Running Towards The Mouse - My 70 Pound Weight Loss Journey

Great attitude to have! One bad night isn't gonna ruin you just like one good workout isn't gonna make you fit. Just keep your head up and remember why you want this!

P.S. What bourbon did you have?!
Great attitude to have! One bad night isn't gonna ruin you just like one good workout isn't gonna make you fit. Just keep your head up and remember why you want this!

P.S. What bourbon did you have?!
Thanks for the confidence and advice!

Jeffersons Very Small Batch, it’s yummy! Great sipping bourbon
I’ve got a 60 minute workout planned for this afternoon, doing 2run/1walk intervals...excited and ready. Feel like I am bouncing back from my bad Thursday. Still have cravings to snack but trying to drink water to help suppress
Had a great 5 Mile run yesterday, just taking this one day at a time. Got to get out of the mind set that:

A) it’s all or nothing
B) that it’s not ok to stumble
C) it can be a fast process if I highly limit calories

Remember this is creating a new lifestyle not a diet
Had a nice break letting my body recover from the 5 miler Saturday. Plan on walking 6 today and then run 5 tomorrow.

Had a successful no snacking night last night, feeling good and taking this one meal at a time. Starting to discover it’s a lot easier if you don’t plan the whole diet out, leaves less room for disappointment. One day at a time and have a few metrics in regarding what your eating and calorie counting
Here’s a chart showing my weight struggle since December’s time to end this!

Max weight 230 (2018), lowest weight 190 (2013).
Had the best intentions the past two days but staying home with a sick kids gave me too many opportunities and I binged ate. Forced myself to write this so moving forward I can read my failure and learn. No matter how much of a urge I have, it’s never worth it in the end. The guilt always wins
REBOOT! Bad habits die hard...probably restarted this weight loss adventure a dozen times from my last post in January. I just don’t know, it’s so easy to eat and feel bad for oneself.

I have faith that good things are to come, but I can’t wait around for it. It’s up to me to act and make it happen...
Meeting with a personal trainer on Tuesday. I know it’s going to take more than a PT but one step at a time. It’s been really hard on my marriage with my wife feeling like she has to hold me accountable. Hoping this will relieve some pressure and push me towards the goals I desire
I'm following along because you're inspiring me. I've been way too sedentary for the last six months and I can feel it. I'm definitely feeling a lot more sluggish than I used to. I'm in PA and I hate the cold, so I've been using that as an excuse.
I'm following along because you're inspiring me. I've been way too sedentary for the last six months and I can feel it. I'm definitely feeling a lot more sluggish than I used to. I'm in PA and I hate the cold, so I've been using that as an excuse.

We can do this together, just got to place one foot in front of the other and stay focused. Maybe not so much on the overall goal of how many pounds, but that inner feeling of satisfaction gained from finishing a difficult run or how your body feels when you start getting into a routine of running. The little joys will power us through the doubt and weight of bad habits
Excited to follow along. We’re all in a struggle of some sort. Good to know you have support!
“Your focus determines your reality.” - Yoda; Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Four times today I came upon a fork in the road and chose the right direction. Day 1 contained many opportunities for me to pull out my favorite saying “i’ll start tomorrow, let’s have one last binge today”. But no matter how stupid it sounds, I thought about his thread and the struggle I have been trying to document and I just didn’t want to type the words “reboot” again. I stuck to the diet and finished under by calories goal by 36. Happy with that because I want to use the calories given to me and not try to bank then.

Also I ran 3 miles this evening...ran I did, conquer I did not. It’s been about two weeks since my last run and my body feels terrible. But one task and day at a time and i just need to focus on getting through tomorrow.

I can’t wait to feel the feeling of completion when this process is done, i’m Exhausted from carrings this guilt and frustration that I have caused myself by not making smart decisions.

I will do this for me!
Happy Easter everyone!

I had a good day and kept on track as well as someone can on Easter. Had the urge to go for a run this evening but decided against it due to running yesterday and I just don’t want to over do it and hurt me feet.

I know it sounds like an excuse but on the past I went to hard to quickly and then hurt my left foot which took forever to heal. If i’m Going to do this correctly I need to trust the system, count calories and slowly work my way into running more frequently. No matter what ppl say, weight loss is not easy and does not happen quickly.

Here to another day and staying on track.
I’m following along and cheering you on. I’m working on my own weight loss and the thing I learned is diets are not for me. I limit the amount I eat out and try to avoid processed food as much as possible and the biggest thing I’ve learned along the way is portion control. I preportion all my meals ahead and if I feel like eating a cookie I’ll eat one instead of five so I still get my fix but limit how much I eat.
Had a good day today and finally had a chance to meet with a personal trainer...having a hard time wrapping my mind around the expense but i’m Also ready to make a change and if this is going to increase my odds of success than maybe it’s worth it. Thinking PT mon/wed/fri and running tue/Thur/sat...
I know at the end of the day the only thing that makes this attempt any different is me, I have to commit and make the change mentally. Own up to the pst fails, release the guilt and move forward.

I’m also coming to understand the pressure my struggle has been on my wife. She loves and supports me and wants to see me succeed...but I push her away and get mad when she ask if i’m Going to run or questions if I should eat what i’m Eating. I know she just wants what’s best for me and wants me to be happy. She doesn’t care what I look like, she just knows I want a change.

Through all of the false starts i’ve Lost credibility with her regarding “diet time”. Almost like the boy who cried wolf...

it’s time to earn it back by shutting my mouth and working hard!
I starred at this text box for a few minutes trying to come up with something inspiring or funny but...this is just another post saying I had a bad few weeks and just another post saying it’s time to start again. I am meeting with my personal trainer tomorrow and getting back on track with training 3 times a week and running at least twice for cardio.

One change i’m Going to make is use this thread more with thoughts, struggles but also just a place to hold myself accountable. One day at a time and just stay focused but don’t get discouraged if I fall on my face. Building new habits and a healthy lifestyle takes time, pain and focus


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