Rocky Mountain Highs (a non-Disney Trip Report) - COMPLETE 2/17

As you can imagine, we just kept taking photos. It just so happened that this was Father’s Day, and I was spending it with my family taking in these sights. You could do much, much worse.

I would say you would be hard pressed to do much better.
I'll keep the money and you can have the rope.

You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig.

Pbbbft… We all know that those things are just the “suggested retail speed”…
So just how quick were you really traveling through there?

I refuse to answer on the grounds that it my incriminate me.

If one has both time and fuel, you never take the boring way.
The only problem is that having both of those things can be problematic…
Good that y’all didn’t have that problem.

We made sure we had fuel. It was worth it to take that road.

Don’t most good things feel like a mistake at first?

But then again, mistakes feel like mistakes as well…
so that does make it harder to judge until after the fact.

The common denominator is making mistakes. I have a wealth of experience there.

The story behind that town is quite sad indeed.

Yeah. It's like Radiator Springs without the happy ending.

Yep… that does appear to be quite the drive.
One of these days I need to get out there.
One of ‘em.


And It ain’t y’all’s first rodeo.
Ya’ know better.


“Dry Heat” means that 90 actually means 90.
Still taxing, but I could deal with it.

Still better than summers back east.

I suspect that there are a lot of folks that wouldn’t much like that.

Where's the sense of adventure?

I’m nominating that line for quote of the TR.
We’ll have to vote on them when you wrap this one up.

I'm just glad I can get a laugh now and then!

Ya’ think?


He was just trying to help keep you cool.
Damp cloth on the back of the neck is an accepted method for staving off one’s perception of the heat.

I just wish it wasn't so slimy.

And allow your shirt to dry out a bit.

Some of that was saliva. A lot of it was sweat.

That’s a good one…

…but that’s a better one.
My God that is absolutely stunning.

Thanks! I like that one too.

I’m inclined to say that pretty much every one of us did much worse.

It was memorable, for sure.

Now how on earth did he pick that one up?

Actually, it was from a friend who watched him while Julie was teaching over the year. She would have to keep him away from the oven by saying, "No, it's hot!" He picked it up from her.

“Go on…Tell me to smile one more time…
You do and you’ll be spending eternity as Jimmy Hofa’s roommate.”


The Heavenly Cheeto’s were all gone by now, weren’t they?

Salty snacks do not last long in my family.

And the cooler, the better.

Most definitely.

Nope… ain’t buyin’ it.

That’s far more like it.

Yep, we're jerks.

That would be….
A rather large: NOPE.

Good, because you're getting more!

Loved the recap of the hike. I loved the photos. This "Dinosaur's Footprint" is awesome!:

Thanks! We thought that was a neat formation too.
It isn't a Captain_Oblivious TR without a drive on a road that is hardly a road.

That does seem like a prerequisite, doesn't it?

::yes:: Beautiful drive.

Totally worth it!

And the slobber cools as it dries...

You're the second one to suggest that. Maybe I'm onto a little business plan here.

Shade? There was shade???

Well, if you squeezed yourself into this certain corner by this certain rock at the right time of day...

Definitely not a bad place to be with the family on Father's Day.

It sure beats New Jersey.

:rotfl2: What did you say to her to earn that look????

She's a teenager. I probably just said hello or something.

Well, his cup clearly did.

It is quite the photogenic sippy cup.

Oh... Now I know why Sarah was giving you that look. She was hangry and PB&J just isn't cutting it anymore.

Now that is definitely a possibility. Don't cross the women in my family when they're hangry.



Ah, you saw some big ones for the tourists, didja?
The "real" ones are much smaller and are used as route markers too.

Gotcha. Now I know what to look for in Canada.

I'll not sent you a PM so you can not send me my no-prize

I'm ignoring this, as promised.

The drive and pictures of everything are absolutely jaw-dropping gorgeous. Julie did a great job capturing the area and even so I am sure it is more beautiful in person.

So glad you all survived the hike and the cliffs. :scared1:

The one thing you can't capture in photos is the expanse of it. You can turn almost 360 degrees and have a view in every direction.

By the looks of lack of updates, you must be as busy as me. Hope all is well in your corner of the woods. :)

::yes:: I've been running around like crazy. I'm hoping to have time to do an update today if I can.

Hi Mark! I'm just finding your TR now. So far I've made it up the mountain with you.

:welcome: Tammie! I'm glad you found me!

I had to LOL when you said, "A SHOE" Traveling with kids is always an adventure in itself.
I'm impressed you made it touring at that altitude, flip flops and all. Looks like the view was worth it.
I can't do altitude. I found myself getting very ill just driving at 8000 ft while trying to get to the top of Mt Shasta in Cali. It is only 10000 ft.
Looking forward to more, now that I found you.

Hydration was definitely key. That and not running around up there. We did notice a difference, for sure.

I just got all caught up, after a crazy summer of travel. Fantastic report, as always. Gorgeous photos! Two of my favorite place are Colorado Springs and Rocky Mt. National Park.

Hi Karin! I hope you guys had a great summer. And I can certainly see why those are some of your favorite places!

So sorry to read about the altitude sickness and the fee for the pillow. At least there were tons of high-points, like the 50/50. Mmmm.

Plenty of high points to come, don't worry!

Can't wait to read more!


I would say you would be hard pressed to do much better.

I'd be inclined to agree.

No worries, I feel your pain right now.

It's Friday. Let's all take a deep breath!
Ok, when you're ready, waiting for more pictures and story.
Chapter 9: Hey, Joe! Butch-a He Say He Wants-a Two Spaghetti Speciale, Heavy on the Meats-a Ball.

It was the Father’s Day we all dream about: sitting in a crowded minivan with the A/C on full blast, munching on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on slightly stale bread and washing it down with warm water. Living the dream!

Well, there was that awesome hike we did. And the spectacular drive before that. So yeah, life was good.

We drove back through the park, stopping at a couple of overlooks we’d passed on the way in. You’ll never believe this, but the overlooks in Canyonlands National Park almost always give you a view of canyonlands.


After we’d rested a bit, we had one more hike we’d wanted to do. It was a short one (1/2-mile round trip) to Mesa Arch, one of the more famous landmarks in the park. We (and when I say we, I mean “I”) decided to give my shoulders a break and let the baby walk a bit.


May and early June is peak wildflower season in Utah, so we’d just missed that. But we did find a couple of prickly-pear cactus blooms still clinging to life. One pink, one yellow. A matched set.



This was a pretty easy hike, and another worthy one. Climbing over a gentle ride, the arch was revealed:


The coolest feature about this arch is that you can walk right up to the edge and it provides a natural window to the canyons below. So if you’re brave and/or stupid enough to get that close, you can get some neat photos. Julie handed me the camera and stood back.



This is an especially great spot at sunrise, as the sun will often peek right through the arch as it rises over the canyon walls. If, you know, you’re willing to get up that early.

Once Julie saw that I wasn’t going to fall to my death, she took the camera back so we could prove to future generations that we had actually visited this place.


We took our time walking back to the car. Along the way, we found that even God Himself couldn’t resist planting a Hidden Mickey in the park.


We were reaching the hottest part of the day, so we figured now was the best time to stop at the visitor center. In order to get their junior ranger badges, the kids had to watch the park video inside. We all sat down in the small theater. Due to the crowds and seating configuration, Julie and I had to sit on a bench on the left side with Drew while the other kids sat in the front row on the right. About 30 seconds into the video, Drew decided he needed to be with his brothers and sister, so he got up and wandered over to their bench. That lasted all of 2 minutes before he decided he needed to open up the cabinet holding the TV and video equipment and start exploring in there. So I got up and grabbed him and escorted him out of the room, his shrieks of protest adding some wonderful emotion and drama to the movie for the rest of the visitors inside.

So, I have no idea if the movie they show is any good or not. But I can report that toddlers do love to run around, smack and climb on all of the exhibits in the visitor center. They can also empty sales racks in the gift shop very quickly.

Once the junior ranger badges were obtained and the kids had shopped for their souvenir pins, patches, and postcards, we left Canyonlands. Our last stop before returning to Moab was Dead Horse Point State Park. I’m not sure why this isn’t part of the National Park other than it’s a good place for Utah to do a little cash grab of their own, but it’s $10 admission for a vehicle. The payoff is yet another spectacular view, this time of a horseshoe bend in the Colorado River as it winds through the red rock walls below.

You're probably wondering how this park got its name. Legend has it that cowboys would round up wild horses at this point, as it was connected to the rest of the mesa by a narrow land bridge that made the point work as a natural corral. They'd take the horses they liked and leave the rest. The horses that were left on the point died of thirst in the desert, within view of the Colorado River 2,000 feet below.

Well, that's a cheery thought. Who wants some vacation photos?


The baby was sleeping in the car, so Julie and I had to see the view in shifts. You do what you gotta do.




With that, we drove back to Moab and checked into our hotel, the Holiday Inn Express of Moab. It was already crowded, a good indication that the summer high season was here. We chose this place due to its swimming pool (which you’ll see later). And cinnamon rolls. Because cinnamon rolls.

We decided to head into town and try and beat the crowds to dinner. Our choice this evening was Pasta Jay’s. We were in the mood for some Italian food to break things up a bit.

Going out early worked, and we were seated right away. Right away, we were a bit put off by the server. She had a surly vibe mixed with a stoned-type affectation that gave the distinct impression she would rather have been somewhere else. She’d make a comment and then laugh it off unenthusiastically, leaving us wondering if she was joking with us or really had a problem. It was weird.

Baby Drew hadn’t quite gotten his full nap, so he was restless and a bit out of sorts. We ordered our food and then worked on entertaining him so he wouldn’t annoy the other diners. We were only having moderate success when the food arrived. Baby Drew loves spaghetti noodles, so we piled them nice and high in front of him and let him go to town. Naturally, this made a mess. At some point, the waitress noticed all of the stray noodle bits littering the floor and made some rude comment about the awful mess we created and that we should have brought a toddler in. Again, we got the sort-of-laugh-but-not-really, leaving us wondering, “Was that a joke?” Even the people at the table next to us made a comment like, “Wow, that was rude.”

So, that made us want to finish and get out of there. The food was just ok. I love me a good chicken parmesan, so that’s my go-to order in an Italian place. Here, everything came out looking exactly the same. Whatever you ordered, it was in a bowl swimming in tomato sauce.


It tasted ok, but I like my chicken parm to be nice and crispy-fried, contrasting with the sauce. Here it was drowned and soggy. Not horrible, but not a meal that made me want to run back. Combined with the service, we’ll go someplace else next time.

Once back at the hotel, the kids begged for the pool. Since it was Father’s Day, Julie volunteered to take the kids over to swim while I watched the end of the U.S. Open in the room. After Dustin Johnson 3-putted the last hole to hand the championship to Jordan Spieth, I got my bathing suit on and joined the rest of the family. We swam and cooled off under the setting sun. I’d love to show you some photos, but I don’t have any from that evening. I was too busy giving the baby “motorboat” rides and tossing the big kids through the air so they’d splash-land in the pool while they tried to climb on my back and dunk me. It was Father’s Day. That’s what you do.

Coming Up Next: Oh, just your average walk straight uphill under bright sun and desert heat with a 30-lb. baby strapped to your back. There’d better a worthwhile payoff at the end.
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig.
Such ingratitude, after all the times I saved your life.

I refuse to answer on the grounds that it my incriminate me.
I had to evoke that same amendment right just this morning.

The common denominator is making mistakes. I have a wealth of experience there.
I've a sneaking suspicion that most of us possess those same riches.

Mmmmmmm, could be...

Salty snacks do not last long in my family.
Nor mine
better not to buy them (but that ain't happenin')

Yep, we're jerks.
Some folks just deserve to be reffered to as: "Suckers...."
Such ingratitude, after all the times I saved your life.

I actually watched that movie for the first time about a month ago. I was surprised at how slow it was.

I had to evoke that same amendment right just this morning.

If you're like me, you use it all the time. That's what it's there for!

I've a sneaking suspicion that most of us possess those same riches.

They are new every morning.

Nor mine
better not to buy them (but that ain't happenin')

Not in this house, either. I barely get any now since my kids are faster.

Some folks just deserve to be reffered to as: "Suckers...."

Sure, works for me!
What a great way to spend Father's Day! The pictures are absolutely stunning (don't think that I've used stunning to describe your pics before and it's hard to come up with something new since beautiful and gorgeous have been said so many times). My sister and her husband used to go to Moab all the time for offroad vehicle runs. They used to own Superlift which was/is well known truck lifter upper thing-a-ma-bob business. Hey, I'm not into those kind of things. I just know that they jacked up a good way, of course. Anyway, the used to climb those rocks in the canyons that you visited.

Um, wow, what a grumpy waitress you had. What did she expect you to do? Leave Drew in the van? I don't understand people like that.
Baby Drew hadn’t quite gotten his full nap

I read that (don't judge, my eyes hurt and are tired from reading all day long) with an entirely different noun at the end....

so he was restless and a bit out of sorts

Which made the next phrase that much more hilarious. I did go back and straighten things up. But either way, it's truth.

Anyway, I LOVE those "Gooseneck" overlooks. I took MANY long drives in Northern Arizona, where I have my undergrad degree, to camp on the cliff edges.
I actually watched that movie for the first time about a month ago. I was surprised at how slow it was.
It didn’t need to be 3+ hours
I know where the good parts are so I generally flip between that and something else whenever I run across it on the Telle.

Chapter 9: Hey, Joe! Butch-a He Say He Wants-a Two Spaghetti Speciale, Heavy on the Meats-a Ball.
Tony, dogs-a don't a-talk!

It was the Father’s Day we all dream about: sitting in a crowded minivan with the A/C on full blast, munching on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on slightly stale bread and washing it down with warm water. Living the dream!
I was mowing the yard (push type, not self-propelled) and digging out an overgrown compost heap…
Your dream beats my reality

You’ll never believe this, but the overlooks in Canyonlands National Park almost always give you a view of canyonlands.
Who’d a thunk?

So if you’re brave and/or stupid enough to get that close, you can get some neat photos. Julie handed me the camera and stood back.
Well obviously she figured you for at least one of those two options.

Once Julie saw that I wasn’t going to fall to my death, she took the camera back so we could prove to future generations that we had actually visited this place.
I do believe that clarifies which of those two groups she had you pegged into.

This is an especially great spot at sunrise, as the sun will often peek right through the arch as it rises over the canyon walls. If, you know, you’re willing to get up that early.
So, are y’all coming back in the morning for a chance at that shot?

We took our time walking back to the car. Along the way, we found that even God Himself couldn’t resist planting a Hidden Mickey in the park.
An endorsement or a test of observance; one wonders…

That lasted all of 2 minutes before he decided he needed to open up the cabinet holding the TV and video equipment and start exploring in there.
Taking after Lewis and Clark I see…
He’s a one man… errr.. one toddler Corps of Discovery.

So I got up and grabbed him and escorted him out of the room, his shrieks of protest adding some wonderful emotion and drama to the movie for the rest of the visitors inside.
Hay, you didn’t just leave him to dissect the AV cabinet.
That, I’d have seen as a problem (and I’ve seen such things allowed).
The shrieks that resulted from you actually parenting…
I did my time; I get it...
I’d have gotten over it quickly.

They can also empty sales racks in the gift shop very quickly.
Infinitely talented, those toddlers.

Our last stop before returning to Moab was Dead Horse Point State Park. I’m not sure why this isn’t part of the National Park other than it’s a good place for Utah to do a little cash grab of their own, but it’s $10 admission for a vehicle.
Sharing the wealth…

We’ve got a similar spot here that’s half NPS and half State Park. But both are free entry (or at least they were the last time I was there), so I guess – really - it’s not the same thing at all then, is it?.

You're probably wondering how this park got its name.
The thought crossed the few working brain cells that I’ve got left…

Legend has it that cowboys would round up wild horses at this point, as it was connected to the rest of the mesa by a narrow land bridge that made the point work as a natural corral. They'd take the horses they liked and leave the rest. The horses that were left on the point died of thirst in the desert, within view of the Colorado River 2,000 feet below.
The advantages of having “unlimited resources” and no oversight.

Who wants some vacation photos?
Well… it’s not like we’re here for the dazzling repartee

It just goes on, and on, and on…
I know there’s a horizon out there somewhere, but I can’t find it for being captivated by everything else spayed out in front of you.

Can’t imagine how breathtaking it must be to actually stand there and see it.

We decided to head into town and try and beat the crowds to dinner. Our choice this evening was Pasta Jay’s.
Not a lot worth commenting on there…
At least nothing particularly humorous or even snarky (it’d all just come out as disgust)
Well cross that one off the possibilities list.
Sorry it wasn’t better that that.

We swam and cooled off under the setting sun. I’d love to show you some photos, but I don’t have any from that evening. I was too busy giving the baby “motorboat” rides and tossing the big kids through the air so they’d splash-land in the pool while they tried to climb on my back and dunk me. It was Father’s Day. That’s what you do.
Yes… yes it is
Almost makes up for the server and middlin’ dinner
Ya’ done good there.

Coming Up Next: Oh, just your average walk straight uphill under bright sun and desert heat with a 30-lb. baby strapped to your back. There’d better a worthwhile payoff at the end.
Knowing your national park planning skilz…
I don’t believe you’d have even considered it otherwise.

A hidden Oswald!!!
:lmao: Observant… nicely done, sir.
Hey, Joe! Butch-a He Say He Wants-a Two Spaghetti Speciale, Heavy on the Meats-a Ball.

As I sit here and type this, I ponder what I will be doing for supper.
Now I know.

Let the craving begin!

It was the Father’s Day we all dream about: sitting in a crowded minivan with the A/C on full blast, munching on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on slightly stale bread and washing it down with warm water. Living the dream!

Hey, settle down there mister!
You were just telling us what a great Father's Day you were having!

Well, there was that awesome hike we did. And the spectacular drive before that. So yeah, life was good.

See? That's better.

You’ll never believe this, but the overlooks in Canyonlands National Park almost always give you a view of canyonlands.

I would have guessed sky-scrapers.


Learn something new every day.

After we’d rested a bit, we had one more hike we’d wanted to do. It was a short one (1/2-mile round trip) to Mesa Arch, one of the more famous landmarks in the park.

Oh boy! Oh boy oh boy oh boy!!!

We (and when I say we, I mean “I”) decided to give my shoulders a break and let the baby walk a bit.

Well, I suppose she'd tell you that she carried him for 9 months, so you can do some carrying for a bit.

I have no idea where I could've gotten that idea from...


But we did find a couple of prickly-pear cactus blooms still clinging to life. One pink, one yellow. A matched set.

Nice. And nice pics, too.

The coolest feature about this arch is that you can walk right up to the edge and it provides a natural window to the canyons below. So if you’re brave and/or stupid enough to get that close, you can get some neat photos.

Gorgeous. Worth the risk.

Julie handed me the camera and stood back.

"She quickly made a call to our insurance agent and asked what I was worth, if, well, you know..."

This is an especially great spot at sunrise, as the sun will often peek right through the arch as it rises over the canyon walls. If, you know, you’re willing to get up that early.

I think I would be willing.
Actually, I think I'd like to shoot it at night, with the stars.
Is that even possible? Or is the area inaccessible at night?

Once Julie saw that I wasn’t going to fall to my death

"she let out a little sigh of disappointment and hung up the phone."

We took our time walking back to the car. Along the way, we found that even God Himself couldn’t resist planting a Hidden Mickey in the park.

:laughing: Well, I can think of worse people to emulate.

About 30 seconds into the video, Drew decided he needed to be with his brothers and sister, so he got up and wandered over to their bench. That lasted all of 2 minutes before he decided he needed to open up the cabinet holding the TV and video equipment and start exploring in there.

Uh, oh!
And right about now is when you can tell the good parents from the bad.

So I got up and grabbed him and escorted him out of the room, his shrieks of protest adding some wonderful emotion and drama to the movie for the rest of the visitors inside.

Good parents it is.
Kudos on the writing, BTW. Like how you wrote that last bit.

But I can report that toddlers do love to run around, smack and climb on all of the exhibits in the visitor center.

Ya just can't keep a good kid down.

They can also empty sales racks in the gift shop very quickly.


The payoff is yet another spectacular view, this time of a horseshoe bend in the Colorado River as it winds through the red rock walls below.

Would you please stop posting these jaw-droppingly beautiful photos?
I'm running out of adjectives.

You're probably wondering how this park got its name. Legend has it that cowboys would round up wild horses at this point, as it was connected to the rest of the mesa by a narrow land bridge that made the point work as a natural corral. They'd take the horses they liked and leave the rest. The horses that were left on the point died of thirst in the desert, within view of the Colorado River 2,000 feet below.

And not really surprising. Animal rights? Yeah, not so much back then.

Have I mentioned how much I like that shirt?
I like the fact that you have to have a certain level of education to even understand it, but I also like the fact that your DD is wearing it.

We chose this place due to its swimming pool (which you’ll see later). And cinnamon rolls. Because cinnamon rolls.

Mmmmmm..... cinnamon rolls. Star Wars' answer to Princess hair adornement.

She had a surly vibe mixed with a stoned-type affectation that gave the distinct impression she would rather have been somewhere else. She’d make a comment and then laugh it off unenthusiastically, leaving us wondering if she was joking with us or really had a problem. It was weird.

I can give her the benefit of the doubt... but the food better be good.

Baby Drew loves spaghetti noodles

Not many littles don't like noodles.

so we piled them nice and high in front of him and let him go to town.

:laughing: Love it!

Naturally, this made a mess.

Sure. No biggie. We were all there at one point in our lives.

At some point, the waitress noticed all of the stray noodle bits littering the floor and made some rude comment about the awful mess we created and that we should have brought a toddler in. Again, we got the sort-of-laugh-but-not-really, leaving us wondering, “Was that a joke?” Even the people at the table next to us made a comment like, “Wow, that was rude.”

Wow. 20/20 hindsight, but...

"Ha, ha! Hey! You know what else is funny? Get your manager here right now, okay? And what's really going to suck for you is that I know we have a toddler and we know he makes a mess... which is why we tip so well. Want to laugh some more when you find out how much we're going to tip you?"

My God. I had no idea people like that still existed.

The food was just ok.

Strike three.

I love me a good chicken parmesan, so that’s my go-to order in an Italian place. Here, everything came out looking exactly the same. Whatever you ordered, it was in a bowl swimming in tomato sauce.

Normally I'd be happy with that, but...

It tasted ok, but I like my chicken parm to be nice and crispy-fried, contrasting with the sauce. Here it was drowned and soggy. Not horrible, but not a meal that made me want to run back. Combined with the service, we’ll go someplace else next time.

... well, sometimes there can be too much of a good thing.
Or mediocre thing, as the case may be.

Once back at the hotel, the kids begged for the pool.

This is a universal truism.

Since it was Father’s Day, Julie volunteered to take the kids over to swim while I watched the end of the U.S.

Well, that's a nice little treat!

I’d love to show you some photos, but I don’t have any from that evening. I was too busy giving the baby “motorboat” rides and tossing the big kids through the air so they’d splash-land in the pool while they tried to climb on my back and dunk me. It was Father’s Day. That’s what you do.

Sounds like the perfect end to a pretty darned good Father's Day! :goodvibes:
Sounds like a great way to spend your Father's Day. Out in nature with your family, taking A-mazing pics, and playing in the pool with your kiddos! Thanks for sharing some of those moments with us!
Chapter 9: Hey, Joe! Butch-a He Say He Wants-a Two Spaghetti Speciale, Heavy on the Meats-a Ball.

We took our time walking back to the car. Along the way, we found that even God Himself couldn’t resist planting a Hidden Mickey in the park.



Excellent. Note to self...skip Pasta Jay's if I am ever in Moab
It was the Father’s Day we all dream about: sitting in a crowded minivan with the A/C on full blast, munching on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on slightly stale bread and washing it down with warm water. Living the dream!
Sounds great to me! I mean, the bread is only slightly stale, after all.

After we’d rested a bit, we had one more hike we’d wanted to do. It was a short one (1/2-mile round trip) to Mesa Arch, one of the more famous landmarks in the park. We (and when I say we, I mean “I”) decided to give my shoulders a break and let the baby walk a bit.
Hey!!! He can walk!!!

The coolest feature about this arch is that you can walk right up to the edge and it provides a natural window to the canyons below. So if you’re brave and/or stupid enough to get that close, you can get some neat photos. Julie handed me the camera and stood back.
Beautiful pictures. Thank you for risking life and limb to get them.

Once Julie saw that I wasn’t going to fall to my death, she took the camera back so we could prove to future generations that we had actually visited this place.

And another fantastic family picture! This one including Drew for once! If you could have found someone to take this so that Julie could be in it, this would be definite Christmas card material.

We took our time walking back to the car. Along the way, we found that even God Himself couldn’t resist planting a Hidden Mickey in the park.
A hidden Oswald!!!
I agree with Glenn. Definitely more of a hidden Oswald.

So, I have no idea if the movie they show is any good or not. But I can report that toddlers do love to run around, smack and climb on all of the exhibits in the visitor center. They can also empty sales racks in the gift shop very quickly.
Amazing the things someone so little can do.

The baby was sleeping in the car, so Julie and I had to see the view in shifts. You do what you gotta do.
::yes:: Never forget the most important rule of parenting. Don't wake a sleeping toddler.

And cinnamon rolls. Because cinnamon rolls.
::yes:: ::yes::

At some point, the waitress noticed all of the stray noodle bits littering the floor and made some rude comment about the awful mess we created and that we should have brought a toddler in. Again, we got the sort-of-laugh-but-not-really, leaving us wondering, “Was that a joke?” Even the people at the table next to us made a comment like, “Wow, that was rude.”
Wow... maybe you should have sort-of-tipped-but-not-really.

We have a server like this at a local Mexican place. The guy is just an ******. I think the guy hates kids, and while he never says anything, you can tell with his body language and the way he talks to us/them. DW always asks to sit in another section when he's working. I, personally, like to sit in his section just because I know it drives him nuts when our kids spill a little bit of rice on the floor. Heck, occasionally dad gets in on the fun too. :rolleyes1 :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

It tasted ok, but I like my chicken parm to be nice and crispy-fried, contrasting with the sauce. Here it was drowned and soggy. Not horrible, but not a meal that made me want to run back. Combined with the service, we’ll go someplace else next time.
Sorry it disappointed.

I was too busy giving the baby “motorboat” rides and tossing the big kids through the air so they’d splash-land in the pool while they tried to climb on my back and dunk me. It was Father’s Day. That’s what you do.
::yes:: :thumbsup2

Oh, just your average walk straight uphill under bright sun and desert heat with a 30-lb. baby strapped to your back. There’d better a worthwhile payoff at the end.
Hey, he's already proven that he can make a hike. The free ride ends now!
Great scenery! Love that pick of Julie and Drew. Too bad dinner was bad. I hate spending that kind of money and then have the food and service so disappointing.

Jill in CO
It was the Father’s Day we all dream about: sitting in a crowded minivan with the A/C on full blast, munching on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on slightly stale bread and washing it down with warm water. Living the dream!


We drove back through the park, stopping at a couple of overlooks we’d passed on the way in. You’ll never believe this, but the overlooks in Canyonlands National Park almost always give you a view of canyonlands.

Hmmm... How interesting. I would have never believed that if you didn't have pictures!

We (and when I say we, I mean “I”) decided to give my shoulders a break and let the baby walk a bit.

Well, he can walk. Free pass over.

But we did find a couple of prickly-pear cactus blooms still clinging to life. One pink, one yellow. A matched set.

Very pretty!

Once Julie saw that I wasn’t going to fall to my death, she took the camera back so we could prove to future generations that we had actually visited this place.

Nice picture!

Along the way, we found that even God Himself couldn’t resist planting a Hidden Mickey in the park.

I definitely think it's an Oswald!

So I got up and grabbed him and escorted him out of the room, his shrieks of protest adding some wonderful emotion and drama to the movie for the rest of the visitors inside.

I'm sure the other visitors appreciated that.

Well, that's a cheery thought. Who wants some vacation photos?

I like the photos better than the story!

Again, we got the sort-of-laugh-but-not-really, leaving us wondering, “Was that a joke?” Even the people at the table next to us made a comment like, “Wow, that was rude.”

Sounds pretty darned rude.

The food was just ok. I love me a good chicken parmesan, so that’s my go-to order in an Italian place. Here, everything came out looking exactly the same. Whatever you ordered, it was in a bowl swimming in tomato sauce.

I have that same standard of a chicken parm, and swimming in sauce is not what I want. At. All.

I’d love to show you some photos, but I don’t have any from that evening. I was too busy giving the baby “motorboat” rides and tossing the big kids through the air so they’d splash-land in the pool while they tried to climb on my back and dunk me. It was Father’s Day. That’s what you do.

Good for you! Way to live in the moment! :thumbsup2


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