Spring Break with Teens Offsite. New FP. Magic Bands. Fun??


DIS Veteran
Sep 13, 2005
Quick Answer: YES!

Long Answer...
So we haven't been back since 2011 where we also went over Spring Break. We stayed at Bonnet Creek where we stayed in 2011. We drive our car and pay the $20 parking per day.

New FP+ system thoughts. If you get mid-morning times, it works great. You can ride at rope drop then do your FPs then get more FPs as you go...works great. If however you get a fast pass for like ROL at AK...you are limited to the 2 FPs you could get in the morning...it was nice not having to run around getting the paper fast passes, it was annoying feeling more limited. All in all it worked out. You definitely need to plan for busy times.

Being offsite, I had to do every day 30 days out which was also a little annoying. I can see the temptation to book throwaway rooms.

Magic Bands. I debated spending the money but decided to get some [ordered the cheap $12.95 ones online months before trip]. They made it super easy for fast passes and pictures. My son's fell off a bunch of times and we saw several people during the week looking around for theirs so it would be nice if they had a better closing system...

Security. It goes pretty fast. We were selected most days to go through the scanners.

We used Touring Plans to mixed effect. I have used TP for all previous trips, but this trip it just didn't work as well....I think it was more crowded than anticipated [especially Day 2] and the new FP system is a little more difficult for their system...I don't know...i think with the new system you need a plan of sorts but you have to also use logic.

Monday March 27, 2017. Hollywood Studios.
We arrived around 840 so were far back in line. Went to RnR first and it was 30 minutes for standby. One kid didn't want to do single rider [she changed her mind pretty soon after this lol]. So that threw a wrench in the plan. If you have a wait >20 minutes, ride the single rider...

So our fast passes were:
Star Tours 1020 [i forgot I hate these kind of rides...if you get motion sick, avoid].
ToT 1120
Toy Story 105pm

We also did Indiana Jones, Beauty and the Beast, saw Olaf and Chewbacca as a group. Boys rode single rider RnR while girls met Moana. Saw the Star Wars show.

We ate lunch at Backlot and then grabbed RnR fastpasses for later [couldn't get TOT]. Went back to
resort to swim and relax. Hit Sweet Tomato for dinner. Good but expensive. Back for fastpass and the Star Wars Galatic show. It was good. Good first day...hoping tomorrow will be smoother [we were wrong!]...

Tuesday March 28, 2017. Animal Kingdom....the day we hated Disney World...ok that's a stretch but it was the day we were thinking we probably would never go back....

So we arrived around 830-835....plenty of time... here was the plan

plan is to arrive around rope drop [but not an hour before]
950 Dinosaur
1050 EE
ROL Fast Pass 920

Ride Safari after opening
wander back toward Dinosaur FP
ride EE with FP
Mah Jungle Trek
Rapids if hot and line ok
FOLK 1pm show
Gorilla Trail
do anything haven't done
meet disney pals, Divine, etc.
Leave and come back for ROL ? can't check for FPs because still have ROL FP
return around 845pm see Tree of LIfe awakenings; then head to ROL seating
10pm ROL then to bed

The reality...
Touring Plans kept telling me to do characters first and then safari...it didn't sound right but I decided to trust the system...folks...go with your gut...

love the opening with the birds...too cool...

2 things went wrong. 1st I went to get coffee while the rest of family went to characters...with the magic band that was linked to photopass...they could have used their band but didn't know and waited for me...lost 10 minutes which then made that line 20 minutes which then made the safari line....60 minutes...we should have scratched it then but we were committed [it's hard when in a family and they don't want to leave the line...].... threw the rest of the plan to he$@. Plus, it was way more crowded than predicted so that didn't help....and the TP lines app kept saying way less wait times...so it was just not working well that day.

Anyway it was crazy. We did do the safari and the animals were more active than ever so that was cool.
We did our Dinosaur FP and then the jungle trek which was nice. Rapids waits were too long all day.
Did our EE fast pass which is always fun.

Couldn't do any more fast passes because of the ROL fastpass I was able to snag for the 2nd show....[arrive between 9:20-9:45]...

We had lunch at Yak and Yeti. It was good. Met Baloo and King Louie.

We got in line for FOLK at 1230 for the 1pm show and it was a mad house...show was good but hasn't changed at all...so mixed feelings. Did the gorilla trails and again good and animals active.

Lines for other characters were too long also...it was just mobbed...I have always loved AK but this day I understood while people hated it.

we left after doing trails and came back around 730. It is so cool at night by the way. it was less crowded. which was also so nice. We never got to do rapids [we didn't want to at this point] but rode EE 3 x in row using single rider line [between 830pm and 9pm] and hit primeval whirl. watched the tree of life awakenings [really cool] a little after 8pm. We got in line for our ROL FP around 925 [didn't realize they didn't open doors right away]. Great seats. I think all seats would be fine so if you had a ride or two to hit you could show up towards end of FP window. Show was neat but not a 'must do'; probably a 'once do'. Glad I didn't listen to touringplan which kept telling me not to use my fast pass and do the earlier show that was crazy packed. People were in line for it at 7pm standby!!

overall we did most of what we wanted to do but it was a frustrating day for all.....praying tomorrow is better [it is!]. One daughter was bummed about characters [who knew this would be such a thing for my 18 year old. ugh]. One daughter was bummed we didn't do Rapids...everyone else was ok!

Day 3...Wednesday...Epcot morning planned...afternoon flexible...


Nemo 9am
Soarin 1015am
Spaceship Earth 1135am

We arrived around 830-845.

Rode test track single rider [despite objections...I told them they were listening to me today! lol]
met Baymax and Mickey Goofy and Minnie.
Rode Nemo. Did the photoshoot in Bruce's mouth.
Mission Space: 2 did Green 3 did Orange [1 regretted it!]
Soarin FP we loved the new ride and the smells.
Spaceship Earth FP
we ate at Garden Grill...started to wander lands but decided to do that Friday and to try to get FP for Kali Rapids at AK. So we grabbed them and headed out...it's nice being able to do FP from phone!

Hit AK and Rode the Rapids...my middle child was happy. We did not get very wet [got more wet at Splash next day].
It was much less crowded. We were able to meet Tarzan which made my oldest happy.
We also met Russel...he was adorable with my kids. And rode EE single rider. We liked Animal Kingdom again yeah! Saw the bird show and a few other street dances, etc. before heading out for the night.

My oldest went to Disney Springs with her friends that were also in town. The rest of us swam and grilled at Bonnet Creek.

Thursday. The Best Day....Magic Kingdom Day.
Ok so we were all getting along better and feeling more magical after a better day yesterday....how would today work at Magic Kingdom??

So we arrived at 830 at the TTC....oops....didn't remember that and hubs didn't think to coordinate with me...so I was a little panicked...and then we chose the ferry....did we just ruin our chances for a good day? No. it worked out fine. Nice ferry ride. Arrived before opening by a few minutes...

Space Mtn 950
Buzz 1050
SDMT 555pm [again with the late FP...ugh]

We walked with the CM orderly to Frontierland and were one of the first on Big Thunder. Then we went straight on Splash. Then we rode Pirates of the Caribbean and Haunted Mansion. So fun...lines still great....we headed over to Tomorrowland for our Space FPs. Love that ride...ran into my oldest's friends from night before and chatted a bit...line now too long for Astro...so we went to Monsters. Always a good show. Rode the people mover. That is more fun than I thought and didn't realize you see cool things. On to our Buzz FP. Hubs always beats us all...3 grabbed Caseys 2 grabbed food at Tom Terrace and met in the middle and enjoyed lunch...
We saw the princess parade. It was cute. Did Phillharmagic..
Waited in long line for Alladin and Jasmine....loved checking out the new Fantasyland.
Had dinner @ Pinocchio Haus.

thankfully had FP for 7DMT because it was a huge line all day...so not worth the wait but fun as a FP. I quickly grabbed fastpasses for princesses....Rapunzel and Tiana. Boys hit some rides while we did that. Then we grabbed FP for Tink and FP for boys to ride space mtn again. We all watched Wishes. Girls and I met Ariel [FP] and rode the ride before Once upon a Time show. That was so good...

also got oldest graduation hat with her name embroidered at the chapeau.

A very productive and fun day!! Woo Hoo!

Friday. Our last day....I was only able to get frozen ever after for 815pm for this day. So the plan was lands FEA and fireworks Friday....

So we left it up to family what we did in the morning....hubs was under weather the day we did Hollywood Studios so we voted to go back there....we did TOT at opening and then single rider RnR. Worked out great! We also met Daisy and did TOT again...watched the funny actors and shopped a bit...before heading out...

We had lunch at Bonnet Creek and relaxed...then hit Epcot around 3-4? We just wandered the lands. Shopped. Watched the waiters in France. Tried to see characters [kept missing them...ugh...]. Shopped, etc...ate at Italy in the less expensive Table Service for a nice dinner. It was good. Boys went single rider Test Track while girls decided to ride the Mexico boat. Then it was time for Frozen Ever After. I can't remember if we did Anna and Elsa before or after but it was under 30 minutes [yeah!] so we waited in line for that. The ride was adorable. Glad we had fast passes. After the ride it was time for fireworks. They are always good. We watched from Norway as that's where we were and headed out....

overall a good week...

I don't think I would come again at Spring Break though. It's too much work. It's also more challenging when you have kids that want to do different things [characters vs rides vs whatever]...

Hopping was great for the 2 days we did it...so I was glad we had that option this time....we normally do 7 day non hoppers...

we headed to anna maria island for a week after this and i was so glad we were going to be able to relax!!
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