Say Hello to Isaac, Your Bartender: 2019: Running Together and in Love!

Following along! I'm training for the Dark Side too and can totally relate to the difficulties of slowing down. Even when I switch up my run/walk intervals (I'm following the Galloway plan) I still end up running faster than I feel I am. I'm impressed you're doing both the 10k and HM, you folks who run back to back races amaze me!:worship:
Following along! I'm training for the Dark Side too and can totally relate to the difficulties of slowing down. Even when I switch up my run/walk intervals (I'm following the Galloway plan) I still end up running faster than I feel I am. I'm impressed you're doing both the 10k and HM, you folks who run back to back races amaze me!:worship:

Welcome! I actually started following your thread this morning, just haven't made it all the way through to comment yet. :)

Slowing down to go fast sounds so simple, doesn't it? @DopeyBadger said it can take 2-3 weeks to fully acclimate to the paces so I'm hoping this week I will nail them.

RE back to back races: I feel the call of the bling, and it is strong!!! The medals for DS look so awesome. And having done SWLS, I want that big mama jamma Millennium Falcon medal to cap it all off.
Following along with your journey! I keep thinking about starting a training journal too, but I just don't know if I would keep up with it.
Following along with your journey! I keep thinking about starting a training journal too, but I just don't know if I would keep up with it.

I'm looking at it from the other point of view. As long as I have the journal to update every week, then I have to keep on track with my workouts and running. So far it's working. And thanks for following along! :)
Weekly Log:
  • 2/6 - Monday is an off-day for running but I went to my regular Mon/Thurs night yoga class. The regular teacher returned - coughing through half the class. :sick:
  • 2/7 - Easy B - 2.5 miles, BLIND! My first blind run where I didn't monitor pace and just ran by feel. My pace averaged out to 17:23 per mile, approx. 30 seconds slower than I was shooting for. I had anticipated going too fast, not too slow! This was most likely due to the conditions - a driving rain and huge wind gusts. I also stopped a few times to adjust my hood because it kept blowing off. It was a little scary out there dodging branches that had fallen into the streets and sidewalks, but I made it!
  • 2/8 - I was supposed to do my tempo run this morning but my shoes were still wet from the previous morning and I don't have any backups at the moment. So Wednesday became my off-day. That wasn't the highlight of my day though. I go to therapy on Wednesday afternoons and get out just when traffic is really getting bad. So I decided to pickup another yoga class at a gym I'd never been to to head home at a better time traffic-wise. But not just yoga, Power Yoga. Ok, this class was...different. The instructor sat on her backside in the back of the room - right behind me! - and just called out the poses. There was no example at the front. So at certain points I'm looking at the more advanced students to figure out what in the hello operator I'm supposed to be doing. And the instructor begins to say things like, 'Don't worry about what others around you are doing...just concentrate on your own poses.' :headache: I was getting really irritated! Halfway through the class I was dripping sweat onto my mat so I suppose there was something in her method. I'm still not going back though!
  • 2/9 - Thursday morning I wimped out, plain and simple. The rain was once again pouring down and the wind was back. No run. I did go back to my regular yoga class that night and the previous night's experience made me appreciate my instructor more than ever!
  • 2/10 - Tempo Run - 1.5 miles. My shoes were dry and Friday morning I tackled my tempo run. My pace was 14:05, about :30 too fast.
  • 2/11 - Long Run - 6 miles. Average pace was 15:43, again, about :30 too fast. The exciting thing was that I finished up my podcast playlist. Time to download more! And I might have even had a date afterward.
  • 2/12 - RAAAACE! - Davis Stampede 5k. I PR'd! Official time was 40:19 with an average pace of 12:47. Normally I'd have celebrated with breakfast after the race but I had to rush home to get ready for my nephews' birthday party. (Where I picked up a nice bug.)

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I thought I had posted on here after your 5K, but I guess not. Anyway, congrats on your 5K PR. Well done!!
Yes, Congrats! PR's are the best feelings. Sorry about your bug though :(
I also just love when 5k's give out really nice medals.
Anyway, congrats on your 5K PR. Well done!!

Thank you! I was really feeling it during the last mile but my time didn't fall off much at all. :)

Yes, Congrats! PR's are the best feelings. Sorry about your bug though :(
I also just love when 5k's give out really nice medals.

Thanks! It is a nice medal isn't it?

Yes, we had the party at a kid's pizza party/buffet 'restaurant' and I picked up something just annoying enough to bother me, but not bad enough to stay home from work. The good news is that I've kept up with running and workouts so far this week. :)
Weigh-In Day!

Friday morning is when I drag out the scale and see the good news/bad news. The last couple of days I've been hopeful for a good number because it's felt like things have been pulling in. Looser clothes, visible change in the mirror, people asking if I'd lost weight...

I'm down 3lbs from last week! :woohoo:
*sweeps away the cobwebs*

I'm still breathing, WOOOO!!! And glad to be back 'home' at the DIS! I'll be honest and admit that I let relationship drama and injuries cause me to slack off for a few months. But I'm back and restarting my HM plan tomorrow with a new goal race in view: The Folsom Blues Breakout 13.1 on 10/22/17. It's themed after Johnny Cash. Isn't that cool?

I'll come back and update this daily instead of weekly. It was too easy to forget what I'd done and get behind that way.

  • Monday 7/24 - Rest Day
  • Tuesday 7/25 - Easy B, 2 miles at 16:32 pace. This was a solid run despite the fact that I've only run a couple of times since February!
  • Wednesday 7/26 - Rest Day. The BF finally returns from his trip to the Dominican. It's been almost 2 weeks since I've seen him. :(
  • Thursday 7/27 - Tempo Run, 1.5 miles at 15:11 pace. About 40 seconds slower pace than called for but I've lost some fitness after not running for a few months. No date night. :( He had to take his mom to the airport.
  • Friday 7/28 - Easy A, 2 miles at 16:38 pace. Went too fast on the first mile by far, but slowed it down on the second. Payday!
  • Saturday 7/29 - Easy B, 3.5 miles at 15:41 pace. Too fast, I know, but it was the first time running with my BF and it took a little while to feel comfortable going so much slower than his pace. He would sometimes run ahead and wait for me to catch up and sometimes just walk next to me while I ran. :rotfl2: We saw Atomic Blonde. I'd give it 3 pooh:pooh:pooh: out of 5. If you like Charlize Theron and 80's music, then it might be for you.
  • Sunday 7/30 - Rest Day. I was so sore from yesterday I rested instead of doing the long run. I have mixed feelings about it but I made my decision. We saw Fast Times at Ridgemont High at the theater. It was like a private screening there were so few people there. I was pretty disgusted when a family walked out 20 minutes into the movie. Who brings a kid to a film with adult themes like that?

I hope I didn't put anyone off by dropping out for awhile. I know my title says 'no excuses' and I'll do my best to live up to it this time. My new BF is verrry supportive in the running/work out area. And I have my family, friends, therapist and hopefully a few of you to lean on as well. Good luck to all of us!
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Welcome back!! Your race does sound really cool.

There's been times I've asked myself how long I'll journal before I stop and then I remind myself that I can always come back or start fresh at any point. Or take breaks at any point if I want. So don't feel even the slightest bit bad. Thank you for sharing your journey whenever you do want to share :)
Glad to see you're back! You've got this! :thumbsup2

Thank you, Billy!

Welcome back!! I told DH about the Johnny Cash HM and he is very jealous :) I'm sure your going to crush it. And Woohoo for a new supportive BF!

Your hubby should come run it sometime. I'll report back on if it's a good enough race to travel out here to run.
One of these weekend mornings we're going to run together for the first time. I have told him that I'm slooow compared to him, but he is excited to run with me. He likes that I do races. :)

Welcome back! You can do this! :) The hardest part is starting!

Yes, starting IS the hardest part! I hemmed and hawed for a good month before I got fully revved up again.

Welcome back!! Your race does sound really cool.

There's been times I've asked myself how long I'll journal before I stop and then I remind myself that I can always come back or start fresh at any point. Or take breaks at any point if I want. So don't feel even the slightest bit bad. Thank you for sharing your journey whenever you do want to share :)

Thank you. You're very kind. :hug: I love the DIS community!


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