The Official Cheerleader Thread.. started by Cherry


Apr 23, 2000
DIS Veteran

From: Virginia
Registered: 09-09-99
Posts: 349
Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad Thread

Okay, it seems like there are a lot of us pin survivor cheerleaders out here, and it's time we have a thread of our own. I think this adventure is going to be a lot of fun for everyone, so we might as well jump in, too. Maybe we need a name for the cheerleading squad and some clip art to use in our signature. We could make up cheers for each team or for individual team members once we find out what their official names are. What do you guys think?
Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad

If you're not a Pin Survivor team member, then you're eligible for the cheerleading squad, so please join in -- the more the merrier, as they say.


DIS Veteran

From: St. Louis Park, MN, USA
Registered: 10-16-00
Posts: 82
Sounds good to me

I think that sounds like a fine plan. Count me in and keep me posted. Meanwhile I will be dusting off the old pom pom's.

Lyricl on pin pics
aka Ann Highway 7

DIS Veteran

From: Austin TX
Registered: 03-07-00
Posts: 513
Good Idea!

It would be hard for me to pick sides, so I'll cheer on ALL the fine folks on Pin Survivor teams ;-)


DIS Veteran

From: Virginia Beach, VA USA
Registered: 08-19-99
Posts: 720
I always wanted to be a cheerleader, but I was too tall ~ LOL! You don't have any maximum height restrictions for this team, do you Cherry?


DIS Veteran

From: Virginia
Registered: 09-09-99
Posts: 349
Guess what, Sorcerer, you are the PERFECT height for this squad. Climb on up in the bleachers with the rest of us and enjoy the view.


DIS Veteran

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 11-13-00
Posts: 199
May I join the cheering section? I know the TV version of Survivor very well! Can I bring something special California-wise to the section?

DIS Veteran

From: Virginia
Registered: 09-09-99
Posts: 349
I for one am very glad you're here dizneepintrader, because I've never actually seen Survivor. So far from the other thread Robin suggested bringing sunscreen, hats, and the AK water bottles with the fan. Duckfan has kindly offered to provide us all Dole whip and kakigoris (does anyone know what kakigoris is?). Now we may have a conflict of interest problem there, though, since Duckfan is on a team. We wouldn't want to be seen as being bought off with Dole whip before the games even begin.
So does anyone else have suggestions for things we're going to need to be nice and comfy up in the bleachers -- and can we accept the Dole whip and kakigoris?

Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad



From: Virginia
Registered: 09-21-99
Posts: 1244
Anyone think that a pregnant cheerleader might look a little funny????
Sue Ellen

DIS Veteran

From: Delray Beach, Fl.
Registered: 06-16-00
Posts: 714
Cherry, the dole whips and that other stuff is a good idea, however, I think it would be unethical to accept it from one of the Survivor members, so I'll bring the sunscreen, hats and water bottle fans, who can bring the liquids??
SueEllen, naaaa you can either direct from your seat in the bleachers or we'll make sure to get you a cheerleading outfit that's very full!

Robin - Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad


Chat Hosts

From: Richmond, VA
Registered: 04-23-00
Posts: 1969
Hey Guys
I was thinking we could get you a special Survivor Cheerleader graphic. Anyone interested? If so I will scout around tonight for one!


DIS Veteran

From: Virginia
Registered: 09-09-99
Posts: 349
I think a cheerleader graphic would be great. We are a very diverse group. So far we have members from MN, TX, VA, CA, FL -- we have a tall one, a pregnant one, an old one and a fat one (the last two are both me) -- so I'm not sure what kind of graphic would best represent this interesting group, but if anyone can find something for us, it would be you, Lauri (or was it Matthew).
Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad


PinPics Pixie Queen

From: Melbourne, FL USA next to the Disney Cruise terminal
Registered: 05-18-00
Posts: 993
Just got to get on for 60 seconds tonight.

ME too me too me too. Give us an S-
Give us an U-Give us a V-V-V Give us an I, another V-ORS Yeas Survivors.
Chanting pin hunt pin hunt pin hunt. Bleachers are fun !!!!!

DH won't let me post to another thread he said choose one and go. So this is the one !!!!



Chat Hosts

From: Richmond, VA
Registered: 04-23-00
Posts: 1969
How about assorted Disney characters in cheerleader outfits?
And it's


DIS Veteran

From: LaPorte, Indiana USA
Registered: 06-21-00
Posts: 354
Count me in, I ready to cheer!! Give me an S, give me a U, give me an R......

Hey, do you think we should have a pin for this too? It could be a Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad...Team Member!!!

Go Team.


Welcomed Guest

From: White Marsh, MD
Registered: 03-17-01
Posts: 60
Count me in....I always wanted to be a cheerleader but didn't fit the uniform!!



DIS Veteran

From: Virginia
Registered: 09-09-99
Posts: 349
Matthew, Disney characters in cheerleader outfits sounds good to me -- how about the rest of you?
Love your pin idea, Iris.
Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad


DIS Veteran

From: Delray Beach, Fl.
Registered: 06-16-00
Posts: 714
Matthew, Disney characters in cheerleading outfits is a wonderful idea!!!
Cherry, the last two describe me too.... so we'll just share them okay LOL

Iris, I love the idea of a pin!! But then I guess we would huh!

Robin - Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad


DIS Veteran

From: Merrifield, VA USA
Registered: 11-20-99
Posts: 210
I'm not really sure how I feel about this - but while I'm sorting out my thoughts, I do know that I can't let you all just sit there cheering and starving. So I'v made a med. rare tenderloin, sliced it nicely, and brought rolls, romain, sliced tomatos, horseradish sauce and mustird. Make some sandwiches and enjoy them with the iced tea.

PinPics Pixie Queen

From: Melbourne, FL USA next to the Disney Cruise terminal
Registered: 05-18-00
Posts: 993
okay where the line for

the old fat gals uniforms? ROFL Good idea Matt I like it. I'm making pom poms what colors do we use? Do the teams have colors??? Should I just put all colors in for every team?
Glad you guys liked the cheerleading idea. This could be a WHOLE lot more fun. We can't be voted out!!!



DIS Veteran

From: Delray Beach, Fl.
Registered: 06-16-00
Posts: 714
Kath, and we don't have to eat bugs either!!
Robin - Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad

OMG!!! did you guys see Jeff's thread?

There will be countless people watching your every move. They will form your destiny. These onlookers have an enormous job ahead of them. They will identify the challenges you will face, provide input to your adventure, and ultimately they will vote to decide your fate.

Does that mean what I think it does?



I Thought the Old, Fat person was me.

I am here to sign up for the cheerleading squad. I will be M.I.A. for a couple days, but I think that will be okay.
I thought the old, fat person you were talking about was me.

I want a Cheerleading Outfit and I want a Pin.



Did I hear "old and fat?" Oh baby, I found the right thread.
I've sat through countless cheerleader competitions for my daughter. It's about time that I got to shake something of my own.

So, when do we get to start voting? I want everyone on the teams to know that I accept bribes.




ohhh I hope I am not too late to get a seat!

I was always in the marching band so I never got to be a cheerleader. Count me in but don't make me pick a specific team. I want to be the best ALL AROUND cheerleader. My DD watches Survivor so I will get some tips from her. Oh and there is a KYian still alive ( Roger ).
Oh PS..
Don't tell my daughter that I am a cheerleader. She is a soccer player and their motto is:
Friends don't let friends be cheerleaders.




What bank was it you said to wire the money to again?



You guys are totally cracking me up about the old and fat thing - and I thought I was the only one. Thanks for making me feel better.
Kathryn, I'm so glad you're making pom poms, I can't wait to see how we all look with our uniforms and pom poms.
JudySue - thanks for the refreshments, from the way we're describing ourselves, it might take a lot of that tenderloin, though.
Have any of the teams announced their names yet. We've got to get working on some cheers!



Oooo me too! NC cheerleader checking in! I guess I'm not that old, but I do feel fat!! I should probably be the disney character with all the little people hanging off her shirt! Maybe Snow White and the 4 dwarfs or the cartoon where Pluto has all those chicks thinking he is their momma LOL! (Of course thining of Eeyore in a cheerleading outfit gives me the giggles!)
I haven't been a cheerleader since 19- since 9th grade!



Can I join your squad too. I will fit right in with the old and fat. Just ask JJ.
Give me an O, give me a L, give me a D,D,D
Give me a F, give me an A, give me a T,T,T

Mary Jo



Just a disclaimer

We are accepting young thin guys and gals too. Somebodys' gotta do all that jumping around! I just here to shake my pom-poms and chant out cheers. Oh and to lend support in a non-pyramid sor of way.
Oh MZDavis the name of that bank is the First National of Pinville. Account holder name Traci Trader. minimum deposits accepted are 5 pins!

PomPoms are purple, gold, red, blue, black, red, orange, green.
This should support an orange/purple team gold/purple team, gold/red, gold/black, black/red,. Well you get the picture. Teams color could add a lot to the strategy?!



Hooray I made the team! Judy Sue you are making me HUNGRY!!
Let's see, I'll bring some saltwater air, beach sunshine and beverages with insulated huggies to keep the cops from, to keep the drinks cold, yeah, that's what I meant! LOL

And Cherry, kakigoris are the frozen treats you can get in Japan. They are shaved ice with flavored syrup - yum!

I'm taking bribes too - so far the best one I've gotten is an offer to help me move!



Let me be the first to shamelessly beg for the support of team #3 from this wonderful, lovely, beautiful, intelligent group of cheerleaders.. umm.. did I say beautiful? yes.. check.. got that covered
Seriously.. we would love a cheering squad for team 3!

Go Lauri, Leslie, Lisa, Mike, Eric and Debbie!



You guys are gonna get me fired!! I'm sitting here at work laughing my you know what off!
Robin - Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad



Can I be a cheerleader too?
I was always on things like the math and science teams...never thought sports was that big a deal. Then I married a jock!! Ah..

Anyway! I'd like us all to reconsider this bribe thing. I think the bribes could sort of be like immunities .

I'm definitely bribable (is that a word?).


Oh, and GO Jeff!

We really should cheer for the esteemed creator of our past time!

P.S. I'm from OHIO! Add another state to that list!

Jan & Tom



I can yell

a lot, but my jumps and splits have been inoperative for about 20 years..go teams!
Rah Rah Sis boom bah..



Thanks, MJ..Cherry...Kathryn.EVERYONE!

My kids are just positive you wrote that O & F cheer with me in mind! After one of them read this thread last night, the subject of my cheerleading days came up.
Rolling On the Floor Laughing was suddenly driven from it's abbreviated version on e-mails and posts as DS and DD restored it to it's full glory! Our in-house "Lil Monsters" were even still guffawing this morning. They probably spent the night picturing me caught mid-way through an attempt at the splits, suddenly unable to move either up OR down.

Rolling on the Floor Laughing

What can I make that will pass for rat tail soup or better yet, PBBJ's (peanut butter, BUGS, and Jelly)? Heh, heh, heh...wanna take odds on how fast they can make it from the table to under their beds w/doors locked behind them?

Matthew, I've also been searching for you...should have known, shame on you! And attempting to bribe Regina, too? You'll get us in SUCH trouble with the MAN IN THE DIAMONDBACKS HAT...

(DRUM ROLL PLEASE...Team One has changed it's call signals!) WE are now:


RAH, RAH, RAH...right back at all of you! You guys and this thread are a great diversion as I bite off every nail waiting to see what perilous predicaments THE HAT has in mind! What a fun group you are

Can't wait to see you in your funky Disney duds, (will Sue Ellen be our Daisy?) punching out encouragement with Kathryn's pom-poms. They sound spectacular!

Gimme a T, gimme an H, gimme an A, gimme an N, gimme a K, gimme an S!


PS..Regina, Matthew did take down all your info correctly, right? Just checking.



I am so excited to be a part of what has to a larger-than-any-of-the-official-teams team! I'm bringing with me:
1. My vast knowledge of the original Survivor

2. The Disneyland sunshine (I know, I know, Florida's got it's own great sunshine - but ours is the original!)

3. An old desire to have been a cheerleader (I was practicing to try-out, but my grades slipped, so I dropped out before the try-outs) and my not-so-young-but-not-so-old and not-anything-like-a-cheerleader body (which, BTW, I am working on extensively to reduce, so who knows!)

And perhaps most importantly ---

4. A new knowledge of making sour apple martinis!

Where's the cheese soup?



Bribes? I like to be bribed! Do you think the survivor teams are reading this? Perhaps they would make us some pins for our cheerleading squad!!
Hey, can I be a formally Fat gal who has been on weight watchers since February? Sorry, I have lost quite a bit. Would love to do all the jumping around now because I actually can!!!

Go teams! (we can be bribed)



Lady Kat

Me too..Finally after all these years May I be a cheerleader too ? I'm old and I'm clumsy (will try not to fall out of the bleachers with laughter) and I can yell (cheer) real loud (according to my DH). Love all the ideas so far..our own charcter outfits, colors, great food,but most of all I love the spirit of all on this board..those "playing" the game..those of us cheering..and those of you observing from behind the secenes..



Okay Iris...

we're here for all takers. The name of your pin depository should do it..and how many will it take?



Wow, the compliments and bribe offers are just rolling in. What to do?! Do we stick together and show our support for all the teams equally, being totally impartial and unbribable (nah!), do we split up into groups, each one choosing which team to root for? Do we stay like we are having a great time, switching our allegiance at the drop of a diamondbacks hat -- supporting whoever provides the most entertainment and the best bribes? Hmmmm, I kind of like that one.
What a great group!!! Kathryn, I love the pompoms, you couldn't have picked better colors! Iris, it's okay if you lost weight, you can still stay on the team. We're letting Jonie stay and she's thin and tall, (and young, too)! We love you anyway! You guys do the jumping and the rest of us can do the yelling along with Suzanneb and shaking pom poms with Kathryn. You still have to do MJ's O & F cheer, though!

Give me an O, give me a L, give me a D,D,D
Give me a F, give me an A, give me a T,T,T

By the way, Kathryn, don't you think we could do the pyramid if we stay on the bottom and put the young ones on the top? I'm still pretty strong!

Love all the stuff you're bringing for us dizneepintrader, I'm looking forward to checking out the California sunshine -- how could we have forgotten the cheese soup! Gotta have that.

Pinvincible what a great name. Okay, I'm rambling.

Rah, rah sis boom bah, go teams go!

Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad
Eeyore's Pal

If you want old, fat, semi-decrepit cheerleaders . . . I'm your poster girl!
Oh, well. Maybe I'm starting a new trend. . . Old, fat, semi-decrepit survivor participants!



Ok, so I was told that my
(Ellen, Ellen) (she's) our (gal), if (she) can't do it...

was too here's the new version:
(Ellen, Ellen) (she's) our (gal), if (she) can't do it....

Check the bribes list, maybe (she) can stay anyway!!


I am NOT going to bribe you (but remember all the hard work I do getting pins for some of you) cuz I know you will do your best to cheer on everyone, even the contestants that are not on the "GREAT" team 2. I know you will cheer your little hearts out and shake those little POMPOMs for us all. FYI...........I refuse to eat anything disgusting.
also known as Elizabeth (no last name)
New alias.........Ms.Mad



LOL Kathi!!! I love the new cheer. Hey, can we follow it closely by.....
Bribes, bribes, we take bribes!!



Cherry, you are my new best friend for calling me thin!
And Iris...I saw you in October, what weight could you have possibly had to lose???!! You must be invisible when you turn sideways now

I made cheese soup Sunday night...if someone will give me a lift up to the bleachers I'll start dishing out the leftovers



Sorcerer - If you've got cheese soup, here's a boost!
I vote for not rooting for any one team, but go with the flow and vote for whoever's winning at any particular moment! Fair weather cheerleaders with their own best pin interests at heart! LOL.



Fickle Alliances
-I definitely think we should keep our options open (bribes are good). Also you can add me to the old and fat cheerleader section. However, I'll be jumping in my mind cause there I am young and thin.



Ah Jonie, you saw me in October but didn't see me after the holidays-yikes!!! With a trip to WDW in December and then the Christmas season I looked like a blowfish in the little mermaid scene. I might finally be where I was before which is more or less how I was in October. No where near what you are at but hey, I am still working on it!!! Of course, the cheese soup will not help much but you only live once.
Go Teams (we can be bribed!!!)



You cheerleaders are looking so uncomfortable up there on those hard bleachers..
On behalf of Team 3 please accept these plush Lazyboy Recliners with vibrating massaging foot rests to watch the games by.. now remember.. that was team 3!!

(Lisa, Eric, Leslie, Mike, Debbie.. I'll email you with your share of the bill)




Hey, I think this cheerleading thing seems very, very promising. It might become a very cushy job. Thanks, Lauri! Now what other bribes, opps, I mean perks, can any of the other groups offer? Teams 1, 2 and 4?
Give me an O, give me a L, give me a D,D,D
Give me a F, give me an A, give me a T,T,T

Mary Jo



For Cheerleaders of all ages

"Look In The Mirror"
Age 8: Looks at herself and sees herself as Cinderella/Sleeping Beauty.
Age 15: Looks at herself and sees herself as Cinderella/Sleeping Beauty/Cheerleader or if she is PMS'ing: sees fat/pimples/UGLY. (Mom I can't go to school looking like this!)
Age 20: Looks at herself and sees "too fat/too thin, too/short/too tall, too straight/too curly"- but decides she's going anyway.
Age 30: Looks at herself and sees "too fat/too thin, too short/too tall, too straight/too curly" but decides she doesn't have time to fix it, so she goes anyway.
Age 40: Looks at herself and sees "too fat/ too thin, too short/to tall too straight/too curly"- but says: "At least I'm clean" and goes anyway.
Age 50: Looks at herself and sees "I am" and goes where ever she wants to.
Age 60: Looks at herself and reminds herself of all the people who can't even see themselves in the mirror anymore. Goes out and conquers the world.
Age 70: Looks at herself and sees wisdom, laughter and ability, goes out and enjoys life.
Age 80: Doesn't bother to look. Just puts on a purple hat and goes out to have fun with the world.
Go, Go, Cheerleaders!
Yea, Rah!!!
Pssttt.. Remember... Thumbs Up Team 4.
Pass it on....;)



Ooh, La-Z-Boys! This could get good.
Here's my cheer:

Give me a B, give me a I give me a G*G*G,
Give me a B, give me a U give me a T*T*T!!

I have a pitcher of Fiesta Margaritas for the cheerleaders.

For the Survivors, it's Palmetto Bugs served with a side dish of Love Bugs. Yum!




OMG, guys -- I can't stop laughing. I was eating lunch today when I read dizneepintrader's post about "fair weather cheerleaders with their own best pin interests at heart," and it struck me so funny I literally almost choked. No more eating while I read this thread!
And now Regina's new cheer has got me rolling on the floor laughing.

Hey, Lauri, the vibrating massaging foot rest was a really nice touch on these chairs!

Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad


room on bleachers?

I just got home from a quick Easter trip to WDW to celebrate my DH 's birthday, so I just discovered this thread ( although Pinhook and Pintrader told me about it when I saw them down there). The first thing I did when I got home (after opening a LBE!!! - thanks for the pin swap pin Peoplemover!!!!) was to turn on the computer and catch up on the new "Survivor" thread.
I would love to join the cheering section, and I will bring a box of Kazoos. We need a little more noise from the cheering section, and I thought we could punctuate the cheers with Kazoo-toots, and perhaps attempt a team song for each team! Any ideas?? Or perhaps salute those voted off with "nah, nah, nah nah, nah.(etc.)..Yeh, hey, good-by" , unless this is deemed inappropriate by the Mods.



For the Cheerleaders from TEAM 3

While you are sitting in your cushy Lazy Boys with the vibrating foot rests, how about a nice cool Strawberry Daquiri?? Picture this... a delicious drink made with that Bacardi dark rum, poured in a tall glass, topped with whipped cream and a fresh sit back and relax, courtesy of TEAM 3!!!


eye R.N.

You all are just too funny!

What a hoot! Invent a celluite cheer and I'll be up in the bleachers leading it (and wearing purple, I figure why wait till 80! )
Thanks for a good laugh.




Could the cheerleaders please furnish Team 4 a list of what are acceptable bribes, as opposed to unacceptable bribes?
It would help with our game plan!




team 4 (me) offered the first bribe and you said it was conflict of interest, now I see that Dole Whips were just not as good as Lazy Boys. I see we will have to work on it.


I know, Duckfan, I must admit I'm feeling kind of guilty now about not accepting that original bribe! I love Dole whip, too.
Welcome to the team, Penny, hope you and your husband had a wonderful time celebrating his birthday. The kazoos are a great idea - and we really do need team songs or cheers. Have any teams picked a name besides the Pinvincibles? I'm not a very creative writer -- anyone else?

Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad



Lauri..... you did remember to get the lazy boys with the build in coolers and pull out laptop table and built in internet access right???
I am going through the deepest darkest, most depressing, sad, challenging, unproductive, frustrating, defeating cycle of despair of my old fat life. I just *thought* the last seven years were impossible.
Thank you all for the fun. I will be here as long as I can be. If you do not hear from me I didn't go away mad, I just went away, but somehow I'll b back.
who knew when I posted to JJs thread


alas LFG you and I will be sitting on the sidelines rooting for hmmm for whom will I cheer? Gotta wait to see who all the other contestants are. Are there alternates Jeff?

that we could imagine to have more fun on the sidelines with so many of us? I thought Linda and I would be sitting there all alone. Willy, nilly, silly old fatgal. LOL What a board!! Between the tears for Lauri/Lacy, Lori/Tiffany/Aunt Syliva, and others and the laughter from this one thread alone. I couldn't imagine taking the "moments" in my life to another forum and expecting the wonderful people there to "feel" for me the way we do for one another guys.
Thank you all for making me laugh, when I really don't feel like it. Thanks for accepting me with all my problems and thanks for the pina colatas, vibrating LazyBoys, sunshine, bribe pins and ??? I need you guys.

Gave you a B, gave you an I gave you a G*G*G,
Gave you a B, gave you a U gave you T*T*T!!
brought to you by the letters O,L,D & F,A,T
Give me an O, give me a L, give me a D,D,D
Give me a F, give me an A, give me a T,T,T




oh here's another thought!
Can the cheerleading team supply non-luxury items? bug spray, (to ward off that pin bug) first aid kit, (to bandage those thumbs punctured by pinbacks)? Hmm What else gang? Interesting idea, just WHAT WOULD we have in that First Aid kit???
Lanyards? nah pin books? why? hmmmmmmmmmm
I'm sure the PinPics Pixcies ( trying to improve our image) can help moderate any altercation as the moderators may be a bit busy with all those "other" threads on this forum.

We should have some of the kids from DizPins to come play with us. Hey DIZPINS KIDS -- COME BACK


The Strawberry Daquiris are already being supplied from Team 2.........
I assume you will have to put on your thinking caps and come up with another bribe. Wait.....the Strawberry Daquiris were not a bribe, just a friendly guesture from friends. Bribing is illegal, I wouldn't do anything like that. Not me, not the little ole Pooh lady.
also known as Elizabeth (no last name)
New alias.........Ms.Mad



Hey fellow cherrleaders, ya know, I could really go for...... hmmmm lets see...... cheese soup followed by beaver tails and maybe finish off with a Mickey ice cream bar....... Don't you ladies think that would go good with our strawberry daquiris, while we are sitting pretty in our lazy boys..... (hint, hint, hint)
Robin - Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad



Time for Nat to get it right

Nat: I did some double checking.
You always reference Cheese Soup.

Actually at Le Cellier it is known as CHEDDAR CHEESE SOUP. Actually a big hit in Wisconsin.

In the future try to get the details right.

Have to run now. Team #2 needs me. WE ARE ALL SURVIVORS------Go SURVIVAL TEAM #2 (do we have a name yet ????)



Wow, the anticipation is almost more than I can stand. It seems like it's taking that plane forever to get there. I hope they arrive soon. I love this Lazy Boy, and the refreshments are great -- but I think I need some exercise. Maybe we should do some practice cheers.
Give me an O, give me a L, give me a D,D,D
Give me a F, give me an A, give me a T,T,T
Yeah, team!!!!

Whew!! I'm winded, but that feels better.

Kathryn, it made me sad to read what a hard time you are going through, and yet you keep us laughing all the time! You are an inspiration, and I'm glad we give you some laughs, too!

I'll sit back down in my chair now and anxiously wait for the plane to land and the adventure to begin.

Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad



The plane, the plane!! It's landed!

Alright, now I'm excited!!! Not only has the plane landed, but we're in the story. And what a perfect description, "numerous elderly women who seemed to have had one to many Dole Whips sitting in Lazy Boy recliners. As the contestants walked by, several of the women attempted to dislodge themselves from the chairs but after several unsuccessful attempts, they slumped back down with a haphazard “Yeah”.
Maybe we're gonna have to work harder on our image, though -- I mean we do have a few young skinny members.

And all the teams have names now, so maybe we can figure out some kind of songs or cheers. Remember, I told you I'm not a very creative writer, but I'm sure we've got some really talented writers on the team somewhere! I'm gonna go look at the names again and see if I can come up with anything, but I'm not very hopeful on that.

But I'm really psyched that they are there and we can start cheering for real!

Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad


Thank you all for your kind private emails.

My sweetie would have preferred that I kept our problems private.
The plane landed here's who was present.

Roll Call:
Cherry aka Cherry
Lyricl aka Bobbi
suzanneb aka suzanneb
Sorcerer aka Jonie
dizneepintrader aka
SueEllen aka SueEllen
perndwler aka Robin
pintrader aka Kathryn
Iris aka
in2disny aka Connie
JudySue aka JudySue
Mickey7811 aka Darlene
dvcreg aka Regina
tennisnut aka Susan
Eeyore64 Kathi
MJ MaryJo
ladyandtramp Jan & Tom
Lady Kat
Eeyore's Pal Robyn
Mainepinpal Penny
eye R.N. Denise
Did he mention our pompoms. I've now found leopard spot material, camouflage material, giraffe spot, and six others that reminded me of Lucky Charms. black ears, white gloves, yellow shoes, red shorts, polka dotted skirt and red bows




Hey guys.....are we going to divide up and go to the 4 parks or just randomly check in on each team as a whole lazy boy chair toting gang?......


New Cheers

please remember I wrote this LATE at night!!
Wake up Mad Hat-ters, wake up (clap, clapclap)

Come on Landsharks, you can do it, just decide and get right to it/

Rolling Peaches, Rolling Peaches would rather be talking on sunny beaches!!/

6, 8, 10 dollars a pin, Go Pinvincible, win, win, win


Team 1 -- Pinvincible.
Disney/MGM Studios - Summertime Piglet pin.
Penny - - DisneyMad
Matt - MZDavis -
Jeanie - FantasMickey
Cindy - goofymom/pop
Shirley - Shirley38

Team 2 -- The Mad Hatters
The Magic Kingdom -- the Winter Pooh

Dom13 - Dominic - Sketch Book and Drawing pencil
HolyCow - Lisa - Lots of cold refreshing water.
John59 - John - "The Hat" with over 160 pins on it.
MadStrawberry - Barbara - Pin bag full of traders.
Mickey527 - Peggie - well stocked first aid kit.
Peoplemover - Amy - Her Bible.

Pin Bearer - Dom13

Team 3 -- Landsharks
EPCOT Autumn Eeyore pin

Lauri - MZDavis --
Lisa - SnoWhite --
Deb EPCOTKilterFan
Mike - Swinginevilmike -- complete copy pinpics
Leslie - BeautyLLM -Swiss army knife with:
magnifying glass-to see clues
mat cutter-good for framing
scissors-hair cut anyone?
blow torch-ya never know
decoder-in case we meet up with the "enemy"
flare gun-to send up a signal
lip stick-a gal's gotta look good, even in the Swamp-back
compartment full of rubber pinbacks
Mickey Stamper- for marking things along the way

Team 4 -- Rolling Peaches
Animal Kingdom -- Springtime Tigger pin.
-Dar20 credit card
-Mike (pinhook), bringing his pin bag
-Robyn (Eeyore's Pal) bringing 2" wide waterproof tape
-Joy (Duckfan) bringing moleskin
-Suzy (bridegrl) bringing the champagne
-Barbara (Luv2Roam) bringing cell phone and batteries

brought to you by Kathryn a proud sponser of the Pin Survivor of the Charming Cheerleaders and Lovely Lounging Ladies League.



Kathi, loved your cheers. Liked them so much I stole part of one for mine. Here's my best effort for 1 o'clock in the morning.
Team 1:
Head right out to MGM and find that Summertime Piglet pin!
Go, Pinvincible, win, win, win!

Team 2:
Go Mad Hatters to MK, grab that pin and get away.
Take old Pooh to AZJ, and you can go and hit the hay!
Go hatters!!!!!

Team 3:
Go, go Landsharks, dive right in --
Find that Autumn Eeyore pin!
Goooooo Landsharks!

Team 4:
Springtime Tigger is your goal
Peaches you are on a roll.

Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad




we're getting quite a list of cheers to pick from !! (between mouth fulls that is!!)


Did anyone bring an oyster knife? If so, may I borrow it? If not, I have to go to MGM for a few minues.



Hit the hay...Hit the hay

What kind of cheer is that! LOL
Team 2 was not sleeping mind you we were planning our strategy..(Check Dom13 message on the PinS.)
I was laughing so hard my 2 year old came over and started laughing too!
Can we have a different cheer please? I don't know though those chairs sound REAL nice! maybe a nap....hummmm



Hey all teams

Weather Channel official weather report for WDW and Central rain (of course) mid 80's with UV index 10+ on some slather on the sunscreen!!!
And watch out for brush fires..
I'm still cheering for ALL TEAMS...GO GO GO!



Okay...........for the record

The Mad Hatters are not SLEEPYHEADs, we were just resting up for our quest. I also have a time difference.........gee, no fair picking on the fruit........hehehe!



JudySue, oysters at 4:30 in the morning?! Sounds great. When you find a knife, can I have one?
Okay, guys, sounds like team 2 wants a cheer without the sleepyhead reference, anybody got one for them?

Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad



How about a good old SOUTHERN cheer!!!

Okay Team 2 Here is your cheer:
Alka Seltzer , Alka-Seltzer Fizz , Fizz, Fizz
Who's for Team 2 ????
I is, I is!!!!!!

A proud lazy boy cheese soup tote'n Cheerleader!




Another cheerleader checking in....

I have to admit, I have been cheering for Team 1 since I was covertly pulled to the team and asked for my alliance, but alas, I do not want to miss on any opportunity to take advantage of bribes, er I mean, gifts from any team.
Rumor has it Team 1 is sending one very large chocolate covered (Mad)strawberry and Dom(Perignon) for our dining pleasure.

In the meantime, I am enjoying the view in my Lazy boy while eating Dole Whip and trying to come up with a cheer to add to the growing collection.


Pinvincible's Pride, ANN, is absolutely right...

The posts are on the Pin Survivor Thread but you have waiting for you
That Beautiful Big Strawberry dipped in luscious, finest grade Ghiradelli Chocolate!

Beluga Caviar, straight from Mother Russia...and the fixings, mother of pearl knives included...

Multiple Magnums of Dom Perignon

and a bevy of "Beefcake" from CHIPPENDALE's, entirely at your service, soon as they have finished helping wash that berry (who has ONE BIG SMILE on "it's" face!). (Please see the other thread for complete details...UMMMMMMM!)

Compliments of:




Ok, I don't mean to seem picky.........

But is it possible to just get a good ole pepperoni pizza and a soda?? While I love the lazy boy, all this weird food is making me feel sick! Seems I will be the designated lazy boy "driver" as all the others are having such a GOOD time!! LOL
People, that russian stuff is FISH EGGS!!! You won't eat bugs, but you'll eat FISH EGGS??? eeeewwwwww ( and no I won't eat bugs either!!, heck, I don't even like vegetables!)
Thanks so much!


I'm with Kathi, no fish eggs for me! I'm glad to see that we have 24 hour cheerleading coverage! LOL
When those repair guys are done and the wheels are on, I think our bevy of Chipendale's should wheel us around to each park so we can see what our teams are up to.

Um, Cherry, pass me a piece of that chocolate covered strawberry please. (sorry Barb, but chocolate is chocolate) hehehe

Robin - Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad


Man, it's tough to catch up on 24 hours of these posts!
Jeff you are on my you-know-what-list...who do you think you're calling elderly????!! Haven't you heard about my Irish temper?

Somebody pass me the sunscreen and another strawberry daquiri so I can chill out. Elderly? Sheesh!


Jeff trust me on this one... you don't want to mess with Jonie's Irish temper



I am definitely up for a strawberry daquiri or pina coloda, whichever. But I'm also still happy to make those sour apple martinis...
As far as eats go, cheese soup is a must. Pizza's great, caviar's good, but I can only eat so much of it before I grow tired of it. NO BUGS! Chocolate covered strawberries are scrumptious! And I just went to San Francisco last weekend and have LOTS of Ghirardelli chocolate!

Rah, rah, zis boom bah!

Go teams, go teams, win, win, win, find the pin, find the pin!

Rah, rah, rah!

(Sorry, my cheerleading skills are a little rusty. Heck, they're downright crusted shut!) LOL.



Oh EEYORE...check your front door, the knock you hear is

the delivery truck from Gino's East, Giordano's, Lou Malnati's, ... you name it, it's luscious, so hot the cheese is still bubbly and the pepperoni is fresh from Genoa! This is Chicago and that truck can stock any brand, any kind anywhere...and deliver it to the swamp in 30 minutes (Concorde has temporary special permission for the Chicago-Orlando route).
Whew...oh yes, the soda's. Contacted both Coca Cola and Pepsi...both were willing to send refrigerated trucks with multiple tanks of their various products. ETA: 20 minutes

As for the Beluga, yummmmmmy, and, at $90 an ounce, I'll spread it on my morning toast if you guys don't want it,

Now, Eeyore, I'M gonna have a coke...and probably pop in on you to grab a slice or two off that truck!


Compliments of:




Just in time for the cheerleaders...
unlimited Pepperoni pizza from Pizza Hut AND Papa Johns

Cheesecake in assorted flavors from The Cheesecake Factory


Ice cold Coke OR Pepsi.. depending on your taste

and Hot Buttered Popcorn... for your snacking pleasures

In case there are some of you that aren't into the "fish eggs"
Brought to you by... The Landsharks..

By the way.. have we told you how lovely you all look today????



All this food and drink is wonderful, but don't forget to mention how YOUNG we look!!
Of course after all this eating you're going to have to roll me back home



With all the yummy food...

just make sure there are Diet Cokes, you know you have a chocolate covered strawberry and then a Diet Coke to balance out the calories, that way they won't have to roll us home!




Well thanks guys!!

I think we have properly covered the basic food groups!

Pizza Hut???? Papa John's????? You don't want that stuff. I'll have some deleiveerd from Pepe's in New Haven. Go down there on Friday or Sat. night and the line is 1/2 way around the block!! Just remember The Mad Hatters stood in line for this treat. No FastPass at Pepe's!!
Pin Pics ID - Dom13


someone pass the Alka Seltzer please

Ladies, Here are our pom poms ! I can't really get motivated though. WHERE ARE OUR COSTUMES ?!? For now these will have to do. :big sigh:


AZ JazzyJ

Well, well, welll

From the looks of the floor over here, it would seem someone is taking advantage of the free food that our contestants are providing. Now that you are all full and before you crawl back into those recliners, I am requesting your help. As you know, the teams have all been identified, they have arrived in Florida and just moments ago, they have made their way to their assigned parks. Soon they will decide where within the parks they will begin to search for the missing pins. I would like each of you to help to determine what will happen to each of the teams. I am looking for ideas for challenges to determine who will stay and who will go. Remember, you will decide who the ultimate Pin Survivor is. Please give me your input on what types of challenges these teams will face and how the challenges will be scored. Time is of the essence. I look forward to hearing your ideas.



Our Game Show host is speaking

Girls Ladies Girls. Time to start earning all these perks we've been enjoying. JJ we wanted to be at the parks meeting the teams. We didn't know when they would be there. I think some of us made it to each of the parks, but I think we want to root for everyone. We are after all impartial. RIGHT GIRLS?!?
are these suggestions to be conveyed via private email or right here for all to see?
Ok girls while we are up !
Team One, Team Two
Teams Three and Four
Keep sending gifts
More - More - More



AZ JazzyJ

No problem...

Having everyone root for everyone is perfectly fine. I just wanted to make sure that if the cheerleaders were breaking into smaller groups that they were included within each story line. As for the challenge ideas, considering the teams are already waging a war of bribery that could not even be equaled by the Salt Lake City Olympic Committee, perhaps it would be best to send them via e-mail. Remember, these challenges should be made to pit two teams against each other. The loser of the challenge will have one of their team members voted out of the adventure. Thanks for all of your help.


Ladies, so do we want to send individual ideas to Jeff? How about meeting in one of the DIS conference rooms, (to be decided through emails so we won't be ease dropped on)and discuss what challenges would be good?
Robin - Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad


I am really offended with all the bribes...

As I said before, bribery is not legal and I would never stoop to it . I want a fair game . The Strawberry Daquiris were a gift, a token of friendship and the pizza Dom ordered was just for your health.......since the stuff the other groups bribed you with was definately not good for you.......he just wanted you to have good food. Now for the delivery of hot chocolate and homemade chocolate chip cookies that I stayed up all night baking for my friends.........those were just because we care. I mean, YUCK.......who wants to eat fish eggs. You need some good ole comfort food on your tummies after all that junk the others sent to you.



Robin, what a great idea to get together in a chat room to discuss possible challenges. Just let me know when. I am SUPPOSED to be working tonight, but could do it most any other time. I sent Jeff one idea individually, but I think brainstorming (if we can clear our brains enough to storm) would be much better.
Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad



Well, I'm just going to take a bottle of that champagne, along with the oysters and other stuff. Chedder Cheese Soup is about to move into second place!

private chat room. GREAT idea

When. where.
new cheer
(team name) ARE READY TO PLAY
..........................(pause 1-2) Let's Go


(team name)IS HERE TO STAY!




Okay, ladies -- time to get out of the Lazy Boys and get some exercise!!! Work off that pizza!
Give me an O, give me an L, give me a D,D,D
Give me a F, give me an A, give me a T,T,T

Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad


eye R.N.

Generic Cheer

Hey Hey Ho Ho
Find the pin and to Jeff it will go.
Rising from my lazy boy only long enough to fill my plate with the collected bribes. I LOVE this job




Testing clip art and meeting suggestion

okay, Cherry, I'm testing your clip art, hope it works, it's great!
How about meeting tonight in chat room #3 at 9:30pm eastern?? That'll give our west coasters time to finish dinner.

Also, someone needs to contact JudySue and help her get access to the chat. She uses Netscape.

Robin - Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad



Unfortunately I'll be unable to join the chat tonite. I have an appointment with my personal trainer (fighting the fat, donchaknow!) from 6-7 pm Pacific time. And I don't own a computer at home... so that leaves me out of it.
But I'm happy to go along with whatever majority decisions are made!



Robin, 9:30 is a good time for me. I'm taking the grandkids out tonight, but we'll be back by then.
We still need someone to help JudySue -- I don't know anything about using the chatrooms with Netscape. Does anyone else use Netscape that could e-mail instructions to her?

Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad



Any other cheerleaders joining us???
Pin Survivor teams, please feel free to bring food and drink to our meet for us, however, you will be required to leave it at the door as entrance is restricted to the bribee's not the briber's... um I mean the cheerleaders not the pin survivor members.

Robin - Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad



Calling all cheerleaders -- we're in chat room three trying to come up with ideas, please come join us, we need you!
Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad


Well, it was only me, Cherry, and Mickey's Mom, but we came up with some good ideas. Cherry's sending them on to Jeff. We'll let ya know what he thinks.
Robin - Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad



Okay girls..............

Just wanted you to see our new's a dilly.



I was toooooooo late

I am so sorry. I arrived too late. Only Moof was there by the time I got in the room. I could get into the main room. Then someone said you all were in room 1 FINALLY got there but then went back to main room and it took forever to get to room 3. I think I am a dough head and can't figure this out. If you do it again I will arrive early and get a front row seat. My apologies.
Still wanting to cheer!


eye R.N.

Okay let's see if it worked.

I am trying out the cheerleader logo



So sorry we missed you last night T-Nut! By the way, loved your southern cheer. Did you get up the nerve to tell your daughter yet that you're a cheerleader?
Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad



Glad you liked my cheer. I worked on it for days and days
Shhhh, I haven't told my daughter about becoming a cheerleader. She has been in DC on an 8th grade class trip. She will get the hint when she gets home on Sunday and I am wearing the cheerleading ( XXL I hope ) "uniform".
Go Teams Go
Can I have hair like this ?




Duty calls
DH needed me in West Palm Beach to help with his business yesterday. We could not get home as we had a customer to see in Boca early this a.m. Now we are leaving Boca to go the the AK pin event. Please cheer extra loud for me. Se ya Monday.


eye R.N.

Alright, lets see if I've got this logo thing down

If not I'll need remedial computer help



Wild, Wild Cherry

and her Cheerleaders
Cheerleaders, Cheerleaders,
We love YOU!
Lets go For victory!!!

Hey, Hey, Get Ready
Ready for the Best
We're the Peaches and
We will complete the Quest!

We're Doing it Together
To prove that it's True
So everybody clap your hands
Come on. Don't be blue!

Proud Member of . . .



Where have all the cheerleaders gone?
It's awfully quiet here.....
C is for our Crusade our Cheerleaders support!
H is for Hourglass figures of our cheerleaders!
E is for the Exuberant Excitement the cheerleaders rouse!
E is for the Extortion -- er I mean the Exhilarating cheers!
R is for the cheerleader's Razor sharp, snappy Reactions!
L is for Lovely Ladies in Lounge chairs!
E is for Exceptional care the cheerleaders give their teams!
A is for the All important cheerleader duties so readily taken on!
D is for the cheerleader's Dogged Determination to stay by each team!
E is for the Eagerness that the cheerleaders showered on the team members!
R is for the Radiant Rays Reflecting from the cheerleading squad!



Thanks for the cheers, Luv2Roam. It is pretty quiet here -- but don't worry, we're still around. We're chasing around the parks in our Lazy Boys, trying to keep up with all the teams and waiting for the next episode in the saga. Can't wait to see what happens!
Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad



Well, things are picking up! A challenge to come up with a logo for us -- I think that's pretty exciting. I can't wait to see what they come up with. I hope The Mole doesn't have anything to do with designing the logos!
Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad

Our bus is waiting. After being awakened by the sounds of a far off conch shell bellowing in the darkness. Each of the cheerleaders rose from their La-Z-Boys and shuffled through the debris. It is time for the dreaded tribal council. While each of the four teams make their way back to the Walt Disney World Transportation Center,we cheerleaders must ponder our ethics and moral fiber. Can we choose fairly when all the teams have been so lavish? It will be awfully quiet on that long bus ride to the T&TC.
Alone with our thoughts we shall board the bus. Sorry, It doesn't look like the Partridge Family. Couldn't find one of those. LOL

Now what are we really made of? We'll test our metal! oo-oo-oo does that metal look anything like a small world e-ticket? oops



I must say, as a new member of the cheerleading squad all the bribes sound wonderful and I will accept all incoming bribes, but I must stay true to the Mad Hatters. After all, no one can negate Pepe's Pizza. I understand the reputation is world-wide. My fellow CT residents are on this team & I can't in good conscious abandon them. Although, their logo just wasn't up to the classic Minnie Cheerleader submitted by the Pinvincbles. Sorry guys.
As a cheerleading squad member I would like to contribute spirit, the ability to get up out of the recliner when needed and as a librarian, I can provide books to the squad when the action slows down a bit.

Come - on Mad Hatters - Go Fight Win!




Nah, you ladies shouldn't be toolin' around in that ol' clunker. You should be ridin' in style.....Compliments of The Landsharks

Eeyore's Pal

In considering your new logo, please consider . . .

First, on behalf of my entire team, the Rolling Peaches,, I'd like to thank you for all your support.
Second, I'd like to draw your attention to some of the detail of the logo we prepared for your consideration . . .

Figure #1, top left, is standing beside a selection of the most delectable desserts and confectionaries, which will be prepared just for you.

Figure #2, bottom left, is cheering ecstatically as she looks over the enormous pile of watches, jewelry, and precious gems that we are accumulating for your personal adornment. Please note that this pile is merely a sample of our stash.

Figure #3, top right, is surrounded by the logos of all the Disney parks, representing the many fully-paid trips we are arranging on your behalf, for the post-Ultimate Pin Survivor season.

Figure #4, bottom right, is cheering perhaps the most exciting demonstration of team #4's generousity -- a sample of the very large collection of very LE pins that we will donate to your private collections.

And finally, let me point out that our cheerleaders represent your true selves -- robust, healthy, happy, energetic, diverse individuals. Not some rolly-polly, recliner-trapped, coach potatoes . . . as our competition has suggested.

Just a few things to think about as you slide that mouse towards the voting buttons.




Of course, if you ladies would rather ride in style, we could always accomodate that desire, as well



Now Girls......
Those of us on Pinvincibles would like to thank you for your support so far in our search for the holy grail. And to show how much we appreciate you we would like you to know that we have reserved for you special viewing seats at Fantasmic. We have talked Mr. Eisner into placing your recliners right up front center. This will offer you the most in comfort. Along with this we have made plans to have a full gourmet buffet set up for you to nibble on as you enjoy the show. Afterwards, young, strong, handsome young men shall escort you to your very own Limo for transport back to your respective hotels.
As I said before we appreciate all that you do in cheering us on and realize what effort you put forth in being in the hot sun all day and keeping up your spirit.

Please give us your vote as that will make it possible for Pinvincilbes to continue in their quest for the holy grail. And will also allow us more time to work on our next gift to all of you wonderful young ladies.



While all logos are wonderful -- Minnie a classic and the kitties too cute, and the peaches logo full of all things wonderful...... I just have to go with the Mad Hatters logo! They even included the footrest wave!



I'm back and my spirits are up (well at least I am not crying every other day anymore). Would like to know if I may join the Cheerleading Squad?
My experiences:

1. Disney enthusiast
2. WDW Parks lover
3. Pin trading laison (sons collection)
4. And was a past cheerleading captain




Of course you may join. We can always use more cheerleaders especially ones with some actual experience. We'll make sure to get you a recliner.



Tinkerbel129, we are so glad you're here, and I'm glad to hear you're starting to feel better. Bobbi's right -- we sure needed someone with some experience, a captain no less, I am impressed!
Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad


Tink Pompons coming your way

watch for them in a theatre near you.



Hooray, another Mad Hatter logo enthusiast! I like that one the best too...just gotta love the recliner footrest wave!



We had a great time in chat tonight, wish you all could have been there! The main topic of discussion was which of the two logos tied for first place do we want to adopt as our "official" logo. We'd like everyone's opinion on this, so please send an e-mail to by tomorrow night at 9 EST to have your vote counted.
Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad


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