The Running Thread - 2016

Hope y'all stay safe up in the storm.areas. I will run after work. Have to now after everyone has said how cold it is where you are at. It is 71 with a light rain here.
I missed out on the bucket race list so I'll answer now...

I would love to do Ragnar Key West one year as Key West just might be my favourite spot in the world. I'll add that in order for it to be 'bucket-list worthy' it needs to be run with a bunch of crazy runners from these boards...we can call ourselves "The Dad-Bod Squad". Of course any of the lovely ladies that post on here would be welcome as well, they would just have to admit that they are fans of Dad-Bods :love1:
I missed out on the bucket race list so I'll answer now...

I would love to do Ragnar Key West one year as Key West just might be my favourite spot in the world. I'll add that in order for it to be 'bucket-list worthy' it needs to be run with a bunch of crazy runners from these boards...we can call ourselves "The Dad-Bod Squad". Of course any of the lovely ladies that post on here would be welcome as well, they would just have to admit that they are fans of Dad-Bods :love1:

But this year's race was canceled because they were denied the race permit, so we'll see if Ragnar Florida Keys makes a comeback.
OOOoooooh I'm liking this thread! Something to help with the post-Dopey feeling of blah.

I haven't signed up to many races this year so far (mostly due to me keeping an eye on a tight IT band) but fingers crossed in the next couple of weeks I can add to my list.

May 28th - Liverpool R n R 5k
May 29th - Liverpool R n R Half Marathon (Remix and Encore Challenge)

Hope you're okay with adding UK races to the list, hopefully I'll be adding a few more soon! I'm always so jealous of you americans and your running medals, its not quite a thing in the UK to be so elaborate and mine are all a bit boring (my Disney ones are by far the biggest and shiniest!) I'm hopefully gonna get out to Orlando at some point this year and next year and when I do I want suggestions for races - I'm quite flexible with when I come out (just not the height of summer, too may tourists :) ) so if theres any good ones let me know, including non-disney ones. I've had my eye on space coast for a while now, but I know sign up to the half is crazy.
I have a bunch of races I'd like to do this year, but only a few I have committed to due to uncertainty with my husbands work travel schedule. One race, the TD Beach to Beacon is very hard to get into, so I am hoping for that, but it doesn't open until March.

So far I am planning on:
DVCfan1994 - Princess 5k, 2/19/16, WDW, NG (doing with DD7)
DVCfan1994 - Enchanted 10k, WDW, 2/20/16, NG
DVCfan1994 - PHM, WDW, 2/21/16, NG
DVCfan1994 - North Shore 10 Miler, 4/24/16, under 1:35
DVCfan1994 - Big Lake Half Marathon, 5/7/16, 2:15
DVCfan1994 - TD Beach to Beacon 10k, 8/6/16, NG

My main goal for the year is to do a fall marathon. I had hoped to be ready this spring, but some major health issues in my family have had an unfortunate impact on my training, so I'll be going into PHM weekend undertrained. I haven't decided which fall full to target yet. I have gotten some good recommendations for races here in New England, though my secret hope would be to do Marine Corps. I lived in DC for over 10 years, and love that area. I hope to have most things settled down so I can be ready in the spring to start really working toward a full. I may try for MCM registration, depending on how I feel PHM and how my father's health/recovery are going.

QOTD: What race is on your bucket list?

ATTQOTD: Marine Corps Marathon is one I would like to do when the kid/kids are a little older to enjoy all the area has to offer. So its a ways off for the time being.

Dopey. I had been hoping for Dopey 2017, but sadly my kids and husband are getting sick of Disney, so we are going to limit it to 1x a year for the next few years and branch out a bit. We have a Disney wedding in June of 2017, so that makes January a no go. That leaves me looking at Dopey 2018 with everyone else...

1/22/16 QOTD: Do you display running items in your house or office? If so, give us a description of your set up.

ATTQOTD: Yes to both. At my office I have a medal hanger with the quote in my signature box. It holds only 9 items and I place all my marathon medals (except Boston 2013) a few half marathon medals and a very unique one from the 10 nautical mile race I did a few years ago. I also won a 2nd place overall trophy for a small 5k I did last year that sits in my office. At home I have a old LSU shower (fabric) curtain that hangs on my shed door. (Real classy lol) I hang all my race bibs and extra medals on it. I usually write my finish time and date on each bib on the back of them.

No, no display at all. All in my nightstand drawer. I said I would do something after getting my Coast to Coast in November at Avengers, but, alas, they all remain in the drawer...
Looks like I am pushing today's run back till tomorrow and longish run to Sunday.

For those who added races this afternoon I will add them to the list on Monday. I have the main list on my work PC and only worked half a day today. If you posted a list and I haven't liked your post yet, it isn't because I'm ignoring you, it's my waypoints reminding my self you aren't on the main list in the OP.
Upcoming races for this year:
5/1 - Colorado Half Marathon
9/3-4 - Dumbo Double Dare

QOTD: My medals are also in my nightstand drawer. If it's something special, like my first half or placing in my age group (which happens infrequently at smaller 5ks), I'll hang the medal on the bulletin board in the kitchen like I used to do with my kids' special achievements.
The finishers medal is just really cool IMO. The race is ran in Millington TN early June. 10 nautical miles is ~11.5 mile and the course runs near the navy's horses (There is a better term for this) and part of the race also runs in the base itself. It was just a different experience for me altogether. This is not my picture, I ran the race in 2014 but the medal is the same minus year and time it being ran.

A couple in our running group did this race. They tried to get us to do it with them but we had other plans that weekend we couldn't change. It sounded like a really cool race.
Hope y'all stay safe up in the storm.areas. I will run after work. Have to now after everyone has said how cold it is where you are at. It is 71 with a light rain here.
Sometimes I worry that I'm going to be in heat shock or something all through the Princess Half. My body won't be able to handle the warmth.
@roxymama! I'm thinking about the Flying Pig 3-Way as well! One of my best guy friends and his family live in Cincy and it would be a great chance to see them again.
This looks like fun!

Upcoming races for me:
Phoenix Half marathon Feb 27th 2016, goal time of <3:15
Star wars Dark side half marathon April no goal time, just looking to have fun for this one
USAF half marathon Sept 19th-20th weekend goal time of 3:10 if possible. This race is where i hold my current PR of 3:11, so I think I can shave another minute off my time if I push hard to train this summer.

After that I am hoping for WDW half again next year, and considering the Tucson half in december if I feel up to it.(can get the time off work)
1/22/16 QOTD: Do you display running items in your house or office? If so, give us a description of your set up.

Not much in my office. I have a white board that I keep my goal times for upcoming races on and a small runDisney Sticker. My wallpapers on iPad and desktop are Dopey Challenge. At home in my bedroom I have a medal rack I purchased last year and hang my medals on it. Eventually I want to do something with my bibs, just not sure what.
So, who is running today with the crazy weather across the country? Our high in Baton Rouge is 47 today and current wind chill is in the lower 30's because of this 20 mph wind. Going to be cold all weekend. Maybe if I could just run a route today with the wind at my back and have someone pick me up at the end...

Completed my "long run" for the week today. It was 18 degrees when I headed out the door. Great run in the crisp air. Thankfully no wind so it was actually a great run. And since I am training for a Half the long run this week is only 10 miles.
The finishers medal is just really cool IMO. The race is ran in Millington TN early June. 10 nautical miles is ~11.5 mile and the course runs near the navy's horses (There is a better term for this) and part of the race also runs in the base itself. It was just a different experience for me altogether. This is not my picture, I ran the race in 2014 but the medal is the same minus year and time it being ran.


What?! I'm in Nashville and would totally drive over to run that race. That sounds really cool!! And look at that shiny medal :rolleyes:
No run today but planning 6 for tomorrow. We've had ice and snow and frigid temps so I haven't been out at all this week. Getting stir crazy. :crazy:
QOTD: What is your favorite coffee or morning beverage?

ATTQOTD: Red Bull. Terrible choice I know. Starting Monday I plan on giving them up to help drop a few pounds.


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