Official weather tracker for the Disney Marathon


DIS Veteran
Aug 17, 2001
I thought I better start a thread to discuss the weather. I know it is still 10 days out and many things can change but good grief, did you see the overnight LOW is 52!

That is way too warm for me. I was hoping low 40's or even high 30's to start. I am really afraid the heat is going to get me!
But the high for Sat is only 63!!!! That is totally doable. When they say high, that usually doesn't hit until ~3PM so I'm thinking if Sunday is a high of low 60s then we should be finishing the race near 60 degF. Not bad at all. Of course there's that warm pocket that's been wiggling around. Currently is predicted for 12/31 - 1/4. Let's hope it doesn't linger or intensify!!! :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:
You know I just checked the weather forecast for Orlando before I signed onto DIS!! I think the weather looks totally doable. I was fine last year for the full with the heat, probably because my body is accustomed to training indoors. However, being from NY, it also knows cold temps all too well. I would be happy with low 40's for the start.
I found the half last year a bit too warm. I used almost all the time given to finish. I can't imagine how warm it must have been to continue on for the full. I am hoping that the days will be cooler for both.
I hate to tell you guys this, but our local weather is talking 70's the next few days! Of course, that is subject to change at any time! I'm not sure as far out as the marathon. If you want to check local TV stations, try FOX35 , WESH ,Local6 , or WFTV :sunny:

I'm not so far removed from the north that I've forgotten how the difference in temps feels. It will be cool at the start but as it now it will probably feel warm to those of you coming from colder areas. I personally have spent the past few days in tee shirts and shorts, and people have been swimming in the outdoor pools here comfortably.
The weather channel has projections for race weekend:

LOL, last run on Mon was in 58 degree weather with 15mph frosty winds. I had on one short-sleeved and 2 long-sleeved shirts :cold: I've had the heat on in my car every day this week to and from work. I seem to be the only one in my family that has this problem, though all of us were born in some part of Florida ;)

ETA: 10-day forecast using Boardwalk zip code
You might want to make sure that you are checking Kissimmee weather--a bit closer to the actual location and it could be a diff of a few degrees. But not so much--it all looks downright balmy! Wahoooooo!!!!
Low 33??? :cold: That is going to be a little chilly between 4 and 6 a.m.

Where is my winter coat?

So how many more times will there be a 10 degree swing in the forecast over the next 7 days?
Yeah, been watching the weather also (for the 1/2). As a first time 1/2 person, I'm now debating whether or not I should run with short sleeves vs. a nice
patigona lightweight long sleeve. Will that be too warm once I get going? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I will have the throw away stuff prior.
Thanks! :sunny:
Depends on your pace perhaps and how warm you get when you run/walk. If it is 50-ish at start you may be fine in ls and shorts, 40-ish would be certain for ls I'm thinking. Remember with the 6:00 start and that in 3 1/2 hours they will roll up the temp is going to be morning temps. (a tad cooler than the high for the day)

It is a dilema. I am usually warm when motivating, ls and shorts may be fine for me if the sun is not out, sunny and I will be happier in ss.
Just called up Kissimmee weather again--looking about 61/39 for Saturday and about 7 degrees warmer on Sunday.

Checked my weather at home as well--looks like Florida is getting a cold front in the next couple of days---and my surmise on why the swings in temps--they must not be too definite on how low the dip to be for there to be such a variance.

Anyway--it does look like Thursday and Friday is really chilly--the Saturday being the last of it before it trends upward again on Sunday.

I still plan on toss away pants--I think I'll warm up just dandy for the weather. At the moment I have no idea where my pants are---but I do have a back up pair to use if it is just too cold for me. Liked it better when lows were to be in the 40s.
PCFriar80 said:
Yeah, been watching the weather also (for the 1/2). As a first time 1/2 person, I'm now debating whether or not I should run with short sleeves vs. a nice
patigona lightweight long sleeve. Will that be too warm once I get going? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I will have the throw away stuff prior.
Thanks! :sunny:

Try to recall any long runs you had in similar weather and what you wore on those days. Use that as your baseline.

I'm comfy in long sleeves with highs in the 60s and below. Once it hits 70--I run short sleeve with jacket and then remove the jacket. Not familiar with patigona--I have to run in the wicking material--if i don't it is just too much and too hot unless the highs are in the 30s.

I will be wearing long sleeves underneath my singlet (for Team in Training). Last year when the temp at teh start was already in the 60s...I had just worn the singlet.
Ugh. The trend in the forecast seems to be warming up for the 8th!
Lisa loves Pooh said:
Try to recall any long runs you had in similar weather and what you wore on those days. Use that as your baseline.

Ha! I thought I kept great training logs and yet I don't have a clue what worked for what weather :confused3 Next year I'm logging which shoes, what clothes, the temp/humidity, etc. on every run. This year I basically just logged miles and pace and fluid/gel consumption. Oh well.
Too funny about not remembering. I'm a general cold person--so know that low 70s and below with a slight breeze requires covering my ears and 70 and below requires long sleeves. ;)
Helen posted this over on our main training thread, I will move it here:

"I know there's an official weather thread but it won't let me post and time is tight - this mornings orlando news had 35 degree start sat, 40 degree start sun and about a 60 degree finish for sun - didn't catch rise on Sat, too busy panicking about what to wear at start - I HATE the cold, been training in90 degree heat remember, still I didn't notice rain, I'll take cold over rain."

Just checked this morning 36 LOW and 67 high.

Yes, that will be a chilly few hours before the race. I think I will be fine at race start, but my body really drains it's energy when I am standing around. I should stop by goodwill and look for some oversize sweats today, maybe a jacket.
With those temps--everyone will need some cover ups. You might think you'll be fine (general you--noone specifically). But your body will expend energy to keep you warm. That is wasted energy and it will have consequences during your run in the form of fatiguing earlier than usual.
Ok, the low keeps getting lower, but the high is the same. Those are pretty extreme opposites. Yuck!!!!


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