Stop Throwing Tissues on Me! – September 2023 Food and Wine Fest Trip Report! (Updated 2/12!)

I'm also a tad nervous about the crowds. Like our September trip was the most crowded I've ever seen it in September, even Touringplans has the parks we went to as 8s and 9s.
You picked a holiday weekend which is always a busy time. At least you had nice weather. :)
Then today I see that John Stamos and Neil Patrick Harris are the narrators the week we're there too, which I'm assuming will draw a crowd as well.
You are doomed. ;) Epcot will be insane. At least you will have lots of new things to see. We are there the week before you and will miss all that new stuff.
You picked a holiday weekend which is always a busy time. At least you had nice weather. :)
Haha, to be fair though we always go this holiday weekend and it has never been remotely this crowded, never empty, but this is the first time we've had to wait 30-40 minutes in food booth lines. It was crazy! The weather was beautiful, but I suspect it's a part of the reason for the crowds. First gorgeous weekend in a long time, if I were a local I would certainly be in the parks!
You are doomed. ;) Epcot will be insane. At least you will have lots of new things to see. We are there the week before you and will miss all that new stuff.
Right? We picked the first week of December since it's basically a full week after Thanksgiving this year, so we hoped the Thanksgiving crowds would have died down, and it would be too early for the Christmas crowds to arrive. Should have known better that Disney would never let a week be potentially slow :rotfl2:

I'm also a tad nervous about the crowds. Like our September trip was the most crowded I've ever seen it in September, even Touringplans has the parks we went to as 8s and 9s. I don't think I've ever seen an 8 in September let along a 9! Of course we had the perfect storm in September of the opening of the 4 new food booths, Soarin' over California coming back, AP previews for Moana, a new AP magnet being released, and probably some the nicest weather I have ever experience in FL in September. So yeah, I was hoping that Disney wouldn't announce anything that would increase the crowds the week we're there in December, I feel like we already put in our time, let other people deal with the crowds with new things starting next time!

We crossed over dates (9/15-28). I concur about the crowds over that weekend. 9/15-9/22 were fantastic, 9/23-9/26 were miserably crowded, and 9/27-9/28 were both very pleasant days Crowd wise. We are Disneyland locals and have been on some of the most busy days there and those days ranked up there with some of those crazy Disneyland days.
We crossed over dates (9/15-28). I concur about the crowds over that weekend. 9/15-9/22 were fantastic, 9/23-9/26 were miserably crowded, and 9/27-9/28 were both very pleasant days Crowd wise. We are Disneyland locals and have been on some of the most busy days there and those days ranked up there with some of those crazy Disneyland days.
Yes! The first few days were great, but then that weekend hit and it was a madhouse!

Day 1, Part 3: Some Shopping and Some Wine Bar George!

We last left off heading to Disney Springs! We arrived around 10:45 and made our way over to security. We were moving pretty slow with my mom’s leg, it took a minute to adjust, usually we’re pretty speedy walkers, but after a bit it became kinda nice to take things slow!

Once in, we decided to browse a bit, but to not buy anything until after our lunch reservation. So we started at the Art of Disney store. There were SO many things I wanted in there, but my down payment for the boarding and neutering of the pets the previous day had been about three times what I expected, which I assumed meant the whole thing would be three times what I expected (they give estimates in ranges, and apparently I was hitting the high end), so I decided to be smart and not spend money on pretty things. *Spoiler alert* they accidentally charged me the entire thing for the down payment instead of half like they should have, so it wasn’t as bad as I thought, phew! Although now I kinda regret not buying something. There were some pieces I would have loved to have in my house. Oh well, maybe we’ll sneak over to DS in December.

Anyways, after strolling through the art, we made our way over to the Christmas store. We only stayed in here a minute, it was wall to wall people and pretty much impossible to even browse.

On the way out I had mom stop for a photoshoot near a Halloween display!

Our next stop was the one and only, World of Disney! I was apparently in the sweatshirt mood this day, I found three I really wanted. We weren’t buying just yet though, so I had all of lunch to dwell on which one I wanted to get.

By the time we finished up at World of Disney, it was around 11:20, so we decided to head over to our lunch reservation at Wine Bar George! On the way we stopped to take a bunch of pictures of all the Legos by the Lego store.

(This guy has been here since I was in high school, somehow even with being outside, he’s aging better than I am! :rotfl2: )

We continued our stroll over to lunch, stopping for more pictures along the way.

I figured with mom’s limping it would take at least 20-25 minutes to slowly make our way over to lunch, but apparently when she’s hungry she can really pick up the pace, and we arrived at 11:35, 25 minutes before our reservation. Oh well. They were just opening when we got there, so I asked if we could be seated early, we could, only after the hostess made the comment “wow, you’re like ridiculously early.” :rotfl: Ok, I personally don’t think 25 minutes early counts as ridiculously early, but whatever, just the way she said it was so funny and so odd!

We were given the option of inside or outside, we opted for inside since it was pretty hot already this day. The woman who lead us to our table was amazingly observant and saw my mom limping, and offered the elevator to get upstairs, which mom gladly accepted.

Once seated we perused the menu, but let’s face it, we had reviewed it before the trip and already knew what we wanted to get! ::yes::

We ordered the zucchini hushpuppies, the mac n cheese bites, the seasonal salad, and the hummus. We also both got a glass of pinot grigio.

This was a perfect lunch. My favorite of the items were the zucchini hushpuppies and the hummus (mac n cheese bites a close third). My mom’s favorites were the salad and the mac n cheese bites.

Next up: Finally Time to Spend Some Money!
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The lack of a hurricane was probably the biggest difference. ;)
Well out of 7 years of going this holiday weekend only one had a hurricane, so gonna have to disagree with you there, the crowds were not due to the holiday or lack of hurricane. It was basically an AP-palooza that weekend with the Moana preview, new magnet release, and beautiful weather, plus the new food booths and Soarin' over California opening that weekend as well.
The salad looks delicious.
It was so good! Nice and fresh, perfect for a hot day!

Day 1, Part 4: Finally Time to Spend Some Money!

We last left off having a fantastic lunch at Wine Bar George.

I forgot to mention in the previous update, prior to lunch we had stopped next door at Gideon's to check out the line, and if it was short enough we planned to go there before lunch. The line ended up being super long, which was actually a bit surprising since Disney Springs was pretty empty this day. We didn’t really feel like waiting out in the sun on such a hot day, so we decided to go get lunch and swing by again afterwards to see if the line had died down any.

Well, after lunch we swung by again and sadly the line had not died down, and we were kind of shocked to see people who were in line before lunch were STILL in line after lunch! :oops: I’m really surprised they hadn’t moved to a VQ, that was at least an hour long line.

After giving up on Gideon's, we headed back to the World of Disney to make our purchases. I decided on one of the sweatshirts…

I figured the other two seemed like pretty standard designs that I should be able to get online if I decided later I really wanted them. Well, jokes on me, the one I bought is available online, the other two are not. :rotfl2: Oh well!

I also picked up some new socks (Small World ones), got my mom the Chip and Dale socks, and got myself a pretty t-shirt as well (which apparently everyone thought was pretty as well since I saw so many people wearing it this trip!)

After World of Disney we swung by Basin to do some shopping. I ended up getting one of those foam soap dispensers that make fun patterns with the soap, the one I got makes paw prints! So cute. I also got some bath bombs.

We next headed over to the Co-op, on the way ran into these relics…

While browsing the co-op, I turned a corner and was suddenly hit with the smell of the Beach Club. Like it was wild, so I exclaim “Woah, it smells like I just stepped into the Beach club!” to which an employee responds, “You’re right! That’s this smell!” Turns out they have set up a small shop in the co-op to sell the scents from Disney resorts! Of course I bought one.

We had some fun taking pictures with the props in the store as well.

By the time we wrapped up in the Co-op we were getting super tired, neither of us had really slept the night before and were really starting to feel it, so we headed out to the rideshare pickup area and called for an Uber.

We made our way back to the Swan and both ended up napping. This was pretty shocking for me, I am never able to nap no matter how tired I am, so I must have been really really exhausted to actually fall asleep this afternoon!

Next up: Flying Fish!
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That sweatshirt could be perfect for your December trip. The nights are usually cool then. :)

got myself a pretty t-shirt as well (which apparently everyone thought was pretty as well since I saw so many people wearing it this trip!)
I bought a 50th anniversary shirt that I saw all over the parks. Now I have a 100th anniversary zip hoodie that I will probably see this winter. It is inevitable, unfortunately.
That sweatshirt could be perfect for your December trip. The nights are usually cool then. :)
Excellent point! I will definitely be bringing it.
I bought a 50th anniversary shirt that I saw all over the parks. Now I have a 100th anniversary zip hoodie that I will probably see this winter. It is inevitable, unfortunately.
Yeah, I'm not too surprised, guess we all just have really good taste in clothing. ::yes::
Wine Bar George looks delightful. I always wonder about the people who DON'T review the menu ahead of time. I do that even when dining locally! :laughing: Will definitely have to look into that clover oil. I just saw someone in my instagram feed talking about a plug-in device that you pop the essential oil bottle into and it pumps out a spritz every so often. Really hope you enjoyed Flying Fish! Your Dec trip is coming right up! Stamos and NPH are great narrators but will probably bring locals like me out. I'm aiming for Stamos on the Sunday and NPH on the Friday. Like you, really hoping for a smooth booking process, hopefully at 6am ET on the 17th.
Wine Bar George looks delightful. I always wonder about the people who DON'T review the menu ahead of time. I do that even when dining locally! :laughing: Will definitely have to look into that clover oil. I just saw someone in my instagram feed talking about a plug-in device that you pop the essential oil bottle into and it pumps out a spritz every so often. Really hope you enjoyed Flying Fish! Your Dec trip is coming right up! Stamos and NPH are great narrators but will probably bring locals like me out. I'm aiming for Stamos on the Sunday and NPH on the Friday. Like you, really hoping for a smooth booking process, hopefully at 6am ET on the 17th.
WBG was so good, we really love that place. We keep talking about trying a new place, but just go back. Maybe next year!

Yeah, I'm pretty sure unless there are specials, or our waiter makes some great recommendations, we usually already know what we want to order before even getting to the restaurant. :rotfl2:

I need to look into that plug-in, right now I just have an oil burner with a tea candle, but with the new kitten having open flames seems a bit risky!

Flying fish was AMAZING. We hadn't ate there since maybe 2013, so it was overdue, I'm glad we made it back!

Yeah, I mean part of me is really excited we have great narrators, part of me is worried that'll make getting the dining package that night much harder. Oh well, hopefully we can get it so we can get seats without hours of waiting! We're still debating on if we want to get lunch or dinner, I'm leaning towards lunch, my parents dinner. Guess it may end up being whatever is available is what we end up with! :rotfl:Currently we're only planning on seeing NPH on Thursday, don't think I can take the stress of trying to book two nights!

Day 1, Part 5: Flying Fish!

We last left off taking a much needed afternoon nap. Around 4:30 we got up and slowly started to get ready.

When I went to turn off my alarm, I was shocked to see that the battery on my phone was almost dead…and it had been plugged in while we were napping for the past few hours. Uh oh. I figured maybe the plug wasn’t working, so I tried a different one, but once again my phone showed it wasn’t charging. So I tried plugging in my portable battery to the outlet, and it appear to be charging, so I figured something was going on with my phone. Yet when I plugged my phone into the portable charger, the phone charged, so I figured worst case scenario I would just charge my phone with that while in Disney. Not ideal, but not the end of the world. But it does look like I’m getting a new phone for Christmas now because of this, so that’s a positive!

Although to be fair at the time this was super stressful, I LOVE my phone, and the idea of having a non-functioning phone in Disney was starting to send me into a panic attack! Not to ruin the surprise, but it looks like the issue was the plugs in the Swan, I realized the next morning that although it appeared my portable charger was charging, it never did, and once we were in the YC everything charged perfectly, so yeah, the Swan could use some updates! ::yes::

Anyways, that was a lot on charging issues. Back to the fun!

It was starting to get pretty cloudy out, so I checked the radar and it looked like rain would be hitting right around the time we originally had planned to walk over to dinner. We decided to hurry up getting ready and head over a bit early in hopes of avoiding the storm. We figured we’d rather get there early and not get drenched, then get there on time soaking wet.

Our reservation was at 6 at the Flying Fish, so we had planned on headed over around 5:35, but with the rain coming we left the Swan at 5:20.

I wish I could say we avoided the rain, but alas, the storm moved faster than our feet! Fortunately we had figured it may start raining so we brought our ponchos, so when it started to drizzle just as we left the Swan we quickly put those on and made our way over to dinner.

We did miss the downpour, it was only light rain as we walked over, but a few minutes after arriving the skies opened up and it was a complete deluge. So happy we didn’t get stuck outside in that!

We arrived at the Flying Fish just before 5:30 and gave the hostess my phone number and went to go wait for a table. I was a tad hesitant to use my phone number since at that point I thought there may be something really wrong with it, but about two minutes after arriving I got the table ready text, so it all worked out!

We were lead to our table by the windows and settled in. Our server this evening was Goos (pronounced like Gus), and he was amazing! He went through some of his favorite menu items, and was so great at describing the deliciousness, that both mom and I ended up changing our mind on what we wanted to order based on his descriptions!

We ordered a bottle of zinfandel and the octopus appetizer to start, and then for dinner mom ordered the seafood trofie pasta, and I got the NY strip steak.

Before long our appetizer was brought out along with the most delicious bread.

One thing we loved about Flying Fish is we never once felt rushed. So many places will bring out the entrée while we’re still eating the appetizer, or the second the appetizer plate is cleared the entrée is dropped off. This evening Goos was so great, after the appetizer, we had a nice break to keep enjoying some of the bread and wine before he brought the entrees out. I’m not sure if this is standard, or if it was because we had mentioned to him we were trying to avoid going out in the storm (which was going strong for over an hour) so he was trying to time it so we could stay longer and avoid the worst of it. Whatever reason, it lead to the most delightful dinner!

Eventually our entrees were brought out, and my goodness, these were phenomenal. I definitely preferred mine to my moms, but my moms was still really good. The steak was one of the best steaks I’ve ever had, I couldn’t believe how delicious it was!

We took our time enjoying all the food, and waiting for the storm to pass.

Finally, after over 2 hours (this was a long dinner for us!) we were totally stuffed and could not eat another bite, so we paid our bill and headed out.

It was still drizzling a bit, but the worst of the storm had passed.

On the way back to the Swan we swung by the gift shop on the Boardwalk and browsed. There was a really cute Abracadabar shirt there that I made a mental note to come back and buy later in the trip, I loved it. (Spoiler alert, when we came back a few days later they only had XS and XXXL sizes, and weren’t getting a new shipment in until the day after we left :sad:…hoping it’s there for our trip in December!)

Eventually we made it back to the Swan, and took some pictures in the lobby.

Before heading up to the room we stopped in the store in the lobby to pick up some fruit and a blueberry muffin for breakfast. Our timing was great, we got in line to checkout just as they were closing the store for the evening!

Goodies in hand, we made our way upstairs to watch some TV and get a good nights sleep! This evening was also the start of the random tissues being dropped on me. I was just laying in bed watching tv when my mom randomly walks over and drops two tissues on me. I was so confused so of course asked why she did that, and her explanation was a simple “I just thought you would need them.” What?!? HA! So random, and she kept doing all throughout the trip! :rotfl:

Next up: Finally Home!
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Same!Quick RL Update! So as probably most of you have seen, info for the Festival of the Holidays was released today!!!! Wahoo! Also, 1. Why are these things always released on the days I'm in the office so I can't check it out for hours?!? Like does Disney know my in office schedule? Would it be so hard for them to for once release things on a day I'm at home and can get info right away instead of having to wait all day? and 2. I'm SO EXCITED!!!! :cool1:
Same! In fact I booked a trip with my friend for a long weekend!
Well, of course then it comes out that the new fireworks show starts right in the middle of our December trip! Like really Disney? You couldn't wait a week? :rotfl:(Also a side note: If Disney decides to come out with a new fireworks show in the future and you want to figure out when it will debut, just find out when our trip is, I swear Disney bases when these shows debut on when we'll be there...they always start during our trips!)
I am so excited for this!
Then today I see that John Stamos and Neil Patrick Harris are the narrators the week we're there too, which I'm assuming will draw a crowd as well. I was really hoping for a lesser known narrator while we're there. Oh well, at least we'll be in Disney and not at work!
Our first park day is the 8th which is the last night for NPH! Really hoping I can get a reservation.
Our next stop was the one and only, World of Disney! I was apparently in the sweatshirt mood this day, I found three I really wanted. We weren’t buying just yet though, so I had all of lunch to dwell on which one I wanted to get.
I am really regretting not buying a sweatshirt I saw in August. I've never seen it online since.
I figured with mom’s limping it would take at least 20-25 minutes to slowly make our way over to lunch, but apparently when she’s hungry she can really pick up the pace, and we arrived at 11:35, 25 minutes before our reservation. Oh well. They were just opening when we got there, so I asked if we could be seated early, we could, only after the hostess made the comment “wow, you’re like ridiculously early.” :rotfl: Ok, I personally don’t think 25 minutes early counts as ridiculously early, but whatever, just the way she said it was so funny and so odd!
That's a bit weird!
This was a perfect lunch. My favorite of the items were the zucchini hushpuppies and the hummus (mac n cheese bites a close third). My mom’s favorites were the salad and the mac n cheese bites.
Sounds yummy!
I also picked up some new socks (Small World ones), got my mom the Chip and Dale socks, and got myself a pretty t-shirt as well (which apparently everyone thought was pretty as well since I saw so many people wearing it this trip!)
While browsing the co-op, I turned a corner and was suddenly hit with the smell of the Beach Club. Like it was wild, so I exclaim “Woah, it smells like I just stepped into the Beach club!” to which an employee responds, “You’re right! That’s this smell!” Turns out they have set up a small shop in the co-op to sell the scents from Disney resorts! Of course I bought one.
I love the Disney candles and oils.
Although to be fair at the time this was super stressful, I LOVE my phone, and the idea of having a non-functioning phone in Disney was starting to send me into a panic attack! Not to ruin the surprise, but it looks like the issue was the plugs in the Swan, I realized the next morning that although it appeared my portable charger was charging, it never did, and once we were in the YC everything charged perfectly, so yeah, the Swan could use some updates! ::yes::
We arrived at the Flying Fish just before 5:30 and gave the hostess my phone number and went to go wait for a table. I was a tad hesitant to use my phone number since at that point I thought there may be something really wrong with it, but about two minutes after arriving I got the table ready text, so it all worked out!
Love Flying Fish!
One thing we loved about Flying Fish is we never once felt rushed. So many places will bring out the entrée while we’re still eating the appetizer, or the second the appetizer plate is cleared the entrée is dropped off. This evening Goos was so great, after the appetizer, we had a nice break to keep enjoying some of the bread and wine before he brought the entrees out. I’m not sure if this is standard, or if it was because we had mentioned to him we were trying to avoid going out in the storm (which was going strong for over an hour) so he was trying to time it so we could stay longer and avoid the worst of it. Whatever reason, it lead to the most delightful dinner!
Nothing better than a well paced meal. :)
On the way back to the Swan we swung by the gift shop on the Boardwalk and browsed. There was a really cute Abracadabar shirt there that I made a mental note to come back and buy later in the trip, I loved it. (Spoiler alert, when we came back a few days later they only had XS and XXXL sizes, and weren’t getting a new shipment in until the day after we left :sad:…hoping it’s there for our trip in December!)
Fingers crossed!

What are your December dates? Maybe we will overlap!
I haven't been since 2015, but we did the flying fish tasting menu and it's still one of my best meals ever anywhere!
And the tissue thing reminds me of how my grandma always used to remind my mom (her daughter in law) to go pee before they left somewhere when she was fully an adult 🤣
Although to be fair at the time this was super stressful, I LOVE my phone, and the idea of having a non-functioning phone in Disney was starting to send me into a panic attack!
I would be stressed out if that happened to me. You have to have a working phone at WDW. I'm glad the problem went away when you got to the YC.

We did miss the downpour, it was only light rain as we walked over, but a few minutes after arriving the skies opened up and it was a complete deluge. So happy we didn’t get stuck outside in that!
There is something really nice about being safely inside while a storm rages outside. We had dinner at Yak & Yeti during a downpour. It was over by the time we were finished. The timing was perfect.
One thing we loved about Flying Fish is we never once felt rushed. So many places will bring out the entrée while we’re still eating the appetizer, or the second the appetizer plate is cleared the entrée is dropped off.
I hate when they bring the main course before you've finished the appetizer or salad. I once said something to our waiter at Citricos about making sure he didn't bring the main course too soon and he looked very offended.
Same! In fact I booked a trip with my friend for a long weekend!
Awesome! I can't wait to see all the decorations, we keep saying that we're not going ride many rides in December, we're going to spend most of our time taking in the holiday offerings and getting pictures. :rotfl2:
I am so excited for this!
I am too, but also don't really want to stake out a spot to watch, hoping if we go two days after the premiere it isn't super packed (or as super packed)!
Our first park day is the 8th which is the last night for NPH! Really hoping I can get a reservation.
We're aiming for the 7th, I am probably a bit too stressed out about getting the reservations!
I am really regretting not buying a sweatshirt I saw in August. I've never seen it online since.
Aw, isn't that so annoying? Next time I'll check out shopdisney on my phone before leaving the store!
That's a bit weird!
Haha, it really was!
Sounds yummy!
It was so good, love eating at WBG!
Gotta love the Disney socks!
I love the Disney candles and oils.
Me too, it makes me so happy my house smells like the Beach Club!
Yeah, super stressful at the time, but at least it started working again!
Love Flying Fish!
It is so good, I can't believe we hadn't been there for so long!
Nothing better than a well paced meal. :)
Yes! I hate feeling rushed, it was so nice to take our time to really enjoy everything!
Fingers crossed!
Thanks! The CM at the store said they keep ordering more so she expected it to keep getting restocked for the foreseeable future, so hopefully they keep stocking it through December!
What are your December dates? Maybe we will overlap!
We're there the 2-8!
I haven't been since 2015, but we did the flying fish tasting menu and it's still one of my best meals ever anywhere!
It was so good! I think it had been so long since we had ate there last we just kind of forgot about it, I'm so glad we went back, it's definitely on the regular rotation now!
And the tissue thing reminds me of how my grandma always used to remind my mom (her daughter in law) to go pee before they left somewhere when she was fully an adult 🤣
HA! Yes! It's such a mom thing to do!


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