November W.I.S.H. Challenge - Here come the Holidays

Woohoo - I’m seeing a lot of growth in my kindergartners! Since behaviors have been a bit of a challenge, I’m excited to see their academic growth! I am one of a small group from our building presenting to the school board tomorrow about our data. I’m not big on public speaking. But it’s exciting that we are seeing good progress and have the opportunity to share the great things that are happening at our school.
Ugh, I got some more bad news about DD yesterday and I am really trying not to worry. In the mail we got the test results of her scoliosis test from school. She failed. I will call today to get her in to see her doctor. This is just one more thing for her to worry about. She handled it great last night and we told her that it could be wrong and we just need to get her checked. She is not worried or at least did not show it. This poor girl has so many not so normal medical issues. She has my horrible dry skin/eczema, benign glycosuria (she basically pees out her sugar and looks like she might be diabetic but blood check is normal) the coalition in foot that was corrected this summer and now possible scoliosis. All of this does run in my family too.

My mom has scoliosis but it is minor so I am hoping that if she does have it, it is not bad. She is pretty much down growing too so I am hoping that will help.

I've enjoyed the past Thankful Thursdays that have had prompts to think about, so here are a few for this week.

What is something about yourself that you are thankful for?
What is a gift that you've been given, that you are thankful for?

What is something you've learned that you are thankful for?
Ugh, I got some more bad news about DD yesterday and I am really trying not to worry. In the mail we got the test results of her scoliosis test from school. She failed. I will call today to get her in to see her doctor. This is just one more thing for her to worry about. She handled it great last night and we told her that it could be wrong and we just need to get her checked. She is not worried or at least did not show it. This poor girl has so many not so normal medical issues. She has my horrible dry skin/eczema, benign glycosuria (she basically pees out her sugar and looks like she might be diabetic but blood check is normal) the coalition in foot that was corrected this summer and now possible scoliosis. All of this does run in my family too.

My mom has scoliosis but it is minor so I am hoping that if she does have it, it is not bad. She is pretty much down growing too so I am hoping that will help.
Hope everything turns out OK for her! (and you)
Thankful Thursday.

What is something about yourself that you are thankful for? I am thankful for my brain... I'm really a pretty smart cookie, including a solid dose of common sense.

What is a gift that you've been given, that you are thankful for? Lately I've had multiple times when, out of the blue, someone said something that I needed to hear, which I think of as a gift... that and the gift of someone new coming into my life at just the right time, which has also happened several times lately.

What is something you've learned that you are thankful for? I recently came across a new class on the site where I'm taking the clearing class. It uses EFT tapping to help clear blocks and old thought/behavior patterns, something that is new to me to learn about. The course description really spoke to me so, I've signed up and will start this weekend.
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What is something about yourself that you are thankful for? I'll say brain also. I love to keep learning, even though I've been out of school for a long time!

What is a gift that you've been given, that you are thankful for? DH got me an iPad (back they were sort of new and a big deal) and I use it so much, I ended up getting him one too.

What is something you've learned that you are thankful for? I read a book called "The Paradox of Choice" that really helped me not be such a perfectionist.
@piglet1979, try not to worry! I know - easy to say, hard to do! But DS also failed the screening in school and had to get checked by his pediatrician and was fine. A screening is just a wide net, to see who to look at, not a diagnosis.

Thank you. I am doing better now since I talked to the nurse at the school. The only issue that DD has is her left shoulder is higher then the right. I had read before talking to her that this can happen when you have over compensated for a foot issue. I mentioned this to the nurse (she is very familiar with DD and the foot issue that she had) and she agrees that this is most likely from that.
I headed back to the doctor yesterday. Ear infection is gone and the neck pain is just the muscle. phew!!!! I can deal with this. some advil and a heating pad should do the trick. She did give me a muscle relaxer put I am holding off a day or too to get them. it is just a lot to take right now plus they just knock me out. I had to take them after a car accident when I hurt my back. I am going to start to walk on the treadmill again since I am not sick and no need to rest any longer.
Happy weekend everyone.

It's going to be a working weekend for me, because we are deploying the code for the project I've been working on. I'm about 100% sure we're going to break something, so there's that to look forward to. We deploy from 11pm to 1:30am, then they start working/using the system at 5:30am, so we'll need to be back on-line monitoring... fun times. On a positive note, user acceptance testing was planned for two weeks but is wrapping up in one week because everything went so smoothly. And they only came up with one "design gap", which I'm not even mad about because it works in the new building like it works in the other building that is already using this automated functionality, so not really a gap, just an idea on how to do it differently.

Other than that, I'll work on holiday prep over the weekend. I finally got the fake tree out of the box... I have mixed feelings about it, but we'll see what it looks like decorated. Turns out "pre-lit" just means they wound lights around it, for some reason I thought they would have been built in to the branches, but the string of lights has one of the step-on on/off switches, which I do really like.
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Happy Friday, everyone!

Piglet, glad you are feeling better-and hoping the scoliosis turns out to be non existent or very minor.

Oneanne and MickeyMom76, what interesting and rewarding careers you have! MickeyMom76, my daughter is a librarian in a K through 3 building, and I love her kindergarten stories!


I missed Thankful Thursday, but enjoyed reading your responses-here is a belated one from me.

Something I have been given-my library card! It ties into something about myself that I am grateful for-that I never want to stop learning and my love of reading.
Something I have learned that I am thankful for-to think before I speak and sometimes saying nothing is the best response of all.
For Free for All Friday, I have a book recommendation-just finished a fascinating book about the history of women animators at the Disney studios titled The Queens of Animation by Nathalia Holt. It’s very much a history of the studio’s films as well as the role women played in the creation of so many of the characters.
For Free for All Friday, I have a book recommendation-just finished a fascinating book about the history of women animators at the Disney studios titled The Queens of Animation by Nathalia Holt. It’s very much a history of the studio’s films as well as the role women played in the creation of so many of the characters.

Oooh, that sounds great!
Lately I've been re-evaluating things I never do, and challenging myself to give them a try... like using body soap, and drinking beer. Pulling an all-nighter wasn't specifically on the list, but now I can mark that one done as well. I basically started working at 6pm Saturday evening and wrapped up at 8am Sunday. Everything went smoothly, so yeah for that.

My motivation for this week is to relax and have some fun. We've met a major milestone with the work we did over the weekend, now we have a period of relative calm before we actually open the new building in mid-December. Perfect time to gather things up, get organized and re-directed.

Plus I'm totally in the holiday mood now. I decorated my little fake Christmas tree over the weekend and have decided I rather like it. My plan to leave the exterior Christmas lights up all year did not pan out... when I turned them on half of three different strings didn't light up. I went up to the hardware store to get replacements and accidentally got LEDs, which are different colors that I like a lot better, so now I'm going to replace everything.
Thanks for keeping us moving forward, @Oneanne! I know I've been slacking a little lately with posting, but I'm still here following along and doing my workouts. My eating habits continue to be a bit off, but I'm doing better during the day. It's been a lot of stress eating. Parent-teacher conferences are tonight and Thursday night. And I have the kindergarten parents in on Wednesday for lunch with the kids in the classroom and a workshop on working towards our kindergarten goals. It's going to be great, but it's been a lot of work planning and prepping. And that's been stressful with the workshop sandwiched between two conference days. But it's always great to talk to parents, to share the kids progress and see the collaboration between home and school. So all-in-all it will be a good week...but exhausting (and a little stressful, but a good stress!).
I am finally all done with my meds and hoping my body gets back to normal quickly. The steroid really messed with my. I am pretty sure it messed with my sugar levels and the worst side affect was the eating. OMG the amount of food I have eaten in the last several days has been crazy. I have been constantly hungry since the sick to my stomach feeling went away. I did workout yesterday and plan to everyday this week except Thursday. Kids have conferences on Thursday so i will need to leave work early to get there at the beginning. I hate how the school does them. You get in line to talk to the teacher you want to. Both kids are on the same day this year so i will be standing in many lines. I will most likely be there from 3:45 in 7:15 when it ends. I am hoping by getting there before they start and I can get several done before the long lines start.
Thank you for keeping us going, Oneanne!

Looking forward to the holiday next week. Ordered my turkey from the Amish market and bought the non perishables. Forgot to stop by the liquor store for the sparkling wine so that’s another day.

I didn’t get out for a walk today but we raked leaves and hauled them to the curb, so I got some activity in.

Hang in there, everyone !
For the past month I've been struggling with staying on program, going thru the same things that some of you have also posted. I put in a good food weekend, but then was off balance again yesterday, and again already today. I'm going to chock it up to the previously mentioned mercury retrograde dragging me back thru old behavior patterns. And I have every expectation of myself that tomorrow when mercury goes direct, I will be back on track.

I'm starting to get the house ready for Christmas, since now my Sister will be staying with me for a couple days. I figure if I do one section per day I should be done in time... teehee... Last night I went out in the cold and dark to finish fixing the lights on the fence along the driveway and I also put my new red/white buffalo checked duvet cover on. Tonight I'll go up to the hardware store and pick up some more of the LED lights so I can fix the porch.

I'm really glad to not be cooking for Thanksgiving and I'm looking forward to the drive to my Sister's and a nice dinner out. At the local casino. It isn't exactly a foodie town, but the casino restaurant is nice enough and faces the beach so it should be fine. If not, I guess we can gamble our way out.


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