Robert and Robyn's Home Wedding PJ...

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Whats really weird is, I knew he was going to propose before he did it.... He wasn't acting funny in the slightest or anything like that. We'd agreed he'd go to work for half a day (He had no holiday time left and had to build up a bit of flexi time) and I'd pick him up at 1pm and we'd go down to the river for a walk together..... When I got up I felt compelled to dress really nicely, despite the fact I knew we were going for a walk in the mud, made a big fuss with my hair and make up, etc.... I just knew he was going to propose that day!

Bob xoxoxox

Aw thats nice lol. We dressed up a bit but you cant get really too dressed up in heat lol but only because dave had accidently mentioned we were going for a meal

and to your update I love thos cake toppers i really want one but yes they are a bit of an expense

and your favour and seating arrangemts i love they sound really good i love how you arekeeping all in a garden theme :D
Whats really weird is, I knew he was going to propose before he did it.... He wasn't acting funny in the slightest or anything like that. We'd agreed he'd go to work for half a day (He had no holiday time left and had to build up a bit of flexi time) and I'd pick him up at 1pm and we'd go down to the river for a walk together..... When I got up I felt compelled to dress really nicely, despite the fact I knew we were going for a walk in the mud, made a big fuss with my hair and make up, etc.... I just knew he was going to propose that day!

Bob xoxoxox

haha there are you two dressing up -and i was proposed to while i was in dirty clothes, not washed hair, no make up nothing- i hadnt even brushed my teeth! hahaha!!! so romantic!

i wish we was having a english wedding cake in disney - the fondant out there you cant eat- and i wanted a chocolate cake - and you cant even eat the chocolate fondant - its just not the same as the icing you get over here!
haha there are you two dressing up -and i was proposed to while i was in dirty clothes, not washed hair, no make up nothing- i hadnt even brushed my teeth! hahaha!!! so romantic!

i wish we was having a english wedding cake in disney - the fondant out there you cant eat- and i wanted a chocolate cake - and you cant even eat the chocolate fondant - its just not the same as the icing you get over here!

i read that on your thread on the main wedding forum and thought that sucked
Well, not properly dressed up..... He was quite smart as he'd just left work (Shirt, tie, etc) whereas I'd gone for a bit of a more smart look..... Better than the scruffy look I normally adopt when going for a walk! :lmao:

I'm looking at cakes right now... It's driving me mad! Lol!

Bob xoxoxox

I know and when you find the cake design its what flavours do you want for each tier and what icing flavour grr lol
I've seen some really nice ones from M&S where you can just add your decoration? I shall ask at work and see if anybody has used anyone locally (family friends are always good!). I am going to get my dad out of cake making retirement to make my UK reception cake (he used to be a chef and made my mum and dads cake!)!
I've suddenly had one of my nervous moments about the wedding.... I keep feeling haunted by something my Mum said the other week about what would I do if nobody wanted to travel up for our wedding (From Robert's side)..... I keep feeling like the wedding is going to be a disaster and it'll be my own fault.... :sad1:

Bob xoxoxox

Oh don't worry Bob :hug: its a wedding most people are willing to travel for weddings, I think it is programmed into us actually.

I'm glad you've started a PJ, your reception venue looks stunning.
I've suddenly had one of my nervous moments about the wedding.... I keep feeling haunted by something my Mum said the other week about what would I do if nobody wanted to travel up for our wedding (From Robert's side)..... I keep feeling like the wedding is going to be a disaster and it'll be my own fault.... :sad1:

Bob xoxoxox

people will travel im sure i thouhgt that wheni have been planning a home reception and been thinking people wont go that far then I think if they want to be there they will be there (im worrying about people travelling 15 miles for a reception not worrying about them travelling 1000's miles lol) I worried Daves family wouldnt come but every one seems very happy to be there it will all work out i am sure its just nerves no one blames you we all get it
Well, it's a 2-3 hour drive for them to get to our wedding, so its not a huge distance.... I think they will travel, it's just my Mum really panicked me by putting the idea that they wouldn't into my head!

Bob xoxoxoxo

oo mums are just their to make you worry lol as long as robert is happy thats all that matters andthat every one has a valued excuse not to be there even if some just come for the ceremony
My younger brother informed me today that our wedding wasn't very 'him' and that he didn't really want to come... :sad2: The joys of 14 year olds!

Bob xoxoxox

ha ha kids lol i dont have a brother so i dont know what its like but it could be worse you could have a younger sister who wants to be too involved lol
like me lol
I've got a future MIL who is absolutely desperate to get actively involved, but I'm afraid I won't let her. She has really terrible taste in everything to do with weddings so I'm afraid there's no chance in hell she's getting to make/do anything! She's hinted about making favours ("I made the favours for our Joannes wedding you know."..."I think favours are an essential thing to make a wedding 'posh', don't you? I made them for my own wedding.".... "Oh, I made the favours for our Joanne, did I tell you?".... :headache: ), and I was like: "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" 'cause she would want to go down the traditional sugared almond route and ruin my nice 'twist on traditional' vibe!

Bob xoxoxoxo

ha ha you really make me laugh Dave doesnt have any contact with his mum so i dont have to worry about the MIL but my mum is great she has really great taste and helps me

Yeah deffintly posh favours are a must i really want some thing different but im a bit worried about getting it out to USA and getting it home lol

but your idea is great i love it and i agree i am trying to stay away from sugared almounds i dont even like them lol
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