Oh, The Places We’ll Go! From the “stars” to the “sea”: Universal, SeaWorld & beyond - Spring 2016

You earned your day off, you packed an amazing amount of activity into Monday and Tuesday! I can't get over all the characters you met! :love:Some rare ones in there for sure. Thankfully the minion collective has increased. I don't think they would know what to do if new friends didn't periodically appear :D I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time as you were hungry, but the Kenny story is priceless! :joker:

Maria :upsidedow

Oh no, we definitely saw the humour in that meal!! He was seriously sweet.....his heart was in the right place, no matter his shortcomings as a server.....and regardless of the issues we couldn't help but laugh with (at?) him. We felt so painfully sorry for him when he dropped that whole tray of dishes!!

The Frisco melt looks good :thumbsup2 As for the fancy milk shake glasses, I bet Kenny may have dropped those too! :rotfl:I suspect you gave him a nice tip purely base on his entertainment value that evening.

LOL, you might be right! Perhaps the kitchen staff were just trying to save three more of their glasses from certain peril! :rotfl2:

We always try and tip very well, and Kenny was no exception. Serving is a hard (and often thankless) job, and a good (or bad) server can make or break a dining experience. He was sweet and funny and good-hearted, and therefore worth a healthy tip based on that alone :goodvibes.

Wow, what time did you hit S&S? Last trip A+ and I planned on going after a wander around Disney Springs. Got there around 8:30-9:00pm and the line was out the door! We went to Giordano's instead, which in hindsight was probably a mistake. We ordered the deep dish which takes about 45 minutes, so it was pushing towards 10:00 pm by the time we ate!

I think we initially rolled in about 7:30-ish? We have yet to be at Steak & Shake when its busy.....its always super quiet and nearly empty when we are there! You must have hit the March Break surge. Even we had breakfast there later that week, it was virtually deserted.
Wednesday, April 27th

All three of us enjoyed the chance to awaken at our own leisure this morning: no alarms were needed as our breakfast reservation at 1900 Park Fare was not until 10:40 am. Jake, in particular, was particularly appreciative of the later morning schedule…..your typical young male, he enjoys staying up late and sleeping in as long as possible. We did leave the Vistana, though, in plenty of time to allow for a potential wrong turn or two as we had never made the actual drive to the Grand Floridian before. While we are repeat breakfast guests at Ohana, 1900 Park Fare was new for us…..for breakfast, at least.

Traffic was light and skies were blue: the sun was shining and another hot day with low humidity was in store. I simply love Florida in April! :cloud9:

We had no problem finding our way to the Grand Floridian entrance, and we wasted no time in parking the car in their massive lot.

The lot was surprisingly full of vehicles so we had to park a fair distance from the lobby entrance. Since we arrived plenty early for our reservation, we decided to take a leisurely walk along the beach to the main building and check out some of the recreational areas of the GF while we were here. It was a beautiful day for a stroll, and early enough that the heat and sun weren’t too oppressive.

It’s a gorgeous resort and I can’t help but admit that it exudes elegance and class, but I’m probably one of the odd ducks who has no desire to stay here. It’s a little too fancy for my taste :snooty:. I much prefer the tropical feel of the Polynesian or the rustic charm of the Wilderness Lodge. But it’s still definitely an impressive resort, even if it’s not really my style.

The beach was deserted, so it was nice to explore without feeling like we were interrupting any guests.

We got a first-hand look at the new bungalows on the water at the Polynesian. I read somewhere that they are $12,000 a week to rent? :eek: Yeah, that’s a bit outside my budget :rolleyes2.

The children’s pool at the GF was pretty cute for sure, aptly themed to Alice in Wonderland.

I must admit, the grounds were spotless. Not a blade of grass nor grain of sand were out of place. The whole resort looked and felt nothing short of pristine.

The guys were starting to get noticeably hungry by this point in the morning, so even with a few minutes to our reservation time, we decided to head inside and check in at the podium. It was crazy quiet outside the main doors……barely no one coming and going, but us!

Steve took a particular shine to this old car…..I am sure he was picturing himself driving around in a top hat and tuxedo :p:

The lobby was equally as elegant as the exterior, with high ceilings and ornate flowers.

After a quick stop at the restrooms, we checked in with the restaurant staff, and were advised that our table was ready and waiting. It was time for brunch! :banana:

I always worry that ET will be on the chopping block as the park continues to modernize and evolve. I am truly hoping that what they say is true, and Steven Spielberg will never let that ride be replaced. I could live with a refurb, but it would gut me if it was taken away completely.

I know, I would be so sad if they took down ET. I don't think they will, it's such a well-built ride and it's up in classic territory now. And Universal needs all of the mild rides they can get.

I love visiting the GF too, but no desire to stay there either. My heart is at the CR when we stay onsite. :love:
I agree completely on the Grand Floridian. When we were down in December, we took the Monorail over to the GF to check out the gingerbread house and all the beautiful decorations, and while it is very pristine, it wouldn't be my cup of tea for a stay.
I agree completely on the Grand Floridian. When we were down in December, we took the Monorail over to the GF to check out the gingerbread house and all the beautiful decorations, and while it is very pristine, it wouldn't be my cup of tea for a stay.

I bet it was stunning at Christmas......I would love to see that sometime. I can only imagine how elegant and classy it would look in its festive finery!

I am glad to hear other people don't think I'm crazy for it really not appealing as resort to stay at. I guess I'm just a simple girl at heart :) .
Wednesday, April 27th: brunch at 1900 Park Fare, continued

As we were ushered to our table by a CM, it was clear why there was no wait to be seated: the restaurant was nowhere near full. It still felt full with how closely the tables were placed to one another :crowded::crowded: (even though there were no bodies actually sitting at some of them), but they were certainly not at capacity that morning.

POG juice is a favourite of ours at Ohana’s, so Jake was completely delighted to learn that they also serve it here at 1900 Park Fare…..it’s the little things that mean so much!! :teeth: It even brought a smile to his face and his nose up from being buried in his cell phone......he's such a goof :p:

The boys were starving, so they wasted no time in hitting up the buffet before the first of the characters came around. All of us were completely impressed by the quality and the selection of the buffet offerings here…..extensive doesn’t even begin to describe it. There was so much to pick from, it made deciding very difficult.

Steve got his beloved corned beef hash that he had been excitedly anticipating, and gave it a full two thumbs up :thumbsup2:thumbsup2. He would have given it three if he had an extra hand :thumbsup2.

The Mickey waffles were as good as Ohana’s, and the sticky buns were mouth-watering. The chefs behind the buffet stations were welcoming and friendly, and were doing a spectacular job at keeping each item refilled and replenished as guests depleted each dish.

I tried to sample just little bits of everything (one has only so much stomach room, after all), and was happy to not find a single thing that didn’t taste as good as it looked. The pineapple was so fresh and flavourful, I could have made a meal on that alone:worship:.

Once we had obtained our first platefuls from the buffet, the characters started coming fast and furiously. That meant that for the first while as we ate, it was up and down and up and down for photos at a near constant pace. This is where the closely placed tables are always a pain for my BIG fellows. The large table behind us had a few little folks among them who had a tough time sitting in their seats, and I wondered more than once if Steve’s size 15 feet would squash the toes on a toddler or two before we were done :crazy2:.

Mary Poppins was the first of the characters to arrive at our table:

I thought she looked short, but I guess she was taller than me after all :confused:.

Tigger was next to come by and say hello, and was the best character interaction of the lot…he was super playful and very engaging! He enjoyed admiring the guy’s muscles, pretended that he was going to take a marker and sign Jake’s shirt, and massaged Steve’s bald head :laughing:.

Winnie the Pooh was not far behind Tigger. I love the Pooh characters…..they hold a special place in my heart. Pooh was sweet and gentle and perfectly Pooh-like :love:.

The Mad Hatter was quite a guy. Very over-the-top and gregarious in his approach, but exceptionally true to his character for sure. The littlest guests seemed to get a big kick out of his crazy, loud antics.

Tiny little Alice in Wonderland was the last character to visit. Sadly, she was probably the least memorable as well. A quick photo from her, and she was off....she really wasn't interested in chatting.

Once we had indulged in a barrage of character pictures, we kicked back and enjoyed the rest of our breakfast without rushing. Our server was excellent and returned multiple times to refill our POG juice, encouraging us to take our time and enjoy our fill of the buffet offerings. Once we were to the point where we seriously couldn’t eat another bite if we tried, we waved her over and let her know we were ready for the bill. This meal was a gift from a most amazing friend, so the gift card we given fully paid for all charges ($95.82 including tax, plus tip).

While initially skeptical that this character breakfast would live up to our beloved Ohana, we all agreed that it was an awesome meal and an excellent experience, equal in value (though different in many respects) from breakfast at the Poly. While we prefer family-style dining (food delivered to your table) versus trips to the buffet line (especially when you are trying not to miss characters in the process), the variety at Park Fare beat Ohana by a country mile. There were more characters at the Park Fare meal (5 in total to Ohana’s 4), but we prefer the atmosphere at the Poly over that of the Grand Floridian. Price was the same for both meals, so when all was said and done, they pretty much stacked up equally in the end. Both places we enjoyed very much, both that we would recommend to others, and both that we would happily visit again on future trips.

We were so incredibly full as we left, and were grateful for the longer walk back to the car…..we needed some exercise after that massive breakfast.

As we were leaving the resort, we had the good fortune of seeing a newly married couple being transported in Cinderella’s carriage, complete with white horses and three matching horsemen who looked as if they stepped straight out of a child’s fairy tale storybook:

We pulled over in respect for the two newlyweds, a beautiful Asian bride and groom who bowed to us most gracefully as they passed. We had read about Disney weddings on the internet many times over the years, but it was especially cool to see one live and in person.

Our “relaxation day” was still young……it was only noon (and you know us….we’re not really good at “relaxing” on a relaxation day, anyway :o). Much more to come in the next post!
Glad you enjoyed the breakfast and how nice that it was a treat. We too loved the food, the omelette station was great and the chef quite chatty when we went. My nephew ate a few platefuls and then finished off with 6 croissants! Hollow legs I think.

The mad hatter was the hi light of the characters when we went, so funny!

It looks a perfect morning and the horse and carriage was a lovely sight to see.
Do they still offer the cold strawberry soup?
My mom ate about a gallon of that stuff!!!

This was one of our favorite character meals because of a special memory. Alice had a spectacular interaction with my daughter, who was about 6 yrs old at the time and dressed up as Alice.
Sorry she wasn't in her best form for your family.
1900 PF was such a good breakfast when we visited. The strawberry soup was great.

And one week til my vacation...and I'll be keeping up with your report!
Wow, look at that carriage!

Glad you liked Park Fare. We've never done that one.

That Tigger was looking sharp, his fur looked so clean and vivid. He must have just had a bath ;)
Glad you enjoyed the breakfast and how nice that it was a treat. We too loved the food, the omelette station was great and the chef quite chatty when we went. My nephew ate a few platefuls and then finished off with 6 croissants! Hollow legs I think.

The mad hatter was the hi light of the characters when we went, so funny!

It looks a perfect morning and the horse and carriage was a lovely sight to see.

Jake ADORED the omelette station, and had the same comments about the chef....very chatty, so friendly. They talked baseball (the chef was originally from New York) which was right up Jake's alley :).

Do they still offer the cold strawberry soup?
My mom ate about a gallon of that stuff!!!

This was one of our favorite character meals because of a special memory. Alice had a spectacular interaction with my daughter, who was about 6 yrs old at the time and dressed up as Alice.
Sorry she wasn't in her best form for your family.

Yes ma'am, they still offer the strawberry soup, but can you believe not one of us tried it? Jake's not a fan of strawberries (yes, he's weird), the thought of strawberry soup was just too strange for me to wrap my head around, and Steve was too fascinated with the corned beef hash :o.

No worries about Alice....she wasn't bad, per se, she just seemed disinterested. Maybe she had a harder time interacting with our table when we didn't have any kids with us? I can understand that some of the characters would have a tougher time with an all-adults group.

1900 PF was such a good breakfast when we visited. The strawberry soup was great.

And one week til my vacation...and I'll be keeping up with your report!

One week....lucky girl!! You must be getting so excited! :teeth:

You know Grand Floridian really reminds me of our Windermere House up in Muskoka (https://www.google.ca/search?q=wind...hUKEwjVj6z5l4XNAhULez4KHcIiDJIQ_AUICCgC&dpr=1) except maybe scaled up a bit. Okay, scaled up a lot.
It really does hearken back to an era when these lake resorts were dotted all over North America for summer relaxation and fun.

Wow.....that does bear an uncanny resemblance! Have you ever toured the inside?

Looks like a great breakfast! And getting to hang out with Mary Poppins...what can be better? :)

I have to say, I don't think I'll ever grow out of character meals: there's a little child deep inside me, I guess :blush:.

Wow, look at that carriage!

Glad you liked Park Fare. We've never done that one.

That Tigger was looking sharp, his fur looked so clean and vivid. He must have just had a bath ;)

That carriage was gorgeous, but oh....does it come at a price!!


Arrive in style at your ceremony or depart in an unforgettable fashion by choosing a special Disney transportation option:

Cinderella's Glass Coach (2 hour period) $2,950.00* (includes miniature white ponies and costumed footmen)
Horse and Landau Coach (2 hour period) $1,800.00*
Vintage Cars (3 hour period) $600.00* and up
Charter Bus Transportation (5 hour minimum) (55 person capacity) $110.25* per hour
Limousine Charter (3 hour minimum) (8 person capacity) $107.00* per hour

And I have to say....you made me laugh right out loud envisioning Tigger in the tub!!:rotfl2:
I would love to meet Shrek and Donkey! Shrek was one of my favorite movies as a kid.

The Grand Floridian doesn't appeal to me as a place to stay either though we do plab to visit for Christmas decorations. The Poly is our favorite.

The 1900 Park Fare breakfast sounded so good! :p We had a not so great dinner there last trip and but we always love breakfast so maybe we'll try that instead sometime.
I love jakes cougar nation tshirt!! A bit surprised they are on his radar. I have a Huge cougar fan in our house and it has rubbed off on me too. :cheer2:
Awesome pictures. We generally don't do character meals anymore. DD would humor me and pose, DS, no way. When sponge bob came out, DS went to the loo. Oh well. My DD hates almost all breakfast foods. DS eats almost all breakfast foods. So, we rarely do a breakfast TS. But, we did the Universal one last time, and both kids enjoyed the food. We had it pre-plated, but I am glad to hear it has become a buffet. I like to choose my food.

So pretty bridal couple. Yeah, the price is crazy, but what a sight to see!
I would love to meet Shrek and Donkey! Shrek was one of my favorite movies as a kid.

The Grand Floridian doesn't appeal to me as a place to stay either though we do plab to visit for Christmas decorations. The Poly is our favorite.

The 1900 Park Fare breakfast sounded so good! :p We had a not so great dinner there last trip and but we always love breakfast so maybe we'll try that instead sometime.

Donkey is not to be missed, in my humble opinion. He's awesome and so funny!

We had dinner at the GF wayyyy back in 2009, on our very first Disney trip. We really enjoyed it back then (good food, great character interaction), so I am sorry to hear that your experience was less than stellar. The dinner price isn't cheap, so its always a bummer when it doesn't live up to expectations.

I love jakes cougar nation tshirt!! A bit surprised they are on his radar. I have a Huge cougar fan in our house and it has rubbed off on me too. :cheer2:

Jake loves Nike college gear.....name your team, and he's game! (pardon the pun, LOL :rotfl:)

I can't tell you the number of time someone has come up on our travels, and exclaimed OH! You're a ______ fan! And he's laughed and said, Not really, I just liked the shirt! :rotfl2:.

I thought he just likes older women...

Um, no!!! :crazy2: :scared: :scared1: This is my baby we're talking about here!!

Awesome pictures. We generally don't do character meals anymore. DD would humor me and pose, DS, no way. When sponge bob came out, DS went to the loo. Oh well. My DD hates almost all breakfast foods. DS eats almost all breakfast foods. So, we rarely do a breakfast TS. But, we did the Universal one last time, and both kids enjoyed the food. We had it pre-plated, but I am glad to hear it has become a buffet. I like to choose my food.

So pretty bridal couple. Yeah, the price is crazy, but what a sight to see!

I am fortunate that both Jake and Steve quite willingly go along with my character meal love. They are both pretty willing to join in the fun as long as there is good food involved :lmao:. Jake, especially, has also begun to see the value of all these experiences a lot more as he grows older, too. Looking back, he's pretty grateful that he's had these unique opportunities.....many of his friends have not been nearly so lucky.
I thought he just likes older women...
LOL - had the same thought.

My kids High School teams are the Cougars. As DD ages, she is going to have to stop wearing any of her high school apparel with "Cougar" emblazoned across it! (Especially the track pants with the logo across the butt.)
Wednesday, April 27th: part 2

As we drove out of the Grand Floridian parking lot, I had a suggestion for the guys….most specifically, something in mind for the younger of my two fellows. I knew his shopping budget was nearly depleted, and that there were just a couple additional items he wished to purchase at specific stores at the Premium Outlets on Vineland. Since we had nothing more on the itinerary until that evening and we were already in the car, I suggested we stop there on our way back to the resort. Steve was agreeable, and Jake was delighted :).

While the mall was busy and parking appeared to be at a premium, we easily found an open space near the far end of the main level of the garage. None of us minded the walk, either….in fact, it would probably be the best thing we could do to combat our breakfast indulgences. Exercise is a wonderful thing ::yes::.

It was another spectacular day, but it was HOT. The covered walkways were a major blessing as the sun’s rays beat down at their mid-day strongest :sunny:.

The guys were the ones who did all the shopping on this visit: this girl didn’t find a single thing I wanted to buy. If anyone tries to claim that women are more inclined to spend money at the mall, I would gladly introduce them to my two shoppers :rolleyes1. In our defense, we did get some pretty favourable prices on the items they purchased, so really….it was like they HAD to buy them :rolleyes:.

Someone was wishing he had worn his sunglasses, though :cool2:. Holy bright sunshine, Batman!! We had to stop and purchase a couple of cold water bottles while we toured the mall as well…..temperatures were rising enough that we worried we might get dehydrated before we made our way back to the villa.

Back at the resort, we rested and relaxed…..enough so that some napping most definitely occurred for some of us. I called my mom and enjoyed an extended chat with her. We watched some TV, we checked emails and text messages, and we downloaded our pictures from the camera.

We recuperated. It was very much needed :cloud9:.

Late in the afternoon, the guys started to stir, and I suspected that their stomachs were starting to feel the effects of not having eaten since late morning. I had anticipated this would be the case (do I know my men, or what?) and had planned that we would enjoy an early-ish dinner at CityWalk. Refreshed and restored from a low-key afternoon, they were quick to ready themselves for an evening out…..and once everyone was set to go, we hopped in the car and made the trip to Universal on a surprisingly civilized I4 :drive:.

We got a great spot in the garage with our free preferred parking, and commented for the 100th time that we redeemed the value of one of our Premier Annual Passes in parking fees alone over the course of the past year. We were going to miss those passes when they expired later that week :sad1:.

Foot traffic on the moving walkways was extremely light. We breezed through the security checkpoints and were at CityWalk in a flash.

CityWalk wasn’t super busy, either. Not only were crowds generally low that week to begin with, I think we hit the sweet spot where most folks hadn’t begun to leave the parks for the day, and before the main dinner rush at the restaurants. It’s always nice when things go exactly as planned :thumbsup2.

Dinner at Margaritavilla was scheduled to kick off our evening: Steve and I have long since fallen in love with the festive and fun atmosphere here, but Jake had yet to experience it. With meal and mini golf passes in hand, it was also a good value for that offer and provided a menu that we all would enjoy.

We checked in at the podium, were given a pager, and instructed that it would be a 20 to 30 minute wait……very much expected considering the popularity of this establishment. We decided to stroll over and browse the merchandise available at the Universal Store to pass the time.

Judging by the displays in the window, I’m not the only one who loves the Minions! They’re everywhere!

Jake was quick to point out this big guy, only half-jokingly noting that he would be a good addition to my collection. At $250, I had no problem saying no :laughing:. Once you added sales tax and the exchange to Canadian funds, you’d be looking at dropping a cool $350+ on this stuffie :crazy2:. Ouch!!

Making our way back toward Margaritaville, we stopped to listen to the musicians outside of Antojitos. They were surprisingly good, even if we couldn’t understand a single word of their songs. The only Spanish we know are the numbers one through ten (thank you, Sesame Street! :p).

Our pager went off as we were enjoying the talent of the Spanish quartet, well before the 30 minute estimate. We headed back to Margaritaville, returned the pager to the podium, and were promptly ushered to our seats.

Jake was immediately impressed….the music, the décor, and the relaxed nature of the staff were right up his alley :thumbsup2.

We perused the special meal and mini golf menu to make our entrée and beverage choices. I am sure both Steve and Jake would have enjoyed something from their creative alcoholic menu, but alas Jake was still underage in the States (still 9 months shy of his 21st birthday, despite being long since legal age at home) so Steve took a pass as well. It was a round of “sodas” all around (‘pop’ to us Canucks), but the napkins were still pretty fun.

While we waited for our entrees, we enjoyed watching the two stilt walkers who toured the restaurant making balloon hats, swords and animals for the youngest guests in the crowd.

These two young men also enjoyed engaging several diners when the Margaritavilla song came on, placing large salt-shaped placards in their hands and encouraging them to stand up and dance. It was an enthusiastic crowd and I think virtually EVERYONE sang along…..very fun! :goodvibes

We had plans for an indulgent dessert later that evening, so we opted to skip appetizers at this meal to ensure we were well prepared for the sweets to come. Our entrees made an appearance quite quickly, which made the boys happy since both were notably hungry by now.

Steve had the chicken Caesar salad….take my word for it that this thing is MASSIVE. Much larger than the photo suggests:

Jake chose their signature dish, the Cheeseburger in Paradise…..minus a few of the toppings that he doesn’t like, of course.

I had the grilled chicken breast. They very kindly subbed the island rice for French fries, and the entrée also came with a very healthy portion of fire-grilled corn.

The meal got high marks all around: portion sizes were large (even though the pictures don’t reflect that very well) and the taste was superb. We received lots of attention from our serving team as one young lady was training a new staff member, so we essentially got double the love from a service standpoint. Our beverages were refilled as soon as the glasses were depleted, without asking, which is always appreciated.

For anyone considering a visit to Universal, the meal and mini golf offer is a ridiculously good deal ::yes::. The price of the golf as a stand-alone purchase is $14.99 per person. The meal and mini golf package is $23.95 each. My chicken entrée was worth $18.99 on the Margaritaville menu, and I’m sure my fountain beverage was at least an additional $3. That effectively made my round of golf worth an additional $2.00. Some posters have indicated that the package price also includes tip, but we tipped in addition to the cost of the combo tickets: tipping adequately and appropriately is VERY important to us, and our service was definitely worthy of the extra, anyway.

CityWalk was getting a bit busier as we emerged from Margaritaville:

….so we wasted no time in hitting up our next stop of the day: Hollywood Drive in Golf!



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