Nifty Fifty: The Great return of the Sauciers! - April 2022 TR

It sounds like a great start to the trip! For it being Easter, those wait times don't sound too terrible.

We went straight to our room, navigating the VERY strange elevator in Gran Destino. If you have never used it, you use a touch screen on the outside to say what floor you are going to. And then it tells you which elevator to go to. When you get into the elevator itself... there are no buttons. It is a very strange feeling to be in a box with what feels like no way to get out!

I have encountered this style of elevator once in NYC and it was bizarre. I can totally imagine people not paying attention to what they're doing, hopping onto the first elevator that comes, and finding out that they're on the wrong floor when it's too late.

Last night a storm came through and dropped golf ball sized hail just 2 blocks from us.

It was hailing right as I had to go to the bus stop on Friday. Just, chunks of ice raining down for maybe 3 minutes and then the sky cleared like nothing had happened. So weird!!
I will give you the short version, since you leave soon. I hate it! But it is a necessary evil at this point. I should get to my first day before you leave and will give some general pointers than.
Maybe because it was Easter week? We just got back from a 5/15-5/21 trip and absolutely loved Genie plus, didn’t wait more than 15 minutes for anything and many days had unused multiple experience passes left over that we didn’t use. I did watch hours of all ears and DFB videos to learn all the tricks before we went.

So far it sounds like you are getting a lot done and having a great time. Following along! :)
Today was Easter! Today was the day we have been dreaming about finally happening! Finally being back in Disney. Since we had gone to bed early and we were so excitied, it wasn't hard for us to get up and get going today.
Yay! Nothing like that first day feeling.:goodvibes
Andy had ordered us an uber to the Contemporary. We arrived at 7:50. I was worried if they were going to let our uber in, but we had no problems this morning. It seemed like there was a lot of folks going for an Easter Breakfast. And the guard wasn’t really caring this am.
Awesome! Then you could take advantage of the walkway.
I ended up grabbing a Haunted Mansion for 10:45. Big Thunder Mountain was already later in the day than we wanted. And we decided to wait till later in the trip for Jungle Cruise. But we were happy with Haunted Mansion. I did feel a little silly that I had totally forgotten about it. I brushed off my stupid feeling because we were at Magic Kingdom!!!!
Oh well, you had lots on your mind!
We grabbed our first Photopass Photo in front of the train station. As there was only one family waiting.
Such a nice family picture! :)
CM said it would be a 75 minute wait. We said we would stick it out, we didn't want to buy Fancy Ride for this, and we also thought, this way we had already done this one and wouldn't need to worry about trying to ride again. We ended up waiting 45 minutes, so not terrible.
Not too bad at all.
Being on Pirates was like visiting an old family member. We love Pirates!'s always fun.
Splash Mountain was 35 minute wait, so we went ahead and decided to do that!
Love Splash!
Following along!

We had a very early flight. We were victims to Southwest changing flights on what seemed like just about everyone. And our choices were either super early or 2 in the afternoon. And I was pretty cure we would have gone crazy if we waited till the afternoon to leave!
Our flight times have been awful this year! They don't even have direct early morning ones here anymore they're all in the evening for some reason, and then sometimes as they get closer they'll just cancel them.

She requested no hot sauce. She LOVED these. It was her first time having deviled eggs but she enjoyed them. I tasted a bit and it was exactly what you would think it would taste like, deviled eggs with a small piece of fried chicken on top. I am sure the hot sauce adds something to it, but she loved it.
That looks really good!

And then I made Gwen pose in Mr. Toad’s car.
Omg I love this! I didn't even see this when we were there. I'll have to look for it next time.
What a great start to your trip. I'm looking forward to following along. I love all the extras you do for the trip - your "cheat sheets," the Tinkerbell gifts, the 50 in 50 tracking -- SO fun.
thanks so much! And Welcome!

such a fun report- thanks for all the ride times
Thanks! Ride times weren't too bad for it being a holiday.

For it being Easter, those wait times don't sound too terrible
They weren't for it being a holiday. Touring Plans actually had MK ranked fairly low for Easter. BUT it had to of been higher than what they predicted.

It was hailing right as I had to go to the bus stop on Friday. Just, chunks of ice raining down for maybe 3 minutes and then the sky cleared like nothing had happened. So weird!!
It was crazy how we didn't get any! And sounds like everyone around us did.

Maybe because it was Easter week? We just got back from a 5/15-5/21 trip and absolutely loved Genie plus, didn’t wait more than 15 minutes for anything and many days had unused multiple experience passes left over that we didn’t use. I did watch hours of all ears and DFB videos to learn all the tricks before we went.
So, I watched all of those videos too. There is no guarantee what your choices are going to be. So the tips only work to a certain point. BUT they did pay off one day in particular later on!!!!

I did get better at it as the trip went on. BUT I personally feel that you shouldn't have to get better at it! And I hate to say it, but I was on my phone WAY too much and I wasn't even willing to do as much of the fiddle faddling as Molly does.

It does seem to work better when it's not as busy, but that seems to be opposite of how it should work. I am hopefully when they start limiting the # of people buying it, it will get better. But then there is the stress of getting it on the days you want it.

I am glad to hear it worked well for you. I do accept that it is probably here to stay. And it def is something we will probably keep getting.

Love Splash!
I was the one who suggested we go there next!

Following along!
Hi Raeven!!! Welcome!!!!

Our flight times have been awful this year! They don't even have direct early morning ones here anymore they're all in the evening for some reason, and then sometimes as they get closer they'll just cancel them.
Seriously, Southwest is on the verge of loosing it's "favorite" airline status.

The girls are incredible artists--I hope you'll get to feature more of their drawings throughout the trip
Spoiler Alert, they didn't draw too too much more after this. Gwen took up taking trip notes and Morgan wouldn't show me half of what she drew. Teenagers!
So happy to be here!! The girls got so big, but it’s so nice to follow along!

Oh my it was a hot one here the last 2 days!

I was laughing at your elevator comment, at my lady jobs that’s how the elevators were for at least the last 6 years, to the point that frequently I go into an elevator and just stand there waiting for it to move. A few times people would be like mama are you ok??

MK is off to a good start on Easter!!!
Gwen said she like Morgan's better. Sigh... But wore her shirt anyway. And they faught over the hair tie bunny ears.

Girls :confused3

I also, woke up to an alert from Touring Plans for a later time for our dinner. I had only been able to get a 3:15 reservation. But this gave me one for 5:05. Was able to change our reservation!

This is good news!

Andy had ordered us an uber to the Contemporary. We arrived at 7:50. I was worried if they were going to let our uber in, but we had no problems this morning. It seemed like there was a lot of folks going for an Easter Breakfast. And the guard wasn’t really caring this am.

As I was reading this I was worried you might have an issue. Good thing it worked for you.

From the Contemporary, we salked over to Magic Kingdom. Saw our first Disney Bunny on the walk over. Gwen was super excited about it, as it was also an Easter Bunny.

This is the perfect way to start Easter.

While walking over I realized that I had totally forgotten to make a LL at 7am!!!! I was so focused on getting us out the door and not trained to make that reservation that I hadn’t made one. So, I made one on the walk over, which was about 7:50. I was so mad at myself.

Oh noooo! I forgot I wanted to make a LL at 7 am, 6 am my time on my travel day.

Great family photo. I love that everyone is about the same height except for Andy.

CM said it would be a 75 minute wait. We said we would stick it out, we didn't want to buy Fancy Ride for this, and we also thought, this way we had already done this one and wouldn't need to worry about trying to ride again. We ended up waiting 45 minutes, so not terrible.

I feel like they try to scare you off rides.

The girls brought sketch books with them, and they did some drawing in line.

This was a really good idea.

Gwen was obsessed with small doors this trip. And made me snap a photo of this one as we were getting assigned a row.

I'm interested in this. The only small door I've ever noticed was in the que for Pooh.

First ride selfie is a must.

Everyone is having so much fun, especially Andy. Love his expressions.

It was a posted 20 waited On the ride at 9:35, so not even 10 minutes.


Being on Pirates was like visiting an old family member. We love Pirates!

I agree.

I love Splash Montain! I am also excited to see what the new version will be like.

I'm excited too. At first I was against it, cause I don't like change but now I'm excited.

Did Andy not like the ride?
Sometimes this drop is more fun then the big one.
That is what we always say!!

So happy to be here!! The girls got so big, but it’s so nice to follow along!
YEAH!! Glad you are here!!!

I was laughing at your elevator comment, at my lady jobs that’s how the elevators were for at least the last 6 years, to the point that frequently I go into an elevator and just stand there waiting for it to move. A few times people would be like mama are you ok??
That is hilarious. I guess you just get used to one way or another.

As I was reading this I was worried you might have an issue. Good thing it worked for you.
Looking back on it, I was just not fully in Disney vacation mode yet! We totally walked the wrong way like 3 times this day. And it was just like, have we not been here a million times already?

I also stopped fighting Andy on the uber. if he wants to take one, I just go with it.

Oh noooo! I forgot I wanted to make a LL at 7 am, 6 am my time on my travel day.
This is a big part of what I don't like. I get it, you don't have to plan ahead, but I like not having to worry about these things ONCE I am ON vacation.

I feel like they try to scare you off rides.
They really do! And I know people think it's to get you to buy the Fancy Ride but I think it's just to manage the line and set expectations,

I'm interested in this. The only small door I've ever noticed was in the que for Pooh.
We have a few more!

Everyone is having so much fun, especially Andy. Love his expressions.
I am lucky that Andy likes going as much as the rest of us. I know not everyone's DH is as excited to go as others.

Did Andy not like the ride?
He did, he was trying to recreate that lady awhile back who looked mad on the ride. He just didn't tell us that was what he was doing...
It looks like you guys are off to a great start! I’m so worried that I’ll fumble my first day with G+ because of all the excitement. Can’t wait to read the rest of your report.
AND she grew 2" since November!

Kids grow so fast! And they're usually so proud to be catching up to you in height. Landon looks at it as a badge of honor that he's just a head shorter than me now. :rotfl:

But this gave me one for 5:05. Was able to change our reservation!

Well that's a nice start to the day!

While walking over I realized that I had totally forgotten to make a LL at 7am!!!! I was so focused on getting us out the door and not trained to make that reservation that I hadn’t made one. So, I made one on the walk over, which was about 7:50. I was so mad at myself.

Uh oh! Completely understandable, though. There's so much happening on that first morning. And at least you were going to the MK where there were a lot of selections. Would've been worse if you were headed to DHS.

We were all so excitied to be back! But I think nervous at the same time. I can't exactly explain it. But it felt familiar yet new to us for some reason. it was a weird feeling.

I can understand where you're coming from. I feel like I've worked up our Disney trip so much in our heads, that I'll experience those same feelings on our first morning.

The girls brought sketch books with them, and they did some drawing in line.

This is a fabulous idea!! Oh my goodness, I immediately went onto my Amazon account and added it to our basket, because my kids would love this while waiting in line. As always, you provide so many tips and insights for visiting WDW with kids. :worship:

Being on Pirates was like visiting an old family member. We love Pirates!

It had to feel good to ride some of those MK classics after your long absence away. :love:

It looks like you guys are off to a great start! I’m so worried that I’ll fumble my first day with G+ because of all the excitement. Can’t wait to read the rest of your report.
It does seem to have a learning curve... The basics make sense but to get the most of it, you really need to use it for a while. And I feel that it will change slightly depending on the crowds and stuff too.

This is a fabulous idea!! Oh my goodness, I immediately went onto my Amazon account and added it to our basket, because my kids would love this while waiting in line. As always, you provide so many tips and insights for visiting WDW with kids. :worship:
I can't take credit for this. Morgan came down one morning after we told them about the trip and asked for a small notebook. It was all her.
Just came back to say, i am planning out our august trip and the Pretzel Morgan got has me thinking my oldest would love it so trying to rearrange how to fit this meal in!
Hello Everyone!!!! Happy Thursday!

Our air conditioning broke this weekend... and yes it was REALLY hot. Thankfully it has been cool this week and they are coming tomorrow to hopefully find the leak and fix it! I hope everyone has some fun plans for this up coming holiday weekend. We kind of do but nothing THAT exciting. Memorial Day weekend is always a crap shoot as to whether it will be good weather here in Jersey.

I wanted to throw in this post, as I have zero pictures to share for this. I promise lots of pics for the next post!

The Great Snack Fail

After our ride on Splash we decided it was time for some snacks. And we had a list of items that we had been waiting 2 years to have again. What were they?

  • Candied Bacon from the Westward Ho Cart in Frontierland
  • Dole Whip from Aloha Isle
  • Egg Rolls from Cart at the Entrance of Adventureland
We figured we could gather all of them if if we split up. We all stopped at the Cart in Frontierland for the Candied Bacon BUT the cart was still selling breakfast items! So, we couldn't get the bacon. Boo. Girls already slightly bummed.

Ok, So, Andy and Morgan went and got in line for the Dole Whip while Gwen and I went to check out the egg roll cart. Andy and Morgan texted me saying that the Dole Whip line was barely moving and the mobile order window was fairly far off. Double Boo.

Gwen and I went to get the egg rolls, there was just a small line for Egg Rolls!!! Woo Hoo!!!

We got 2 of each kind, Cheeseburger Egg Roll and the Reuben Egg Rolls. Gwen and I went to our secret spot to wait for Andy and Morgan. (more on the secret spot later when I have pictures)

Morgan and Andy bailed at some point since the line just wasn’t moving. Morgan was super sad again.. possibly some crying again... sign... 2 years of waiting and both of her snacks were out of reach. I felt bad. I also knew she was hungry, so I tried to get her to at least try the egg rolls.

We all shared the egg rolls and tried to decide what to do next.
We each like one or the other, I liked the Reuben better, as you could taste the cheese more and Andy still liked the cheeseburger one better. I think Morgan liked the Reuben with me more and Gwen the Cheeseburger with Andy.

I grabbed another LL while we sat and enjoyed the egg rolls. I ended up grabbing an Ariel as it wasn’t too far off in the future. It was the 120 minute rule at this point. And our choices weren't terrible if we were staying in MK for the rest of they day. But we were planning on hopping over to EPCOT soon, and there wasn't a lot to choose for us in the next hour. So, Little Mermaid it was. Which is fine, we love that ride.

So, tip #2, if at all humanly possible make that first LL before 11 AND use it before 11. So, you can make a 2nd LL before all of the folks with the 120 rule can. 11:00 is almost like the 7:00 time frame with a large # of folks booking at the same time.

Everyone got something in there belly and had relaxed a bit. We talked about what to do. I had said since it was was 11, we might be able to get the Candied Bacon, So, we circled back to see if the Candied Bacon was out yet, as it was now after 11:00, which it was! So, we got 2.

Morgan had 1 all for herself and Andy, Gwen and I shared the other one. They came with chips and were $10 or something. They def seemed a bit smaller than before and the chips were def thrown in to justify the cost. They were a little disappointing both from the doinging of the morning and just in size and cost. I sadly think we won't be dreaming of them as much.

It was about 11:45 and people were lining up for the parade. And Andy was getting antsy that we get across the way to make sure we could get to Haunted Mansion. I wanted to just find a patch of shade and let Morgan enjoy her bacon. But Andy just plowed ahead. There may have been a tiny bit of bickering....

But we made it over to Haunted Mansion, we ate our Candied Bacon, figured out a plan for the afternoon as we clearly needed some down time.

Up next finishing up our time in Magic Kingdom with yet another snack fail!
Sorry about the snack fails. I think sometimes we yearn for something so much that we often get a wee bit let down by the reality. I’m sure that 2 years of waiting added to your expectations/disappointment but I’m glad you managed to get another ride or two and that Morgan got her candied bacon in the end (just a shame on the portion size and cost ).
Hope you get the air con sorted easily 🤞
Darn snack fails! I have to say I think I just luck out every time I go to get a dole whip. There literally is a shorter line. And I didn’t have to mobile order ever!

I really need someone to sit and explain genie plus to me like I’m a five year old for both DLR and WDW….this 120 minutes rule thing throws me for a loop? Like what if you have ADRs or an ILL$


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