Our Great Big Beautiful Tommorow..... In WDW My first ever Pre-Trip Report !


DIS Veteran
Dec 28, 2008
Hi Everyone,

This is my first ever Pre-Trip, so bear with me if I am doing this incorrectly, and feel free to give me any tips you may have on writing Pre-Trips, and Trip Reports.

I guess I should introduce the Cast...

Me! :flower3: I am 29, and I am the Director of an Arts Program for Adults with Developmental Disabilities. I love decorating our house, and playing with our little dog Mayzie, and playing with my iPhone. Some of my Disney Favorites are : Mickey Premium Bars, Making ADRS, Grand Marnier Slushies, and The Carousel of Progress.

DH: pirate: Dh is 34, He is an IT Tech who is also in graduate school, and hopes to be a database manager. He loves working on our house, Cool weather ( especially Autumn, Pumpkins, and fall leaves ) and History.Some of his Disney Favorites are Eating at Yorkshire Fish Shoppe in Epcot, Space Mountain, and the attention to detail in the parks, and resorts amazes him.

We have been married for almost 3 1/2 years, and just bought our first house this past May. We did our first Disney trip as a couple in September 2008, and were instantly hooked. Even though we both went on many Disney Vacations as kids we were skeptical of whether or not the " magic" would find us as adults. Needless to say the moment I saw the castle for the first time last trip I new the " magic" was REAL pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust:

Thanks for reading!

Coming up in the next post : Should we go in January or wait for 9/10?
So since I am home sick from work I will post the next installment :

Last trip was in September, it was HOT, but uncrowded, and free Dining, really really made up for it. We also did MNSSHP, and LOVED it. We stayed at POP, but I had my sights set on a Beach Club Vacation for my 30th Birthday September 2010.

Well after buying a house this year, DH and I had a " state of the family meeting" and realized we would like to start a family sooner rather than later. Now I KNOW people go to Disney all the time with infants, and or pregnant, However I really wanted to have one more vacation that was just us, and I wanted to enjoy my Grand Marnier slushie on said vacation.

So when the 5-2 deal came out, DH and I jumped on it and booked a package through SW. This meant I had to compromise. My vacation cookie jar was not yet full enough for a BC vacation. So it is POP for us again. I actually really enjoyed POP last time even though I was very skeptical of it before I went.

So POP it is, in January. As I researched the trip I became more and more excited about our trip.


1) We are arriving on the last night of Osbourne Lights. I have always wanted to experience this, and never planned to be at Disney during this time !

2) Cooler weather, DH nearly melted during the last trip, and although he was so happy to be there, he really wanted to go during a time when the weather was cooler, and more manageable.

3) It's Disney, It's Magic, and It's Sooner than expected. This is most likely our last trip until 2012/2013 so It is time to make it memorable !

Next Post : Dining Plan? ADRs? and Itinerary?
Wow so I haven't posted here in a while.I have two BIG updates

1) We switched resorts! We were planning on POP! due to cost, but somehow ( a little " dust" maybe ) DH was able to get a deal through Southwest. We were able to book at POR, and get a $6.02 REFUND! Over the 5/2 deal we had a POP! For a 6buck savings, we are so happy to try a moderate, and POR looks so romantic.:love:. If anyone has any tips on what room to pick let me know. AB or the Mansions? Close to the main bus stop or further away? The mansions look really romantic, but is the location much noisier than AB?:confused3

2) The ADR's are made!! I am so excited, DH and I love Disney Dining. We had so many yummy meals on our last trip so we are really looking forward to pigging out on this trip. I may still tweak some of these, but am really excited so far about our choices

Our ADR's and itinerary


arrive at MCO at 10:20 hope to be checked in by 1pm at the latest, and headed over to DHS

run to TSM and hope to get a FP during the EMH that night

4pm dinner at 50's PTC. This is the only repeat TS on this trip for us. DH has regretted not ordering the pot roast ever since he saw it on our last trip, so he needs a " do over" I am planning on getting a yummy milkshake as my drink this time, even if it means no clean plate club sticker :rotfl:

6pm Osbourne Lights ! :cool1: SO SO EXCITED to be catching this on it's last night. Hopefully they still are selling the concession for these, I really want to view the lights with a hot chocolate and my hot hubby :love::hug:

stay at DHS as long as we can manage. We will have woken up VERY early that morning, and am sure we will be tired. Also on the agenda is my FIRST ride on TOT EVER :scared1:. For some reason this ride has always scared the beejubus out of me. DH keeps telling me I will love it ( I love EE, SM, BTMR, and SM) so fingers crossed he is right. If we get tired early we may bus it over to DTD for a drink and a trip to Goofy's, also this is an excuse for me to get on the water taxi to DTD as many times in this trip as possible ;)


We are planning to pack some snacks/ breakfast bars and have breakfast in the room almost every morning. This will make this days plan much easier It's Rope Drop morning at the MK!!! Another first for both of us!! How we both went to WDW a bunch of times as kids and never managed to do this is amazing :confused3.

Our plan is to hit RD bright and early at 8:30 am, and stay at the park for a CS lunch at Main St Bakery. I am so excited ever since I found out they serve lunch there. Main St USA is one of my favorite parts of WDW so this something I am really looking forward too. I will probally save my dessert for a snack or a breakfast later at the room, because I plan on having already had a delicious Mickey Premium as a mid morning snack.

Back to the resort for relaxation, a quick swim if it is warm enough and maybe a nap or shower.

We will be headed back to the park for a little light touring in the late afternoon at MK. I love watching the lights come on on Main St as the sun goes down in the evening. It is so magical and exciting. We will jump on the monorail over to the Poly for a 7:35pm ADR at Ohana. DH loves " all you can eat" type meals, and potstickers are his favorite, so I am sure he will be loving this meal. We plan to watch Wishes from here. Even if we do not have a window seat, will we be able to see the fireworks? Do they pump in the music during the show? This won't be our only viewing of Wishes this trip, so if it is less than ideal that is fine, I just don't want to not be able to see it at all, if I am expecting a great view. If we don't hit up DTD the night before we may head over after Ohana.


Today is our sleep in day. We are going to sleep a little later, and maybe lounge by the pool, and head over to AK by 11:00am. I am terrified of elephants:scared1:, so the safari is a no go for us, Our favorite attractions AK are EE, Nemo, the trails, Kali River, and DH loves Dinosaur. We will eat breakfast in the room, lunch at our old standby Flame Tree, and tour straight through to EMHs, and dinner ADR's at Tusker House at 7:30pm. Indian and Thai food are our FAVORITE to eat at home, so hopefully these flavors live up to our expectations. I am nervous about this plan for several reasons. 1 We will be getting a later start 2 We will be touring a park with evening EMH's during the day so the crowds may be bad. UG is giving all of our days a 5 or 6 so I wonder if I need to be concerned??

anyways that is it for now. I am off to bed. Up next the next 4 days plans, and alternate plans.

Thanks for reading ! :)


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