Napa Rose Chef’s Counter - Here’s How to Book It


I know it’s a family forum, but HOLY *$!@ !!!

They had a last minute cancellation. CHEF’S COUNTER BABY!

I seriously am glowing. I can not believe I got this lucky! Thank you universe!

I seriously am more happy in this moment than anything else this trip! Everything has gone perfectly, down to my inviting a friend I hadn’t spoken to since pre-pandemic and her being able to come for a few days with just a couple week’s notice… but this, this is my highlight.

Again, Disney is wonderful. But as a single adult without children to watch be amazed on all the attractions… stuff like the Chef’s Counter floats to the top as being some of the most special and sought after moments!

Now… anyone know who to talk to and try to sweet talk my way into a refund for my WOC dessert party tonight 🤣

I know it’s a family forum, but HOLY *$!@ !!!

They had a last minute cancellation. CHEF’S COUNTER BABY!

I seriously am glowing. I can not believe I got this lucky! Thank you universe!

I seriously am more happy in this moment than anything else this trip! Everything has gone perfectly, down to my inviting a friend I hadn’t spoken to since pre-pandemic and her being able to come for a few days with just a couple week’s notice… but this, this is my highlight.

Again, Disney is wonderful. But as a single adult without children to watch be amazed on all the attractions… stuff like the Chef’s Counter floats to the top as being some of the most special and sought after moments!

Now… anyone know who to talk to and try to sweet talk my way into a refund for my WOC dessert party tonight 🤣
So glad you got in and are reconnecting with a friend!! I'd say the universe is smiling on you, Andrew. I wouldn't push it too far...but keeping my fingers crossed you are able to cancel your WOC res.
So glad you got in and are reconnecting with a friend!! I'd say the universe is smiling on you, Andrew. I wouldn't push it too far...but keeping my fingers crossed you are able to cancel your WOC res.
It’ll be a small price to pay to get to do the chefs counter again!
This sounds so interesting! Would love to do it when I'm there in August, but I will be solo. Has anyone experienced this as a solo, and did you feel awkward since they seat in groups of 4? Thanks!
I haven't experienced it solo, but a few years ago I took my daughter who was 18 at the time, just the two of us. There was a very nice older couple seated next to us who chatted with us on and off the whole time we were there. Not to the point of being intrusive, but just being friendly. They even brought a bottle of their own $$$ wine from home and insisted I have a glass. My husband and I also went as a couple one year and the people next to us were also very nice. I think everyone is happy to be there and glad to talk about their day at Disney, previous visits, whatever. At least that's been my experience.

I would guess you might also get some extra attention from the chef serving you when they have time if you're there alone. My experience has been they are quite friendly as well.
How much is it per person in 2024? Is it still $150 /pp or have they raised the price?
How much is it per person in 2024? Is it still $150 /pp or have they raised the price?
The price has definitely gone up. I think they told me $200 pp (plus extra for the wine pairing) but I was so excited to get the reservation that I forgot to write down the exact prices!
Are bookings only on the weekends or did they open it up to the rest of the days of the week now?
They must have opened more days when I called for August I got a Wednesday date. I probably should have asked for Tuesday but did Thursday as a back up. I didn’t ask for seating arrangement but just time.


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