Spin Cycle Journal (Comments Welcome)

Did make it to gym for hour of cardio. TM 30/recumbent bike 30 easy. Exercise now 290/620. Mon did not do anything but work like a dog. Calories not to bad over weekend but weight up a bit today.
Exercise Goal for March went slightly better than Feb. I made 90% of my goal, so I improved a lot. that averaged to 17.9 minutes qd. My goal this month is going to be 660 or 22 min qd. Planning to get back on C25K as well this month in a more formal way.

Weight today is 174.4. I really lost it during Investigator Meeting. But I have also been loading for HCG round 2. Which today is my first VLCD. So far relieved to be eating less today as I really ate a ton yesterday.

Printed off C25K for the umpteenth time.
Last night failed a little bit. Ate some Red Vines. This is a trigger food for me and I will need to get it out of the house.Amazingly I did stay within the calorie range of 500. Honestly I should have eaten a fruit...

Today's weight: 173.4

Doing well so far.
Weight today: 171.4
Had another tough night with the Red Vines. I ate the remaining in the house. Hopefully tonight I can stay out of the rest of the Easter treats remaining.

Work is awful.
Had a tough night last night as I was at work until 7:30 PM. I swung thru those Golden Arches and stuck with a grilled chicken salad. Ate that at home, but knew it was just a matter of time. I drank a glass of wine and had some potato chips too. DS was very kind as he gently took the bag away from me, clipped it shut, and put them in the cupboard. :thumbsup2

Today's weight: 170.4

Hopefully tonight I will do better as I am not so stressed at work. Will be picking up YET another salad...

After 19 years of marriage I changed the locks yesterday. I hope and pray my DH seeks help for his drinking, but it is a stressor I can no longer live with. Trying to lose weight this year has made me realize my anxiety and loneliness due to his disease is what is causing me to eat at night. It is sad that it took me all this time to pinpoint the true problem was not willpower.

On Sat I went to a hypnosis session on weight loss. It really worked! Not craving sweets or wanting to eat at night. Of course I feel sick to my stomach and can hardly eat since I did this.

Weight today: 168.8
BMI- 29.9

So here's to being under 30 on my BMI!

Exercise: one hour at gym Sun, 25 min walk with dogs sun, prior week one hour exercise. = 145
Knots in my stomach last night and today. I think I managed to eat enough nutrition. I had some almonds at work. I ate 8 melba toast and some processed cold cut chicken late in the afternoon at work. I managed to eat one cup of plain lettuce and a small bowl of spaghetti for dinner yesterday evening for dinner. Also managed a 25 min leisurely walk with the dogs.

Weight today: 168.2

Today I am meeting DH for his assessment. Of course I cannot eat.

Exercise minutes 170/750
Hope things are going well. Don't forget to take care of yourself even in difficult times.

Continuing to do OK. Weight holding at 166.6. Still doing OK with my night eating too! Hoping to lose 4 pounds in May and get my exercise back a bit.

Back from vacation. I have not been eating very well. Stress sugar eating. So that is what I want to focus on.

Secondly exercise. I just signed up to run 2014 Princess Half with a friend.princess:

I made a list of my exercise goals and stuck it in my calendar.

Weight today: 173.8
Good morning!

Getting excited about the Princess Half. I was looking at tutus online. I signed as Merida. I have not started to exercise yet... Ha ha.

Weight today: 171.2 Floating down from vacation snacking...

I have been still overeating on sweets but being a bit more watchful. I need to cut out everything at work. Usually I am good on this.

Goal is to get up early and run/walk tomorrow morning and just see how it feels. :rolleyes1
Doing well today. Wt 171.0

Got up and ran/walked this am. Worked on intervals and comfortably jogged 4 min. Did about 36 min. Also did some heavy gardening. Digging, pulling hauling stuff around garden.

Had a smoothie today for bx.

So it begins...
Sunday: gardened a ton today. Thankfully now it is raining. I think I will try to run in am before work! Wt 170.4 this am.
Good Monday!

Had set alarm for 5:20 AM to train this morning. Ha ha ha. Reset it for 6 AM. But then I got up, got into the running clothes I had in the guest bath, grabbed my ipod, and off I went. Ran the same course in 34 minutes, so 2 minutes less than Sat. Still need to measure it but it should be slightly over 2 miles.

Plan is to train Wed and Fri this week yet. Ran intervals of 4 R/ 2 W and it felt OK. Plan is to do this one more training then up to 5/2. Proud of myself for getting up and getting going. It feels GREAT to be at work and know my exercise is DONE for the day... Might need to do some stretching tonight...

Weight this am was 171.0.

Goals this week:

Train M-W-F
Restart MFP
Do something healthy on T/R/Sat

Registered for 2 5Ks this week. Looking at a fall 10K to consider an official corral for Princess HM.

Ran on Monday and Thursday morning. Yesterday I did 6R:2W:6R:2W:4R. Did 2.2 mile route in 34 minutes. Stonecroft route is hilly. So tomorrow the plan is to get up to 18 minutes run time but walk any remaining distance up to a 5K at the HS track.

Run Sat
Weight Train on Sun at Gym
Run Mon, Wed, Fri (10% ramp up day), Sun
Yesterday I ran concrete track. I did 3 6R/2 W splits after a 5 min walking warm up, then I walked up to a 5k distance with running exercises and one 60 sec sprint. It took 52 min but I was not really focused for time yesterday. I have one more train with a 6/2 split then I think I will segue into C25K.


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