"Party of 13, Your Vacation is Now Ready"


Feb 12, 2012


Introduction Part 2

Day 1: Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It's Off to Florida We Go!

Day 1 Part 2: It's a Twister!

Day 2: We're Here! We're Here!

Day 2 Part 2: This One Spins Too?!

Day 2 Part 3: Dinner Time!

Day 3: We're Gonna Have Fun in the Sun!

Day 3 Part 2: Try the Gray Stuff; It's Delicious!

Day 4: People Who Get Up Early Get Cake for Breakfast

Day 4 Part 2: Universal Studios One Last Time

Day 4 Part 3: The 7, I Mean 13, Dwarves Reunited!

Day 5: A Girls Morning in MK!

Day 5 Part 2: We've Heard This Song 3 Times Already!

Day 6: You Think This is Fun?!

Day 7: Darlin' It's Better Down Where It's Wetter; Take It From Me!

Day 7 Part 2: A Night on the Boardwalk

Hey there DISers! :wave2: Okay, so I know I did this completely out of order, considering I did my January 2013 TR first (you can find that HERE), but here goes. By the way, this TR makes the THIRD time Ive started writing about this trip, so well see how this goes (LOL).

Me: 13; this was my 6th trip to WDW & I am absolutely obsessed! My favorite characters are Ariel, Kiara, & Kovu (I couldn't pick just one) & my favorite Disney movies are The Little Mermaid & The Lion King (I & II)

DM: 2Monkeys here on the DIS. I get my love of Disney from my mom she introduced me to the Most Magical Place on Earth when I was just 3 years old, and its been our special place ever since. Her favorite character is Mickey, and her favorite Disney movies are Enchanted & National Treasure 1 & 2 (yes, those are Disney movies).

DF: Okay, so my dad is just kind of along for the ride. Hes really good at saying Yes, Dear when DM starts planning yet another WDW trip. His favorite character is Goofy. Im not sure he has a favorite Disney movie (crazy, right?!)

DLB: 10; my little brother enjoys WDW, but not as much as DM & I do; this will be his 5th trip to WDW. His favorite Disney character is Jack Sparrow, and his favorite Disney movies are Nation Treasure 1 & 2 & the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

Been keeping count? This brings our headcount to a total of 4, but were not done yet.

DOA: My moms oldest sister was actually the one to suggest WDW for our big family vacation. She enjoys WDW, but is not anything like her sister (DM) or niece (me) when it comes to the planning. Her favorite character is Minnie & her favorite movies are Finding Nemo & The Little Mermaid.

DOU: DOAs DH is like DF just along for the ride. His favorite character is Mickey, but he doesn't have a favorite movie.

DOC: 15; my oldest cousin was 8 the last time she went to WDW, making this her 2nd trip. She told us she would rather go to the beach than WDW, but that didnt last long. I'm not sure about her favorite character or movie.

DMC: 12; my middle cousin is in the same grade as me, & were really close. This was her 2nd trip to WDW (she was 5 the last time she went). Her favorite characters are Belle & Simba, & her favorite Disney movie is The Lion King.

Still paying attention? This brings our head count to 8, and were still going.

DYA: My moms youngest sister is like me & DM - loves all things Disney. Shes not as big of a planner as we are, but more so than DOA. She says she cant pick a favorite character or movie; she loves them all
DYU: DYAs DH enjoys WDW, but again, was just along for the ride. He says you have to specify a category for characters/movies (animal, human, PIXAR, etc.) for him to be able to pick a favorite.

DYC: 2; my youngest cousin LOVES Disney princesses!! This was her first trip to WDW, & we were all so excited to share it with her. Her favorite character is Cinderella, & her favorite movie&.can you guess? Yup, Cinderella.

You guys still with me? That brings our headcount to 11, but weve still got more.

DGM: My grandmother loves doing anything with her kids & grandkids, even going to a theme park where there isnt a whole lot she can ride because of her bad back. Her favorite characters are Goofy & Cinderella.

DGF: my grandfather was on a scooter for this trip due to his bad knees, but he was a trouper. He had fun spending time with us kids, too. His favorite character is Donald Duck.

Whew! Finally done. Did you catch that? 13! 13 PEOPLE! Thats the largest group weve ever taken to WDW, & DM vows we will never do it again. :rotfl2:

Here's a group picture of all 13 of us:
Middle Row: DMC, DOC, me
Front Row: DLB

Stay tuned for more planning info & then, the actual TR!
We were in Orlando from June 7th-15th & headed back home on the 16th. This is the first time we’ve ever gone in June (we’ve always gone in February, May, or September), so I’m a little worried about the weather. Hopefully it won’t rain on us (in 2009 we walked through Epcot in ankle-deep water…we don’t want to repeat that experience).

Because there were so many of us, we didn’t stay onsite (a fact that extremely disappointed me). We rented a house about 10 or so minutes from WDW. I honestly can’t remember the name of the house or the company, sorry. The house had 4 master suites, 2 other bedrooms, 1 ½ other bathrooms. DMC & I shared a room, while DOC & DLB shared; all 4 of us shared the 1 ½ bathrooms. For the first few nights, though, DM, DF, DLB, & I are staying at Universal (specifically Royal Pacific)

WHAT (a.k.a. THE PLAN)
As I said before, DM & I don’t go anywhere without a plan, especially not WDW. So here’s a rough sketch of our plan for these 10 days o’ fun!

WEDS June 6th: ride in the car until we reach the Hampton Inn in Lake City, FL, where we’ll stay for the night

THURS June 7th: ride in the car for a couple more hours & arrive at Universal property around lunchtime (just me, DM, DF, & DLB are going to Universal & Wet ‘n’ Wild); eat a quick lunch & head to IoA (including WWHP…YES!)

FRI June 8th: Wet ‘n’ Wild

SAT June 9th: early entry for WWHP; Universal Studios; check into Disney house & possibly dinner at DTD

SUN June 10th: DM & I (& anyone else who gets up) are going to MK rope drop; maybe meet up with the rest of the group at DTD

MON June 11th: Epcot!

TUES June 12th: BB

WED June 13th: some of us are going to DHS; other than that not sure

THURS June 14th: ADR for Cinderella’s Royal Table for breakfast; MK

FRI June 15th: not really sure about this day…this is so unlike me & DM! We’ve talked about going to Typhoon Lagoon, but not totally sure

SAT June 16th: leave Orlando to go back to the real world 

Stay tuned for a few more planning details & then, finally, the TR! 

So, this trip was the 2nd time I participated with pin trading. DMC, DLB, & I all got pins for Easter to trade on the trip. In 2009, when I traded the first time, I collected Tinker Bell pins. This time, I decided to collect Pluto, although I still snatched up a couple Tinker Bell pins I had never seen before.

Alongside the pin trading, DMC & I began our pressed pennies collections. I never realized how many of those machines there are in WDW! These coins are great, inexpensive souvenirs. I even bought a book to keep them in. 

DM & DF gave me & DLB $5 for every A we got on our report cards to help us save money for this trip. I had been saving up for a while anyway (even before I knew about the trip), so I had a good bit a spending money for this trip. Woo hoo!

So, finally, we’ve reached the end of the planning details. See ya next time for Day 1 of our adventure! 
*SIDE NOTE* I'm not sure how I forgot this!

DAY 1: "It's a Twister!"

While driving down the road, we could see a dark cloud up ahead. We thought maybe someone was burning leaves or something. No. We got around the corner only to find a tornado! It had formed over a dry field, so all it had picked up was dirt & dust. Next thing we knew, it was headed straight for us! DM floored the gas pedal & we passed several cars that had stopped to take pictures. The tornado basically fell apart once it hit the road, but it took a while for us to get over the shock of what had just happened.

And now my story is over. Haha I have no idea how I could possibly have forgotten this part, but somehow I did. See ya real soon for more of our Universal adventure! :)
Finally! The day had finally arrived! I don’t think I have ever cleaned a house that fast! DM had left a list of things for me & DLB to do while she & DF were at work that morning: stuff that would make it easier for us to leave that afternoon. DF was able to get off work even earlier than anticipated, so soon we were on the road.

Since we had to drive 9 ½ -10 hours, DM & DF had a bribe for us. For every half-hour we could go without fighting, we would each get ‘x’ amount of money. I felt a little insulted that they thought that was the only way to make us be civil toward one another, but I’m not one to turn down more spending money.

We drove…and drove…and drove some more. Finally, we reached Lake City & soon we were crawling into bed at the Hampton Inn.

*See “Day 1: It’s a Twister!” (previous post) for some road-trip drama!*

Up next…Day 2: "We're here! We're Here!"
We left Lake City ahead of schedule (much to DM’s surprise & delight) & only had about 2-3 hours left to drive. We arrived at the Royal Pacific Resort around 11:30, but our room wasn’t ready yet. Fortunately, we were still able to get our Express Passes.:thumbsup2

Express Passes: the best things that Universal has created. They come with the room and allow you to get in a separate line (kind of like the FP system in WDW) on most, but not all, rides. The difference between the EP & the FP, is that the EPs are unlimited. You can use them on any ride that has that option, as many times as you want. It was totally worth the money spent (by my parents, mind you) to stay on Universal Property.

We grabbed our EP & walked over to IoA…yes, we walked! It was great. There was a path directly to City Walk & the entrances to both IoA & US. We reached IoA quickly and were so excited to finally be in a park!:cool1:

What did we ride first? If you guessed Spider Man, you’re correct! The stand-by wait was 75 minutes! Yuck! No thanks! But, by using our EP, we were in & out in 15. Spider Man is similar to Soarin’ but (in my opinion) much more intense. There was A LOT of spinning. DLB made us ride it twice, but then DM & I had to be done. I could already feel the headache & nausea forming. :P

After Spider Man, we realized how hungry we were. Knowing we could come right back into the park, we headed back out to City Walk for lunch. DM, being the A student she is, had done her research about the restaurants along City Walk. We decided on Pastamore Café, & boy were we glad we did! It was delicious! I took advantage of the “Create Your Own Pasta” option & made chicken alfredo. I would love to eat there again!

We finished eating then headed back into IoA. We went everywhere except WWHP (a fact that was driving me CRAZY). While DF rode The Incredible Hulk, DLB & I rode the Fantastic Four version of the Mad Tea Party. I could only handle that for so long before I felt my headache returning.

I had to try really hard to smile, considering I thought I was going to be sick :P

Then we headed over to Suess Landing.

Find out what we rode first in Suess Landing next time! See ya real soon! 
By the time we reached Suess Landing, it had started to rain (not hard, but enough to make us duck for cover). To get out of the rain, we hopped in line for The Cat in the Hat. This ride was really cute…at first. After a couple minutes, it started to spin, and spin, and spin some more. I really could not catch a break today! When we got off, DLB wanted to ride again, but his suggestion received a firm “No” for a response.

Yes, we did have Things 1-4 shirts. I wasn’t thrilled about this, but I was forced to accept it.:confused3

When we got back outside, the rain had pretty much stopped. There were still a few sprinkles here & there, but nothing terrible. We stopped & let DF try on a few crazy hats before hopping in line for the High in the Sky Suess Trolley Train Ride! The track was up in the air & from it you could see most if not all of the park…Let’s just say I had a squealing fan-girl moment when I caught my first glimpse of Hogwarts. :woohoo:

DF trying on “Thing 1 & 2” hats. :rotfl2:

DF loves to mess with me.:confused:

DLB was pretending to be scared of how high up we were.:scared1:

Our view of Suess Landing from the trolley.

My first look at Hogwarts!! :cool1:

At some point we rode the Caro-Suessal & One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish (a.k.a. Dumbo the Flying Elephant)

FINALLY, DM said we could head toward WWHP. YES! No. We had to pass through the Jurassic Park section, & DLB wanted to go into the interactive museum-ish thing. Go figure. I was very antsy as we walked through it. I REALLY wanted to go to WWHP. :sad2:

There was an archeology-scanner thing (I really have no idea what it’s called)

DF tried to feed me to the T-Rex!

Of course, as soon as we walked into Hogsmeade, it started raining again.:mad: Go figure. Well, we managed to get a few pictures in, but since DM & DF had just bought this expensive camera, they didn’t want to get it wet. Whatever. We went inside The Hogshead for some frozen butterbeer.

DLB & I shared one & it was DE-LISH! It was super sweet, too, so I was glad we shared it.

After our snack, we headed over to Hogwarts to ride the Forbidden Journey. Wow. The attention to detail inside the castle, in the greenhouse, & during the ride made my fan-girl heart happy. We only waited about 20-30 minutes, & it didn’t even feel that long because of all the things there are to look at. I was the only one who enjoyed the ride; DLB was freaked out & DM & DF aren’t HP fans, so they didn’t get it. Oh, well. :confused3 I still had fun.

After we got off the ride we darted back to the hotel to get ready for dinner. Where did we eat our first night in Orlando? Find out in my next update.

See ya real soon!
We raced back to the hotel to dry off before dinner. Tonight, DM had picked Margaritaville. For those of you who have been to Lulu’s in Gulf Shores, AL, this is similar (I think the owners are siblings).

The food was so good! I got the chicken Caesar salad, & it was delicious! I wasn’t sure I was going to find anything that I liked, but I was pleasantly surprised. We finished dinner then walked back to the hotel, hoping that tomorrow would be bright & sunshiney for our day at the water park!

I know this was a short update, but stay tuned for our day at Wet ‘n’ Wild!:beach:

See ya real soon!
So we woke up Friday morning & immediately looked outside. Whew! The sun was shining & we were ready for a day at:

Back in 2009, we had passed it & DLB & I both thought it looked like a lot of fun. Well, here we were, three years later, heading into the park. We had a GREAT time! I think I rode all except for 2 or 3 slides. :thumbsup2

We had looked at the slides online before we left & had seen one called the Bubba Tub under the family category. Um, no. Everyone except DF was terrified! The rafts were huge (too big for just 4 people) & we felt like we were going to fall out. There are 3 or 4 drops on the slide & that’s all it is. The drops were MUCH steeper than they appeared. It’s safe to say that that was the one ride I did not enjoy. :crazy2:

It sprinkled here & there throughout the day, but we were already soaked, so we didn’t care! :lmao: Since it was a waterpark, we don’t have any pictures, sorry.
We finished up around 4 or so & then headed back to the hotel to get ready for dinner.
We finished up at Wet ‘n’ Wild then headed back to Royal Pacific to get dressed for dinner. Tonight, Mom had picked NASCAR grill. I have no idea what any of us ate (some of my notes are missing) but I do remember that it was pretty good.
They had a U.S. map made out of license plates from each of the 50 states. I thought that was so cool!

After dinner we decided to head over to US for a little while. We rode MIB – very cool ride. It’s a lot like Buzz (MK) & TSMM, just a lot more spinning. There was NO line (I seriously think we were the only people on that ride) so we rode it twice, but then I had to be done.

ET…wow, there aren’t words to describe it. I LOVE IT! It’s just like the movie, except YOU are on the bike. I L-O-V-E loved it! :yay::yay:

Well after those 2 & a few others, we decided we wanted some ice cream. From outside MIB, you can see a giant lit up Ghirardelli sign…NOT REAL! Along with the rest of the “movie set” that is the back of US, the Ghirardelli is fake! DM & I were not very happy & both agree that that is “cruel & unusual punishment.” :confused3

By this point, there was only about 20 minutes until closing, so we made our way toward the front. We decided to wander through some shops at City Walk. Of course, the HP section of the Universal store caught my attention. DLB & I had thought about getting wands when we were in WWHP the day before, but DM had told us to sleep on it. We did, & we still wanted them. DM had agreed to buy each of us one thing from Universal & one thing from WDW. She agreed that our wands could be our one thing. I chose Ginny’s wand & DLB chose Ron’s. We were so happy! I also bought a Gryffindor shirt for myself.:thumbsup2

Proudly carrying our purchases, we headed back to the hotel to turn in for the night.

Next up…Early Entry for WWHP:cool1:

See ya real soon!
Finally! The morning had come for DM & I to get inside WWHP an hour before the public. This feature is for those who stay on Universal Property, and I was psyched! I, of course, wore my new Gryffindor shirt, and soon we were on our way.

Since we had to be in line at the turnstiles pretty early, we had just grabbed some of the individually packed breakfast foods we had brought along. So, here I am, standing in line for early entry, after scarfing down a poptart.

I look really rough in this picture. :confused3

Now, DM & I knew that most people would immediately head toward Forbidden Journey. Partially because we had ridden FJ two days before & partially because of our research, we knew to head for Ollivander’s Wand Shop first. We took the shortcut DM had found (although it ended up not helping, b/c a bunch of people followed us) and ended up FIRST in line for Ollivander’s. Woo hoo!

This was hanging above the shop door

We only waited 10 or 15 minutes before being admitted inside the shop. Just like in the books & movies, the shop was small & the walls were covered with wand boxes. I was so excited. :cool1:

Soon the shop was at capacity. They closed the door & Ollivander himself entered. He began telling us about how the study of wand-lore is very complex & only a few understand it, etc. He then stepped toward me & requested that I show him my wand hand. I did so, & he seem pleased with the fact that I was right-handed. He then asked me to step forward to his desk. My heart pounding, I stepped forward. He then proceeded to take wand boxes off the wall. The first one he handed me, I was told to try “Accio”. When I did, things began falling off shelves, so he put the wand back in the box.

The second time, I tried “Wingardium Leviosa”. Again, things were falling everywhere. He took the wand back & began looking for another box. His words trailed off as he said “The wand chooses the wizard, you know, even if we sometimes don’t know why” and grabbed a random box from the shelf. He handed the wand to me & as soon as he did, there was a big gust of wind coming from under the desk, a bright light, & the angel chorus sounding music in the background.:yay: I had to bite my tongue to keep from screaming, & I’m sure I was grinning like an idiot. Ollivander then took my wand back & put it up to his ear, smiling. He put it back in the box & handed it to his “assistant”, whom, I was told, would help me.

We were sent through a door that led into a gift shop (shocker, right?). I was told I could either purchase the wand or just leave it on the counter for them to put away. DM said “You’ve already got a wand; you’re not going to buy this one, are you?” I smiled & said “It chose me! I have to get it!” I had to buy it myself, but hey, it picked me!

My favorite picture from the show

After my exciting experience in Ollivander’s, DM & I headed over to Honeydukes for a cauldron cake. Great breakfast, huh? It was delicious! Then I led DM around, making her take pictures of pretty much EVERYTHING. I got a few postcards at the Owl Post store and a couple HP pins from another store.

Hogwarts Express

Sirius Black's "Wanted" Poster...It even moved!!

Street Sign...not sure what my arm is doing there

Then, DM & I headed over to Hogwarts to do the castle tour. At Hogwarts, there are 2 lines: the ride line & the castle tour. When you enter the castle, you just tell the witch/wizard at the front that you’re there for the castle tour. You’re then sent inside, where you can take all the time in the world to take pictures. We ended up doing it twice (cause I didn’t get enough pictures the first time).

The lighting's really bad, but Dumbledore's Pensieve!

The Daily Prophet had moving pictures too!

Unfortunately, the lighting is really bad in most of these pictures :(

Of course, I wasn’t done yet. I still had one more stop to make. The girls’ bathroom. Now, if you’re not an HP fan, you might be a little confused. Let me elaborate. Inside the girls’ bathroom you can hear the one & only Moaning Myrtle. Myrtle is ghost that inhabits a prefect bathroom inside Hogwarts. DM thought it was creepy, but I thought it was awesome!

Unfortunately, it was time to meet the guys, so that we could head over to US. I was sad to go, but knew I had to at some point.

Up Next...A little more time in Universal!
We met up the guys, ate lunch (I don’t remember where), then headed into US. Fortunately it didn’t rain much today. We rode ET again; still amazing! We rode the Simpsons for the first time…I didn’t enjoy it very much. It made me feel claustrophobic & nauseous. Oh, well; can’t please everybody. :confused3

The 4D Shrek show was hilarious! It’s a lot like Mickey’s Philharmagic; we loved it. At some point DLB & I got our picture taken with Shaggy & Scooby Doo.

After doing everything we wanted to, we loaded up the car & drove to the house we would be staying in for the next week.

More Pictures from WWHP:

Dumbledore's desk

Cauldron Cakes

Me outside Honeydukes

This was in the display window for Zonko's :rotfl2:

Platform 9 3/4 shirt...I loved it, but it was out of my budget :(

Entrance to Hogsmeade

More from Universal Stuidos:

Me, DLB, & DM in front of the globe

The Mystery Machine

Our ET passports

Doc Brown's train from Back to the Future III

The Dolorean (spelling may be off; sorry)

See ya real soon for more of our adventure!
The four of us were the first ones to reach the house. We unloaded the car before heading out to find something for dinner. As we left, we drove past DOA, DOU, DOC, DMC, DGM, & DGF. We waved & continued on our way. We found this place called Sweet Tomatoes. Oh my gosh. It’s a buffet, complete with salad, pizza, soups, baked potatoes, & desserts. It was DELICIOUS! We all agreed that we need one by us! :thumbsup2

We finished eating and made our way back to the house. We had already claimed our beds (benefits of getting there first) and couldn’t wait to see everybody. The last time we had been all together was before Christmas, and none of us like those big gaps. Just after we got inside & started catching up with DOA, DOU, DOC, DMC, DGM, & DGF another car pulled into the driveway: it was DYA, DYU, & DYC! Finally the 7, I mean 13, dwarves were reunited! I use the term “dwarves” b/c well, the characteristics of Happy, Doc, Bashful, Sleepy, Sneezy, Grumpy, & Dopey pretty much describes our family (aside from the fact that we’re all short…except for DF). :rotfl2:

We spent the evening unpacking, catching up on news, and chasing DYC around the house. I had forgotten how much energy she has!:yay:

Soon we all decided it was time to turn in. We were all tired, & DM, DMC & I had an early morning for MK rope drop!:cool1:

See ya real soon!
The next morning DM, DMC, & I got up, so that we could go to MK rope drop. Everybody else was still asleep when we left. The three of us had the same motto during this trip: were in WDW! There will be time to sleep when we go home!

We made it to MK just before the opening show. Before we knew it, we were inside the park! We stopped for a few pictures in front of the castle before heading for our favorite ride in all of WDW& drumroll please& BTMRR!!! Yes, all three of us have the same favorite ride & we knew that had to be our first stop.

We reached Frontierland quickly & there was NO line for BTMRR! We walked right on! When we got off, there still was no line, so we got back on&3 more times! Thats right; we rode BTMRR 4 times in a row! Talk about a great way to start of the morning!:cool1:

Then it was time for another favorite : Splash Mountain! Now, somehow, DMC & I ended up in the front row! I had never ridden in the front row before this day, & I have to admit I wasnt sure what to expect; it was AWESOME! Its just like BTMRR: riding in the front makes it even better!:thumbsup2

DMC & I are in the front; DM is in the 2nd row

And yet another favorite was next: HM! If Im remembering correctly, we got stopped about halfway through, but only for a minute or so. We took some pictures in the interactive queue.

After that, Im really not sure what order we did things in& I know that we got a snack at one point. DM got a nutella waffle sandwich, I got and ice cream cookie sandwich (as big as my head), & DMC got a root beer float.

Okay, maybe not quite as big as my head but pretty close!

DMC did not want DM to take her picture!:rotfl2:

We rode a few more rides (I honestly dont know what; I didnt take very good notes on this trip) before heading out to meet the rest of the group at DTD.

Up next...An Afternoon of Shopping!
When I last left off DM, DMC, & I were headed to DTD to meet up with the rest of the 13 dwarves. We ate lunch at WPE, our favorite CS restaurant. Then we began wandering around World of Disney & some of the other stores. After a while, though, DLB & the other guys started to get bored, so some of the group decided to go over to Disney Quest. DYA, DYU, DYC, DGM, DGF, & I didn’t go; DYA & I both get motion sick, DYU just didn’t want to, DYC is too little, & DGM & DGF couldn’t because of a bad back or bad knees. So the 6 of us continued wandering around stores.

Of course, as soon as DYC saw the “horsies” on the carousel, she had to ride. I agreed to ride with her.

Of course as soon as we got on, she didn’t want to ride a “horsie” anymore but in the little carriage, so that’s what we did.

After a while longer of perusing through the stores, I got a text from DM saying they were on the way back. I told her we would wait for them outside Ghirardelli. Well we waited for them alright; we waited, & waited, & waited…I heard the same songs at least 3 times if not more. I’m STILL not sure what took them so long to get back down from Disney Quest.

They did FINALLY make it, though, & then we all got ice cream at Ghirardelli for dinner (we’re just that awesome). YUM! Then we headed back to the house & played games for a while before turning in. We had a big day at Epcot planned for tomorrow!

See ya real soon!


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