guessing it's just general common sense stuff, how I feel like with every sport I've played there's a few "unspoken" rules that everyone needs to know or will eventually learn :)

I'll start with an easy one. Thank all of the volunteers you encounter during the race. If it wasn't for them, these races wouldn't happen, so when you are handed a cup of water, thank the person giving it to you for being out there to help support you.
This happened for me in June - about half of my runs no longer include walk breaks, and my walk breaks are now limited to one minute per mile run, so I am getting there. I feel so much better when I can just run. Walk breaks are important when building strength after an injury, but for me they make the shorter runs feel longer.

I have to admit, walk breaks make long runs more fun. I will probably keep using the one minute/mile breaks on runs longer than 10 miles. I just feel like I feel stronger at the end of those runs when I take the walk breaks but, more importantly, I enjoy those runs more when I take the walk breaks. For some reason, I stay more loose and seem to enjoy everything more - the trail, the scenery, other people who I come across - everything.

My feeling on the run/walk intervals is mixed. I also find the breaks keep my legs fresher overall and will probably keep using them for challenges at runDisney race weekends. The problem I had was that I can tend to get obsessive at times and I would end up worrying less about enjoying the run and more about "when's my next walk break?" That being said, they were a great mechanism for rehabbing my injury. They allowed for a nice, progressive increase of load on the legs. I started at 0:30/2:00 and ramped them up slowly as my legs showed they could take it up to a 5:00/0:30 ratio when I let them go. It was a 6 month or so process. Ultimately, though, I like fully running because I can set my pace, put my brain on autopilot, and just cruise through the miles. The intervals always seemed to jar me out of that zone when I had to change between them.

I calculate my own resting heart rate and max heart rate, enter them into my Garmin and let the Garmin do the rest for me.

Ideally, that's how it should work if the Garmin is set up correctly. Unfortunately, the 235s have their zones completely out of whack when they come from the factory. For example, Zone 5 on mine was automatically set to 70-92% of HRR. That's pretty much all of Zones 3, 4 and 5 lumped into it! I don't know which model you have, but you may want to take a quick look at its zone settings just to make sure they're set up right.
As a new runner and new race runner....

Would anyone be willing to share some race etiquette with me? I'm guessing it's just general common sense stuff, how I feel like with every sport I've played there's a few "unspoken" rules that everyone needs to know or will eventually learn :)

I try my best to do the right thing, but I don't wanna be "that person" you're walking about after the race! Hahaha

I'll give it a shot with a few of the "rules of the road" that I have picked up and seen violated the most:

1. If you run/walk (or just walk), do your walk intervals on the right side of path to allow faster folks past.
2. If you run/walk, put your hand up before you slow to your walking interval so runners behind you don't run over you or have to dodge on short notice.
3. If you are with a group (or even just similarly paced folks), don't spread out in a line across the path. This keeps faster runners from passing and is very aggravating.
4. Keep your elbows in when you run. Nobody wants to get popped by a flailing elbow.
5. When coming up on a slower runner in a congested area, give an "on your left" heads up as you get ready to pass. Note: I'm bad about not following this one.
6. Not sure if it's a rule or not (but it should be): When coming to a water station, get ready before the station. I don't know how many times I've been cut off (and actually run into) by someone veering over for a cup at the last second. After the station, make sure of where you're tossing your cup. I've gotten half a cup of water poured down my leg by someone who didn't look before they tossed.

A lot of it really just comes down to being courteous to the other runners around you and not running like you're on the sidewalk alone at home! Everyone is trying to have a fun time out there and most of the issues that I have seen come from people worried exclusively about "their" fun and experience without regard to the thousands of people around them.
I've gotten half a cup of water poured down my leg by someone who didn't look before they tossed.

Every. Single. Race. Plus the lady who spit her water behind her. On me. Twice! Wearing headphones and completely oblivious. So there is another etiquette rule - If you wear headphones, don't listen to your music so loud that you can't hear the people around you. Or just wear them in one ear. :)
QOTD: Its the end of the month and time to post your monthly mileage! If you swim or bike, feel free to include that information as well.
July Swim/Bike/Run Totals

Swim - 32,000m (1:49/100m)
Bike - 392 miles (20mph)
Run - 131 miles (7:57/mile)

46+ hours of activity...and somehow managed to celebrate my 16th wedding anniversary. I have a good woman :)

Going to see a mileage spike this coming month with my Ironman just 7 weeks out :boat::moped::tiptoe:
So run at like 6:00 in morning when it's 66 with 100% humidity or in the afternoon when it's 88 with 37% humidity?? Thoughts?

I would go with lower temp and higher humidity even though I have come to realize that humidity does affect me a good amount. For some reason, the runs always seem more comfortable in the morning with lower temperatures, plus not having the sun pound down on me is huge.
June Training Report

Running Miles - 215.28 miles (215 scheduled)
Running Time - 30:52:59 (30:58:57 scheduled)
Average Running Pace - 8:36 min/mile

it was questionable if I was going to hit 100% of my mileage because of a lightening storm tonight, but it just gave me extra motivation to finish it fast and well. Success!
You are CRUSHING it @DopeyBadger ...that's a huge month and some great paces too :thumbsup2
@Keels These stories are fascinating! Kind of like going down the k hole of Mike Rossi and Kip Litton. Even Paul Ryan lied about his marathon time! The NYtimes recently did a story about a triathlete who cheated and had her Kona invitation revoked. Then at Tink this year, there were several course cutters, some of whom had to be chased down by the bicycle escorts. Not sure what my point is, but the psychology of what makes people lie and the lengths they go to propagate the lie as well as how people sleuth them out if really interesting.

I agree that I cannot wrap my brain around why people would lie or cheat with running just to get a medal or bragging rights? But I'm the kind of person who willingly will post about my terrible races as freely as my great ones. And I don't hold back telling people when I had a bad run or decided a distance just wasn't for me yet. I'll also post embarassing pictures of me caught by marathofoto because I think it's funny. I appreciate when posters here share their milestones and victories but I also really appreciate when someone posts something that didn't go well that I can learn from and relate to. So, yeah, the lying I don't understand.
And now a rambling tangent: I think it is very important in the culture of instagram and twitter and facebook where people can spend hours doctoring perfect images of snapshots in time that there are people also sharing their defeats, their real un-filtered experiences, their human quirks, their burnt dinners along with all the pretty pictures and perfect stories (I love those too, don't get me wrong!) I hope my daughter can grow up knowing she doesn't have to be perfect...because it will make those times when she earns something great with hard work all the sweeter for her.

As a new runner and new race runner....

Would anyone be willing to share some race etiquette with me? I'm guessing it's just general common sense stuff, how I feel like with every sport I've played there's a few "unspoken" rules that everyone needs to know or will eventually learn :)

I try my best to do the right thing, but I don't wanna be "that person" you're walking about after the race! Hahaha

I like everything everyone else has posted. I would add that if you run/walk...start your race with a run interval. Seems intuitive but I've seen people do the opposite and it gets clogged up.
Also, if you want to pose for a photographer on course while running or walking...make sure you don't whip your hand or legs out into another runner. Never happened to me but I hear about it all the time :)


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