June W. I. S. H. - Summer o' Fun

So thankful for these days with our grandson. We’ve had a great time-swimming, playing catch with his grandfather, long walks, movie nights and wild games of multiple solitaire. Spent an hour in the library picking out books-he’s into historical fiction and it was fun to put my librarian hat on again. His parents join us tonight so they will be back in charge, but I have a very thankful heart today.
So thankful for these days with our grandson. We’ve had a great time-swimming, playing catch with his grandfather, long walks, movie nights and wild games of multiple solitaire. Spent an hour in the library picking out books-he’s into historical fiction and it was fun to put my librarian hat on again. His parents join us tonight so they will be back in charge, but I have a very thankful heart today.

Ask if he's read The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson. It's one of my favorite books although much of it is not fiction, I think it's a mix of both.
Interesting that you started us out with being thankful for what makes our hearts happy... I'm both thankful and a little freaked out that I had my appointment with my primary doctor yesterday. When she took my blood pressure it was significantly higher, like scary high, than what I've been getting at home. That plus my swollen ankles freaked her out, which is what freaked me out, and she decided to change me from herbal support for heart/blood pressure to a drug and she wants me to go see a cardiologist. I've been having the ankle swelling thing on-and-off for a couple years and I was starting to wonder why she, and my acupuncturist, seemed to have little concern about it, they haven't been telling me to change anything or do anything different. I'm relieved that things may get better now, but the cardiologist part is a lot to take in.

We were also talking about Medicare, since I'm now
eligible and have to sign up, and she made a good point to choose a primary care doctor who takes it. I was already thinking I would change my PCP to a regular doctor, but hadn't even thought about the Medicare part, or choosing someone in network. So the search is on.

Also thankful the front porch will be done today. They were back working on it
yesterday and I could hear a lot of sawing and hammering going on but midday when I looked nothing had changed! When I talked to them at end of day they said today would be it, so I am very thankful that I'll be able to set things back up and work on the front garden when I get back from Port Townsend.
Interesting that you started us out with being thankful for what makes our hearts happy... I'm both thankful and a little freaked out that I had my appointment with my primary doctor yesterday. When she took my blood pressure it was significantly higher, like scary high, than what I've been getting at home. That plus my swollen ankles freaked her out, which is what freaked me out, and she decided to change me from herbal support for heart/blood pressure to a drug and she wants me to go see a cardiologist. I've been having the ankle swelling thing on-and-off for a couple years and I was starting to wonder why she, and my acupuncturist, seemed to have little concern about it, they haven't been telling me to change anything or do anything different. I'm relieved that things may get better now, but the cardiologist part is a lot to take in.

We were also talking about Medicare, since I'm now
eligible and have to sign up, and she made a good point to choose a primary care doctor who takes it. I was already thinking I would change my PCP to a regular doctor, but hadn't even thought about the Medicare part, or choosing someone in network. So the search is on.

Also thankful the front porch will be done today. They were back working on it
yesterday and I could hear a lot of sawing and hammering going on but midday when I looked nothing had changed! When I talked to them at end of day they said today would be it, so I am very thankful that I'll be able to set things back up and work on the front garden when I get back from Port Townsend.
What’s making your heart happy today?

A nice sunny day, the end of a looong morning, and the weekend looming. 😃

Best of luck on getting the BP stuff straightened out, @Oneanne! I get the mixed feelings - DH has heart issues as well, and I remember he was glad to know and be on top of it, but also kind of freaked out at the same time. He is feeling great on his meds now, though!
I am thankful that I only have one more day of school.

I am thankful that the official start of summer, my favorite season, is only 4 days away.

I am thankful that this summer is already looking better than last year.

I am thankful that I am leaving for vacation in 5 weeks and 1 day.

I am thankful that I have more to be thankful for than I realize.
I am thankful we were able to have Field Day today (looked different than I’m the past, but still a very fun day!)

I am thankful for my wonderful school and the people I work with! My grade level partner had a pipe burst in her master bathroom and came home to inches of water in every room in her twin home on Monday. She is married with two young girls. They are currently staying in a hotel. I wanted to do something to help. So I reached out to the 30 employees in our building with the idea of getting her gift cards to take the girls for ice cream or go out to eat or get take out to eat in the hotel. In one day, they have donated over $250! I will continue to collect money tomorrow and gift cardsMonday morning. Then present it to her after school Monday. What a wonderful work family! I feel so blessed! 💕
Interesting that you started us out with being thankful for what makes our hearts happy... I'm both thankful and a little freaked out that I had my appointment with my primary doctor yesterday. When she took my blood pressure it was significantly higher, like scary high, than what I've been getting at home. That plus my swollen ankles freaked her out, which is what freaked me out, and she decided to change me from herbal support for heart/blood pressure to a drug and she wants me to go see a cardiologist. I've been having the ankle swelling thing on-and-off for a couple years and I was starting to wonder why she, and my acupuncturist, seemed to have little concern about it, they haven't been telling me to change anything or do anything different. I'm relieved that things may get better now, but the cardiologist part is a lot to take in.

We were also talking about Medicare, since I'm now
eligible and have to sign up, and she made a good point to choose a primary care doctor who takes it. I was already thinking I would change my PCP to a regular doctor, but hadn't even thought about the Medicare part, or choosing someone in network. So the search is on.

Also thankful the front porch will be done today. They were back working on it
yesterday and I could hear a lot of sawing and hammering going on but midday when I looked nothing had changed! When I talked to them at end of day they said today would be it, so I am very thankful that I'll be able to set things back up and work on the front garden when I get back from Port Townsend.
Today I’m having a picnic with my class. The school spirit day today is called “My Future’s So Bright” so they wear bright colors and sun glasses. The school PTO is providing water ice during recess. So I told them to bring beach towels and we’ll eat lunch outside and have a picnic. My only concern is the kids fear of cicadas that I learned during field day yesterday!
Today I’m having a picnic with my class. The school spirit day today is called “My Future’s So Bright” so they wear bright colors and sun glasses. The school PTO is providing water ice during recess. So I told them to bring beach towels and we’ll eat lunch outside and have a picnic. My only concern is the kids fear of cicadas that I learned during field day yesterday!
Have fun!!!
Today I’m having a picnic with my class. The school spirit day today is called “My Future’s So Bright” so they wear bright colors and sun glasses. The school PTO is providing water ice during recess. So I told them to bring beach towels and we’ll eat lunch outside and have a picnic. My only concern is the kids fear of cicadas that I learned during field day yesterday!

That's so cool!

As in this old song?


And I share their fear of those bugs! :scared:


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