Sparking up the Romance at WDW...A March 2013 trip report for Lovers:)Update3/22pg9

Monday will be AK day, with EMH in the am, we will be eating at Donalds breakfast and hitting up Downtown Disney after park closes.

Wednesday we will be going to what I still call MGM. :) we will be going to the Sci Fi Drive in Theatre (Still havent decided late lunch or early dinner, and finishing up the evening with Fantasmic. I LOVE Fantasmic, It is my number 1 show. I love the water shows, the boats with the princesses and the boat with all the characters at the end just everything about it.

Thursday is Epcot day. We will be enjoying Future world in the morning and drinking our ways around the countries after dinner until Illuminations. We have reservations at Garden Grille at 5:55p. Garden Grille has always been something I have wanted to try. Especially with the Land of the Living. (will go into more about this at a later time)

We will be finishing up the week at Magic Kingdom. I'm looking forward to the most perfect last day. We will be riding everything and have a reservation at Be Our Guest at 4:05pm. I wanted to do a early dinner so we would be out in time to get our spot for the Main street Parade. My momma taught me well on this! And finishing up the night with Wishes. (Bot of these are my favorite shows) This day is also EMH am. So we will be hitting rope drop.

These are the plans so far. Watching flights like crazy hoping for them to go down.

oh, paid another 100$ today, $$1425.66 to go!!!

Sounds like you have some great plans! I love Sci-Fi, we had an early-ish dinner there and then went to Fantasmic on our last trip - it was actually my first time seeing it! I'm also aiming for an early BoG reservation with the hopes of being able to book the Wishes dessert party that night.

And flight prices have been insane! We're considering driving if they don't drop a decent amount. Not ideal but it would save us a lot of money.
Happy Saturday Dis! I'm getting ready to run to the bank and put Zacs money into the account for another payment on disney. Wishing pass a money tree on the way. Zac is going to be buying the flights and im focusing on paying the trip off. He is waiting for his student loan to come in. (WMU sent his money back to the loan company on "accident" so Im sugar mommy currently).Yes I wish he was working full time and this was paid off but his hours are being cut and the plane tickets keep going up. The cheapest flight I have found is 399!!!! I have never flown for more than 250. Is there some kind of promotional codes? I am being extremely picky on the time we fly in because I want to make the most of my trip! Most the flights are at around 5p. I want to be there by noon for Epcot day. I think it is time to look for a second job.

On a positive note I started knitting my disney bag. Cant wait to show you all!!

Hope you have a winnieful day :rotfl2:
I go back and forth with this all the time, I have a smaller backpack (like the gym kind) that can fit most everything, but then i think... I'm not going to have a lot since its just me and DBF. I also just knitted this sweet purse for Disney and im going to put my Disney pins on it instead of lanyards. (i hate the way they look in pictures.... Input?

PS... I have a case of Disney fever, No one in my life gets it.... :confused3

My Disney Purse :)
I personally carry a backpack in the parks, but that's because I like to have whatever I might need on me. For instance, I'm always cold in the restaurants and even some of the shows, so I stuff a sweater or sweatshirt in there, even during the summer! Your purse is very cute, so if you feel comfortable with just that then go for it!
Flights to fly out on the 2nd are 399, flights to fly out on the 1st are 338. It is a savings of 122. We could book an extra night at All star sports for 92$ and spend the day enjoying the pool, flordia, night life... etc? greedy or smart, tell me your thoughts?
Smart! I'd probably do it. You're saving $32 in total, and you'll likely end up spending that and a little more on food and whatnot, you get an extra day to enjoy the resort and nightlife! Sounds like a good idea to me.
Tickets for the first went down even more. Ughhhhh 1 more paycheck until I can buy them!!

Today I was a tough day full of crying. I had a break down of being afraid that I am not going to be able to afford this trip. Zac asked if I was mad at myself for jumping the gun amd planning it. And I took my frustration out on him amd told him I was made at him because he hasnt been setting any $ aside for his portion. Ugh why does money have to be the root of all evil?!

so back to the trip. Why do I love disney so much? I think largely because my grandma. She was my world. I was spolied rotten by her and she and I had a bond like no other. My first trip that I can rememeber to wdw she made me wear one of those embaressing leeches. She with age had her knees done and soon couldnt walk disney so she rented scooters and I know it killed her. My sweet grandma and her big red hair. She loved the land of the living, her favorite ride. She was pure greatness and I aspire to be like her. She passed in 2005of pancreatic cancer. When I go to disney I feel like I have my gran there with me. I see her off her scooter riding soarin, land of the living, haunted mansion, and having a grand time. So yeah I guess thats why my heart will always belong there :)
If the flight is a lot cheaper for the 1st then I say do that! It's what happened with my trip in February - leaving the day before was so much cheaper, so now I get an extra day!

Such a sweet story about your grandmother. It sounds like her spirit really lives on in Disney.
Good morning yall, flights on the second went down to 338 which would only be 70 worth of savong and it would save me a check in check out.

Had a dream last night that we missed our adr because DBF wanted to,ride Winnie the pooh. :S and the dreams start.

Side note to make some extra money I am going to be doing a craft show, making infinity scarves and ear warmers (knitted). I only have 3 weeka to but everything out....preasure is on for sure.

In regards to Cinderellas royal table, I was looking at the dinner menu, and nothing even sounds remotely good. I was thinking about switching it to breafast. suggestions?

Also Me, anyone use it? Do you get your bags from the bag claim or do they? anyone ever fly air tran either? I normally fly delta but they have the cheapest flights.
DH really liked the fish that he got at Cinderella's Royal Table. I had the lamb chops and that was good too. But if you think you'd be more into the breakfast food, maybe switch if you can get it. I think breakfast is more popular than dinner though, so those reservations can be hard to come by.

I've used ME. Last time I used it we chose to get our own bags from the baggage claim, but for many airlines they'll get your bags for you. I've flown AirTran a couple of times, no issues. I don't really see a huge difference between most airlines, except that I prefer Southwest for a couple of reasons. But I don't have any problems with the rest of them.
Yeah see, I don't eat seafood (shrimp, fish, octopus none!) and never have had lamb chops. Ha, I should of looked into this more.

The days are getting closer, I'm getting more excited.... Anyone ever do a photopass share? Are they legit? my mom thinks we should do that to save money but I don't know if I want to risk it. Those are MY memories that I'm putting in the hands of stranger.
Getting closer by the day. Down to only 900 to pay off. I feel so accomplished everytime I pay some.

I was talking to dbf and I told him at epcot there were all these amazing foutain drinks and that he will have to try them with me. He goes "wrong you told me about the beverly when we first started dating" damn disney word vomit! But at least he's listening right?

We asked his parents to drive us to the airport so we are saving 90 bucks for parking now we have to gigure out the dog situation. I think im going to ask my mom. :S. She might be reading this, so please? :)

Anyone ever do a photopass share? I am leaning towards wanting the photo plus since we are doing so many character early do you have to buy your cd?

Luggage, we are going to each take a backpack. (electronics and maybe some clothes) carryons (clothes) and check 1, (clothes shoes makeup meds, etc). Totally taking me to as sports, will they, if our room is not ready, hold our carryons and backpacks?

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!
It is definitely a good sign that he remembered that you told him about Beverly, and he wasn't just tuning you out! Haha, I'm sure my husband would do that.

Let me know if you do the photopass share. I've never done one but I'm curious to hear about someone's experience with it.
It is definitely a good sign that he remembered that you told him about Beverly, and he wasn't just tuning you out! Haha, I'm sure my husband would do that.

Let me know if you do the photopass share. I've never done one but I'm curious to hear about someone's experience with it.

Will do! My mom normally does them but i really want the photo plus pass so i can get the ride pictures and the meal pictures. :)
While cyber Monday shopping I found this great buy for myself.... my pumpkin carriage for my Pandora bead for the low price of ........ 99 cents! What a steal, oh and I got free shipping. A penny saved is a penny saved for Disney!

Great cyber Monday find! And congrats on starting your own etsy shop, the headband is cute. You should do some Disney themed stuff - I dunno how hard it is to change colors and stuff while knitting, but maybe a black one with a red/white flower to represent Minnie? That would be cute!


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