Quicky BCV report, all well

Scott H

<font color=red>First to Magically cross from King
Sep 2, 1999
I hope I posted this on the correct board, so here goes a little BCV report.

Arrived at 11:30, room not available, asked for what was ready. Told what was ready were not a great locations compared to the room we had been assigned. Told we had a big balcony so we decided to wait. Off to Epcot, called back about 2:00, not ready, then called just a little before 4:00, and were given our room number. We were assigned room 474.

The room in very good condition, just a couple of black scuffs kinda high on the wall in the bedroom. The folding door to the laundry area could open a bit more, as it blocks one from reading the settings on the far side. No big deal. Room 474 is in the hinterlands of the resort, took two balls of twine and three bags of bread crumbs to make our return. :) It is at the very end, well almost , no big deal, we joked about being in a fun house where the mirrors made it look like it would never end. :)

Might headd over to SSR for member update this evening.
Scott H -- We were in room 473. I wish I had thought to bring bread crumbs (or perhaps a portable GPS unit!). We finally just started using the stairs at the end of the hall. Pretty easy leaving in the morning. Felt the "burn" going back to the room at night though!
hey we were in 421.. no need to go to the gym.. whew.. what a long walk.. at least it was close to the parking lot .. no need to ever valet.. one plus.. and those stairs.....:p ...dave
It's not that bad, the walk, I had a bone graft taken from my leg and it is a little sore. The doc said no running for two months, one to go.


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