One Magical experience with Fastpass+


Aug 14, 2013
I just got back Friday from the most magical experience we have ever had at WDW, thanks in a large part to Fastpass+.

The ability to pre plan certain rides/attractions to work with our ADRs and other reservations was key. It was also great to have the flexibility to change our fastpasses last minute....which we did, frequently.

A perfect example of a magical disney day was our last day of our trip. My daughter awoke to a Belle dress hanging on the wall with a personal invitation from Beast inviting her to join him for dinner. We went to Magic Kingdom in the morning and rode EVERYTHING in tomorrowland, as well as a last go on a few of our favorites in fantasyland. We used 3 fastpass+ selections and were done by 1. We headed back to our resort for a leisurely lunch and swim before getting ready for our magical evening. We headed back to the MK around 4:00 for my daughter's BBB appointment. After she was transformed into princess Belle we had time for a few pictures before we headed over to Enchanted Tales with Belle to use our last Fastpass+ at the perfect time. We had zero wait to get in. My kids got to be chip and Mrs. Pots and Belle whispered to my daughter that she was her long lost twin. We exited and crossed the bridge at just the right time to check in for our BOG dinner reservation. We had a lovely meal, topped off with a taste of the grey stuff. After dinner my daughter waited in line to greet the beast. When he saw her, he motioned to a CM to cue some music. As the music started he bowed to my daughter and put out his hand to invite her to dance. She totally went with it and they danced together for a whole minute before hugging and posing for pics. When we left the castle the rain had stopped and we had just enough time to hop on the carousel and grab a spot for the Electrical parade.

This is a day we will never forget. My daughter truely felt like a princess. Part of this can be attributed to a little extra disney pixie dust that was floating around that day, and a little that we brought with us, but without that fastpass locked in at that specific time between our BBB and BOG this evening would not have been nearly as magical. If everything else at disney needs to be planned, why wouldnt you want to be able to plan rides/attractions?


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