October W.I.S.H. Challenge - Being Our Best Selves

Hello everyone,

Things have been busy! As for walking in winter - for me winter is pretty mild compared to the conditions many of you experience! But the darker for longer does impact with shorter days. I did also find that some days we just did it - walking in the dark (only when with my friend) and others I did a you-tube clip for the cardio.

Haha you sound like me - we have so many beautiful walking areas around here that I don't do - because I worry about the snakes too!

This week is ugh! I have not had the time for my walking, by eating is slightly off and I think peri-menopause is playing with my cycle again which means I have not lost what I wanted to lose by the end of October and have even slightly increased since last week. I am so finding this small yoyoing right near the the 90kg barrier so frustrating - I think mentally if I could just get under 90kg that would feel like an achievement and help with the journey! Right now I feel like I am stuck in the 90s (and not in a good way haha).

In other news - my scratch test was not all that helpful - I reacted to the dust mites - but I don't experience symptoms to that in my day to day life at the moment. Once dot was done right down near my wrist but then it made it hard to see and he thought there may have been a very slight sensitivity to egg whites - but also felt that the level of reaction on my skin did not indicate it was coming into play in the reactions I have had after eating! So there we have it - I know alot of things I didn't react to and nothing of what food I need to avoid. I did get some of the himalayan salt from the care and he mixed it with water and tested it too - no reaction - so if may have been from the nitrate free bacon. I have a list of most of the ingredients for the cure - so will do a comparison with Maccas and see if I can see any same ingredients - to be a little wary of.

@MickeyMom76 I hope you get some better answers than I did :)

I was just logging in to check in with you to see how you made out! So sorry it didn't give you answers. I'm feeling a little anxious about tomorrow since it is the first day I have to stop all my allergy medications because of the testing on Tuesday. And this week has been worse in terms of sinus pressure, congestion, and headaches. And that's while I'm on my allergy meds. Plus tomorrow brings extra excitement in kindergarten with it being Halloween. And Saturday is my nephews first birthday, so I don't want to be all allergy miserable. But I'm also trying to stay positive and hoping all of that will just distract me from all of the allergy symptoms.

It is so frustrating not knowing what you are allergic to. DD had horrible allergy symptoms for years. We could not pin point the cause nor did over the counter allergy meds work. She was always miserable with the reddest nose. She final was able to have the allergy test. She is not allergic to anything. They said she has non-allergic rhinitis. So basically she has the symptoms of allergies without being allergic to anything. She has taken singular for the last few years and it has worked wonders. If she misses a dose she can tell and starts to get congested again. I feel it has also helped when she has gotten colds. They seem to be much milder. I hope you both find some answers and so relief
It’s also Thankful Thursday-so in addition to anything else you are thankful for, is there a person in your life (other than family, spouses) you are grateful to have in your life?
Today I'm thankful it is Halloween and the candy will soon be out of the house. Actually it already is... I have to stay in the office until 5:30pm today to take a couple late meetings, and I won't get home until around 6:30pm. So, I put a chair and the pumpkin bucket of candy out on the front porch. I don't get a lot of trick-or-treaters, but the ones who do come are the little kiddo's and they usually come early. Hopefully the bucket will be empty by the time I get home.

I've had a number of interesting new people pop in to my life lately, and I'm thankful for all of them.

I would say my dear friend Lynda. We started out as co-workers, but became one of my closest friends. Over the years we’ve celebrated happy events (weddings, babies) and helped each other through the sad-I don’t know how I would have gotten through the weeks of my father’s illness and death without her love and kindness.
Thankful for - Halloween! 🎃 👿 🤖 🤡 👻 👽 🤠
I love giving out treats and seeing all the creative costumes.

So far, we have had 25 trick-or-treaters, and I think we may be done for the night. The kids around here got out early due to a lot of rain expected later.
Month-end wrap-up:
...working toward a healthier planet. 🌎 We'll be eating less meat, using less plastic, and trying to be more conscious of our impact in general - baby steps, but hopefully in the right direction.

less meat (especially less beef) ✔

less plastic ✔ (reusable water bottles, fewer Ziploc baggies, declining store bags when possible)

switched to cloth napkins ✔

learned to cook tofu - X not yet
Happy Halloween! What a fun, but exhausting day at school!
I'm thankful for my friend Kristin. We taught first grade together years ago. We got pregnant the same year with our first. But she never came back to work. So we don't get to see each other often, since she lives about 45 minutes away now. But when we do, we always pick up like we were still teaching across the hall from each other. Even our kids just mesh well. We used to meet at a creek once each summer. The kids would swim and we would catch up. But it's been about 2 years now since we've actually seen each other in person. However, I can call her or text her at any moment and I know she's there for me. And she was actually the one who got me back in shape. She was a Beachbody coach for a few years and I started out with the program feeling like I was doing her a favor. But it was actually her doing me a huge favor and getting my health back on track.
Time was really odd this morning... I slept a little longer intending to catch a later bus, woke up with a stomach ache which really slowed me down getting ready, but ended up leaving the house at my normal time and catching my usual bus. Now if time would just fold in on itself, and suddenly the day is done and it's time to go home!

All in all, October was a lovely month and I would say I did OK against my goals, but not great... the last week has been pretty off program, so I'm taking advantage of the new-month clean-slate to regroup and refocus.

Had about the usual number of trick-or-treaters last night, all little ones and so cute.

No big plans for the weekend. I really don't even have to do anything special to get ready for being gone next week, just the laundry. Oh, I should also mow the lawn.

See y'all in November!
We lost power and the internet from last nights storm. Luckily it didn’t arrive until late so the kids could trick or treat.

I hope everyone has a relaxing weekend-since it really feels like football weather I thought I would share my healthier version of chicken wings.

For every pound of wings, toss with 2tsp baking powder and 1 tsp salt in a plastic bag.
Line a large rimmed cookie sheet with parchment paper. Coat a rack with cooking spray and line up your wings. Bake at 400 for one hour.
Toss with your favorite sauce or eat plain.
Just checking in now. My nephews first birthday is tomorrow and we were over helping my sister get ready for the party. But I can host the first week of November. The rest of the month gets a little stressful with parent teacher conferences anyway. Thanks for starting the thread @Oneanne!


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