MAY W.I.S.H Thread:

Feeling like I'm struggling a bit. Not terribly motivated, but still plodding along. There are too many little side trips to Reese's Piecesville. Gotta stop visiting there. I've decided they're kinda tasteless but I love the crunch and they don't upset my stomach so am eating them! Need to stop.

Bought our airfare and rented a car for our trip to Florida. It'll be fun to see DS2 perform and we're looking forward to doing nothing all day long for a few days. It's funny because we just learned that our nephew and his wife will also be in Florida and our trips overlap a day or two. Who knows, maybe we'll see each other! :wave:
Feeling like I'm struggling a bit. Not terribly motivated, but still plodding along. There are too many little side trips to Reese's Piecesville. Gotta stop visiting there. I've decided they're kinda tasteless but I love the crunch and they don't upset my stomach so am eating them! Need to stop.

Bought our airfare and rented a car for our trip to Florida. It'll be fun to see DS2 perform and we're looking forward to doing nothing all day long for a few days. It's funny because we just learned that our nephew and his wife will also be in Florida and our trips overlap a day or two. Who knows, maybe we'll see each other! :wave:
I have those non motivated, eating just enough to keep from losing periods myself. It eventually passes, but it’s aggravating, for sure.

I got my June vacation plans nailed down yesterday. A co-worker suggested a resort up in the mountains which sounded good, local but different than I have been doing. I was only able to get two days there later in the week, so at the beginning of the week I booked two nights in Port Townsend, at a place I haven't stayed at close to the marina with a balcony. I booked the whale tour for one of the days and the sauna/soaking pool place for the other day, both things I've been wanting to do. The town movie theater is hiring, so maybe they'll even be open by then.

This week I'll call Alaska Airlines and see about using some of my frequent flyer miles to upgrade to first class for my Sept WDW trip... very excited about that prospect.

I've decided to get an outdoor dining table to set up on the porch, so I can work outside some days.

I am feeling better this week, I'm getting good sleep with the melatonin and I'm less achy and sore... maybe it was post-vaccine stuff that has worn off.

Edited to add... just got my mojo kicked into gear when I realized I will be out in "public" for work in three weeks! That's when we head down to LA for the project I'm working on. That means getting some new work clothing, doing a three day cleanse (because I always like to go to extremes), getting walks in, buying some new work-appropriate clothing and shoes. And need to be practicing putting on makeup...
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It’s Wednesday! What are you woohooing today?

Thread-related: I am almost on pace with exercise this month, and have been trying out new recipes. (Last night, I made asparagus in the air fryer. It was yummy!)

Misc. - D.E.A.R. week (stands for Drop Everything And Read) is going great with the kindergartners. They both read a ton today!
We are still at the beach and the weather is beautiful! Took a long walk on the Boardwalk today-we’re at the other end of OC-we usually go in May and September because it’s crazy busy (and a little weird) in the summer months. We head home tomorrow and I probably haven’t lost any weight ( no scale at the beach house!) but I haven’t gained any. So that’s my biggest woohoo!
Feeling like I'm struggling a bit. Not terribly motivated, but still plodding along. There are too many little side trips to Reese's Piecesville. Gotta stop visiting there. I've decided they're kinda tasteless but I love the crunch and they don't upset my stomach so am eating them! Need to stop.
Ugh. That’s hard. It’s basically a habit that you have to break. Maybe try substituting something else in its place. When I get hungry at school, I chew gum. It also helps that I only pack what’s in my meal plan. But I had to find something else I could keep on hand so I didn’t find myself snacking from the faculty room. Gum gave me satisfaction that I was chewing and some good flavor. Then I also made sure I drank more water during that time to feel like my stomach was full as well. It’s really all mind games ;)
My woohoos:
- I’m down to my lowest weight since the pandemic!
- I completed my 5k with a better time than the last one I ran almost 2 years ago
- I had my last Workshop Wednesday of the year (hopefully last virtual one ever!). These are workshops with the students and a parent or other adult that works with them to give the parents some tips and tricks on how to help foster their learning at home.
- my son is fully vaccinate (as in 2 weeks since his second shot) and my daughter will be tomorrow!
- my Disney trip is less than 20 days away!!!!
- I’m finally feeling a little sense of getting back to “normal” (a lot less anxious!)
I am grateful for all of you! It is a such a lovely way to to start my day checking in with everyone-women who understand the struggle it can be maintaining a healthy lifestyle and what it takes to get there! That encourage you when things aren’t going well and celebrate with you when you’re successful!

So let’s celebrate each other today-kind of like a gratitude jar, but a little well deserved pat on the back!

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Thanks for the help, guys! I am feeling better today, so hoping my slump is over. I sliced up some English cucumber and took it to work for snack. So yummy!

wahoo I got a walk in. I had to wait 45 minutes for it to stop raining because I was feeling wimpy (and I wanted to talk on the phone while walking and my parents can only hear me when I have the phone to my ear--it's hard to hold a phone and an umbrella and walk!).

I'm having a hard time thinking of a positive word that starts with L. Maybe by tomorrow I'll have thought of something!
I am grateful for the beautiful weather!
I am grateful that my family is fully vaccinated as of today!
I am grateful to have vacations to look forward to!
I am grateful that we are nearing the end of the most challenging school year ever and the kids actually seemed to have learned stuff along the way! So far, they are doing better than I expected on their end of year assessments!

C for caring & compassion!

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We’re home again so tomorrow is a trip to the grocery store so I have the right things in the house. Local strawberries are ready-they’re really expensive, but I keep reminding myself of all the junk I’m not buying!
Family is coming over Saturday for a cookout-haven’t seen them for two weeks so looking forward to that!

Hope everyone has a relaxing weekend-it’s really starting to feel like summer, isn’t it?


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